1. Class Variants
This is a compendium page of our allowed and altered classes. It is HIGHLY recommended that you browse this page for any and all classes you are considering in your build so as not to miss any house amendments and errata.
Most 3pp class content is open for characters with prior discussion, including those in d20pfsrd.org. Named 3pp content that is openly allowed are the multiclass archetypes from Pathfinder Community (with exceptions below), and the classes, archetypes and prestige classes from Paths of Magic (note that the content from Paths of Magic are newer revisions of like-named content on d20pfsrd, and supercede the earlier versions).
Other interesting 3pp classes from PDF sources will be added here.
Specific callouts for allowed and banned classes:
- Legendary classes have been specifically called out and banned for use, except for the following:
- A conversion of the 3.5e Artificer class is written up in the Eberron Pathfinder conversion document. Being based from 3.5 material this will be our accepted artificer class versus the two or three on d20PFSRD.
- If a Paizo class overrides the name of a 3pp class, discuss it with the GMs if you can use the latter.
- Divine Warden from Multiclass Archetypes is forbidden — 2/3 casting on a full BAB chassis is a no.
- Same for any other 3pp class with more than 4th-level casting on a full BAB chassis, like Champion of the Dead.
- These classes may be rebalanced upon request if you really like one, which will mean either 1/2 casting or 2/3 bab.
- Any of the PFCommunity Multiclass Archetypes with something + summoner are TBD with the DMs to review balance.
- Terrain Patriarch from Multiclass Archetypes has been rewritten to line up with the Unchained Ranger.
We have PF1e coversions of the missing prestige classes from the 3.5 DM Guide.
Pathfinder Unchained brought four new takes on base classes — Barbarian, Rogue, Monk and Summoner. These four classes supercede and replace the old core class in our campaign, the original published core versions of these classes are not available in our campaign. Any discrepancies needed to integrate each class to fit their old core class are as follows:
Should integrate fairly seamlessly, with any archetype from Unchained or core being able to exchange feature for feature. Rage powers from the original barbarian may be selected freely, except where they have been superceded by an unchained power of the same name.
Unchaining Rage ALL the rage, on every class and archetype that inherited the core Barbarian’s rage, a slightly tweaked version of the unchained rage as follows (emphasis on changes):
While in a rage, a barbarian gains a +2 bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, thrown weapon damage rolls, Fort saves and Will saves. In addition, she takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. She also gains 2 temporary hit points per Hit Die. These temporary hit points are lost first when a character takes damage, disappear when the rage ends, and are not replenished if the barbarian enters a rage again within 1 minute of her previous rage. While in a rage, a barbarian cannot use skills or abilities that require thinking (including knowledge skills) patience, fine manipulation, or concentration (including spellcasting).
Per the UnBarbarian, these bonuses are untyped. If an archetype, alternate class, etc has given rage-like bonuses a type, they should be untyped like the UnBarbarian.
Unchained monk can be used for any core monk archetype by replacing archetype features for the Ki power at the closest level as the core Monk feature the archetype replaces. If the replaced feature of the core monk is one that can be taken as a Ki power by the UnMonk, the Ki power may still be chosen at a later level when another Ki power is chosen:
- Archetype features that alter or replace maneuver mastery or slow fall replace the unchained monk’s 4th-level ki power. (This overlap doesn’t affect any published core monk archetypes.)
- Archetype features that alter or replace high jump replace the unchained monk’s 6th-level ki power.
- Archetype features that alter or replace wholeness of body replace the unchained monk’s 8th-level ki power.
- Archetype features that alter or replace abundant step or diamond body replace the unchained monk’s 12th-level ki power. (This overlap doesn’t affect any published core monk archetypes.)
- Archetype features that alter or replace diamond soul replace the unchained monk’s 14th-level ki power.
- Archetype features that alter or replace quivering palm replace the unchained monk’s 16th-level ki power.
- Archetype features that alter or replace empty body replace the unchained monk’s 18th-level ki power.
Weapon Proficiencies: If it’s not already, any weapon listed as a monk weapon is added to the monk’s standard base weapon proficiencies. If an archetype trades out monk weapon proficiency, then these additional weapons are also traded out.
Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Strike: The Unarmed Strike feature of a 1st level Monk incorporates Improved Grapple as per Elephant in the Room. If an archetype later grants Improved Grapple in its progression, choose any combat feat for which you quality that has Improved Grapple as a prerequisite.
- All other classes, archetypes etc that use the core monk’s unarmed strike and flurry of blows feature — including Sacred Fist etc. — use the Unchained mechanic in its place (including the additional attack at 11th level.
- When taking levels in two or more classes with the Flurry of Blows or Unarmed Strike and Damage features, their levels stack to determine progression for damage and number of attacks.
Master of Many Styles, Sacred Fist and any other archetype that has a similar bonus style feat system gets a partial un-errata: the base style feats of any style chain do not have to meet prerequisites, only the later feats in a chain.
…He does not need to meet the prerequisites of that feat, except for the Elemental Fist feat. Starting at 6th level, a master of many styles can choose another style feat, or to instead gain a wildcard style slot. Whenever he enters one or more styles, he can spend his wildcard style slots to gain additional style feats, or, as long as he meets the prerequisites, additional feats in the path of a style he has entered. Each time he changes styles, he can also change these wildcard style slots. This ability replaces a standard monk’s bonus feats.
Starting at 6th level, the sacred fist can choose to gain a style feat as a bonus feat in place of a combat feat. The sacred fist only need meet the style feat’s prerequisites if it is a successive feat in a style path. He may alternately choose a Ki power instead in place of a bonus feat. He uses his warpriest levels as monk levels for the purposes of meeting feat and ki power prerequisites.
All other classes, archetypes etc that gain the monk’s ki pool feature continue to be able to use their Ki pool to gain their class-specific benefits as written in their class description, and otherwise use the Unchained Monk’s Ki pool description. They may take advantage of the Ki Master feat to select ninja tricks or the Extra Ki Power feat (see combat feat variants) to gain additional monk powers as they progess in level. Legendary games has also published a collection of Ki Feats for those who have a Ki pool. These Ki feats can also be taken as bonus feats in any class with the Ki Pool class feature that also has the bonus feats class feature
Any character with the Ki Pool ability may regain points to their Ki pool in between an 8 hour rest by one of the following:
Centering: A character with the Ki Pool ability can focus her mind and body to regain ki. this uses a move action that draws attacks of opportunity in order to regain 1 point in her Ki pool. This can only be done a number of times per day equal to the character’s Wisdom modifier.
Meditation: By spending an hour in meditation, a character can regain a number of points to their Ki pool equal to their Wisdom modifier. This can be done once in between 8-hour rests. If something interrupts the character during this meditation, then the benefits are lost.
The total amount of Ki that can be regained by either of these methods, together or separately, is the character’s Wisdom modifier, thus if the character uses centering once during combat, then meditates thereafter, they are still limited in their total daily gain by the same Wisdom modifier limit; if the character meditates once during the day, she cannot later use centering to regain any more Ki until after her next full rest.
Monk Vows do not replace the monk’s still mind feature — just take the vows and get the points.
- Vow of Poverty, in addition to the gain in Ki points, also increases the effective level of the monk’s Automatic Bonus Progression by +3.
- Any class that gains the Ki pool class feature — including characters who take the Ki Vow feat (as descrobed), may take these vows to gain additional points with the same restrictions and potential penalties.
Everyman Gaming released an Unchained Ninja that’s based off of Unchained Rogue and Monk rather than the original. This replaces the base ninja in our campain. The same variant rule for the rogue’s Finesse Training above applies to the Unchained Ninja’s ability of the same name.
Should also seamlessly integrate with any archetype from either version. In light of our feat revisions, rogues gain Deft Maneuvers at level 1, and Deadly Agility at level 3 in place of Finesse Training. In place of the Finesse Training choices at levels 11 and 19, you may choose another combat feat you qualify for that benefits a finesse weapon or grants a proficiency in a finessable weapon.
Original rogue talents can be taken where they are not superceded by Unchained versions in the unchained list, though some of them can get fucky in conjunction with other Unchained updates. If this is the case, we’ll house rule it to work as needed.
Feature stacking with other classes, prestige classes etc. is as follows for rogues or any other classs with these features:
- Any class granting Sneak Attack as a class ability has its levels counted when determining the “rogue level” for overcoming Improved Uncanny Dodge.
- Any class granting Uncanny Dodge/Improved Uncanny Dodge has its class levels counted when determining if a sneak attack can overcome Improved Uncanny Dodge.
- Prestige classes that grant rogue talents and/or ninja tricks stack for the purpose of determining what level the character may acquire advanced rogue talents or ninja tricks. So if you have 5 levels of Assassin and 5 levels of Rogue, your next Rogue talent can be an advanced talent if you so choose.
Rogue, Slayer, Ninja, Vigilante Talents
For the sake of consolidation of the three classes of which Rogue is the parent, and because vigilante outclasses all of the rest with their talent choices, the tricks/talents that let a member of one of these classes take a talent from a sibling class’ talent tree is consolidated as follows
Cross Talented: The <rogue, slayer, ninja, vigilante> can learn a <rogue talent, slayer talent, ninja trick, vigilante talent> in place of one of their own talent list. Her effective class level for the talent is the same as her actual class level. She cannot learn another class’ talent/trick that has the same name as one in her own talent list. For vigilante talents selected as a cross talent, she is limited to those available to a stalker vigilante. She cannot learn a cross talent for an ability her class doesn’t grant her (for example, a rogue doesn’t get Studied Target), with the exception that vigilante talents that modify the Hidden Strike feature will instead modify sneak attack or sudden strike, and vice versa. You cannot gain vigilante talents using the Extra Talent feat.
Advanced Cross Talent: The <rogue, slayer, ninja, vigilante> can learn a <advanced rogue talent, advanced slayer talent, master ninja trick, vigilante talent> in place of one from their own talent list. She cannot learn another class’ talent/trick that has the same name as one in her own talent list. For vigilante talents selected as a cross talent, she is limited to those available to a stalker vigilante. She cannot learn a crosss talent for an ability her class doesn’t grant her, with the exception that vigilante talents that modify the Hidden Strike feature will instead modify sneak attack or sudden strike, and vice versa. If any cross talent you choose has prerequisites, you must meet the prerequisites. You cannot gain vigilante talents using the Extra Talent feat.
The rule that you cannot take the same talent/trick more than once still applies; each time you take Cross Talented it applies to a different cross talent. If you would choose an advanced talent from a sibling class that has another talent from the same class as a prerequisite, then you would need to have gained the prerequisite talent prior using the Cross Talented selection.
Also, these abilities may be taken as talents to replace them if they were traded away for an archetype: Danger Sense, Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge (Uncanny Dodge as a prerequisite), and Trapfinding.
Ranger gets a significant rebalance on its own page, Unchaining the Ranger.
Is an admitted, outright nerf of the class, but is better balanced against other secondary caster 2/3 BAB classes and was admittedly a fix on Paizo’s part to a brain fart initial release. However, use the core summoner’s eidolon. To integrate core archetypes with the Unchained Summoner, discuss it with a DM; we will make it fit.
Also not first party but a 3pp Unchained Swashbuckler to make it more versatile as far as the weapon and fighting styles of archetypal swashbucklers, and less of a gun-less Gunslinger. This doesn’t supercede the original; you can build on either. Houserule: Unchained Swashbuckler is base proficient in light armor, bucklers, all simple weapons and the favored weapons of their chosen style, (removed martial and pistols from base proficiencies). Other weapons/groups for a style choice may be added/replaced upon discussion.
Borrowing abilities from another class, unless explicitly stating otherwise, any borrowed feature on an archetype or prestige class that describes the ability as “like that of a <class name>” or any other similar wording, means in all ways the archetype is treated as having that class feature. This means it qualifies as a prerequisite, can be modified by feats, abilities or items that modify the ability, etc.
Stacking two archetypes are more permissive than RAW; if they both touch on a feature of a class but do not clash in the way they do it, they are considered compatible. Examples are below:
- If two archetypes alter a class’ skills, but do not otherwise overlap in class skills they remove, or they add the same or different skill(s), then they are considered compatible.
- If two archetypes modify — but do not replace — a class ability in a way that they don’t conflict or override one another, they are generally considered compatible. For example: if two archetypes alter Bardic Performance, but do not alter the same specific bardic performance, or one diminishes the effective bard level while another modifies one or more performances, then the archetypes are still compatible. If two cleric archetypes replace one domain each, and no other class features required the presence of a domain, then the archetypes are compatible. If one archetype replaces a single domain, and another replaces both, then they aren’t compatible.
- If two archetypes modify armor and weapon proficiencies, they will generally remain compatible. The worse of any tradeoff of proficiencies the archetypes remove, or the better of proficiencies they add, always applies.
- If two archetypes modify the frequency of uses of a class feature additively, or the number of skill points, ki points, or any sort of point-based feature, then they are compatible but only the better number applies. If either or both of them modifies these subtractively then you must apply the sum of both. If the archetypes’ subtractions would leave the class with 0 or less uses/points/etc then they’re not compatible.
- If two archetypes modify the progression of a class feature — such as the number of dice for sneak attack, lay on hands or channeling energy, then they are not compatible.
Secularizing the dervishes: There’s a bit of a sticking point in Golarion lore that implies that to even be considered a “dervish,” the character has to follow Sarenrae. By definition — in just about every other setting lore, as well as the real world, “dervish” simply refers to a nomadic warrior with a particular style of whirling frenzy and slashing blades. Hence, we are making alterations removing the faith from most dervish archetypes, as indicated:\
- Faith requirements are removed from all dervish archetypes, except for Dawnflower Dervish (bard), because bard already has another archetype (Dervish Dancer) that is not written up as a faith-specific archetype.
- Dervish Dancer gains the same writeup for her Battle Dance feature as the Dawnflower archetype; they alter the standard bardic performance ability, not replace it, the battle dances give double bonuses to only the dervish dancer when used thusly and can otherwise be used as stardard performances.
- The dervish dancer also gains the dervish dance feat in place of bardic knowledge (Lore Master alone is a sufficient trade for the Fleet ability.)
- Removing Versatile Dance entirely as you can already substitute Perform(Dance) for Acrobatics, and a half-level bonus on this is just a nerf tradeoff that is both negligible at low levels, and superfluous at high level.
- Dawnflower Dervish (fighter) just becomes called “Dervish,” and aside from no longer requiring a faith, can stand as written.
- Whirling Dervish (cavalier) removes references and requirements of a faith.
- Dawnflower’s Mercy feature is removed.
- Dance of Dawn and Dance of Mercy deeds are removed.
Some of this is clarification, and the rest is undoing a Paizo FAQ:
- Classes with bloodlines continue to gain their bonus bloodline spells when a prestige class advances their spellcasting.
- Classes with mysteries continue to gain their bonus mystery spells when a prestige class advances their spellcasting.
- Classes with patrons continue to gain their patron spells when a prestige class advances their spellcasting.
- Classes with spell books continue to gain additional free spells in their spellbooks when a prestige class advances their spellcasting.
- Classes with spells known continue to gain spells known when a prestige class advances their spellcasting.
3.5e Prestige Classes can be adopted into a character build with a few notes:
- Skill ranks generally, subtract 3 from the highest ranked skill requirement since skills cap at character level.
- Skill requirements for skills consolidated in PF, use the consolidated skill, ie, if a class requires Hide and Move Silently, then it only requires Stealth.
- Feat requirements if a PrC requires a feat that’s not in PF, ask a DM™.
- Specialty Priest PrCs are not available in campaign, as those have been converted into specialty priest archetypes for each deity.
Core PrCs: Lurker has been a collaborator with PF Community Reddit for the Prestige Unchained project which has optimised and shortened the progression for many of the PF1 prestige classes. You may opt to take the Unchained version of a prestige class from this document (with the exception of any of these that are further house ruled below), or use the original (houseruled below if applicable) version. The unchained versions will generally allow for earlier entry and less penalty to your base class, so they’re highly recommended instead of core.
Deific Obedience Prestige Classes have have been significantly revamped, as well as other mechanics to make divine obedience feats and boons work in our setting in On Divine Obediences.
- Antipaladins as a class remain, but they are ICly called Blackguards. The alignment of a Blackguard can be any evil that’s within one step of their patron. Codes for said antipaladins will be developed per their sponsoring patron in the entry for the deity that sponsors them.
- The Smite Good feature deals double damage against any target with an aura alignment of a good divine spellcaster, not just a cleric or paladin. Any class that gains this same described ability also gains this benefit.
- The Touch of Corruption feature may be delivered as a touch attack as normal, or by a melee attack by a by a Gauntlet, Spiked Gauntlet, Cestus, Unarmed Strike, Natural Attack, or a weapon enchanted with the Conductive property as part of a standard attack action; delivering the touch through a melee attack requires expending a swift action.
- As a divine caster, note variant rules in the divine casters page in the wiki for applicable rule variants.
Arcane Archer
Is unchained on the Prestige Unchained doc, and is no longer elf-exclusive; this reflects the way in which the techniques have found their way outside of elven circles in much the way that the styles of Bladesingers diffused into other cultures in the form of the Magus.
- By player request, both the base and unchained version of this PrC are available options. Also the variant multiclass option farther down.
- The +1 enhancement bonus granted by the enhance arrows feature stacks with any existing enhancement bonus of the missile weapon, akin to the magus and other similar class features, because otherwise ABP renders this tier of the class feature useless.
- The Deadeye Devotee archetype, is called “Divine Archer,” and is an elf-exclusive archetype of the class, as opposed to a single deity, accesible to any deity of the Seldarine. Channeling divine energy through the bow is something that is closely guarded among the faithful of the Seldarine — techniques that, much like pure technique bladesong, is guarded with their lives.
Arcane Trickster
Is now unchained. Also to note, pertinent information on spell combat mechanics changes also affect the Arcane Trickster are here.
- Consume Spells: The number of uses for this ability was errata’d after publication from unlimited, to Charisma modifier per day. The first was too much, and the errata wasn’t enough. For us, it’s 3+Charisma mod per day, to be consistent with similar limited use class abilities.
- Arcane Weapon Exploit: Lasts for one minute, same as Magus’ arcane pool enhancement, rather than 1 minute/point of CHA bonus.
Codifying that any feature, item or effect that increases the effective level of the bardic performance ability affects all aspects of the bardic performance ability. This includes rounds per day, level dependent effects, and what bard songs are gained at the effective bardic performance level. If an archetype or alternate class feature replaces a bardic performance with another performance, that alternate performance is gained at the bard’s indicated effective bardic performance level.
Because bards are, by design, the ultimate face class, and were outclassed in this by the vigilante’s social identity, adding this to the Advanced Versatile Performance section:
- Social Talent: In place of a versatile performance, the bard may choose a social talent from the vigilante’s social talents list. For the purposes of this talent, the bard is considered a vigilante of the same level with only a social identity. She may not choose a talent that is dependent upon a class feature she does not possess (such as anything that modifies a dual identity or a transformation therefrom).
As well as these advanced versatile performance options:
- Instrument Tricks: As an additional Advanced Versatile Performance option, a Bard can gain the Equipment Trick (Instrument) feat as a bonus feat. The Bard can only use this feat with instruments appropriate to the type of performances they are trained in.
- Signature Skill: In place of a versatile performance, the bard may gain the signature skill feat for any of the following skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Knowledge (Any one), Perform (Any one). The bard gains the skill unlocks for the chosen skill.
Clarification: Masterpieces are performances. This means their activation time is that of the bard’s performance, they scale along with features that advance the level-dependent variables of a bard’s performances, and also means you cannot stack them atop of another performance. Ending a masterpiece can trigger acompaniment and finale spells like regular performances.
Bards also have a selection of alternate class features that were ported from 3.5e and Pathfinder 3pp.
Black Archer (prestige archetype)
Prestige class for followers of Shevrash, an archetype of the Unchained Latern Bearer.
- Must worship Sevrash as a prerequisite.
- Alignment may also be neutral.
- Lantern Arcana is called Archer’s Arcana.
- Only gains one favored enemy at 1st, and that is humanoid (elf). Her favored enemy bonus increases by +2 at 4th level. If she already has the favored enemy ability, then this becomes the dedicated adversary talent against humanoid (elf) enemies, and any class levels with this feature stack with lantern bearer levels to determine her bonus and number of favored enemies.
- Celestial Weaponry is called Bane Weaponry and instead all of the Black Archer’s attacks with a ranged weapon are treated as elf-bane weapons.
- Does not gain the Bringer of Brightness ability.
Bladesinger (magus archetype)
Replaces the Spell Dancer archetype of Magus, with a few moniker and mechanical changes to flavor it for FR instead of Golarion. The full writeup of the archetype and bladesinger lore is here.
- Unchained Rage
- Added new 3pp book of bloodrager bloodlines that compliment the newer Paizo sorcerer bloodlines. Said bloodlines can also be selected by the Eldritch Scion and other archetypes that adopt a bloodrager bloodline.
- Because the Cleric is the trained, knowledgable class of divine casters:
- Temple Training (Ex): Clerics at 1st level add their Wisdom bonus in addition to their Intelligence bonus on Knowledge (Religion) checks. For skill checks involving the cleric’s own faith, they add 1/2 their cleric level to these checks and the checks can be made untrained.
- Disrupt Undead is added to the Cleric/Oracle spell list as an orison.
- As a divine caster, note variant rules in the divine casters page in the wiki for applicable rule variants.
- From the “Paizo overvalued skill points” department:
- The Cloistered Cleric archetype from Paizo is hence replaced word for word with the variant from 3.5 Unearthed Arcana, except that the third domain doesn’t have to be the Knowledge domain; it can be any other domain for which your patron deity has access.
- The Cardinal archetype does not lose domains, or spontaneous casting, and further it gains a bonus equal to 1/2 her cleric level on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate and Knowledge (arcana, history, geography, local, nobility, planes or religion) checks.
- Alternate Class Feature
- Spontaneous Domain Spells: The cleric with this feature does not gain a domain spell slot, but she can channel stored spell energy into the spells granted by her domain. The cleric can “lose” any prepared spell that is not an orison in order to cast any domain spell of the same spell level or lower. She may apply metamagic feats that she knows to these spells by sacrificing a sufficiently higher spell slot. This feature replaces spontaneous casting of cure or inflict spells, and alters domains by removing the domain spell slots. It cannot be chosen by a cleric who has already had one or both of these features replaced by another archetype. (credit: D20SRD)
Dragon Disciple
- Has following requirements:
- Race: Any nondragon.
- Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks.
- Languages: Draconic.
- Spellcasting: Ability to cast 1st-level arcane spells without preparation. If the character has sorcerer levels, he must have the draconic bloodline. If the character gains levels of sorcerer after taking this class, he must take the draconic bloodline.
- Skill Ranks at Each Level: 4 + int modifier
- Choose one:
- A Dragon Disciple progresses spells per day at every level besides 1st level,
- Doesn’t progress spells, and gains full BAB.
- Scales draconic bloodline from any other class with a bloodline.
- Dragon form: uses either form of the dragon, form of the exotic dragon or form of the alien dragon, depending on their bloodline.
Divine Casters (all)
All divine casters need to note variant rules in the divine casters page in the wiki for applicable rule variants for their class.
- As a divine caster, note variant rules in the divine casters page in the wiki for applicable rule variants
- Wild Shape and ABP your ABP bonus to armor worn, melds with your wildshape form and adds to your AC. You still need the Wild or Beast Shape armor property to gain the actual armor bonus of the armor and other special qualities of the armor.
- Naga Aspirant archetype: Change all instances of “enhancement bonus to natural armor” with “natural armor increase” to properly align with rules for polymornph school effects and to co-exist with ABP.
- Nature Fang Archetype Revise the Sneak Attack feature as follows:
- Sneak Attack (Ex): At 4th level, a nature fang gains sneak attack +1d6. This functions as the rogue sneak attack ability. At 9th level and every 5 levels thereafter, he gains another +1d6. At If the nature fang gains this feature from another class, then the damage dice stack. This ability replaces resist nature’s lure.
An unchained Duelist for our campaign is here, which was my initial submission to the Prestige Unchained project (and closer to the original).
Eldritch Knight
Eldritch Knight is further unchained and supercedes the one in the Prestige Unchained Project
Eldritch Scion (magus archetype)
- Because they go from being a class where Intelligence is the forté stat to being a dump stat, Eldritch Scions get 4 skill points/level (not counting the 2 background skill points per level).
- For the purpose of flavor text, bloodrage and its abilities are called Mystical Focus.
- Bloodrager bloodline abilities that are keyed to Constitution are instead keyed to Charisma for the Eldritch Scion.
- The Eldritch Scion may choose spells from the Bloodrager spell list as one of his spells known, and they are treated as on his magus class spell list for the purpose of spell combat and spellstrike.
- The following replaces the writeup of the Eldritch Pool feature in entirety:
An eldritch scion gains an eldritch pool of personal magical energy, equal to 1/2 his eldritch scion level (minimum 1) + his Charisma modifier. This eldritch pool functions as the magus’ arcane pool, with any magus abilities keyed to Intelligence instead keyed upon the eldritch scion’s Charisma modifier. So long as he has at least 1 point remaining in his eldritch pool, as a swift action, the eldritch scion can draw on the power of his bloodline with a state of mystical focus called battle focus for a number of rounds equal to his eldritch pool, allowing him to use abilities from his bloodrager bloodline as though he were in a bloodrage, though he gains none of the other benefits or drawbacks of bloodraging. These rounds do not have to be consecutive but they have to be spent in at least 1 round increments. If the eldritch scion expends his last remaining point from his eldritch pool while battle focus is in effect, the battle focus immedately ceases. Maintaining battle focus is a free action, but reactivating it again requires another swift action. The eldritch scion can regain these rounds whenever he refreshes his eldritch pool with 8 hours of rest.
At 4th level, an eldritch scion can also use his eldritch pool to gain the benefits listed with the magus’s arcane pool class feature, as a magus equal to his level -3. (The level diminishment now makes up for not having to spend pool points to maintain the battle focus.)
This ability replaces arcane pool, and abilities that modify arcane pool also modify eldritch pool. Archetypes that alter arcane pool, may also alter eldritch pool.
- The Bonus Spells entry is fucked up as hell and was never fixed in the errata so going on the same spell level gains as it does for Bloodrager:
At 4th level, an eldritch scion gains the bonus spell from his bloodrager bloodline that is normally gained at 7th level as a bonus spell known. He gains the next three bonus spells from his bloodrager bloodline at 7th, 10th, and 13th levels, respectively. At 16th level, he gains the bonus spell from the sorcerer of the same bloodline that is normally gained at 11th level, and at 19th level gains the 13th level sorcerer bloodline spell.
- The Eldritch Scion may choose one of his bloodline’s bonus feats instead of a combat feat as one of his bonus feats.
- Favored class bonus (any): An Eldritch Scion character may choose to add an additional 1/2 round of Battle Focus per day as a favored class bonus. This bonus does not increase the points in his eldritch pool.
- Bravery: Starting at 2nd level, a fighter gains a +1 bonus on Will saves against fear, including all effects and spells with the [fear] descriptor. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd. At 6th level, if the fighter successfully saves against a fear effect that has a reduced effect on a successful save, he instead suffers no effect. At 10th level, if he fails a save against a fear effect with a reduced effect upon a successful save, he instead suffers the reduced effect as if he made the save; if he succeeds in this Will save, any ally subject to the same effect receives the Fighter’s Bravery bonus to their Will saves against the effect.
- There are other Bravery replacement features available to every fighter.
- Fighters gain Combat Stamina as a bonus feat at 1st level.
- At 1st level, a fighter may choose to gain proficiency in a single exotic weapon type, in place of tower shield proficiency. (credit: Legendary Fighters)
Favored Soul
The favored soul has been adapted from 3.5e as a cleric archetype
- As a divine caster, note variant rules in the divine casters page in the wiki for applicable rule variants.
Horizon Walker
Is unchained to fit the mechanics of our Unchained Ranger.
Bonuses granted by the animal focus ability are sacred (if deity is good or neutral) or profane (if deity is evil) bonuses.
- As a divine caster, the inquisitor gains a divine aura like that of the cleric corresponding to that of her patron deity; if she adopts an archetype that trades off spellcasting, she does not gain this aura.
- As a divine caster, note variant rules in the divine casters page in the wiki for applicable rule variants.
- As part of his Arcane Pool ability, a Magus can regain 1 point in his arcane pool by scoring a critical hit with a weapon enhanced by his arcane pool. He can regain a number of points per day in this manner up to his Intelligence modifier (or Charisma, if the pool is keyed off of Charisma).
- Spell Recall and Greater Spell Recall, to clarify, in the case of a spontaneous casting magus archetype, functions to restore a previously expended spell slot.
- Bladebound Magus archetype ignore the FAQ saying you can’t enchant the black blade using Craft Magic Arms and Armor. A bladebound cannot select the bonded item homebrewed magus arcana.
- Arcane Fist archetype An Unchained monk variant of this archetype exists.
- Alternate class feature for the Magus, yoinked from Milozs0pl’s unchained magus:
Rapid Spell Combat (Su): By expending 1 point from his arcane pool, the magus can perform her spell combat as a standard action, casting a single spell and making only a single attack with her weapon. This ability is treated as spell combat for all purposes (including spell combat’s penalty to attack rolls), but is treated as an attack action, and may benefit from Vital Strike or other feats, abilities and tactics that can be used with an attack action. This feature replaces Fighter Training or an archetype feature that replaces it.
Changes to Magus Arcana:
- Pretty much all of the Magus arcana that say they can only be used once per day, can be used additional times per day at the cost of 1 arcane point, or twice the activation cost in the case of an arcanum that both costs points and has a 1/day limit. Arcana with uses per day that apply metamagic effects to a spell can be cast more times per day at a cost of 1 point per adjusted spell level.
- The following alteration is made to the Close Range magus arcana change emphasised:
Benefit: You can deliver spells that feature a ranged touch attack as melee touch spells. If you use a ranged touch attack spell that targets more than one creature (such as scorching ray), you can continue to hold the charge of the spell after delivering the first touch for successive touch attacks (similar to Chill Touch) until the number of spell attacks is expended, or until another spell is cast. These spells can be used with the spellstrike class feature.
- Flamboyant Arcana and Arcane Deed arcana are reverted to their pre-errata state, with a minor revision to fix the actual problem with the arcana: You do count as having one panache point if you have at least one arcane pool point, and you can spend arcane points to power other deeds chosen with Arcane Deed, and you treat your magus level as your swashbuckler level as originally printed. You may not select Precise Strike as an arcane deed — which is the reason it was nerfed in the first place.
- Maneuver Mastery choose either Deft Maneuvers or Powerful Maneuvers; this arcana applies to all combat maneuvers affected by the chosen feat.
- New magus arcana:
Arcane Armor Specialization (Ex)
Benefit: So long as the magus has at least 1 point in her arcane pool, she can ignore the movement penalties when wearing medium or heavier armor, or when carrying a medium or heavy load. She still suffers arcane spell failure if she lacks the appropriate class features.School Study (Su)
Benefit: The magus can select one arcane school available to the wizard, but does not have to select any opposition schools. The magus gains the 1st-level powers of the chosen school, and treats her magus level as her wizard level for the purposes of these powers; she does not gain any additional features of the chosen school. If either of these powers grant an extra effect at 20th level, the character does not gain that extra effect. If a 1st-level power of this school has an effect with a touch or ranged touch attack, she can spend a swift action to deliver the effects of the chosen school power upon a successful attack. If the magus already has the chosen arcane school (or gains it later), then these arcane schools must match, and taking this arcana allows her magus levels to stack with the levels of the class that granted the arcane school to determine level dependent effects of her arcane school powers.School Study, Advanced (Su)
Prerequisite: Magus 15, School Study arcana
Benefit: The magus gains the 8th-level power of the arcane school chosen with the school study arcanatreating her magus level as her wizard level for the purposes of this power; she does not gain any additional features of the chosen school. If the 8th-level power of this school has an effect with a touch or ranged touch attack, she can spend a swift action to deliver the effects of the chosen school power upon a successful attack.Spell Recall (Su)
Prerequisite: Magus 6, does not gain this as a class feature from his archetype.
Benefit: The magus learns to use his arcane pool to recall spells he has already cast. With a swift action he can recall any single magus spell that he has already prepared and cast that day by expending a number of points from his arcane pool equal to the spell’s level (minimum 1). The spell is prepared again, just as if it had not been cast. For a spontaneous casting Magus archetype, spending these points restores a previously expended daily spell slot.Spell Recall, Greater (Su)
Prerequisite: Magus 12, does not gain this as a class feature from his archetype.
Benefit: The magus’s ability to recall spells using his arcane pool becomes more efficient. Whenever he recalls a spell (or spell slot) with spell recall, he expends a number of points from his arcane pool equal to 1/2 the spell’s level (minimum 1). Furthermore, instead of recalling a used spell, as a swift action a prepared casting magus can prepare a spell of the same level that he has in his spellbook. He does so by expending a number of points from his arcane pool equal to the spell’s level (minimum 1). The magus cannot apply metamagic feats to a spell prepared in this way. The magus does not need to reference his spellbook to prepare a spell in this way.
Mystic Theurge
Our own unchaining of the prestige class is as follows:
- All instances of ‘arcane’ spellcasting and spells (including prerequisites) in Mystic Theurge may be replaced with ‘psychic’.
- Prerequisites:
- Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 3 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 3 ranks
- Spells: Able to cast 2nd-level divine spells and 1st-level arcane/psychic spells
Able to cast 1st-level divine spells and 2nd-level arcane/psychic spells
- Adds this feature at even levels:
Arcane/Divine Devotion: At 2nd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, the Mystic Theurge may add 1 to their effective class level for one of the following class features chosen each time this feature is gained: Arcane School, Blessing Powers, Bloodline Powers, Channel Energy, Domain Powers, Fervor, Hex, Natures Bond, Revelations, or Wild Shape. This only applies to level-dependent effects of features the Mystic Theurge has already gained from their base classes, and does not grant any new powers.
Because the Forgotten Realms setting requires all divine casters to have a single patron deity — which would include the Oracle — an Oracle has a divine aura like that of a cleric, other details are laid out in the divine casters section of the wiki.
- As a divine caster, note variant rules in the divine casters page in the wiki for applicable rule variants.
- List of legal oracle mystery choices and their tentative deity access is here.
- The Spellscar oracle mystery is tied to the wild magic anomalies of the Weave following the Avatar Crisis and is accessible to any deity with the Magic domain.
- Legendary Oracle alternate class features are legal to take.
- Spells on the Cleric/Oracle spell list that key their effects off of Wisdom instead key off of Charisma for an Oracle.
- As a divine caster, note variant rules in the divine casters page in the wiki for applicable rule variants.
- Smite Evil: In addition to Dragons, Undead, and Evil Outsiders, a Paladin’s smite also deals bonus damage on the first attack against foes with the evil alignment aura of a divine caster, such as Antipaladins, Clerics, and Warpriests. Any class that gains this same feature as described also gains this benefit.
- The Lay on Hands feature, when used to damage undead, may be delivered as a touch attack as normal, or by a melee attack by a by a Gauntlet, Spiked Gauntlet, Cestus, Unarmed Strike, Natural Attack, or a weapon enchanted with the Conductive property as part of a standard attack action. Delivering the effects through a melee attack requires the expenditure of a swift action.
- Oath of Chastity is changed to conform to actual religious definition of chastity — that being the restraint of sexual behavior. A paladin bound to chastity is not restricted from marrying or entering into a committed romantic partnership, or engaging in sexual contact with their committed partner(s), rather the paladin may not engage in lustful or inappropriate sexual behavior or contact with others. This distinguishes it from celibacy, which is the complete abstinence from sexual contact or romantic commitment.
- Gray Paladin archetype doesn’t exist. For one, the archetype sucks; secondly, if, by chance, a paladin in our setting falls, they can either atone, or opt to retrain their paladin levels into another class — Divine Champion, for example, is a valid option for a paladin who no longer adheres to her oaths, but still lines up with the ethos of her deity. There are also the options of retraining into the archetypes below:
- Besides the Vindictive Bastard, which is open any lawful alignment, the following paladin archetypes are open to non-lawful aligned good characters. Characters with these archetypes can still be no more than one step removed from their sponsoring deity’s alignment:
These apply to either the normal or unchained version of this prestige class, and either are available as class options:
Keeping with the past flavor of our inherited setting, and just the way some of us prefer to see the Summon Shadow ability rather than summoning undead, the verbiage and mechanics of the Summon Shadow ability change as follows:
Shadow Companion
At 3rd level, a shadowdancer’s shadow gains an unnatural life of its own. At will the shadowdancer can summon forth her shadow to be a self-directed, dimensional being of shadowstuff, or to transform back into a seeming normal shadow, mimicking her every move. The shadow is treated mechanically as an undead shadow, except that this shadow’s alignment matches that of the shadowdancer, receives a +4 bonus on Will saves made to halve the damage from positive channeled energy and the shadow cannot be turned or commanded and cannot create spawn. The shadow is a semblance of the shadowdancer, albiet an imperfect or altered one, distorted in the way that everything upon the shadow plane is an abberant mirror of its companion on the prime. The shadow serves as a companion to the shadowdancer and they can communicate intelligibly with one another. It functions otherwise as an improved familiar with the shadowdancer’s wizard level equal to her shadowdancer level. Like a familiar, it has a number of hit points equal to half the shadowdancer’s total, and uses the shadowdancer’s base attack bonus, base save bonuses and either the master’s skill ranks or its own, whichever is higher.
If a shadowdancer’s shadow is ever destroyed, she must attempt a DC 15 Fortitude save. If the saving throw fails, the shadowdancer gains one permanent negative level. A destroyed shadow companion cannot be regained for 30 days, during which time the shadowdancer is devoid of her shadow.
Also, tweaks to Shadow Jump, now compatible with Dimensional Agility without an additional feat in between:
A shadowdancer gains the ability to travel between shadows as if by means of a Dimension Door spell. Each jump takes a move action to perform. The limitation is that the magical transport must begin and end in an area with at least some dim light. A shadowdancer can jump up to a total of 40 feet each day in this way; this may be a single jump of 40 feet, two jumps of 20 feet, or four jumps of 10 feet each. Every two levels (every level for unchained), the distance a shadowdancer can jump each day doubles (from 40 to 80, from 80 to 160, and so on). This amount can be split among many jumps, but each one, no matter how small, counts as a 10-foot increment.
Unchained Inspired rage provides:
- +1 bonus to melee attack rolls, melee damage and thrown damage rolls, +1 to Fort and Will saves, and +1 temp hp/level, -1 AC.
- At 4th and every 4 levels thereafter, Will save increases by +1.
- At 8th and 16th level the attack, damage, Fort bonus and temp hp/level all increase by +1
- Track is replaced with the unchained ranger’s survivalist feature.
- Woodland Sniper archetype Because we houserule that anyone can sneak attack at range within 30 feet, alter the entire verbiage of the Ranged Sneak Attack ability:
Sniping Sneak Attack (Ex)
At 3rd level, and every 3rd level thereafter, the woodland sniper adds 10ft to the distance he can sneak attack someone at range, however his sneak attack damage in melee is that of a slayer of his level -3. This alters sneak attack.
- As a divine caster, note variant rules in the divine casters page in the wiki for applicable rule variants.
- Focus Weapon only grants weapon focus in the favored weapon group of the warpriest’s chosen patron. (Seriously, it’s called a deity favored weapon for a reason). Consequentially, the Sacred Weapon ability only works with weapons in this favored weapon group. The existence of the favored weapon group houserule should help make up for the restriction of weapon choice for these features.
- Pathfinder Subreddit did a collaborative fast patch of the witch with an expanded spell list and spontaneous patron spellcasting, and it is co-opted into our campaign.
- Vellemancer Archetype: This archetype gains six “free” spells at 8th level in place of a hex, but we consolidated all of the animal buffs into Animal Prowess, so it’s not really a fair trade for a hex anymore. So instead this borrows inspiration from the Skald spell kenning:
Expanded Wishgranter: At 8th level, the vellemancer’s wish granting ability transcends the boundaries of her own magical traditions. She may choose a number spells from the bard, cleric, or sorcerer/wizard spell list of 2nd level or lower equal to her Intelligence modifier; if her Intelligence modifier permanently increases later, she may select additional spells. The vellemancer can cast these spells only as part of her wishgranter ability and cannot prepare or cast them as normal, but she can sacrifice any prepared spell of the same level or higher to spontaneously cast one of these spells. This replaces the hex normally gained at 8th level.
Arcane Bond, Bonded Item. In order to make a bonded item not seem like a wholly inferior choice to a familiar, the wizard’s bonded item has the following progression according to the wizard’s caster level. This applies to any other class or archetype that gains a bonded object like that of a wizard:
- 1st — In addition to the core benefits of the bonded object, a wizard gains the benefits of alertness so long as the bonded object is held (in the case of a handheld object) or worn (in the case of a worn object). The bonded object’s hitpoints increase to half the wizard’s hitpoints, if lower.
- 3rd — The wizard adds his primary casting ability bonus to the CMD against any attempt to sunder, disarm, steal or otherwise attack the bonded object; further, if the object is an item held in the hand, the wizard can make his somatic gestures with the hand holding the bonded object.
- 7th — The wizard gains an empathic connection with his bonded object that enables him to know the location of the object as per the effects of locate obect at his caster level by spending 10 minutes focusing on locating the object.
- 11th — The wizard gains the ability to cast an additional spell per day from his spellbook (or an additional spell known for a spontaneous caster). Alternately, if his bonded object is a wand or staff, then a number of times per day equal to his primary casting ability bonus, he is able to expend double the charge cost to cast a spell from the wand or staff at his caster level rather than that of the item.
- 17th — The item gains the called property, and the wizard can summon the object to his hand or onto its wear location (providing he has no other item in that wear location).
We do allow for the Variant Multiclassing (VMC) rules in our campaign, which allow for you to trade in half of your character feats in exchange for class features of a secondary class, which you are considered (mostly) at level parity with your primary class. Variant Multiclass options are further clarified and/or modified as follows, along with some additional options. Any class indicated with a † is from The Genius Guide to Variant Multiclassing. Anything in italics in a variant multiclass’ writeup is homebrewed for our setting.
Occult Variant Multiclassing: And if you want a touch of the mystic and supernatural, another 3pp published variant multiclassing for the occult classes.
All VMCs:
- Upon selecting your secondary class, also select three class skills for that class; these skills are always class skills for you.
- The class abilities of the secondary class are superceded by the unchained or homebrew version of the ability if one exists.
- As with regular multiclassing, you cannot VMC an alternate class with its base class (such as Ninja + Rogue, or Cavalier + Samurai).
- You may archetype your secondary class, with GM discussion — if a feature you gain from your secondary class is replaced by a feature of the class archetype, you gain the archetype’s feature instead. If the class feature gained from the secondary class has a level adjustment (such as the VMC druid Companion or Wildshape ability), the same level adjustment applies to the archetype feature.
- For purposes of magic equipment and other affects that modify class levels or features, you count as having both the base class and the VMC class but only for class features you will gain in the VMC. Thus a VMC monk may use Monk’s Robes and count as additional monk levels for unarmed strike damage, but not for Stunning Fist uses, as you do not gain that feature, unless you gain said feature from another class or feat in your build.
- For the purpose of feats that modify a class feature or require the class feature as a prerequisite, the class features granted by the VMC count as the class features of a regular member of that class, at either the character’s level, or the effective class level of the feature, whichever is lower. So for example, an 11th level VMC cleric can take channeling feats available to a 7th level cleric.
- For alternate capstones, the either the character’s base class (if you have 20 levels in the base class) or the VMC class count for selecting an alternate capstone at level 20; any capstone qualified by the VMC must modify and pertain to features possessed by the character.
- If your VMC is a divine caster, variant rules in the divine casters page in the wiki for the class apply to the VMC as well.
Alchemist: A character who chooses alchemist as his secondary class gains the following secondary class features.
- Alchemy: At 3rd level, he adds his character level as a competence bonus on all Craft (alchemy) checks and can use Craft (alchemy) to identify potions.
- Bombs: At 7th level, he gains the ability to create a number of bombs per day equal to his Intelligence modifier + 1/2 his character level. The bombs deal damage as an alchemist of his character level, but since he doesn’t have the alchemist’s throw anything class feature, he doesn’t add his Intelligence modifier to the damage.
- Mutagen: At 11th level, he gains the mutagen class feature, with a duration equal to 10 minutes per character level. He counts as an alchemist for the purposes of drinking a mutagen.
- At 15th level, choose one of the following paths
- Poison Crafter: At 15th level, he gains the poison use and swift poisoning abilities. At 19th level, he becomes immune to poison.
- Discoverer: At 15th and 19th levels, he chooses one alchemist discovery, using 1/2 his character level as his alchemist level to determine from which discoveries he may choose, and for any level-dependent effects of the discovery.
Antipaladin: A character who chooses antipaladin as her secondary class gains the following secondary class features (this just reverses the VMC paladin).
- Code: At 1st level, she must follow the codes of an antipaladin of her faith and gains an aura of evil.
- Detect Good: At 3rd level, she can detect good as a 1st-level antipaladin.
- Touch of Corruption: At 7th level, she gains the antipaladin’s touch of corruption ability a number of times per day equal to 1/2 her character level, dealing as much damage as a paladin of her character level – 4.
- Smite Good: At 11th level, she gains the ability to smite good once per day as an antipaladin of her character level – 4. She gains another use of this ability at 15th and 19th levels.
- Cruelty: At 15th level, she selects one cruelty, using 1/2 her character level as her antipaladin level to determine her selections.
- Divine Bond: At 19th level, she gains a fiendish boon to a weapon as an antipaladin of her character level – 3.
Arcanist†: A character that chooses arcanist as her secondary class gains the following secondary class features.
- Arcane Reservoir: At 3rd level, she gains the arcane reservoir class feature, with a maximum of arcane reservoir points equal to 1+1/2 her character level. She gains these points every day after fully rested.
- Cantrip: At 7th level, if she has an Intelligence score of 10 or higher, she chooses an arcanist cantrip and can cast that cantrip as a spell-like ability at will. She uses her character level as the caster level and Intelligence as the cantrip’s key ability score. If she is a spellcaster in a base class, she can add this cantrip to her spell list or as a spell known in her base class and cast it per her base class.
If the VMC Arcanist is a spellcaster in her base class, she may choose one arcanist spell for each level of spells 1-9 that she is able to cast. If she is an arcane caster, these are considered on her list of spells known and she can cast or prepare them using a slot of their listed level. If she is a divine caster, these are considered on her spell list for the purpose of spell trigger and completion items, though she cannot use her class spell slots to cast them. - Arcanist Exploit: At 11th level, she chooses an arcanist exploit as an arcanist of her level – 6 (minimum 1). She must have an effective arcanist level high enough to select the exploit, and the exploit must be applicable to a class feature she possesses (for example, she does not have the consume spells feature, thus cannot choose an exploit that modifies this feature. (Revised from Genius Guide’s by removing the narrow list of exploits.)
- Additional Exploit: At 15th level, she gains one additional arcanist exploit — with the same limitations as above, and may choose from the list of greater exploits.
- Master Exploit: At 19th level, she gains one additional arcanist exploit.
Barbarian: Stands as written.
Bard: The bard may gain a bardic masterpiece at 11th level in lieu of a versatile performance, and does not need to give up a spell known as you’re essentially already giving up a feat instead. Otherwise stands as written.
Bloodrager†: A character that chooses bloodrager as his secondary class gains the following secondary class features.
- Bloodline: At 1st level, he must select a bloodrager bloodline. He treats his character level as his effective bloodrager level for all bloodline powers.
- Bloodrage: At 3rd level, he gains the bloodrage class feature for a number of rounds per day equal to his Constitution modifier + his character level.
- Bloodline Power: At 7th level, he gains his bloodline’s 1st-level bloodline power.
- Improved Bloodline Power: At 11th level, he gains his bloodline’s 4th-level bloodline power.
- Bloodcasting: At 15th level, he treats his bloodline spells as if they were on his spell list for the purpose of spell completion and spell trigger items, even though he cannot use any spell slots he has to cast them. He may employ these items while in a bloodrage.
- Alternately, he can choose to gain his 8th-level bloodline power.
- Greater Bloodrage: At 19th level, he gains greater bloodrage.
Brawler: A character who chooses brawler as her secondary class gains the following secondary class features.
- Unarmed Strike: At 3rd level, she gains the Improved Unarmed Strike feat and the unarmed damage of a brawler of her character level –2.
- Dirty Fighting: At 7th level, she gains the Close Weapon Mastery class feature of a brawler of her character level –2, or the Knockout class feature of a brawler of her character level –3.
- Martial Flexibility: At 11th level, she gains the Martial Flexibility feature of a brawler equal to half her character level.
- Dodge: At 15th level, she gains a +3 dodge bonus to AC.
- Awesome Blow: At 16th level, she gains the Awesome Blow class feature.
Cavalier: Challenge gains an additional use per day at 11th, and again at 19th, otherwise stands as written.
Cleric: A character who chooses cleric as her secondary class gains the following secondary class features.
- Deity: At 1st level, she must select a deity within one alignment step of her own. She gains the cleric’s aura, bonus languages, code of conduct, and restriction from casting spells of opposed alignments (including in her base classes). She also gains the cleric’s spontaneous casting ability, which she can use with any prepared casting classes that have the appropriate spells on their spell lists.
- Domain: At 3rd level, she selects one domain her deity grants, gaining that domain’s 1st-level granted power, treating her character level as her effective cleric level. If she is a spellcaster in her base class, she gains the ability to cast the domain spells for this domain 1/day as a spell-like ability, using her primary casting ability. She can only cast a domain spell of a level that she’s able to cast in her base class. These are considered divine spells and not subject to arcane spell failure. They are also considered on her spell list for the purposes of spell-completion and spell-trigger items, even though she can’t cast them using her own spell slots. Also when chosing her domain, gaining the 1st-level domain abilities means gaining all 1st-level domain abilities — like Travel Domain’s speed boost.
- Channel Energy: At 7th level, she gains the ability to channel energy as a cleric of her character level – 6 a number of times per day equal to 3+her Charisma modifier. This ability progresses to her character level -4 at 11th level, and -2 at 19th level.
- Bonus Feat: At 11th level, she chooses a channeling feat or domain feat for which she qualifies.
- Improved Domain: At 15th level, she gains the greater domain power of her chosen domain, treating her character level as her effective cleric level.
- Bonus Feat: At 19th level, she chooses another channeling feat or domain feat for which she qualifies.
Druid: Unchaining the Druid VMC as follows (we know you want it for the wildshape, which is useless in the core VMC. You want companion? VMC ranger instead or trade off a feature if you can):
- Code: At 1st level, she gains Druidic as a bonus language and must abide by the druidic code of conduct—respecting nature, not teaching the Druidic language to outsiders, not wearing metal armor, and so on. If the character is a prepared spellcaster, she also gains the druid’s ability to cast Summon Nature’s Ally spells by sacrificing a prepared spell of the same or higher level; these spells are also considered to be on her spell list for the purpose of spell-completion and spell-trigger items.
- Attuned to Nature: At 3rd level, she gains wild empathy, treating her character level as her effective druid level, or she may choose to gain resist nature’s lure.
- Wild Shape: At 7th level, she gains the ability to use wild shape of a druid equal to her character level -3 to turn into a Small or Medium animal once per day for up to 1 hour per character level. She counts as having the wild shape ability for the purpose of items, feats and effects that modify the feature.
- Improved Wild Shape: At 11th level, she gains the ability to use wild shape to turn into a Huge, Large, Tiny or Diminutive animal, or a small Elemental and a small or medium plant creature as if she were using Elemental Body I or Plant Shape I. She may use her wild shape an additional time per day.
- Greater Wild Shape: At 15th level, she gains the ability to add elemental or plant forms as if she were using Elemental Body II or III, and plant forms as if she were using Plant Shape II or III. Additionally, she may use her wild shape one more time per day.
- Timeless Body: At 19th level, she gains timeless body.
Fighter: Clarification — your character level does count as fighter levels for the purpose of qualifying for feats, and further, you can count your character level as your Base Attack Bonus for the purpose of qualifying for said feats.
- At 3rd level, and every level at which a VMC fighter feature is gained, the VMC fighter gains one combat stamina point. This cannot increase the combat stamina pool beyond the character’s Hit Dice + Constitution modifier.
- Otherwise the class stands as written.
Gunslinger: Is by overwhelming consensus among the Pathfinder reddit community total and utter crap. The below is credited to the pathfinder reddit community:
- Gunsmith: At 3rd level, she gains the gunsmith class feature; she does not gain a free firearm, but does gain proficiency in all firearms.
- Gunslinger: At 7th level, she gains the Amateur Gunslinger feat; she can also spend 1 grit point to perform a quick clear as a standard action.
- Deed: At 11th level, she gains a 1st-level gunsliger deed of choice.
- Improved Deed: At 15th level, she gains a gunslinger deed of choice, treating their effective gunslinger level as half their character level.
- Greater Deed: At 19th level, she gains a gunslinger deed of choice, treating their effective gunslinger level as half their character level.
Hunter†: A character that chooses hunter as her secondary class gains the following secondary class features.
- Animal Focus: At 3rd level, she gains the animal focus class feature useable a number of minutes per day equal to her character level –4 (minimum 1).
- Companion: At 7th level, she gains an animal companion as a hunter of her level –4.
- Improved Companion: At 11th level, she gains the improved empathic link class feature.
- Expert Tracker: At 15th level, she gains the woodland stride and swift tracker class features.
- Improved Animal Focus: At 19th level, she gains second animal focus, and may use the animal focus class feature a number of minutes per day equal to her character level – 2.
Inquisitor: stands as written.
Investigator: A character that chooses hunter as his secondary class gains the following secondary class features.
- Danger Sense: At 3rd level, he gains the unchained rogue’s danger sense feature.
- Studied Combat: At 7th level, he gains the studied combat class feature, treating his character level –3 as his effective investigator level. He also gains the studied strike class feature, dealing 1d6 points of extra damage. This extra damage increases by 1d6 for every 4 levels beyond 7th, to a maximum of 4d6 at 19th level.
- Inspiration: At 11th level, he gains the inspiration class feature of an investigator of half his character level.
- Swift Alchemist: At 15th level, he gains the swift alchemy feature.
- Poison Immunity: At 19th level, he is immune to poison.
- Your character level counts as 1/2 Fighter levels (if your base class isn’t Fighter) for the purposes of feat qualifications.
- When you gain Spellstrike at 11th level, if you are a spellcaster in your base class, you can use the ability with touch spells on your spell list that are also on the Magus spell list. Note that with the Broad Study arcana you open up this ability for use with spells not on the Magus spell list.
- Also a clarification of the core VMC, the spellstrike feature can be used with magus spells cast from an offhand spell trigger or completion item.
- Otherwise the class stands as written.
Monk: A character who chooses monk as his secondary class gains the following secondary class features.
- Unarmored: At 1st level, he may add his Wisdom bonus as an insight bonus to his AC, so long as he is not armored, carrying a shield or encumbered; he also loses his secondary monk abilities when armored, carrying a shield or encumbered.
- Unarmed Strike: At 3rd level, he gains the Improved Unarmed Strike feat and the unarmed damage of an unchained monk of his character level –2.
- Ki Pool: At 7th level, he gains the ki pool class feature of an unchained monk of his character level –2, with a number of ki points equal to 1/2 his character level + his Wisdom modifier. This cannot stack with a ki pool granted from another class. As per the Unchained Monk, he may spend 1 Ki point to gain an additional attack as part of a full attack action, even though you do not gain the flurry of blows feature. If he is not Lawful, his Ki alignment strike will be Chaotic if he is Chaotic, if he is neither Lawful nor Chaotic, the alignmet strike will be Good/Evil if he is either Good or Evil in alignment. If he is, by chance true neutral, this component of Ki Pool simply doesn’t function.
- Evasion: At 11th level, he gains evasion, or he can select a ki power of an unchained monk of his character level –2.
- AC Bonus: At 15th level, he gains a +3 insight bonus to AC.
- Improved Evasion: At 19th level, he gains improved evasion, or a ki power of an unchained monk of his character level –2.
Ninja: A character that chooses ninja as her secondary class gains the following secondary class features.
- Poison Use: At 3rd level, she gains the poison use class feature.
- Sneak Attack: At 7th level, she gains the sneak attack class feature. She can deal 1d6 points of extra damage. This extra damage increases by 1d6 for every 4 levels beyond 7th, to a maximum of 4d6 at 19th level.
- Ki Pool: At 11th level, she gains the ki pool class feature of a ninja of her character level –2, with a number of ki points equal to 1/2 her character level. This cannot stack with a ki pool granted from another class.
- Ninja Trick: At 15th level, she can either choose a ninja trick from the list of ninja tricks (this cannot be a cross talent) or she can choose to gain Uncanny Dodge. If she chooses Uncanny Dodge and already has it from a base class, she gains Improved Uncanny Dodge instead.
- Greater Ninja Trick: At 19th level, she may select another ninja trick; this may be a trick from the advanced ninja tricks.
Oracle: VMC Oracle may in fact qualify for the Extra Revelation feat once she gains her first revelation at 3rd level; she is still confined to the revelation choices as listed.
- At 1st level, upon choosing her mystery, If she is a spellcaster in her base class, she may cast each mystery spell 1/day as a spell-like ability using her primary casting ability, with each mystery spell level gained as she is able to cast that level in her base class. She may treat these spells as on her spell list for the purpose of spell trigger and completion items, even though she may not use her base class spell slots to cast them.
- The class otherwise stands as written.
- The 11th level Smite Evil ability gains another use at 15th and 19th levels.
- The Mercy feature treats her paladin level as half her character level, instead of locking her at 3rd level choices.
- Otherwise the class stands as written.
Ranger: A new writeup is found on the Unchained Ranger page.
Rogue: At 11th, 15th, and 19th levels, you can opt to gain the listed feature, OR you can opt to gain a rogue talent of choice. At 15th this option can be an advanced talent. These may not be cross talents. You do count as having the rogue talent feature to qualify for the extra rogue talent feat. Otherwise the class is as written.
Samurai†: a character who chooses Samurai as his secondary class gains abilities as the VMC Cavalier except for the following:
- Resolve: At 11th level, he gains the Resolve class feature, treating his character level as his samurai level.
- Greater Resolve: at 19th level, he gains the Greater Resolve feature, treating his character level as his samurai level.
Shaman†: A character that chooses shaman as her secondary class gains the following secondary class features.
- Spirit: At 1st level, she chooses a spirit.
- Spirit Animal: At 3rd level, she gains a spirit animal, treating her character level –2 as her effective shaman level.
- Spirit Ability: At 7th level, she gains the spirit ability of her chosen spirit as a shaman of her character level –4.
- Hex: At 11th level, she may select a hex from the list of hexes available to her chosen spirit, treating her shaman level her character level –5.
- Greater Spirit Ability: At 15th level, she gains the greater spirit ability of her chosen spirit as a shaman of her character level –4.
- Improved Hex: At 19th level, she may select an additional hex from the list of hexes available to her chosen spirit, treating her shaman level as her character level –5.
Skald: A character that chooses skald as his secondary class gains the following secondary class features.
- Bardic Knowledge: At 3rd level, he gains the bardic knowledge class feature, treating his character level as his effective bard level.
- Raging Song: At 7th level, the skald gains the raging song feature of a skald equal to his character level –4, with inspired rage and song of marching as performances, and he can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to his Charisma modifier + his character level.
- Savage Versatility: At 11th level, he gains either a versatile performance, or he can choose a rage power. He treats his skald level as half his character level to determine the powers he may choose from, but the level-dependent effects of the power are based on his full character level.
- Spell Kenning: At 15th level, he gains the spell kenning feature, usable once per day. If he is not a spellcaster, then he can cast the spell he chooses once per day as a spell-like ability, with a maximum spell level of 1/3 his character level (maximum 6th level spell). The DC of this spell-like ability is 10 + the level of the spell + his Charisma modifier.
- Improved Raging Song: At 19th level, he gains the dirge of doom performance.
Slayer: A character that chooses slayer as his secondary class gains the following secondary class features.
- Survivalist: At 3rd level, he gains the unchained ranger’s survivalist feature of a slayer of his character level –2.
- Studied Target: At 7th level, he gains the studied target feature of a slayer equal to his character level –6.
- Sneak Attack: At 11th level, he gains the sneak attack feature with a damage bonus of +1d6. This increases by another +1d6 at 15th and 19th levels for a total of +3d6.
- Slayer Talent: At 15th level, he gains a slayer talent of his choice; this cannot be a cross talent.
- Greater Hunstman: At 19th level, he gains the quarry feature, or he can choose another slayer talent which may be an advanced talent.
- At 1st level, she must select a sorcerer bloodline. She gains the bloodline arcana of the chosen bloodline. She treats her character level as her effective sorcerer level for all bloodline powers she gains. If she is a spellcaster in her base class, she gains the ability to cast the bloodline spells for this bloodline 1/day each as a spell-like ability using her primary casting ability. She gains these as she gains the ability to cast the commensurate level of spell. These are subject to arcane spell failure as if they were arcane spells.
- Otherwise the class stands as written.
- 3rd level uses exactly the same verbiage as the Unchained Summoner’s ability, except that he treats his summoner level as his character level -2, and he gains additional uses per day of this ability at levels 7, 11, 15 and 19
- The 7th level Eidolon ability expends a use of the character’s summon monster ability to summon, but otherwise is identical to the Chained Summoner’s eidolon feature equal to the character’s level -4, except for the eidolon’s evolution points, which scale at half the character’s level.
- At 11th level gain the Bond Senses ability.
- 15th and 19th are as written.
Swashbuckler: A character who chooses swashbuckler as his secondary class gains the following secondary class features.
- Nimble: At 3rd level, she gains the Nimble class feature; her AC bonus increases by +1 every 6 levels for a maximum of +3 at level 15
- Amateur Swashbuckler: At 7th level, she gains the Amateur Swashbuckler feat as a bonus feat. She gains Opportune Parry and Riposte as her 1st-level deed as well as Derring-do.
- Charmed: At 11th level, she gains the Charmed Life class feature, treating her Swashbuckler level as her Character Level –8.
- Improved Deed: At 15th level, she gains a deed of her choice, treating half her character level as her Swashbuckler level for prerequisites and level-dependent effects.
- Greater Deed: at 19th level, she gains a deed of her choice, treating half her character level as her Swashbuckler level for prerequisites and level-dependent effects.
Warpriest: A character that chooses warpriest as his secondary class gains the following secondary class features.
- Deity: At 1st level, he must select a deity within one alignment step of his own. He gains the warpriest’s aura, bonus languages, code of conduct, and restriction from casting spells of opposed alignments (including those of his base classes). He also gains proficiency in his deity’s favored weapon group, and the warpriest’s spontaneous casting ability, which he can use with any prepared casting classes that have the appropriate spells on their spell lists.
- Blessing: At 3rd level, he selects one domain his deity grants, gaining that domain’s 1st-level blessing, treating his character level as his effective warpriest level.
- Fervor: At 7th level, he gains the fervor class feature as a warpriest of his character level – 4, usable a number of times per day equal to his Charisma modifier +1. If he is a divine caster in his base class, he may use fervor as a warpriest to cast a divine spell upon himself as a swift action.
- Sacred Weapon: At 11th level, he gains the sacred weapon ability of a warpriest of his level –6, with his deity’s chosen weapon.
- Improved Blessing: At 15th level, he gains the additional blessing of his chosen domain, treating his character level as his effective warpriest level.
- Improved Fervor: At 19th level, his fervor ability improves to that of a warpriest of his character level – 2.
Witch: Also needs some help compared to other VMCs. And the fact that the hexes gained are level static is completely contrary to the class powers gained in literally every other VMC class.
- 1st – When you choose your Patron, if you are a spellcaster in your base class, your familiar (gained at level 3) gains the ability to cast the patron’s spells 1/day each as a spell-like ability. The familiar gains each of the patron spell levels at the same time as you’re able to cast that level of spell in your base class. You may treat these spells as on your spell list for the purpose of spell trigger and completion items, even though you may not use your base class spell slots to cast them.
- 3rd – Familiar is unchanged, except that you are dependent upon your familiar to cast your patron spells above.
- The 7th, 15th and 19th hexes you can use as a witch of your character level –5.
- Otherwise the class stands as written.
Wizard: If you are a spellcaster in your base class, you may choose one wizard spell of your chosen arcane school each time you gain a new level of spells, the level of this spell must be the same level as the spell level you gained. If you are an arcane caster, these chosen spells are considered on your list of spells known and you can cast or prepare them using a slot of their listed level. If you are a divine caster, these are considered on your spell list for the purpose of spell trigger and completion items, though you cannot use your class spell slots to cast them. Otherwise the class stands as written.
This is a system developed in the The Genius Guide to Variant Multiclassing. Any of these variant multiclasses taken directly from that publication are indicated with the † symbol. Others are unchained and otherwise tweaked to enhance the flavor of the class.
Using this system Each character can choose a prestige class at 5th level that she trains in throughout her career, without giving up levels in her primary class. Once selected, this choice is permanent (though the prestige class can be retrained by paying half the cost of retraining all rhe character’s class levels). A character that selects this option doesn’t gain feats at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels, but instead gains class features from her prestige class as described in the list below. The end result affords a set of features not quite as robust as a dedicated multiclass, but without the sacrifice of precious level-dependent things like Base Attack Bonus, Saves, Hit Dice or spellcasting power, and still retains the signature flavor of the prestige class. At 20th level, variant prestige classes may also gain a capstone feature akin to that of the standard prestige class; this is gained without cost of a feat, just the reward for making it to capstone.
It is probably a good idea to choose either a variant prestige class or a variant multiclass, but it is possible for the two to be chosen together at the cost of all of your character feats from 1st to 19th. A character can’t take levels in the standard prestige class she gains from this variant prestige class. A character must meet the requirements listed in the variant prestige class’s entry below in order to take variant prestige class features.
Arcane Archer: A character that chooses arcane archer as her prestige class must fulfill the following criteria.
- Feats: Weapon Focus (longbow or shortbow).
- Spells: Ability to cast 1st-level arcane spells or spell-like abilities.
A character that chooses arcane archer as her variant prestige class gains the following prestige class features.
- Enhance Arrows: At 5th level, every nonmagical missile she launches becomes magical, gaining a +1 enhancement bonus, which stacks with any existing enhancement bonus of the ammo or its missile weapon, these missiles lose their enchantment as soon as they either strike their target or they miss, and the enchantment only works for her. At 13th level, this ammo also gains either either the corrosive, flaming, frost or shocking quality, determined separately with each shot.
- Imbue Arrow: At 9th level, she gains the imbue arrow feature.
- Arcane Marksman: At 13th level, she can use either the seeker arrow feature twice per day, or the phase arrow feature once per day.
- Greater Enhance Arrows: At 18th level, ammo she launches gains the distance quality, and instead of the lesser elemental properties, gain either corrosive burst, flaming burst, icy burst or shocking burst.
- Capstone: At 20th level, she gains the arrow of death feature.
Arcane Trickster: A character that chooses arcane trickster as her prestige class must fulfill the following criteria.
- Alignment: Any nonlawful.
- Skills: Disable Device 4 ranks, Escape Artist 4 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks.
- Spells: Ability to cast mage hand and 1st-level arcane spells.
- Special: Sneak attack class feature.
A character that chooses arcane trickster as her variant prestige class gains the following prestige class features.
- Ranged Legerdemain: At 5th level, she gains the ranged legerdemain class feature.
- Impromptu Sneak Attack: At 9th level, she gains the impromptu sneak attack ability once per day.
- Tricky Spells: At 13th level, she gains the tricky spells class feature. She may use this ability twice per day, and an additional time at 17th level.
- Invisible Thief: At 17th level, she can become invisible, as if under the effects of invisibility, as a free action. She can remain invisible for 10 rounds per day. Her caster level for this effect is equal to her character level. These rounds need not be consecutive.
- Capstone: At 20th level, she gains the surprise spells feature.
Battle Herald: A character that chooses battle herald as his prestige class must fulfill the following criteria.
- Base Attack Bonus: +3.
- Special: Challenge and inspire courage class features.
- Skills: Diplomacy or Intimidate 4 ranks, Perform (oratory) 4 ranks, Profession (soldier) 2 rank.
A character that chooses battle herald as his variant prestige class gains the following prestige class features.
- Inspiring Command: At 5th level, he gains the ability to inspire courage with his inspiring command as a battle herald of his level – 4 for a number of rounds per day equal to his Charisma modifier + his character level. In addition, he selects one of the inspiring commands from the list that he may use in place of inspire courage.
- Inspire Greatness: At 9th level, he may use his inspiring command ability to inspire greatness as a battle herald of his level –4.
- Banner: At 13th level, he gains the banner class feature as a battle herald of his character level –4.
- Improved Inspiring Command: At 17th level, he selects an additional inspiring command.
- Capstone: At 20th level, he gains the complex commands feature.
Dragon Disciple: A character that chooses dragon disciple as her prestige class must fulfill the following criteria.
- Race: Any non-dragon.
- Languages: Draconic.
- Spells: Ability to cast 1st-level arcane spells spontaneously. If the character has levels of sorcerer or bloodrager, or gains them after taking this class, the bloodlines must match.
A character that chooses dragon disciple as her variant prestige class gains the following prestige class features.
- Blood of Dragons: At 5th level, she must choose a dragon type. If she has levels of sorcerer, the dragon type must be the same as her sorcerer type.
- Natural Armor: At 5th level, she gains a +1 increase to natural armor. This bonus increases to +2 at 13th level, and +3 at 17th level.
- Draconic Bite: At 9th level, she gains the 6th-level dragon disciple’s dragon bite. If she does not have the dragon claws bloodline power, she can still affect the bite attack as a standard action for the same number of rounds per day (3+Cha modifier).
- Breath Weapon: At 13th level, she gains the breath weapon bloodline power. If she already has this ability through the sorcerer bloodline, she gains an additional use of her breath weapon each day. The type and shape of the breath weapon depends on the type of dragon selected by the dragon disciple.
- Wings: At 17th level, she gains the wings power. If she already has this power from a bloodline then her fly speed increases to 90ft.
- Capstone: At 20th level, her life span increases by 200 years, and she gains the dragon form ability, and blindsense out to 60ft.
Duelist is unchained along on the duelist PrC page.
Eldritch Knight is unchained on the PrC page.
Horizon Walker is unchained on the PrC page.
Loremaster: A character that chooses loremaster as his variant prestige class must fulfill the following criteria.
- Skills: Knowledge (any two) 4 ranks.
- Feats: Skill Focus (Knowledge [any individual knowledge skill])
- Spells: Ability to cast at least two divination spells of at least 2nd or higher level.
A character that chooses loremaster as his prestige gains the following prestige class features.
- Lore: At 5th level, he gains the bardic knowledge class feature, treating his character level as his bard level. If he has bardic knowledge from another class, then he instead gains a bonus language at this level, and again at every level which he gains a feature of this VPC.
- Secret: At 9th level, he may select one secret from the list of unchained loremaster secrets.
- Improved Secret: At 13th level, he may select one additional Loremaster secret.
- True Lore: At 17th level he gains the true lore feature.
Master Chymist†: A character that chooses master chymist as her variant prestige class must fulfill the following criteria.
- Spells: Ability to create 1st-level extracts.
- Special: Mutagen class feature.
A character that chooses master chymist as her prestige class gains the following prestige class features.
- Mutagenic Form: At 5th level, she gains the mutagenic form class feature, and she gains the mutate class feature as a master chymist of her character level –4.
- Advanced Mutagen: At 9th level, she selects one advanced mutagen.
- Brutality: At 13th level, she gains the brutality class feature as a master chymist of her character level – 4.
- Improved Advanced Mutagen: At 17th level, she selects one additional advanced mutagen.
Mystic Theurge: A character that chooses mystic theurge as her variant prestige class must fulfill the following criteria.
- Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks.
- Spells: Ability to cast 2nd-level divine spells or 2nd-level arcane spells with preparation.
A character that chooses mystic theurge as her prestige class gains the following prestige class features.
- Dual Studied: At 5th level, if the character belongs to an arcane spellcasting class, she selects one divine spellcasting class from which to draw additional spells. If the character belongs to a divine class, she must select an arcane class from which to draw additional spells. Only spells from the chosen class’ spell list may be prepared as combined spells. Once this choice is made, it is permanent. She automatically learns two 1st-level spells of this secondary spell list at 5th level, two spells up to 2nd-level at 9th, two spells up to 3rd-level at 13th, and two spells up to 4th-level at 17th. She must record these spells in a spellbook as would a wizard, regardless of whether they are from an arcane or divine casting class. She can learn additional spells from this chosen spell list as a wizard would acquire new spells.
- Combined Spells: At 5th level, she gains the combined spells class feature. She may prepare 1st-level spells from the chosen list using the 2nd-level slots of her base spellcasting class.
- Improved Combined Spells: At 9th level, she may prepare 2nd-level spells from the chosen list using the 3rd-level spell slots of her base spellcasting class.
- Greater Combined Spells: At 13th level, she may prepare 3rd-level spells from the chosen list using the 4th-level slots of her base spellcasting class.
- True Combined Spells: At 17th level, she may prepare 4th-level spells from the chosen list using the 5th-level slots of her base spellcasting class
Shadowdancer: A character that chooses shadowdancer as her variant prestige class must fulfill the following criteria.
- Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge
- Skills: Knowledge (Planes) 4 ranks, Perform (dance) 3 ranks.
A character that chooses shadowdancer as her prestige class gains the following prestige class features.
- Hide In Plain Sight: At 5th level, she gains the hide in plain sight class feature.
- Darkvision: At 9th level, she gains darkvision. If she already has darkvision, the range increases by 30 ft.
- Shadow Jump: At 13th level, she gains the shadow jump class feature; the maximum distance per day doubles every two levels after 13th.
- Shadow Master: At 17th level, whenever a shadowdancer is in an area of dim light, she gains DR 5/— and a +2 luck bonus on all saving throws. In addition, whenever she successfully scores a critical hit against a foe who is in an area of dim light, that foe is blinded for 1d4 rounds.
Stalwart Defender is unchained on the PrC page.