Halfling Pantheon

Arvoreen, the Defender

Alignment: Lawful Good
Domains: Good, Halfling, Law, Protection [Defense, Guardian], War [Tactics].
Favored Weapon: Short Sword

Arvoreen the Defender, fiery guardian of the home, is the nearest thing to a halfling war god. He is a god of stern defense and aggressive watchfulness, who is always preparing for incursions into halfling lands and making ready to repulse hostile creatures at the first sign of trouble. Arvoreen is venerated primarily by halfling fighters, but also by fighter/thieves who prefer the former set of skills over the latter. Arvoreen is not exactly a popular power among most halflings and his priests are often perceived as overly serious and “grumpy as dwarves” by the Small Folk. However, the Defender and his clergy are respected and revered for their teachings and their role in protecting the halfling way of life.

Dogma: Keep the community’s burrows secure, and always be prepared for threats and attacks. Prepare an active defense, drill continuously, and leave nothing to chance. Put down danger before it rears its head. Seek out allies, no matter how unorthodox. Those who give aid against a mutual foe are friends to be rewarded and trusted. Stealing from other halflings and allies is never acceptable, but thieving is not necessarily dishonorable, as long as it is employed against enemies to better the odds in combat later.

Obedience: When you travel with friends, spend at least 30 minutes patrolling your chosen resting spot checking and readying defenses as needed, once this is done, spend 30 minutes honing your weapons and armour. and readying yourself to ensure nothing reasonable is left to chance. When you travel alone, read and recite passages from the Memorial of The Keepers, or The Marshal’s Tome to remind yourselves of your duty to your people and god. When you are in a community; spend an hour checking and aiding with the preperation of the night’s defenses. Gain a +2 sacred bonus to Initiative.

1: Dedicated Might (Sp)
true strike 3/day, bull’s strength 2/day, or heroism 1/day
2: Stoic Guardian (Ex)
Inspired by Avoreen’s valour and steadfastness, you refuse to let magic corrupt your thoughts and deny fear any hold on your actions. You are immune to fear and charm effects, and gain a +4 sacred bonus on all saving throws against compulsion effects.
3: Stand Together (Su)
 You know that your bond to your allies is your greatest benefit. Each time you complete your obedience, you can select a bonus teamwork feat. You must meet the prerequisites for this feat. All of your allies are treated as if they possessed the same teamwork feat as you for the purpose of determining whether you receive the benefit of the teamwork feat. As a free action, you can grant this feat to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear you. Allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of the bonus teamwork feat. You can grant this feat for a number of rounds per day equal to your Hit Dice. These rounds need not be consecutive. You can select a different teamwork feat for this boon each time you complete your obedience.

Paladin Code:

  • Bonds are what give our society strength. Though families and communities are complex and ever changing, I will focus to maintain the positive connections with my own family and community, and encourage others to do the same.
  • I am at all times truthful, honourable, and forthright, but my allegiance is to my people. I will do what is necessary to serve them.
  • Against my people’s enemies, I will show no mercy, yet even in the direst struggle, I will act in a way that brings honour to Avoreen.

Archetypes: Order of the Paw (Cavalier),

Specialty Priests: Truesword (Warpriest)

  • Foe Hunter: At 1st level, the Truesword gains the Survivalist ability of the UnRanger, treating his cleric level as his ranger level for determining its benefits. This replaces one of the Warpriest’s lesser blessing powers.
  • Martial Training: The Truesword is well practiced in martial weapons and honing his skill is ongoing. At 4th level, he gains the Weapon Training feature of the Fighter, at 8th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, he may choose another weapon group to apply the benefits of this feature. At 12th level, he may select an advanced weapon training benefit as a fighter. This replaces the Divine Weapon ability to add enhancement bonuses to his weapon.

Feats: Beacon of Hope, Bestow HopeHands of Valor, Intrepid Rescuer, Ironbound Master, Protective Channel, Sword Oath (applies to favored weapon; treat BAB as fighter level)

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeArvoreen’s Keeper, Arvoreen’s Warder, Divine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained)

Traits: A Shining Beacon, Avowed Inspiration, Battlefield Caster, Divine WarriorGuardian Smite, Honeyed Words, Iron Grip, Lover of the Law, Lessons of Faith, Mighty Protector, Protective Faith, Purity of Faith, Second Chance, Shield-TrainedSplit-Second Defense, Steady Strength, Strong Heart, Veteran of Battle.

Unique Spell Rules

  • Heightened Awareness can be prepared as a 1st-level Cleric or Paladin spell.
  • Keep Watch can be prepared as a 1st-level Cleric spell.
  • Shield can be prepared as a 2nd-level Cleric spell, or a 1st-level Paladin spell, and it may be targeted on a creature touched.
  • Vigilant Rest can be prepared as a 4th-level Cleric spell.

Unique Summons


Brandobaris, the Irrepressible Scamp

Alignment: Neutral
Domains: Halfling, Luck, Sloth, Travel, Trickery [Greed, Thievery]
Favored Weapon: Dagger

Brandobaris is the master of adventure and misadventure, a favorite of halfling adventurers. Tales of the Trickster’s wild exploits are almost beyond counting. The followers of Brandobaris, as might be expected, are mostly thieves and fighter/thieves. The more ardent followers are usually also the ones to take the greatest risks on adventures, and the Master of Stealth views them almost as favored apprentices. Brandobaris is the errant rogue of the halfling pantheon, regarded with exasperated tolerance by his fellow gods. Only Tymora regularly accompanies the Trickster on his jaunts, and Lady Luck and the Master of Stealth are said (by halflings) to be romantically linked.

Obedience: Steal a coin from someone that isn’t likely to miss it or need it. While unobserved, balance the coin on the edge of a weapon, flip it into the air, and call out how it will land. If you are right, find someone else to give the coin to — perhaps even its original owner — and explain how the token will bring good fortune. Gain a +2 sacred bonus on attack rolls with the type of weapon (for example, short swords) you used to balance the object. If you can’t find someone to take the coin after an hour, or if you were wrong in calling how it will land, hide it somewhere where it will be found and where the finder might deem himself lucky for discovering it. In this case, you gain a +1 sacred bonus on attack rolls with the weapon type.

1: Lucky Miss (Sp) blurred movement 3/day, blur (self only) 2/day, or blink 1/day. Your appearance does not change when using these abilities, although they function as normal; onlookers are not aware you are subject to their effects until they see an attack or effect miss you due to one of these abilities (or until you engage in a plainly magical effect, such as stepping through a solid object with the blink spell-like ability), or if they have the ability to detect the effect through detect magic or a similar ability.
2: Confident Gambler (Su) While many creatures rely on their luck, your faith allows you to control your luck to a small degree. Except when performing your obedience, you can determine as a free action how an ordinary coin you flip or ordinary die you toss will land. If you use this ability for your own personal gain to the detriment of someone who is innocent or less fortunate than you are, you are likely to incur Brandobaris’ disfavor and lose the use of this boon until you atone, as set forth in the atonement spell. When used to recover the use of this boon, an atonement spell has an additional monetary cost equal to the amount you gained due to the misuse of this ability. If you instead return the amount you gained to the person you acquired it from (or to the person’s family, community, friends, or other appropriate connection) and provide a genuine apology, then the atonement spell has no additional cost.
3: Auspicious Accuracy (Su) Your ability to control your luck expands to desperate situations of life and death. A number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum once per day), when you would normally roll a miss chance percentage, you can instead choose whether or not to hit. This ability manifests as a lucky turn of the blade or an awkward lunge that appears to be an overcorrection but actually places your attack right where it needs to be. Observers are likely to consider you exceptionally fortunate in your attacks, rather than suspect that you are supernaturally guided to bypass effects that would cause you to miss.

Archetypes: Divine Agent (Cleric), called Hands of Misadventure, the specialty priest;

Feats: Bravery in Action, Fateful ChannelUnbound Bravery, Undaunted Bravery, Trailblazing Channel.

Magic Items: Belt of Hidden Pouches, Calamitous Mail, Luck Stone,

Prestige Classes: Divine Champion, Divine Disciple, Divine Seeker, Halfling Opportunist

Traits: Agent of Chance, Always Threatening, Brandobaris’ Luck, Call for Help, Cheat Death, Denial of Fate, Frightening Speed, Lessons of Faith, Light Sleeper, Reckless Luck, Second ChanceStoic Optimism, Thrill-Seeker.

Unique Spell Rules

  • Glibness can be prepared as a 3rd-level Cleric or Inquisitor spell
  • Knock can be prepared as a 2nd-level Cleric or Inquisitor spell
  • Mage Hand can be prepared as a 0-level Cleric or Inquisitor spell
  • Transposition can be prepared as a 5th-level Cleric or Inquisitor spell


  • Clerics of Brandobaris understand and use Thieves’ Cant.
  • Clerics of Brandobaris gain Sleight of Hand as a class skill.


Cyrrollalee, The Hearthkeeper

Alignment: Lawful Good
Domains: Community [Home, Family], Gluttony, Good, Halfling, Law, Sloth
Favored Weapon: Club or Staff

Cyrrollalee is the halfling power of friendship and trust. She is also a protective deity, like Yondalla, but whereas the concern of the Protector and Provider lies with the overall race, Cyrrollalee cares more for the sanctity of the home itself. The Hearthkeeper is specifically a goddess who protects the hearth and home while keeping the inhabitants from being too defensive and closed in. She oversees many of the mundane and day-to-day aspects of halfling home life. Her real interest is in the hospitality, generosity, and kindness halflings can show to others, and she is most displeased with those who fail to display proper hospitality and good fellowship. Her worst enemies are those who betray the trust of a host or who break into homes (of halflings) to steal. She is also the enemy of oathbreakers.

Dogma: Be generous in friendship, and welcome all friends into your home. Earn the trust of your neighbors and repay them with kindness. Guard fiercely the burrows in which you and your friends dwell, and keep a benignly watchful eye on the home of your neighbor. Never betray the trust of your host, break an oath, or violate the sanctity of another’s home. Busy hands make a happy home, and things crafted with love will serve you and others well.

Obedience: Gather with others for an hour and discuss a topic that threatens the bonds of your community, family, or friendship. If you and your allies are fortunate enough that no such malady is currently a challenge, spend the time preparing and sharing a meal. If you are traveling alone, find others to speak to about the beneficial strengths of community and freedom to develop that community into a more positive place. Guide any arguments during this discussion toward understanding and acceptance, even if afterward not all parties agree on the final resolution. Gain a +2 sacred bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks.

1: Family’s Bond (Sp)
cure light wounds 3/day, shield other 2/day, or prayer 1/day
2: Sacred Seamstress (Su) The spirit of the goddess guides your hand when you set your mind toward creation of needlework or sewing. You gain the artificer’s touch granted power from the Artifice domain for items made by needlework or sewing, using your character level as your caster level. In addition, you may add half your high dice to any Craft check for armor, clothing, leatherworking, and for Profession (tailor) checks.
3: Bountiful Refuge (Su)
You know the benefits of a communal meal shared with friends and family. Once per day, you can create a safe extradimensional space that you and your allies can occupy for a number of hours equal to your Hit Dice. The space holds as many as eight creatures (of any size) that you designate, all of which must be within 30 feet of you when you use this ability, and the interior of said space takes the form of a quaint, cozy halfling burrow. Creatures in the extradimensional space are hidden beyond the reach of spells (including divinations) unless those spells work across planes. Creatures within the space can see the environs outside of the space, but those outside cannot see inside. Within the refuge is a bountiful table set with as many chairs as the number of creatures invited in, and the table holds a delicious feast that acts as the heroes’ feast spell with a caster level equal to your Hit Dice.

Specialty Priest: Homesteader (Cleric)

  • Homesteaders gain Knowledge (local) and Survival in place of Knowledge (nobility) and Linguistics.
  • Homesteaders choose only one domain; the following features replace the second domain.
  • Detect Evil (Sp): Homesteaders are able to Detect Evil at will as the paladin ability.
  • Wisewoman: At 2nd level, Homesteaders gain a bonus equal to half their Cleric level to Diplomacy, Heal, Sense Motive, and all Knowledge checks related to halfling communites, customs, history and religion.
  • Guardian of the Home (Su): Homesteaders channel energy at two levels lower than their actual level when outside a halfling community, at their level when inside any home, and at two levels higher than their level within a halfling community. For these purposes, a home is a dwelling in which beings of at least low intelligence live, though they may not be currently on the premises. A home or community implies at least a semipermanent status. An adventurer’s campsite would not count as a home, but a tent in the camp of a nomad clan would.
  • Fearless Protector: At 4th level, the Homesteader can add her Charisma bonus (minimum +1) to her saving throws against both supernatural and nonmagical fear effects. At 8th level, and every 4th level thereafter this bonus increases by another +1.

Feats: Beacon of Hope, Bestow Hope, Butterfly’s Sting, Hands of Valor, Protective Channel.

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained)

Traits: A Shining Beacon, Abundant Bounty, Fruits of Your Labor, Honeyed Words, Lessons of Faith, Lover of the Law, Potion Glutton, Purity of Faith, Second Chance, Siphon Channel.


Sheela Peryroyl, the Watchful Mother

Alignment: Neutral
Domains: Air, Charm [Love, Lust], Earth, Halfling, Plant [Harvest], Sloth, Weather.
Favored Weapon: Sickle

Sheela Peryroyl is the halfling goddess of agriculture, nature, and weather. She balances the concern for wild untamed lands and habitats with strong roles as a goddess of cultivation, seasons, and especially harvests. She is also concerned with the pleasures of life — feasts, revelry, romance, and the general desire to live with passion. Ferility both of crops and of halfling households are in her purview. Her followers often wear a small flower in her honor and strive to work in harmony with nature and the earth. The church of Sheela is widely revered among halflings, nearly as much as that of Yondalla herself. While not all halflings are farmers, most share the Green Sister’s reverence for growing things and appreciate the balance she works to maintain between untamed and settled lands. Unbeknownst to any besides the right-sized folk, however, the Watchful Mother sponsors an underground network dedicated to the release of halfling slaves across Faerun, the Bellflowers.

The Bellflowers originated in the lands of Calimshan, during a time when halflings were brought into the lands as slaves. As a mother would do anything it takes to protect her children, so do the chosen of Sheela Peryroyl do as they must to rescue their halfling kin — as well as other goodly folk. These elite liberators practice their craft in Calimshan, and beyond. Bellflower operatives — who call themselves ‘Tillers,” employ farming euphemisms to mask their activities from unfriendly ears — referring to their secret hideouts as “barns,” the slaves they escort as their “crops,” and the secret paths they take as “rows.” Excessive contact between tillers is rare, lest they risk exposing their organization to the authorities. However, they often meet in secret to discuss which routes are safest to take, how much to bribe certain officials, and what tactics for organizing groups of slaves work best, and so improve chances of evading capture.

Dogma: Living in harmony with nature requires a careful balance between the wild and the tame, the feral and the tended. The need to preserve wild growth is just as important as the need to till the fields and provide ready food. Seek to understand the natural processes that envelop and work within them. While nature can be adapted, it should be evolved, never forced; work within the framework of what already exists. Celebrating life requires one to live with passion and romance. Revel, feast, and thrive — this is the zest of life.

Obedience: Spend time meditating among plants you have cultivated yourself, so you can inhale their sacred scent while offering prayers to Sheela Peryroyl. If no such plants are available due to travelling, instead brew tea from herbs and other pleasant plants you find, or had grown and brought with you and share the tea with those you travel with. Preferred topics for conversation during this teatime include hopes for the future and preparations for times of need, but the act of sharing is itself enough. Gain +4 sacred bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.

1: Green Worker (Sp)
entangle 3/day, warp wood 2/day, or speak with plants 1/day
2: Watcher of the Wilds (Sp)
Once per day as a standard action, you can summon a pair of hound archons. The hound archons follow your commands perfectly for 1 minute for every Hit Die you possess before vanishing back to their home in Heaven. The hound archons don’t follow commands that would violate their lawful good alignment. Such commands will not only earn refusal and scorn from the hound archons, but could cause them to attack you if the command is particularly egregious.
3: Mother’s Strength (Su)
Great strength finds those who need it most, granting even the weakest individuals nearsupernatural abilities in moments of panic or to rescue loved ones. Treat your carrying capacity as though your Strength ability score were 3 points higher than it actually is. Once per day, as long as you are wearing light, medium, or no armor, you can lift up to two unconscious or dead Medium or smaller creatures and their equipment onto your shoulders and still move up to your base speed, ignoring the added weight of your fallen comrades. You cannot both attack and move in the same round while carrying one or more creatures in this way. You can carry your companions in this way for a number of rounds equal to your Hit Dice; afterward, they encumber you as normal.

Specialty Priest: Greenfoster (Druid)

  • Greenfosters add Diplomacy and Knowledge (religion) as class skills.
  • Bonded to the Green: A Greenfoster focuses on the lands around her, and the creatures in her charge, nurturing them, rather than tapping into the essence of creatures of the wild for herself; she may choose two natures’ bonds — a companion, domain or herbalism. She cannot choose the same bond twice. This replaces all instances of Wild Shape.
  • Tending Farm and Forest: At 1st level, a Greenfoster selects one Cleric spell that is not on the Druid spell list, and treats it as it were on her spell list; this spell cannot be of the Enchantment, Evocation or Necromancy schools. At 3rd level, and every two levels thereafter, she chooses another Cleric spell of the highest spell level she can cast to add to her spell list. In addition to preparing these spells in her regular spell slots, she may spontaneously cast these selected spells by sacrificing a prepared spell slot of the same level. This replaces the druid’s spontaneous casting of Nature’s Ally spells.
  • Plant Companion (Su): At 9th level, if the Greenfoster chose a companion as a nature’s bond, she may choose to gain a plant companion, as if she possessed the feat, in lieu of Venom Immunity.

Feats: Clarifying Channel, Seductive Channel, Stone Strider, Thicket Channel, Trick Spell,

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeBellflower Tiller, Divine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained).

Traits: Child of Nature, Eyes of the Wild, Know the Land, Lessons of Faith, Natural Philosopher, Second Chance, Wise Teacher.

Unique Summons



Tymora occupies the spot within the Halfling pantheon upon Faerun that is occupied by Charmalaine on other crystal spheres. In fact, many halflings believe that, since Tymora often manifests as a halfling to them, that she is actually a halfling deity herself and had conned the ‘big folk’ into worshiping her as well —whereas in truth, quite the opposite had happened by Tymora interloping into Charmalaine’s vacuum. They consider her as one of Yondalla’s children, and stories abound of a romantic relationship between Tymora and Brandobaris, and that being the reason for the latter’s uncanny luck at getting out of trouble.


Urogalan, the Black Hound

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Domains: Earth, Halfling, Law, Protection, Repose.
FavoredWeapon: Flail

Urogalan is the protector of the dead and god of the underground. His deathly aspect is as a protector of the souls of the dead and as an adviser-judge with Yondalla. His earthy aspect is one of reverence for the very earth itself and protection from threats beneath the surface, rather than concern with natural growth. Few halflings worship him, but he is respected and revered by most as a protector. Although the Small Folk generally do not fear death, most halflings shiver at the sight of the Black Hound’s symbol. The Black Hound is closely allied with those powers of human and demihuman pantheons concerned with earth, death, and the protection of the dead, but he abhors those whose portfolios include necromancy and the undead.

While his followers are respected for their services and rituals and while death is not generally feared by halflings, few of the Small Folk want to associate with symbols of the Black Hound, as they are generally considered unlucky. Other races, even humans among whom halflings often dwell, are generally unaware of Urogalan’s faith, its reverence for the earth, or the god’s role as protector of the dead, for halflings rarely discuss their beliefs regarding death.

Dogma: Earth is the giver and the receiver of life, providing shelter, food, and wealth to those whose toes embrace it. The sacred soil is to be revered as the mantle of Those Who Have Been and the shelter of Those Who Will Be. The thanatopsis of He Who Must Be reveals that death is to be embraced as the natural end of life and in doing so gives honor to life.

Obedience: Spend an hour reciting a family history to a surviving member of that family to ensure the dead are remembered and their deeds are memorialised. If you cannot recite to anyone, spend the time writing down the history of someone who’s family has passed so that their memory lives on in Urgolan’s Fields of Green. Gain a +4 bonus on all saving throws against spells and supernatural effects from undead.

1: Keeper of Memories (Sp)
discern next of kin 3/day, gentle repose 2/day, or speak with dead 1/day
2: Grimwarden’s Duty (Su) Death is inexorable, and the Grimwarden’s priests are implacable in their duty, you’re resistant to effects that attack your life force or would affect you before you have a chance to react. You are continually protected by death ward, except the immunity to energy drain ends after it has prevented a number of negative levels equal to 1/2 your hit dice; this resets when you next perform your obedience. You gain a +2 sacred bonus on saving throws against effects that occur before your first turn in combat.
3: Last Words (Su)
When you deliver the killing blow to a creature, you gain the ability to ask it a single question as if you had cast speak with dead. Asking the question is a standard action, which you must use within a number of minutes of the target’s death equal to your Hit Dice.

Specialty Priest: Grimwarden (Cleric)

Feats: Eerie SenseIntrepid Rescuer, Messenger of Fate, Stone Strider.

Prestige Classes: Arcane Devotee, Divine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained).

Traits: Corpse HunterHoneyed Words, Lessons of Faith, Lover of the Law, Mighty Protector, Protective Faith, Second Chance, Spirit Guide, Split-Second Defense, Stabilizing Touch, Undead Slayer.

Special Summoning Rules

  • Black Hounds: Canines are summoned from the Summon Monster/Nature’s Ally tables with the Resolute template at +1 spell level.


Yondalla, the Provider

Alignment: Lawful Good
Domains: Community [Cooperation], Gluttony, Good, Halfling, Law, Protection
Favored Weapon: Sling

Yondalla is the Protector and Provider of halflings and the chief matriarch of the halfling pantheon. She is responsible for the race’s creation and for blessing them with peace, comfort, and plenty. Yondalla created the halfling race in her own image, and it is due to her charming personality, friendly demeanor, curiosity, loyalty, and sense of mischief that halflings are among the best-tempered of the goodly races. As the goddess of protection, Yondalla fends off evil influences and intrusions into the homes and lives of halflings. Yondalla gives her people the strength of character and the determination to defend themselves. Her protection is part of the very souls of her creations, for of all the demihuman races, the halflings have most rarely succumbed to evil.

Yondalla’s portfolio can be interpreted to somewhat overlap those of Sheela Peryroyl, Cyrrollalee, Arvoreen, and Urogalan, and this is mainly as she is their leader and both directs their efforts and works with them in harmony to provide for both the good of the divine and the mortal halfling communities.

Dogma: Those who seek to live in accordance with the way of the Provider will be blessed with a cornucopia of riches. Seek peace and comfort, for a life lived with both is true wealth. Although violence should never be welcomed, the Protector’s aegis will extend to those willing to fiercely defend their home and community. Lead through example, and know the activities of those you lead so that you can help shoulder their burdens when need be. Treasure your family, for your parents gave you life and your children are your future. Care for the aged and the weak, for you never know when you may be one of the strong laid low.

Obedience: As Yondalla is the leader of the Halflings, so must you lead by example. Assemble a careful list of each activity you will undertake in the day to come and keep a careful accounting of what you fail to accomplish and why. As part of this, select three different specific checks you expect to perform that day, such as “a Perception check to find a hidden passage,” “a Reflex save to dodge a fireball” or “a Heal check to treat a disease.” Once during that day, you can gain a +4 insight bonus on one of these three specified checks.

1: Lead by Example (Sp)
remove fear 3/day, raiment of command 2/day, or heroism 1/day
2: Inspiring Presence (Su)
Whilst Yondalla advocates peace, her clergy stand ever ready to defend the halflings. Your mere presence bolsters your companions to fight harder in the face of even the most overwhelming odds and bolsters their hearts against growing weary of battle. Once per day as a standard action, you can provide all allies within 30 feet of you with a +1 sacred bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and weapon damage rolls for a number of rounds equal to your Hit Dice.
3: Tutelage from the Matriarch (Su)
Though you are willing to confront dangers directly, you also educate fellow companions and like-minded faiths in the best practices for defeating their shared foes; as Yondalla has taught her children, each warrior can aim only a single spear, but a teacher can aim ten thousand. As a swift action, you can provide divine guidance to your allies in combat. Allies able to see you gain a +2 sacred bonus on attack rolls, and they gain the benefit of one teamwork feat you possess. You can provide your guidance for a number of rounds equal to your Hit Dice per day (maximum 20 rounds). The rounds in which you provide guidance don’t need to be consecutive, and you can end this ability as a free action.

Specialty Priest: Horn Guard (Warpriest)

  • The Horn Guard selects only one blessing at 1st level.
  • Shield Bearer (Ex): A Horn Guard must use a shield as part of her armor. She gains the Shield Focus feat. and she counts her Warpriest level as her BAB for any shield feats that require BAB as a prerequisite. This replaces Focus Weapon.
  • Rock Throwing (Ex): The Horn Guard is an accomplished rock thrower and gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls with thrown rocks and is considered proficient with them; any improvised stone suitable for rock skipping is appropriate for this. The range increment for these rocks is 20 feet. Damage of these thrown rocks is 1d4 + the Warpriest’s Strength modifier, and they are treated as both manufactured or improvised thrown weapons for the purpose of feats and spells that modify their use. She is treated as having Weapon Focus in this weapon for the purposes of qualifying for feats and for sacred weapon and other features. This alters Sacred Weapon.
  • Cast the First Stone (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, a Horn Guard gains further ability to react to danger before her senses would normally allow it. Any time she is able to act in the surprise round, she adds her Wisdom bonus to her initiative, up to a maximum bonus equal to her class level. This replaces the lesser power of the Warpriest’s second blessing.
  • Spell Throwing (Su): At 10th level, a Horn Guard takes the halfling mastery of thrown weapons to an extreme. She gains the ability to “throw” any spell with a range of touch. She can use touch spells on targets up to 30 feet away. If the spell requires a melee touch attack, the itinerant warder must make a ranged touch attack instead. The spell is considered spent whether or not the ranged touch attack succeeds. This replaces the greater power of the Warpriest’s second blessing.

Feats: Beacon of Hope, Bestow HopeButterfly’s Sting, Hands of Valor, Intrepid Rescuer, Potion Glutton, Protective Channel, Siphon Channel, Yondalla’s Sense.

Prestige Classes: Arcane Devotee, Divine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained).

Traits: A Shining Beacon, Fruits of Your Labor, Honeyed WordsLessons of Faith, Lover of the Law, Mighty Protector, Protective Faith, Purity of Faith, Second Chance, Split-Second Defense.

Unique Summons
