Lythari PFRPG Conversion
The lythari of Faerûn are a very rare race of elves who can naturally transform into wolves. They run the wilds of the world, only occasionally interacting even with other elves. Given their long lifespans, elven societies in general span millenia, but the lythari culture is considered ancient even to other elves. They were among the very first elves to set foot on Faerûn along with the avariel and the green elves. These three cultures prioritized their connections to the natural world, and while later elves created great empires, the lythari were content to remain in nomadic family groups. They are by no means barbaric though. Their crafts and artwork are exquisite, their songs enchantingly beautiful, and they have a command over magic that even high elves acknowledge is impressive. A combination of their robust oral traditions and their isolation from the wars and espionage that takes place between other elven people means they retain lore long since lost everywhere else. Many returned to Arvandor during the Faerûnian Crown Wars, but a few can still be found in ancient forests and around major elven settlements.
While lythari are technically lycanthropes, there are significant differences between them and other kinds. Elven kindred are not vulnerable to the curse of lycanthropy that infects most humanoids, and whereas lycanthropes have humanoid, animal, and hybrid forms, Lythari only have a humanoid and wolf form. Lythari also have none of the aggressive or violent motives that many werewolves have; they are not a warlike people, and while they will hunt to eat and fight to defend themselves, they dislike conflict. Most lythari are natural lycanthropes, meaning they were born to lythari parents and are not “cursed”, always having been able to transform. Lythari can also increase their numbers with ancient rituals that gift other elves with this transformative ability. This transformation is consensual for both parties, and it only works on elves.
Physical appearance: Lythari in elven form are considered very beautiful even by elven standards. All of them have silvery white skin and hair and bright blue or green eyes. When transformed into wolves, they look very similar, their fur being white or silver as the hair of their elven form. Their elven eyes remain, which would clue a close onlooker to the fact they are more than just wolves. They generally do not wear the fine fabrics that high elves do, preferring the practicality of soft leathers, their own resilient woven fabrics, or furs. Shoes are only worn in cold weather. Still, lythari enjoy their little luxuries. While accessories are rare, each one is a masterpiece, beautifully hand-carved pieces of bone or stone that would make any merchant drool with greed. The few articles of silk or steel found among lythari possessions are treasured, and even things with little monetary value can become family heirlooms.
Lythari names: Lythari still use elven names, generally in particularly old-fashioned forms. Each also has a unique howling song they can use to identify themselves in wolf form.
Lythari Traits
- Ability score modifiers: +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. Lythari are more sturdy, and as agile than other elven kin, and they pride themselves on instinct, rather than intellect. However, they are more reclusive than other elves, even among other elves. (0 RP)
- Medium size: Lythari are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. (0 RP)
- Type: Lythari are humanoids with both the Shapechanger and Elf subtypes, and count as both subtypes for feats, traits and other effects. (0 RP)
- Speed: A lythari’s base land speed is 30 feet in elven form. (0 RP)
- Languages: Lythari begin play speaking Elven; they cannot speak Common. Lythari with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Auran, Common, Draconic, Gnome, Halfling, Goblin, Orc and Sylvan. (-1 RP)
- Elven Immunities (Ex): Lythari like other elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects. (2 RP)
- Damage Resistance (Su): Lythari gain DR/silver equal to 1/2 their character level. (3 RP)
- Keen Senses (Ex): Lythari receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks. (2 RP)
- Feral Instincts (Ex): Survival is always a class skill. (1 RP)
- Low-Light Vision (Ex): Lythari can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light. (0 RP)
- Wolf Empathy (Ex): Lythari can communicate with wolves and dire wolves, and receive +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based checks with these creatures. (1 RP)
- Weapon Familiarity (Ex): Elves are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word “elven” in its name as a martial weapon. (2 RP)
- Alternate Form (Su): (8 RP) Lythari may, as a standard action and at will, shift into their wolf form and back again. This functions as the Beast Shape II spell except that the Lythari can only assume the form of a medium wolf. A lythari gains the following in wolf form:
- Strength +2, Dexterity +4, Constitution +2,
- Base land speed 50 ft.
- +2 natural armor bonus.
- Natural Weapons: Lythari have a bite attack (1d6 + Str + trip) in wolf form, and they are considered proficient with it.
- Natural Spell: Lythari gain the benefits of the Natural Spell feat while in their alternate form. (+2 RP)
- Skills: A lythari in wolf form gains the scent ability and a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent.
- Lythari may qualify for monster feats that apply to their wolf form (such as Improved Natural Attack).
- Total Race Points: 20
Alternate Racial Traits
The following alternate racial traits may be selected in place of one or more of the standard racial traits above.
- Affable: While most Lythari are reclusive, some have turned against their better instincts to reach out to kin outside of their pack — or even other humanoid species. Gain +2 Charisma instead of +2 Wisdom and -2 Wisdom instead of -2 Charisma. This alters the Lythari stat adjustments.
- Blightborn: Elves from cursed lands and domains of evil develop resistance to foul influences. They gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against necromancy spells and spell-like abilities and spells and spell-like abilities with the curse descriptor, as well as on saving throws to remove temporary negative levels. This racial trait replaces elven immunities.
- Dreamspeaker: A few elves have the ability to tap into the power of sleep, dreams, and prescient reverie. Elves with this racial trait add +1 to the saving throw DCs of spells of the divination school and sleep effects they cast. In addition, elves with Charisma scores of 15 or higher may use dream once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level is equal to the elf’s character level). This racial trait replaces elven immunities.
- Fleet-Footed: While all elves are naturally lithe and agile, some also are naturally speedy and have a strong desire to rush into situations rather than worrying about looking ahead. Elves with this racial trait receive Run as a bonus feat and a +2 racial bonus on initiative checks. This racial trait replaces keen senses and weapon familiarity.
- Maw and Claw: Some Lythari have adapted themselves to fighting in their bestial form to the extent that they shun the manufactured weapons of their elven kin, and have learned to use their natural weapons to even deadlier ability. These Lythari gain two claw attacks (1d4 + Strength), and gain the benefit of the Pounce ability when in wolf form. This replaces Weapon Familiarity.
- Otherworldly: The eerie beauty of Lythari cannot be denied. Lythari with this racial trait receive a +1 racial bonus on Charisma based checks against humanoids and a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against transmutation spells and spell-like effects. This racial trait replaces elven immunities.
- Sense Thoughts: Some elves are so closely attuned to each other and their environment that they seem able to read each other’s minds and their foes’ thoughts. Elves with this alternate racial trait can use detect thoughts as a spell-like ability once per day, with a caster level equal to their character level. This replaces elven immunities and keen senses.
- Slender: Elves often appear unnaturally thin by other races’ standards. Elves with this trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Escape Artist checks, on combat maneuver checks to escape a grapple, and to CMD against grapples. This racial trait replaces elven immunities.
Favored Class Options
Lythari can opt to take the alternate favored class bonuses of an elf, except as noted below:
- Any: Add +1/4 natural armor to a maximum of +5 additional at 20th.
- Barbarian: Add +1 to the barbarian’s total number of rage rounds per day.
- Bard: Add +1 to the number of rounds of a bard’s performance ability.
- Bloodrager: Select one Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skill that the bloodrager cannot use while raging. After selecting this bonus four times, the bloodrager gains Raging Concentration with the selected skill as a bonus feat.
- Druid: Add 1/4 level to the druid’s effective level to determine benefits of their Wildshape ability. After taking this bonus 8 times, the Lythari’s Natural Spell ability applies to any canine wildshape form.
- Hunter: Add 1 skill rank or 1 hit point to the hunter’s animal companion. If the hunter replaces his animal companion, the new animal companion gains these bonus skill ranks.
- Inquisitor: Add a +1/2 bonus on Perception checks to see through magical disguises or pinpoint invisible creatures.
- Ranger: Add 1/6 of a new favored enemy.
- Skald: The skald gains 1/6 of a new rage power.
- Slayer: The slayer gains 1/6 of a new slayer talent.