Lurue, The Unicorn Queen
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Domains: Animal [Fur], Chaos, Charm [Fey], Good, Healing.
Favored Weapon: Lance or Spear.
Lurue the Unicorn, also known as “Silverymoon,” is the goddess of talking beasts and good intelligent monsters. Lurue is said to be the daughter of Selûne, Lady of Silver and goddess of the moon. Some say she is also related to one of the Earthmother’s children, Kamerynn the Unicorn, of the Moonshae Isles. Lurue is revered by the elves as Yathaghera, the Winged Queen, the nominal ruler of the pegasi and unicorns of Evermeet. Lurue serves as Mielikki’s ally, friend, and steed when the Lady of Forests needs her services.
The Queen of Magical Beasts is often taken with wanderlust. She can be whimsical but is infinitely loyal once she takes someone into her trust, and she never abandons her worshipers in times of need. She advocates light banter, clever riddles, new discoveries, and the joyous exploration of life, with a steadfast, loyal determination in times of trouble.
Dogma: The Unicorn is a symbol of hope, joy, salvation, and protection for the needy, forlorn, and forsaken. Life is to be relished and lived with laughter. Quests are to be taken on a dare and gifts are to be made on a whim. Impossible dreams are to be pursued for the sheer wonder of the possibility of their completion. Everyone, no matter how unique, is to be praised for their strengths and comforted in their weaknesses. Evil melts quickest in the face of a rapier wit and unshackled joy. Search for the unicorn and in the pursuit find happiness.
For Deific Obedience
Obedience: At the coming of midnight, deliberately lose yourself in a strange place. Find the nearest pool of water or stream and dance around it briefly while giving your praises to the Unicorn Queen that guided you. Gain a +1 sacred bonus to Reflex saving throws.
1: Travelers Tricks (Sp) pass without trace 3/day, aid 2/day, or phantom steed 1/day
2. Aspect of the Pegasus (Su) Avian wings sprout from your back, granting you a fly speed of 30 feet with average maneuverability. If you posssess the Mount feature or similar, you may instead cause your mount to sprout these wings while you are riding, granting the mount a fly speed equal to its land speed.
3. Dance of the Unicorns (Sp) Once per day you can engage in the magical dance of the unicorns as a spell-like ability. This functions as the Blink spell using your character level as your caster level, however in addition to the benefits of this spell, once per turn for the duration of the effect, you can teleport without error, as Greater Teleport, up to a total of 60 feet per caster level — thus, a 20th level character could teleport a total of 1,200 feet in one or across multiple jumps before the duration of the effect ends. This teleportation can happen at any time during your turn as an immedate action.
For Follwers of Lurue
Archetypes: Feyspeaker (Druid), Holy Liberator (Paladin), Songhealer (Bard), Order of the Unicorn† (Cavalier)
Specialty Priest: Silvermaid† (Cleric)
Feats: Beacon of Hope, Bestow Hope, Fey Friend, Hands of Valor, Nimble Natural Summons, Protective Channel, Trick Spell,
Magic Items
Alicorn Lance†: This white spear or lance is made from the horn of a unicorn, willingly granted at the end of its lifetime. You can make the lance glow like a torch or suppress its light as a swift action, The unicorn horn counts as silver and good for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction, affecting regeneration, and vulnerability to silver and good; any such creature struck takes half again as much damage (+50%) from it. Once per day, you may evoke the spirit of the unicorn that donated the alicorn lance’s horn, which you ride in a shining display (similar to phantom steed). If you were already mounted when you activate the horn, the unicorn spirit takes shape around your steed, granting the mount the effects of an Alacrity spell.
CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, light, phantom steed, Market Price: 20,002 (spear), 20,010gp (lance); Weight: 6lbs (spear), 10lbs (lance)Unicorn Pendant†: This silver pendant bears the symbol of Lurue. The wearer can use cure moderate wounds and neutralize poison once per day. A character with Lay on Hands or similar ability wearing the pendant treats her class level as 4 levels higher for the purpose of this ability.
CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, cure moderate wounds, enthrall, neutralize poison; Market Price: 28,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Prestige Classes: Arcane Devotee, Divine Champion, Divine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained), Divine Seeker, Whitehorn†*
*Needs 5 ranks in Ride
Traits: A Shining Beacon, Alluring, Child of Nature, Battlefield Surgeon, Enchanting Conniver, Envoy of Healing, Eyes of the Wild, Know the Land, Natural Philosopher, Purity of Faith, Scarred by War, Wise Teacher.
Unique Spell Rules
- Beast Shape IV can be prepared as a 4th-level Cleric or Ranger spell.
- Expeditious Retreat can be prepared as a 1st-level Ranger spell.
- Greater Magic Fang can be prepared as a 3rd-level Cleric spell.
- Hideous Laughter can be prepared as a 2nd-level Cleric spell.
- Lesser Restoration can be cast as a 2nd-level Bard spell.
- Restoration can be cast as a 4th-level Bard spell.
- Speak with Animals can be cast as a 1st-level Bard or Cleric spell.
Clergy and Temples
The church of Lurue has no formal hierarchy, nor temples dedicated in her name. While some entire species, such as unicorns, pegasi, and talking owls, venerate her as Queen, most of her worshipers (such as those that were the targets of an awaken spell) are outcasts from their own kind due to their unique abilities. Clerics of Lurue spend their days providing aid and comfort to the needy, lending support to dreamers so that they can achieve their aspirations, and rescuing all who need aid from whatever assails them. Few stick to a single duty for any length of time (though they are very good about seeing a single particular task through to the end), and most are periodically struck with wanderlust. Many of Lurue’s clergy are adventurers who travel about Faerun seeking wrongs to right and finding a good balance of merriment, new experiences, and self-improvement in such a profession. Her specialty priests, known as Silvermaids, particularly fond of helping those with grand dreams and aspirations, and aid those who embark upon bold and ambitious (perhaps even foolhardy) quests.
Clerics and druids of Lurue pray for their spells at midnight, in a sylvan glen or moonlit glade if available. She has no temples dedicated in her name, choosing instead to be worshiped at sacred natural sites and holy groves. Lurue’s twin holy days are Midsummer’s Eve and the Feast of the Moon. The former holiday is celebrated in a night-long festival of revelry, wild antics, and muck hullabaloo. Such events are marked by wild rides through the countryside and sky, numerous theatrical skits, humorous oratories, mock duels, grand songs in which everyone joins in, and romantic declarations. Many unicorns take a mate for life on this night. The Feast of the Moon is a quiet ceremony marking the onset of winter and serving as a time for remembering those who have passed away. Many great works of art and epic song are unveiled during the Feast of the Moon to quiet applause, particularly in the city of Silverymoon, which celebrates its founding on this day.