Waukeen, the Merchant’s Friend

Alignment: Neutral
Domains: Balance, Envy, Greed (Trickery), Knowledge, Pride, Protection [Guardian], Sloth, Travel [Trade].
Favored Weapon: Nunchaku

Waukeen is the goddess of coins and wealth. Known as the Merchant’s Friend, her portfolio includes everything related to commerce and the accumulation of wealth through free and fair trade, as well as the beneficial use of wealth to improve civilization. Those that venerate and appease her include merchants from lowly peddlers to the wealthy owners of trading companies, investors, accountants, entrepreneurs, caravan guides, warehouse owners, philanthropists, deal-makers, moneylenders, and so on. Waukeen is also the goddess of illicit trade and the patron of many smugglers, fences, black marketeers, and “businessmen” on the shady side of commerce — putting her at odds often with Mask, both for his larcenous portfolio, and his coveting of shady dealing as his own purview. Collectively, her worshipers were known as Waukeenar.

Dogma: Mercantile trade is the best road to enrichment. Increasing the general prosperity buys ever greater civilization and happiness for intelligent folk worldwide, bringing people closer to the golden age that lies ahead. Destroy no trade goods, raise no restrictions to trade, and propagate no malicious rumors that could harm someone’s commerce. Challenge and refute unproven rumors that could negatively impact trade when heard. Give money freely to beggars and businesses, for the more coin everyone has, the greater the urge to spend and trade rather than hoard. To worship Waukeen is to know wealth. To guard your funds is to venerate her, and to share them well seeds your future success. Call on her in trade, and she will guide you in wise commerce. The bold find gold, the careful keep it, and the timid yield it up.

For Deific Obedience

Obedience: WIP

1: Trader’s Acumen (Sp) identify 3/day, beacon of guilt 2/day, or tongues 1/day
2: Supply and Demand (Ex) Your trade acumen is always in touch with the local trends, allowing you to know just the right products, and just the right market for each, to gain more profits than usual. Goods you craft are worth 1/3 more gp than normal without increasing the cost to create; items you acquire and barter to sell are valued at 1/3 higher to determine the final resale value. Whenever you use a Profession skill to make money, you make twice as much money.
3: Uncanny Mercantilism (Ex) The most devout of the Merchant’s Friend have an unmatched instinct for finding just the right things for an opportune trade at every merchant they encounter. This works like the Brilliant Planner feat, except that you can spend up to 100 gp per hit die for this brilliant plan fund, and it only requires 1 minute to produce the perfect item for a barter, or to get yourself or your party out of a jam. In addition, while in a settlement for at least 1 week, you can spend 24 hours and up to 500 gp per character level to create a stash somewhere within the settlement. Once per day, you can take 1 hour to retrieve that stash, retrieving any number of items that would have been available in the settlement at the time of making the stash, regardless of the weight of the items. Once you retrieve items from a settlement stash, you subtract the price of the items from the stash’s value; you cannot replenish the value of that stash until the value is fully depleted. You can maintain any number of stashes in numerous settlements, but a stash is lost if you doe not spend 1 hour to maintain the stash at least once per month. You are the only one who knows the location of any stash you create.

For Followers of Waukeen

Archetypes: Silver Palm† (Rogue)

Specialty Priest: Goldeye† (Cleric)

  • All Goldeyes must be neutral on the good/evil axis; everyone’s gold glitters, and trade transcends concepts of morality.
  • All Goldeyes can speak Abyssal, a divine legacy of Waukeen’s decade-long imprisonment by the demon prince Graz’zt.
  • A Goldeye selects one domain.
  • Born Trader (Ex): A Goldeye gains a bonus of half their class level on all Appraise checks, as well as Bluff and Diplomacy checks to barter and negotiate trade. This replaces the lesser domain powers of the cleric’s second domain.
  • Sense Thoughts (Su): By engaging a creature in conversation, a goldeye can become aware of its thoughts as if using a detect thoughts spell. The goldeye can use this ability for 1 minute per class level per day. A use of this ability that lasts less than 1 minute counts as 1 minute. This replaces spontaneous casting.
  • Splendorous Attire (Su): At 8th level, goldeyes can magically robe themselves in fancy attire once per day. Attire created in this fashion is equivalent to that created by a rod of splendor. Goldeyes can also create a palatial tent once per tenday. Such pavilions are also identical to those created by a rod of splendor. Neither power conveys the charisma bonus of a rod of splendor, however. This replaces the greater domain power of the cleric’s second domain..
  • Jack of All Trades (Ex): At 10th level, goldeyes get Jack of All Trades as a bonus feat; and the Goldeye treats his cleric level as his bard level for this ability. This replaces the domain spells of the cleric’s second domain.

Feats: Intrepid Rescuer, Master of Knowledge, Trailblazing Channel.

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained)

Spells: Fairness

Traits: Eternal Understanding, Frightening Speed, Guardian Smite, Light Sleeper, Loreseeker, Mighty Protector, Protective Faith, Seer of Reality, Split-Second Defense, Thirst for Knowledge.

Unique Spell Rules

  • Coin Shot can be prepared as a 1st-level Cleric spell.
  • Detect Metal can be prepared as a 1st-level Cleric spell.
  • Magic Shop can be prepared as a 3rd-level Cleric spell.

Unique Summon Rules

  • Summon Monster I: Lock Lurker
  • Summon Monster II: Celestial Two-Headed Eagle – LN [this creature has two heads. It gains a +2 racial bonus on Listen, Spot, and Search checks, but does not gain an extra bite attack]
  • Summon Monster III: Celestial Hippogriff – LN
  • Summon Monster IV: Two-Headed Giant Eagle – LN [this creature has two heads. It gains a +2 racial bonus on Listen, Spot, and Search checks, but does not gain an extra bite attack]
  • Summon Monster V: Celestial Griffon – LN

Clergy and Temples

Waukeenar travel the world aiding merchants or staff temples in large cities that serve as moneylending and changing houses, safe storage narehouses, and (covertly) fences for stolen goods—all in exchange for fees. Temples also provide wealthy merchants who give generous tithes to the temples sumptuous priest-guarded accommodations in town during their stays.

Waukeen’s clergy members are under orders to invest in all enterprises that have any reasonable hope of succeeding if they are run by devout worshipers of the goddess and to consider other investments if approached by entrepreneurs willing to make substantial offerings to the goddess. Waukeenar are not above manipulating trade by means of rumors, buy-ups, hired border brigands, and the like, but strong public criticism of such unsubtle tactics in the past has led the church to officially deny undertaking such things—and to order its priests to do such work only with the greatest subtlety, so that no one who suspects their hands at work will be able to prove anything. Personal enrichment is the sign of a wise priest, but this must be done through arms-length investments, not openly unlawful acts.

Why nunchaku? Historically, members of the Church of Waukeen were outfitted with tally-sticks to account for trade goods, payments and to help resolve mercantile disputes. The earliest of the tally-sticks had numerous holes to move counting-pegs along. With trade growing, clerics started carrying two tally-sticks, one topped with gold and another with silver to represent different digits, each joined at the end with a chain. In times of need, these sticks ended up being used as weapons. With time, the clergy of Waukeen learned to use these as nunchaku in battle with effectiveness.