3-21-2023: Updates to Divine Disciple, Divine Seeker, Arcane Devotee PrC. Added Divine Champion PrC. Added Bowstaff as a weapon option in Equipment. Added Regional Traits for Forgotten Realms. Added Harper Agent PrC.
3-24-2023: Added house rules on exotic companions and cohorts.
3-26-2023: Tweaked Harper Agent abilities. Added more of the FR racial and background feats as traits to the traits list.
3-27-23: Added consolidated Quick Draw/Quick Stow, updated combat variants page.
3-28-23: Added magic item properties from Magic Item Compendium in magic item variants.
4-1-23: Added Spell Recall, Improved Spell Recall, Arcane Exploit and Greater Exploit as Magus arcana to the Magus’ house rules; rewording of Eldritch Scion’s house rulings in the class variants.
4-3-23: Added writeup of the Eyes and Ears Society in the campaign setting information.
4-6-23: Added conversion of Lythari as a race for PFRPG.
4-11-23: Added verbiage change in Magic mechanics to address feats and abilities that modify spontaneous metamagic durations. Added verbiage to address faiths and divine casters in the Forgotten Realms setting.
4-12-23: Added character biographies section, ability to register for authorship.
5-2-23: Added Ki replenishment and Magus point recovery mechanics in class variants.
5-15-23: Added house rule on communal spells in magic variants.
7-17-23: Opened Wiki to player registration and enabled posting character bios in the Characters category.
7-22-23: Added Tressym as the fisrt entry to the Bestiary category.
7-24-23: Added the Dullahan to player races.
8-10-23: Added changes to Mass Daze mechanic in spell variants.
8-13-23: Added rules clarifications and house rulings for Variant Multiclassing to the Class Variants page.
8-14-23: Added Holy Liberator variant paladin class.
8-15-23: Unchained Stealth Arcanist archetype from PF Community.
8-25-23: Added Masterwork Qualities from Dragon Magazine to equipment rules.
8-30-23: Added expanded diety conversions for Sune, Torm, Ilmater, Lliira, and Helm (WIP).
9-1-23: Added deity conversions for divine fighting techniques.
9-3-23: Added feat tax adjusted Whip Mastery chain to combat feats.
9-16-23: Added Prestige Unchained project as options for prestige classes, and amended with our own fine tuned Unchained Duelist and Unchained Eldritch Knight
9-21-23: Added house rules for tax reducing summoning feats in magic mechanics.
9-21-23: Clarified variant rule that in Forgotten Realms all divine casters must have a patron deity; and thus all divine casters have the cleric/paladin divine aura.
9-22-23: Added Tymora to expanded deity conversions.
9-23-23: Added Diety writeup for Malchanthet, deific obedience house rules.
9-25-23: Added class features replacements.
9-29-23: Added deity exclusive feats and features lists.
10-08-23: Added writeup of Cups Of Joy Tea House
10-11-23: Added divine obediences for elven deities. So far Corellon, Elistraee and Vandria.
10-16-23: Added divine obedience for Selune.
10-18-23: Moar deity exclusive features!
10-23-23: Added warforged race.
10-29-23: Added expanded favored class bonuses.
12-05-23: Removed Fly as a skill.
12-18-24: Unchained Arcane Fist archetype from PF Community.
01-18-24: Banned any content from Technology Guide.
02-16-24: Unchained Fiendish Convoker from PF Community.
02-22-24: Added Mystra expanded divine features.
02-24-24: Moar Elven deities, added Green Faith divine features
02-26-24: Divine entries for Lurue and Sharess, Silverstar archetype.
02-28-24: Bard Alternate Class Features, and Battle Sorcerer archetype.
03-01-24: Archetype for Silvermaid of Lurue, divine entry for Lathander.
03-11-24: Joydancer of Lliira archetype
03-30-24: Unchained versions of Ranger and Horizon Walker.
04-01-24: Writeup of Planescape cosmology in PF1e context.
04-03-24: Unchained Terrain Patriarch with UnRanger content.
04-04-24: Added Luckbringer specialty priest archetype.
04-14-24: Added Feytouched as a PC race.
04-19-24: Deity writeup for Malar.
04-22-24: Added quick reference for houseruled feats.
04-24-24: Unchained Inner Sea pirate as a rogue archetype and Riftwarden unchained.
04-26-24: Phrenic knight magus archetype.
05-05-24: Fighter Bravery alternate features.
05-23-24: Deity writeup for Tyr.
06-15-24: Deity writeup for Chauntea and Mielikki.
06-19-24: Deity writeup for Eldath.
06-21-24: Deity writeup for Tempus.
06-25-24: Deity writeups for Kelemvor and Halfling deities
08-24/09-24: Significant overhaul of the deities and domains pages.
09-21-24: Added Ki Vow as a feat. Added missing prestige classes from 3.5 DMG converted.
10-2024: Mostly completed deities listings, Uthgardt beast tribes mechanics, beast cults.
10-05-24: Conversion of arcane heirophant as an archetype of unchained mystic theurge.
10-12-24: Unchained versions of obedience prestige classes.
10-26-24: Conversion of shadow adept PrC.
10-28-24: Glorious Servitor PrC, Mulhorandi Pantheon writeup, Dead Powers of Toril.
11-02-24: Order of the Unicorn cavalier order.
11-09-24: Revisions of Bladesinger magus archetype.
11-16-24: Tentative deity assignments to oracle mysteries.
01-15-25: Archivist spellcasting alternate class feature for cleric.
01-27-25: Conversion of feats from Complete Divine and Complete Champion books.
02-15-25: Desert dervish skald archetype based off of 3.5e dervish.