Akadi, Queen of the Air

Alignment: Neutral (Chaotic tendencies)

Domains: Air [Wind], Liberation [Freedom], Plane of Air, Travel, Trickery [Illusion]

Favored Weapon: Flail

She is one of the four elemental deities worshiped in Faerun but, like all except Kossuth, has a very small following. She cares only slightly for her followers, and then only after she is propitiated (bribed) by burning precious incenses that waft to her on the winds. While appeals to Akadi may change or still the winds, provide good flying currents, or bring rains, she grants no prayers to raise or quell harsh storms, for such lies within the purview of Talos and Umberlee. As an immortal being of freedom and travel, she instructs her followers to move as much as possible from place to place, from activity to activity.

Like all the elemental lords, Akadi is relatively uncaring of her followers on Abeir-Toril. Her reactions are difficult to gauge, and she seems almost an alien being in her responses to most mortals not native to the Elemental Plane of Air.

Dogma: Find your own enlightenment in your interests. As soon as your interest fails, all chance of finding further spiritual growth has left that activity or place. Move from activity to activity, from place to place, pursuing a personal dream or series of interests and growing through the changing experiences each new day brings. Worry not if others of the church do not adhere to this doctrine, for all obstacles wear down over time. Few matters are so important as to require a wholesale commitment. Do not ever let yourself be fettered or imprisoned, for constrained life is little better than death.

For Deific Obedience

Obedience: Make your way to the highest point you can reach within a half hour; while sitting upon this perch, close your eyes, and focus on the changing direction and intensity of the wind around you as you pray to Akadi. Gain a sacred or profane bonus of +4 to saves against effects with the Electricity descriptor.

1: Windborne (Sp)
windy escape 3/day, gust of wind 2/day, or carrying wind 1/day
2: Armor of Air (Sp) Once per day, as a spell-like ability, you can wreathe yourself in an aura of whirling, howling wind. This functions similarly to a gust of wind spell against creatures within a 15-foot radius, centered on you. For a number of rounds equal to your hit dice, all ranged attacks (excluding seige weapons) directed at you suffer a -4 penalty to their attack roll, and you are warded against any effects such as fog cloud or cloudkill, or inhaled poisons or the like. Any creatures attempting to approach you or attack you in melee must make the same DC 15 Strength check as required with the initial gust of air, else suffer the same effects as the initial effect of this ability.
3: Air Companions (Sp) Three times per day, you can summon an ally to assist you. This acts as a summon nature’s ally or summon monster spell with a spell level equal to half your Hit Dice (maximum spell level 9th). If the summoned creatures have an elemental subtype, it must be the Air subtype. If they do not have an elemental subtype, they gain the Air subtype. At 18th level, you can instead opt to summon an elemental army once per day, which acts as elemental swarm, but only summons air elementals. You can communicate with these summoned creatures as if you had a shared language. These summons obey only your commands, and any attempt to dismiss or banish the summons uses the greater of either yours or the summons’ save bonus.

For Followers of Istishia

Archetypes: Divine Agent (Cleric), Elemental Monk (Monk; Djinni style, Air element only), Sky Druid (Druid), Windstep Master (Monk)

Specialty Priest: Airwalker† (Cleric)

  • May not be Lawful in alignment.
  • Gusting Channel (Su): When a Windwalker channels energy, it carries with it an essence of the elemental plane of air. When the channel is used to heal, this takes the form of a pleasant breeze. When the channel is used to harm, it becomes a gale force burst; the damage dice are halved, but any creature damaged by the channel who fails its save must then roll a Strength check against the same DC to avoid being knocked prone. Creatures smaller than the Airwalker take a penalty on this check of -2 for each size category difference; creatures larger gain a +4 bonus to this check per size category difference. This alters Channel Energy.
  • Blessings of Air: At 1st level, a Airwalker chooses a spell from the Air Elementalist arcane school that isn’t on the Cleric spell list. This chosen spell is added to the Airwalker’s spell list as a Cleric spell, treating its spell level the same as on its original spell list. At each level that he gains another level of spells, he chooses another Air spell in this fashion of his highest spell level or lower. These spells can be cast by sacrificing a prepared spell from the Cleric’s regular spell slots, rather than spontaneously casting curing spells. This alters spontaneous casting.
  • Airborne (Su): An Airwalker is never injured from falling, so long as he doesn’t fall farther than 10ft per Cleric level; this has the same benefits as being able to cast feather fall at will (even when unconscious). At 8th level, the Airwalker gains the ability to fly at a speed equal to twice his land speed, with good maneuverability, for a number of minutes per day equal to his Cleric level (which do not have to be consecutive, but must be used in one-minute increments); this is a supernatural ability and does not require the use of wings or other limbs that can be impeded. If he is rendered helpless, he slowly floats to the ground as if ending the duration of a fly spell. If he is rendered unconscious, the flight ends immediately and he is subject to falling damage beyond the limits of his at-will feather fall. This replaces the lesser and greater power of one of the Cleric’s domains.
  • Archon of Air (Su): At 20th level, the Airwalker has achieved apotheosis with his elemental lord; he gains the Air subtype, granting him a supernatural fly speed equal to three times his land speed with perfect maneuverability. He further is immune to electrical damage, and may transport himself and others to the elemental Plane of Air or back to the prime once per day, as if by a plane shift spell. He may dwell indefinitely upon the Plane of Air without need for food, water or to breathe. This is a capstone ability and cannot be replaced by another capstone ability.

Feats: Believable Veils, Liberation Channel, Oath of the Unbound, Trailblazing Channel

Traits: Affinity of the Elements, Backstabber, Child of Nature, Elemental Resilience (Electricity), Eyes of the Wild, Focus on Freedom, Holy Schemer, Know the Land, Liar’s Tongue, Natural Philosopher, Opportunistic, Wise Teacher, Strip the Veils, Under Siege, Veils upon Veils

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained), Divine Seeker

Unique Spell Rules

  • Spells with the [Earth] descriptor are prohibited to a divine caster of Akadi.
  • Elemental Body II can be prepared as a 5th-level Cleric spell.
  • Jolt can be prepared as an orison.