Justiciar of Tyr Cleric or Warpriest Archetype

Tyr had no specialty priests for over ten years after the Time of Troubles. Sages theorize that he wished to favor none of his clergy members over the others. Then, all clerics of Tyr received a stern vision from their god in which he stated that he had seen that other faiths were mocking the hard way of justice with their divinely granted special favors and that the Tyrran church had served nobly and struggled valiantly against the weight of such odds. In reward for their perseverance under such conditions, Tyr declared that henceforth all clergy of Tyr would have special powers to aid them in their enforcement of justice. All newly initiated priests of Tyr — and at least 90% of the legacy priesthood — are therefore specialty priests since the Feast of the Moon in 1369 DR.

Justiciars of Tyr are specialty that are destined to be exemplars of law and order who espouse the principles of the maimed god at all times. Justiciars are the very elite of Tyr’s mortal servants and act as living embodiments of Tyr’s portfolio. They battle injustice and lawlessness with the same fervor that Paladins battle evil in order to bring a sort of perfect utopian order to Faerun.

In cities, they often serve as judges or magistrates. Travelling Justiciars strive to bring order to the chaos of the untamed and corrupt.

Note: This is an archetype that may be applied to either a cleric or a warpriest.

Deity and Alignment: Must be either Lawful Neutral or Lawful Good alignment, and have Tyr as her patron deity.

Domain Insistence: Must choose the Law domain or blessing as one of their domain or blessing choices; a cleric may also opt to choose the Judgment or Legislation domain.

Divine Inspiration (Ex): At 1st level, a Justiciar gains an inspiration pool, as the investigator class ability, except that her inspiration bonuses may apply to Diplomacy, Knowledge (local, nobility or religion), Perception, and Sense Motive skill checks without spending a use of inspiration, provided she’s trained in the particular skill, and her inspiration pool is keyed on her Wisdom, not Intelligence.

At 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter, the Justiciar gains an investigator talent. Except where otherwise noted, each investigator talent can only be selected once. A Justiciar may not select an alchemical talent, or any talent that applies to the studied strike ability (those denoted with an asterisk (*) in the Investigator Talents list.

At 8th level, the Justiciar may spend a point from her inspiration pool as a swift action to add her inspiration bonus to the DC of any divination or abjuration spell as she’s casting it.

This ability replaces entirely the channel energy feature.

Legal Knowledge: A Justiciar knows the laws and legal codes of the land she lives in and the land she was raised in (which may be two different lands), and automatically knows all commonly and uncommonly known information within that body of law and its attendant procedures. If asked to call to mind an incredibly obscure point of the law of her homeland or native land, she may add her Wisdom bonus to the applicable Knowledge (local or nobility) check — this stacks with their bonuses gained from their Inspiration ability. She may also apply her Wisdom bonus to know the common laws and procedures of other lands; but does not gain her Wisdom bonus to uncommon or more obscure foreign laws and procedures. She may still use Inspiration for these checks in any case.

This ability replaces the first level granted power(s) of the Justiciar’s Law domain or blessing.

Aura of Absolute Law (Su): At 20th level, a Justiciar becomes a conduit for Tyr’s particular brand of Justice. She gains damage reduction 10/Chaotic. She and any allies within a 30-foot radius of her are all treated as being Lawful creatures for the purpose of by passing damage reduction. At will and as a swift action, she may focus on a subject as if she were under the effect of discern lies, and may add her Inspiration to the DC of the subject to resist her detection of falsehoods at no cost out of her inspiration pool. She may also add her inspiration roll to her Perception rolls or Will saving throws to disbelieve and/or see through illusions. This is a capstone ability and may not be traded for any alternate capstone ability.