Deity Exclusive Features

These are all options that require worshipping a deity. Any feat, trait, et al that is tagged to a domain or subdomain is accessible to any character who worships any deity with that domain/subdomain (example, a trait exclusive to the Love domain could be taken by a follower of Sune, and also for a follower of Hanali, among others.)

Any feats, traits, et al that are not allowed at all will be listed as banned, and why.


For any of the below feats and prestige classes regarding divine obedience, see our page on deific obedience first!

Banned Feats:

  • Bladed Brush (is now reworked as a Combat feat)
  • Celestial Obedience, Empyreal Focus (by and large, empyreal powers do not interlope as deities on Toril)
  • Deadeye’s/Erastil’s Blessing (superceded by Zen Archery which anyone can take)
  • Pantheistic Blessing (Because that’s not how FR faiths work)
  • Shade of the Uskwood/Woodlands (Because druids in FR don’t do undead, period)
  • Wasp Familiar (because no relevant deity; but instead anyone can get a one-feat familiar)

By Faith

Any Deity with Obediences: Deific Obedience
Any Demon: Channel Discord, Fiendish Obedience
Any Elemental Lord: Elemental Vigor
Any Infernal Power: Fiendish Obedience, Hellish Shackles
Bahamut: Divine Barrier
Green Faith*: Channel EnduranceGreen Faith Acolyte,
(*Includes faithful of Jannath, Rilifane Ralathil, Shiallia and Silvanus)
Courage in a Bottle, Drunken Brawler,
Heroic Interposition, Oathkeeper’s Vow
Ilmater: Ki Channel, Steady Engagement
Lathander: Glorious Heat, Sun Striker
Lliira: Guided Star Combat
Malar: Nightmare Scars
Moradin: Blessed Hammer
Shar: Dreamed Secrets (the additional spells are Shadow Weave)
Solonor Thelandira: Savior’s Arrow
Tiamat: Hunter of Dragons
Torm: Disciple of the Sword (But with any sword)
Tymora: Bestow Luck (Human*)Defiant Luck (Human*)Inexplicable Luck (Human*)
*These racial feats are available to any follower of Tymora regardless of race.
Yondalla: Yondalla’s Sense

By Domain

Animal: Nimble Natural Summons
Art: Divine Expression, Persuasive Performer
Charm: Trick Spell
Community: Butterfly’s Sting
Death: Aura of Succumbing, Bloodletting, Bolster Undead
Destruction: Breaker of Barriers, Destroyer’s Blessing (for any race), Squash Flat
Devil: Devilish Pride, Diabolical Negotiator, Firebrand, Verify
Earth: Stone Strider
Evil: Conversion Channel, Fearsome Finish, Shatter Resolve
Fey: Fey Friend
Fire: Fire God’s Blessing (for any race)
Gluttony: Potion Glutton, Siphon Channel
Good: Beacon of Hope, Bestow HopeHands of Valor, Protective Channel
Hatred: Channel Hate
Illusion: Believable Veils
Knowledge: Master of Knowledge
Liberation: Liberation Channel, Oath of the Unbound
Love: Clarifying Channel
Lust: Seductive Channel
Luck: Bravery in Action, Fateful ChannelUnbound Bravery, Undaunted Bravery
Magic: Arcane Insight, Forceful Channel, Magical Epiphany
Metal: Steelskin Channel
Murder: Bloody Weapons (ignore weapon restrictions)
Nobility: Divine Dignity, Perfect Casting
Plant: Thicket Channel
Protection: Intrepid Rescuer
Repose: Eerie Sense, Messenger of Fate
Retribution: Bloody Vengeance, Curse of Vengeance,
Shadow: Shadow Dodge
Suffering: Channel Viciousness, FlagellantTo the Last, Welcome Pain
Strength: Merciless Rush
Travel: Trailblazing Channel
Torture: CrueltyDestroy Identity
Venom: Poisoner’s Channel, Reject Poison
War: Ironbound Master, Sword Oath (applies to favored weapon; treat BAB as fighter level)
Water: Riptide Attack, Wave Master

Religion Traits


  • Broken Mind (redundant with Unhinged Mentality)

By Faith:

Any God: Divine Connection
Any Archdevil
: Demon Hunter, Flames of Hell
Any Dead Power: Devotee of a Dead God
Any Elemental Lord: Affinity of the Elements, Elemental Resilience (has to be the element of your patron)
Any Elder God: Unspeakable Bond, Worthless Pawn
Any Goblin Deity: Strength of the BarghestRestless Hunger
Any Mulhorandi Deity: Planetouched Animal Affinity
Any Nature Faith*: Child of Nature, Eyes of the Wild, Know the Land, Natural Philosopher, Wise Teacher
(*Includes any deity with the Animal, Plant, or animal/terrain domains)
Bane: Blackfist
 Brandobaris’ Luck
Clangeddin Silverbeard: Rousing Courage
Corellon: Divine Artist
Cyric: Killing Spree, Perfect Prevaricator
Deneir: Trained Symbologist
Eldath: Erastil’s Speaker, Patient Optimist, Peace Maker
Elistraee: Blade of Mercy
: Bastion, Living Bulwark, Sense of Order
Hoar: Vengeful Justiciar
Ilmater: Blessed Orphan, CenteredSensing Imperfection
Lathander: Dawn’s Vigor, Strength of the Sun
Lliira: Lliira’s Blessing
Lolth: Wronged
Malar: Beastlord’s Rage, Blessing of the Feast, Fatal Trapper, Voice of Monsters
Mask: Opportunistic Grace
Mielikki: Provider
Millil: Faithful Artist
Moradin: Eye of the Father, Guardian of the Forge
Red Knight: Eye of Arqueros (as Eye of the Strategist)
Savras: Clairvoyant
Shar: Darksight
Selune: Follower of the Stars, Starchild
Set: Night Magic
Sharess: Sacred Courtesan
Shaundakul: Sacred Orienteer
Shevrash: Favored Prey
Siamorphe: Blueblood
Solonor Thelandira: Deadeye Bowman
Talona: Plaguebearer, Wasp Whisperer
Talos: Stormborn
Tiamat: Dragon Tracker, Dragonslayer, Wyrmbreath
Torm: Loyal Bond, Relentless Duty
Tyr: Blind Zeal, Judge’s Gavel, Strict Judgment
Umberlee: Deck Fighter, Expert Boarder, Pirate Queen’s Strength, Shark in the Water
Velsharoon: Nycoptic Lore

By Domain:

Ancestor: Gifted Medium
: Bestial Wrath, Wolf Cub
: Builder’s Insight, Clockwork SurgeonNimble Fingers, Keen Mind, Structural Knowledge, Toilcrafter
Art: Ear for Music
: Alluring, Enchanting Conniver
Community: Fruits of Your Labor
Darkness: Secret Knowledge, Shadow Caster, Shadow Whispers
Death: Accident ResistantCorpse Cannibal, Deathspeaker
Demon: Deformed, Demonic Persuasion, Mother’s Rage, Worthless Pawn
Destruction: Destructive Blows, Sacred Smasher, Wrecking Wrath
Devil: Contract Master, Covenant of Abaddon, Fiendish Confidence, Worthless Pawn
Dream: Good Dreams
Drow: Deep Wounding
Dwarf: Angradd’s Valor (called Dwarvish Valor), Propitiation, Resigned
Elf: Elven Polytheist, Pantheist, Shared Ancestors
Fey: Shaper of Reality
Fire: Forge’s Flame
Family: Folgrit’s Bounty (Called Abundant Bounty)
Glory: IlluminatorInspiring Leader, Searing Beacon
Gnome: Mischievous Smile
: A Shining Beacon, Purity of Faith
Greed: Always Threatening
Guardian: Guardian Smite
Halfling: Lessons of Faith, Second Chance
Hatred: Fury (works with favored weapons), Hatred of the Gods
: Battlefield Surgeon, Envoy of Healing, Scarred by War
Illusion: Strip the Veils, Veils upon Veils
Joy: Good Natured
Knowledge: Eternal Understanding, Loreseeker, Seer of Reality, Thirst for Knowledge
Law: Honeyed Words, Lover of the Law
Liberation: Focus on Freedom, Under Siege
Loss: Consolation of Loss, Empty Heart, Full Heart,
Love: Inner Beauty, Intense Artist, Unswaying Love, Wedded Bliss
Luck: Agent of Chance, Call for Help, Cheat Death, Denial of Fate, Reckless Luck, Stoic Optimism, Thrill-Seeker
Madness: Unhinged Mentality
Magic: Arcane Depth, Magic is Life, Magic’s Might, Underlying Principles
Martyr: Resilient Martyr, Self-Sacrifice
Murder: Opportune Slayer,
Nobility: Ambassador, Honey-Tongued, Regal Presence, The City Protects
Plague: Diseased Heart, Inoculated
: Defensive Strategist, Eyes and Ears of the City, Talented Organizer, Well-Prepared
Portal: Opener of Doors, Planar Wayfarer
Protection: Mighty Protector, Protective Faith, Split-Second Defense
Radiance: Light-Bringer
Redemption: Redeemed by Grace
Renewal: Cleansing the Twisted, Folgrit’s Mercy (called Renewing Mercy)
Repose: Corpse Hunter, Spirit Guide, Stabilizing Touch, Undead Slayer
Resolve: Inheritor’s Immunity
Retribution: Furious Vengeance, Sacred Avenger, Vindictive Strike
Revelry: Adventurous Imbiber, Fortified Drinker
Scalykind: Scaly Ally
Serpent: Serpentine Squeeze
Strength: Strength’s Fanfare, Strong Willed, The Flexing Arm
Suffering: Demoralizing Presence, Pain Is Pleasure, Wisdom in the Flesh
Sun: Cleansing Light, Dawn Renewal, Flame of the Dawn*, (*Works on deity’s chosen weapon)
Trade: Eye for Quality,
Travel: Frightening SpeedLight Sleeper
Tyranny: Extended Toil
Venom: Poisonous Slayer, Potent Concoctions, Venom-Drenched
War: Avowed Inspiration, Battlefield Caster, Divine WarriorIron Grip, Shield-Trained, Steady Strength, Strong Heart, Veteran of Battle
Water: Flounderer, River Freedom, Strong Swimmer, Wave’s Sight


Several of these spells were entered into d20PFSRD without any deity mentioned, which implies they’re wide open for selection; this is not the case. Any spell listed below requires devotion to the deity listed. If your character is not a follower of said deity, then they do not have access to a spell of that deity. The links lead to the original descriptions on the official reference document, while the 20PFSRD generic name (if any) is in parenthesis. Our official spell names of a named deity will be the FR deity the spell belongs to.

Any Demon Lord: Bloody Tears and Jagged Smile
Ice Armor, Frosthammer
Azuth: Spell Gauge
Battletide, Shared Sacrifice, Spellcasting Contract (+lesser, greater)
Callarduran Smoothhands: Earth Glide
Chauntea: Peasant Armaments
Cyric: Heretic’s Tongue, Yellow Sign
Deneir, Oghma: Steal Book (not deity exclusive but deity grants divine casters additional benefit)
Dumathoin: Ironbloom Sprouts
 Peacemaker’s Parley
Garagos: Black Sword of War
Gond: Hammer of MendingSemblance of Flesh
Green Faith: HibernateSummon Elemental SteedTripvine
Hanseath: Drunkard’s Breath, Freedom’s Toast, Pick your Poison
Helm: Watchful Eye
Hoar: Bloodsworn Retribution, Revenance.
Ilmater: Abstemiousness, Martyr’s BargainMartyr’s Last Blessing, Replenish Ki
Kelemvor: Early Judgment, Invigorating Repose, Smite Abomination
Kossuth: Death Candle, Firebelly, Shield of Wings, Stoke the Inner Fire
Burst of GloryShield of Dawn (+greater), Sign of the Dawn, Light PrisonUnwelcome Halo
Lolth: Abyssal Vermin, Face of the Devourer, Spawn Calling
Loviatar:, Sadomasochism, Sympathetic Wounds
Malar: Monstrous Extremities
Mask: Lose the TrailNight of Blades, Secret Speech
Mielikki: Hunter’s Blessing
Moradin: Hairline Fractures, Tactical Formation
Mystra: Channel the Gift, Fractions of Heal and Harm, Spell Gauge, Spell Phylactery
Nobanion: Lionheart
Red Knight: Fallback Strategy, Planned Assault
Sehanine Moonbow: Haze of Dreams
Selune: Dream Feast, Traveling Dream
Set, Sset: Betraying Sting, Constricting Coil
Shar: False Alibi, Maddening Oubliette, Seer’s Bane, Spell Scourge
Sharess: Nine Lives, Seducer’s Eyes
Sharindlar: Dwarven Veil
Solonor Thelandira: Deadeye’s Arrow (Shocking Arrow)
 Aspect of the Nightingale, Tap Inner Beauty, Trail of the Rose
Talona: Plague Bearer, Poisoned Egg, Vengeful Stinger
Talos: Brittle Portal, Lightning Lash, Rovagug’s Fury (Tremor Blast or Rumbling Fury on PFSRD)
Tempus: Mighty Strength, Swallow Your Fear, Tempus’ Armor,
Torm: Inheritor’s Smite, Weapons against Evil
Tymora: Beacon of Luck
Tyr: Abadar’s Truthtelling (Touch of Truthtelling), Blessing of the Watch, Oath of Justice
Velsharoon: Curse of Unexpected Death, Ghoul Hunger
Umberlee: Advanced Scurvy, Cloud of Seasickness, Gozreh’s Trident (Divine Trident), Old Salt’s Curse, Sky Swim
Waukeen: Fairness

Unique Domain Spells

Radiance: Rainbow

Paizo Archetypes

Following are Paizo-published deity exclusive archetypes, with adaptations to Forgotten Realms.

Any Deity with Obediences: Divine Champion (Warpriest)
Bahamut: Silver Champion (Paladin)
Everan Ilesere: Fey Prankster (Bard)
Gargauth: Asmodean Advocate (Cleric) called Devil’s Advocate.
Green Faith: Green Faith Initiate (Druid), Green Faith Marshal (Inquisitor), Order of the Green Cavalier
Ilmater: Iroran Paladin (Paladin)
Kiransalee: Undead Lord† (Cleric),
Istishia: Crashing Wave (Cleric)
Lathander: Dawnflower Dervish (Bard), Dawnflower Dervish (Fighter), Sunsinger (Skald)
Mask: Shadow Scion (Rogue), Umbral Stalker (Inquisitor)
Moradin: Stonelord (Paladin)
Red Knight: Divine Strategist (Cleric)
Shevrash: Lantern Bearer (Ranger)
Thard Harr: Jungle Druid (Druid)
Torm: Sword of Valor (Paladin)
Tyr: Tyrran Enforcer (Paladin),
Selune: Mooncaller (Druid)
Shar: Reaper of Secrets† (Inquisitor), Umbral Weaver† (Bard)
Umberlee: Kraken Caller (Druid)

House and 3pp Archetypes

The following are house archetypes for specific faiths:

Any: Favored Soul (Cleric)
Any Good Chaos or Liberation:
Holy Liberator (Paladin)
Abbathor: Aetharnor (Cleric), Wyrm Cultist [Noroghor] (Antipaladin or Warpriest)
Aerdrie Faenya: Halcyon (Cleric)
Akadi: Airwalker (Cleric)
Icemaester/Icemaiden (Cleric), Winter Witch (Witch)
Azuth: Magistrata (Cleric), Sword of the High One (Wizard),
 Truesword (Warpriest)
Baervan Wildwanderer: Fastpaw (Druid)
Bane: Dreadmaster (Inquisitor), Monk of the Iron Gauntlet (Monk)
Baravar Cloakshadow: Hoodwinker (Cleric)
Berronar Truesilver: Faernor (Cleric)
Beshaba: Doommaster (Cleric), Fortune Thief (Vigilante), Witch-Eyed Knight (Antipaladin)
Callarduran Smoothhands: Earthblood (Druid)
Clangeddin Silverbeard: Alaghor (Warpriest)
Corellon Larethian: Feywarden (Cleric or Warpriest)
Cyrrollalee: Homesteader (Cleric)
Cyric: Dread Champion† (Vigilante), Strifeleader (Cleric)
Deneir: Glyphscribe (Cleric)
Dugmaren Brightmantle: Xothor (Cleric)
Dumathoin: Develsonn (Druid)
Elistraee: Sword Dancer (Omdura)
Eldath: Peacekeeper (Oracle)
Erevan Ilesere: Mischiefmaker (Divine Agent)
Flandal Steelskin: Pyrosmith (Cleric)
Gaerdal Ironhand: Sternshield (Warpriest)
Garagos: Bloodreaver (Bloodrager)
Garl Glittergold: Glitterbright (Cleric)
Gond: Gondsman (Cleric)
Gorm Gulthyn: Barakor (Warpriest)
Grumbar: Earthwalker (Cleric)
Hanali: Goldheart (Cleric)
Hanseath: Kolavorn (Warpriest)
Helm: Watcher (Cleric)
Hoar: Doombringer (Cleric)
Horus-Re: Claw of Sun and Ankh (Paladin, Warpriest)
Ilmater: Painbearer (Cleric)
Istishia: Waterwalker (Cleric)
Kelemvor: Doomguide (Cleric)
Kossuth: Firewalker (Cleric)
Labelas Enoreth: Chronologian (Cleric)
Lathander: Morninglord (Cleric)
Lliira: Joydancer (Bard/Cleric)
Loviatar: Painmistress (Inquisitor)
Lurue: Silvermaid (Cleric)
Malar: Talon (Druid)
Marthammor Duin: Trailblazer (Cleric)
Mask: Demarch (Cleric), Scourge of Shadows (Rogue), Shadow Savant (Vigilante)
Mielikki: Shadoweir (Cleric/Ranger) using Terrain Patriarch
Milil: Loresinger (Cleric)
Moradin: Forgemaster (Cleric)
Mystra: Dweomerkeeper (Cleric)
Oghma: Lorekeeper (Cleric)
Savras: Syblylite (Cleric)
Selune: Silverstar (Oracle)
Segojan Earthcaller: Earthfriend (Druid)
Sehanine Moonbow: Starsinger (Oracle)
Sharindlar: Thalornar (Cleric)
Shar: Monk of the Dark Moon (Monk), Monk of the Eclipsing Moon (Monk), Nightcloak (Cleric), Warrior of Darkness (Antipaladin)
Sharess: Sensate (Cleric)
Shaundakul: Windwalker (Cleric)
Sheela Peryroyl: Greenfoster (Druid)
Shevrash: Dhaeraow’athila – Drow-Bane (Warpriest)
Siamorphe: Highborn (Cleric)
Sune: Heartwarder (Cleric)
Talona: Malagent (Cleric)
Talos: Stormloard (Cleric)
Tempus: Battleguard (Cleric)
Tethrin Veralde: Tethryl (Warpriest)
Tiamat: Wyrmkeeper (Cleric)
Knight of the Golden Lion† (Paladin, Warpriest), Paragon (Warpriest) from Pathfinder Community’s War Saint
Tymora: Luckbringer (Cleric)
Tyr: Justiciar (Cleric or Warpriest), Knight of Holy Judgement† (Cavalier, Inquisitor, Paladin), Scale (Inquisitor)
Umberlee: Waveservant (Cleric)
Urdlen: Bloodstalker (Hunter)
Urogalan: Grimwarden (Cleric)
Vandria Gilmadrith: Vandrian Paladin (Paladin)
Velsharoon: Knight of the Sepulcher† (Antipaladin), Monk of the Long Death† (Monk),
Vergadain: Hurndor (Cleric)
Waukeen: Goldeye (Cleric), Silver Palm (Rogue)
Yondalla: Horn Guard (Cleric)

Prestige Classes

The below prestige classes require a deity or deities to adopt the class, from Paizo, WotC and 3pp/homrbrew sources. Some of these are available unchained.

Barred Prestige Classes

  • Spherewalker – can’t be fixed to fit one deity.
  • Balanced Scale – involves lore we don’t have.
  • Darechaser – don’t know where to slot it?
  • Any specialty priest PrC from WotC — there’s an archetype for that.

Any Deity: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained), Heirophant
Any Deity with Artifice Domain: Divine Chymist
Any Deity with Chaos, Charm, Liberation, Luck, or Trickery domains:
 Divine Seeker
Any Demon Lord: Demoniac, Souldrinker (Unchained)
Any Dwarven Deity: Skyseeker (Unchained)
Any Fey Power: Feysworn (Unchained)
Any Infernal Power: Diabolist, Souldrinker (Unchained)
Any Mulhorandi Deity: Glorious Servitor
Auril: Frost Mage, Frostrager, Icesinger*, Winter Witch
*Requires 6 ranks in skills.
Bahamut:  Vassal of Bahamut
Zhentarim Skymage, Zhentarim Spy
Chauntea: Hathran*
* Hathran caster prerequisites reduced to 3rd level spells or higher
Silverhair Knight
Green Faith: Green Faith Acolyte (Unchained)
Hanseath: Brewkeeper
Helm: Sacred Sentinel (Unchained)
Hoar: Grey Gardener (Unchained)
Ilmater: Champion of Irori*, Scar Seeker (Unchained)
*Requires still mind or Ki Pool.
Kelemvor: Knight of Ozem (Unchained)
Lathander: Crimson Templar*, Dawnflower Anchorite, Dawnflower Dissident (Unchained)
*Requires +5 BAB; grants 4 skill points per level, flavored against both undead and evil outsiders.
Lliira: Artist’s Vengeance*, Rose Warden**
* Perform, Intimidate 5 ranks, progresses bardic performance.
**Requires 4 ranks in skills, gains proficiency in starknife.
Loviatar: Pain Taster*
*Heal and Intimidate 5 ranks; gains 4 skill points / level; Disciple of Pain bonus is profane not enhancement.
Lurue: Whitehorn*
*Requires Ride 5 ranks
Mielikki: Hathran*
* Hathran caster prerequisites reduced to 3rd level spells or higher
Milil: Artist’s Vengeance*
* Perform, Intimidate 5 ranks, progresses bardic performance.
Mystra: Collegiate Arcanist, Hathran*
* Hathran caster prerequisites reduced to 3rd level spells or higher
Sehanine Moonbow: Ashavic Dancer* (called Moondancer)
*Requires 5 ranks Perform, adds class levels to bardic performance or equivalent feature of base class.
Selune: Sphere Singer*, Stargazer
*Requires 5 ranks Perform, gains either Starry Grace or Divine Fighting Technique at 1st level.
Shar: Umbral Court Agent (Unchained)
Sharess: Child of Bast
Sheela Peryroyl: Harvest Tiller
Shevrash: Black Archer (Unchained Lantern Bearer achetype)
Solonor Thelandira: Deadeye Devotee (Unchained), Hinterlander*
*Count any bow proficiency as prerequisite.
Sune: Devoted Muse (Unchained)*
*The Devoted Muse gains proficiency with the whip (if she doesn’t already have it) instead of glaive, and Whip Mastery as a bonus feat at level 1. And the whip may be treated as a one-handed piercing weapon for the purpose of feats and class abilities.
Talos: Storm Kindler (Unchained)
Torm: Inheritor’s Crusader*
*Requires proficiency in favored weapon group.
Velsharoon: Agent of the Grave, Lord of the Dead

Favored Weapon Groups

A deity whose favored weapon is in a particular list, their divine servants who receive favored weapon proficiency can use any of the weapons in the same list, and any features gained for using the deity’s favored weapon will apply for using any weapon in the same list. Alternate weapons are also compatible with divine fighting techniques. Weapons in the list are conversely related to the base item as well (eg, Morningstar > Mace) Racial weapons are limited to divine characters of deities of that race.

  • Crossbow, Any Crossbow
  • Battleaxe,  Boarding Axe, Double Axe (Orc deities), Dwarven Waraxe (Drawf deities), Greataxe, Handaxe, Throwing Axe, Urgrosh (Dwarf deities)
  • Bastard Sword, Estoc, Falcata
  • Club, Mere Club, Greatclub
  • Dagger, Brass Knife, Dueling Dagger, Leafblade (Elf deities), Switchblade Knife, Spring Blade, War Razor
  • Flail, Dire Flail, Light Flail, Heavy Flail, Flailpole
  • Gauntlet, Cestus, Rope Gauntlet, Spiked Gauntlet
  • Greatsword, Elven Curve Blade (Elven deities), Falchion, Flambard
  • Heavy Pick, Hooked Hammer (Gnome deities), Light Pick, Pickaxe
  • Javelin, Harpoon, Shortspear
  • Longsword, Aldori Dueling Sword, Thornblade (Elf deities only)
  • Longbow, Shortbow, Hornbow (Orc deities), Horsebow
  • Mace, Aspergillum, Heavy Mace, Light Mace, Morningstar.
  • Nunchaku, Baston,  Tonfa
  • Quarterstaff, Bo Staff, Lanternstaff
  • Rapier, Dueling Sword, Estoc, Sword Cane, Thornblade (Elven deities)
  • Scimitar, Cutlass, Falchion, Kukri
  • Shortsword, Gladius
  • Shuriken, Starknife
  • Spear, Boar Spear, Branched Spear (Elf deities), Double Spear, Glaive, Lance, Longspear, Shortspear, Weighted Spear
  • Trident, Ranseur, Tiger Fork
  • Warhammer, Hooked Hammer (Gnome deities), Lucerne Hammer, Maulhammer (Dwarf deities), Bec de Corbin
  • Whip, Cat-o’-Nine-Tails, Scorpion Whip, Scourge

Magic Items and Relics

Deity specific items from Inner Sea Gods, reassigned to (or removed from) Forgotten Realms deities. Reflavor as noted below or as needed.




Wondeous Items

Item Sets (3.5 & PF1 Sources)

  • Besmara’s Bounty: Umberlee (Called Bitch Queen’s Bounty)
  • Garb of the Hunting Cat: Malar
    • Mask of the Tiger – Face
    • Claw Gloves – Hands
    • Mantle of the Predator – Shoulders
      COLLECTION BENEFITS The garb of the hunting cat provides you with a deadly rending attack and the power to disappear from sight. When wearing the entire garb of the hunting cat, you take on the appearance of a humanoid feline predator during combat. When this occurs, the fur on the various items appears to be that of a living creature, making you appear something like a bestial rakshasa or weretiger.
      2 Pieces: If, during your turn, you hit a single foe with both a primary claw glove attack and an off-hand claw glove attack, the second attack rends, dealing an extra 3d6 points of damage. You can rend only once per round.
      3 Pieces: Once per day, you can use invisibility on yourself (CL 3rd) as a standard use-activated action.
  • Irori’s Meditation: Ilmater
  • Pharasma’s Command: Kelemvor
  • Urgathoa’s Gluttony: Velsharoon

Relics (3.5 Magic Item Compendium)*
*To use these relics, you do not have to sacrifice a spell slot, nor have the true believer feat. If you follow the deity, it works.