Tiamat, Queen of Dragons

Alignment: Lawful Evil
 Destruction [Rage], Evil, Greed (Trickery), Law [Tyranny], Pride, Scalykind [Dragon], Wrath.
Favored Weapon: Five-headed Flail

Tiamat the Chromatic Dragon, is feared as the legendary Queen of Evil Dragons throughout the Realms. Although few humans, demihumans, or humanoids venerate the Dark Lady, and she is merely propitiated by most of her chromatic wyrm spawn, Tiamat is a divine being in her own right with an ancient history on Toril, and one whose cult is rapidly spreading across the Realms. Tiamat’s cult was brought to the Realms, along with the faiths of the rest of the Untheric pantheon, when in ancient times the Imaskari wizards kidnapped an entire population of humans and brought them to Faerun to serve as their slaves.

She has managed to reach lesser deity status, in no small part by assuming the worship of the Cult of the Dragon — a powerful organization with tentacles stretching throughout Faerun, which was initially an agnostic sect that received her courting with much resistance among the cult’s leaders. In the last two decades since the Avatar Crisis, however. She has been successful in infiltrating the rank and file of the cult with loyalists who have ascended into power with the attrition of elder cultists. She officially ascended into the Faerunian pantheon during the Year of the Unstrung Harp (1371 DR). This has put her ancient rival, Bahamut at a disadvantage, himself only a fledgeling in receiving the worship of the mortal races of Faerun.

Dogma: Rival powers of all creeds and from every pantheon are inherently tyrannical. They seek only power, at any cost, despite their honeyed words and declared intentions. The Dragon Queen is the only being powerful enough to defy the gods and overthrow their despotic rule. Work tirelessly towards the day when your queen will banish the gods from Faerun and unite the Realms under her rule. To overthrow the gods requires power; power demands respect; and power is acquired through the accumulation of wealth and magic. Chromatic dtagons everywhere are to be venerated as the spawn of the Dragon Queen and paid homage. When Tiamat assumes her throne, her draconic children shall serve her as dukes, and her clergy as their mortal vassals.

1: Draconic Power (Sp) ear-piercing scream 3/day, fire breath 2/day, or scales of deflection 1/day
2: Teeth of the Dragon (Ex) Your teeth grow into vicious fangs, akin to those of a chromatic dragon, and elemental power issues forth from your mouth in a divine gift from Tiamat herself. You gain a bite attack. This is a primary natural attack that deals 1d6 points of piercing damage for Medium creatures or 1d4 points of piercing damage for Small creatures, with a critical multiplier of ×3. Every time you hit with your bite attack, you deal an additional 1d6 points of energy damage (choose from acid, cold, electricity, or fire, or if you are a Wyrmkeeper, the energy type is that of your chosen dragonic bloodline).
3: Elemental Outrage (Ex) You can channel the power of the Endless Destruction through your vicious bites—when you hit a creature with your bite attack, you can force impressive elemental power into the attack. Up to three times per day, when you succeed at a critical hit with your bite attack, you deal 5d6 points of energy damage (choose from acid, cold, electricity, or fire, or if you are a Wyrmkeeper, the energy type is that of your chosen dragonic bloodline) instead of 1d6 points. This extra damage is not multiplied as part of the critical hit.

Antipaladin Code

Antipaladins of Tiamat are Lawful Evil or Neutral Evil, and grim servants of endless Destruction, their demeanor calm up until the moment their control slips. They hunt metallic dragons as a means of repaying Tiamat for her blessing. The Queen of Chromatic Dragons lays down several tenets for her divine warriors to follow:

  • I am an instrument of destruction, but the power I wield is mine to control, gifted to me by Tiamat.
  • My wrath is ceaseless. It is by my judgment alone to decide when I shall unleash it. Once I strike an enemy, I will not stop until they are dead.
  • Forgiveness is for the weak. If I am slighted, I will go to any lengths to enact my vengeance.
  • None are safe from the rage that boils within me. While some may be spared immediate death, I offer no such lenience to the metallic dragons, greatest of enemies to the power that gives me strength.
  • There is power in wealth; I shall acquire all that my strength allows, that the Queen of Dragons will be proud to behold my hoard.

For Followers of Tiamat


Specialty Priest: Wyrmkeeper (Cleric)

  • A Wyrmkeeper only selects one domain.
  • A Wyrmkeeper adds Perception to his class skills.
  • Draconic Apotheosis: A Wyrmkeeper gains the Draconic bloodline of a sorcerer, but can only select one of the chromatic dragon types — red, blue, green, black, or white. He can cast the bloodline spells at commensurate spell levels spontaneously in place of a prepared cleric spell. He gains the bloodline skill, arcana and bloodline powers, treating his cleric level as his sorcerer level for all purposes with this bloodline. At each odd level, the Wyrmkeeper selects a different chromatic dragon to carry in his divine bloodline; this cannot be the same bloodline as the choice immediately before. At 20th level, the Wyrmkeeper can daily select which chromatic dragon bloodline he manifests, as part of his one-hour meditations and prayers. This replaces the cleric’s second domain and spontaneous casting.

Feats: Breaker of Barriers, Conversion Channel, Destroyer’s Blessing, Fearsome Finish, Hunter of Dragons, Shatter Resolve, Squash Flat.

Magic Items: Chromatic Rod, Dragonscale Cloak, Nightstone of Sorrow

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained), Dragon Disciple (Chromatic only), Divine Seeker

Traits: Always Threatening, Destructive Blows, Dragon TrackerDragonslayer, Honeyed Words, Lover of the Law, Sacred Smasher, Scaly Ally, Wrecking Wrath.

Unique Spell Rules

  • Tiamat’s Release can be prepared as a 4th-level divine caster or bloodrager spell.
  • Draconic Ally can be prepared as a 3rd-level Cleric or Inquisitor spell
  • Tail Strike can be prepared as a 4th-level Cleric spell

Unique Summon Rules

  • Summon Monster IV: White Dragon, Very Young
  • Summon Monster V: Black Dragon, Very Young or White Dragon, Young
  • Summon Monster VI: Green Dragon, Very Young or Black Dragon, Young or White Dragon, Juvenille
  • Summon Monster VII: Blue Dragon, Very Young 0r Green Dragon, Young or Black Dragon, Juvenille or White Dragon, Young Adult
  • Summon Monster VIII: Red Dragon, Very Young or Blue Dragon, Young 0r Green Dragon, Juvenille or Black Dragon, Young Adult
  • Summon Monster IX: Red Dragon, Young or Blue Dragon, Juvenille 0r Green Dragon, Young Adult or Black Dragon, Adult or White Dragon, Mature