Milil, Lord of Song

Alignment: NG
Domains: Art [Performance], Charm, Knowledge, Nobility, Sloth.
Favored Weapon: Rapier

Milil is the ultimate performer, self-confident, inspired, possessed of total recall or anything he sets a mind to remember. He is able to improvise facilely out of desire or necessity; well-educated in general theories of conduct and broad areas of knowledge; and masterful in all sorts of performance technique, especially within his sphere of knowledge–music, poetry, and elegant speech. However, he is also self-centered and egotistical and likes to be the center of attention. If not the center of attention, he bores easily, and his mind wanders or he leaves. He is also given to flirtation with both deities and mortals for his own enjoyment, to the deep annoyance of more sober deities.

Dogma: Life is a song, beginning at birth and only silenced with the final chord. Strive always to make the whole song, not just the lyrics and music, more beautiful. Destroy no music or instrument, nor stop a singer before the tune is done. Listen to the world around as well as filling it with your own sound. One singer’s music is another’s noise, so still no bad music if its making be joyful. Spread the teaching of song and musicianship always. Sing to Milil every day. Music is the most precious thing folk can create–so encourage its training, use, and preservation at all times and in all possible ways. Awaken a love of song in all folk you can, and offer its performance freely around campfire or on the trail. Cease not in your own seeking for new tunes, new techniques, and new instruments to master.

For Deific Obedience

Obedience: Sing or play a musical instrument in public where strangers can hear you and be inspired by you. If no suitable public areas are located nearby, compose an original poem about Milil’s role in your life and leave it where a passing stranger may find it. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against sonic effects.

1: Communicator (Sp) comprehend languages 3/day, whispering wind 2/day, or sculpt sound 1/day
2: Quiet Muse (Sp) You can cast silenced brilliant inspirationAPG three times per day.
3: Captivating Song (Su) You make music with such skill and pathos that all around you become frozen still. Once per day as a full-round action, you may attempt a Perform (singing or instrument) check. All enemies within 30 feet who can hear you must make a successful Will save (DC equal to the result of your Perform check) or be affected as though by hold monster for as long as you continue playing.

Paladin Code

When a paladin swears themselves to the tenets of Milil, they usually do so in the presence of a bardic college. As with any form of music, the oath may have some variation of the theme, but the principles are always the same.

  • I shall harmonize: Working together is the key to succes. Every soloist needs their accompaniment. I shall empower my friends and alles to achieve greatness.
  • I shall quell the Silence: I stand against the forces that wish to snuff out the joy of life. I shall sing loudy and proudy and shall not be muzzled from speaking the truth.
  • The Show Must Go On: I shall never submit in the face of great adversity. I shall let the music in my heart and soul revitalize the hope for all who live in despair.

For Followers of Milil

Archetypes and Alternate Class Features: Knight of the Harmonious Order (Paladin), Order of the Songbird (Cavalier)

Specialty Priest: Loresinger (Cleric)

Art: Divine Dignity, Divine Expression, Master of Knowledge, Perfect Casting, Persuasive Performer, Trick Spell.

Magic Items: Perfect Tuning Fork

Prestige Classes: Any Deity: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained), Divine Seeker, Harper Agent

Traits: Alluring, AmbassadorEar for Music, Enchanting Conniver, Eternal Understanding, Faithful Artist, Honey-TonguedLoreseeker, Regal Presence, Seer of Reality, The City Protects, Thirst for Knowledge.

Unique Spell Rules

Clergy & Temples

The church of Milil is organized, with all churches paying heed (or at least lip service) to the Patriarch of Song in Waterdeep. Most clerics of Milil, known as Sorlyn, spend their time learning lyrics, tunes, and how best to perform them on a slowly expanding repertoire of instruments both in their temples and on the road. They take care to write down both original compositions and those they have learned, using magic to record such works for those as yet unborn. Some Sorlyn also work as tutors to all who profess faith in Milil or who pay for the training, as well as judging many bardic contests and adjudicating bardic disputes between individuals, companies, or colleges.