Mask, the Shadowlord

Alignment: NE
Domains: Darkness [Shadow], Envy, Evil, Luck, Sloth, Trickery [Greed, Thievery]
Favored Weapon: Longsword

Mask was the deity of intrigue along with being the patron of thieves and god of shadows, but his disastrous perusal of the Cyrinishad led to Cyric being able to steal this aspect of his portfolio from him. One school of thought believed the god totally destroyed after reading the Cyrinishad and having his Godsbane avatar form destroyed by Cyric, another held that Mask was totally subsumed by Cyric, and a third school believed that Mask, engaged in his own intrigues, faked his loyalty to Cyric and later his own death. The truth is that Mask survived the enslaving effects of the Cyrinishad and the destruction of a major avatar form at great cost, losing much of his godly power in the process. For a brief time after the destruction of Godsbane he was but a demipower. Only recently has a resurgence of his faith brought him back to a lesser power, and he and his faithful doggedly aim to regain the portfolio of intrigue stolen from him.

Dogma: All that occurs within shadows is in the purview of Mask. Ownership is nine-tenths of what is right, and ownership is defined as possession. The world belongs to the quick, the smooth-tongued, and the light-fingered. Stealth and wariness are virtues, as are glibness and the skill to say one thing and mean another, twisting a situation to your advantage. Wealth rightfully belongs to those who can acquire it. Strive to end each day with more wealth than you began it, but steal what is most vital, not everything at hand. Honesty is for fools, but apparent honesty is valuable. Make every truth seem plausible, and never lie when you can tell the truth but leave a mistaken impression. Subtlety is everything. Manipulation is better than force, especially when you can make people think they have done something on their own initiative. Never do the obvious except to conceal something else. Trust in the shadows, for the bright way makes you an easy target.

For Deific Obedience

Obedience: Find or create an area of shadow. While sitting within it, count what you have gained from the day before — be it by theft or by guile — and make that your measure to determine what you shall aquire in the day ahead. Gain a +4 sacred bonus to AC against attacks whenever you are denied your Dexterity bonus (such as in a surprise round or when paralyzed).

1: Dark Seeds (Sp) shadow weaponUM 3/day, death knell 2/day, or deeper darkness 1/day
2: Shadow Travel (Sp) You are one with the shadows, using magic to move easily through the daylight world. You gain the ability to cast shadow step three times per day, as well as shadow walk once per day, using your hit dice as your caster level.
3: Shadow Army (Sp) Once per day, you can cast shades as a spell-like ability, using your hit dice as your caster level. The save DC for this ability is Charisma-based.

For Followers of Mask

Archetypes: Scourge of Shadows† (Rogue), Shadow Scion† (Rogue), Shadow Savant† (Vigilante)

Specialty Priest: Demarch† (Cleric)

  • Uses the Shadow Priest cleric archetype with the following alterations
  • Chooses either Darkness domain or Shadow subdomain
  • Loses medium armor and shield proficiency
  • Gains Bluff, Disable Device, Sleight of Hand and Stealth as class skills
  • Gains 6 skill points per level

Feats: Bravery in ActionConversion Channel, Fearsome Finish, Fateful ChannelShadow Dodge, Shatter Resolve, Unbound Bravery, Undaunted Bravery.

Magic Items: Black Alibi, Flask of the Reaper, Silent Blade Vest

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained), Divine Seeker, Shadow Adept, Shadow Mask

Spells: Lose the TrailNight of BladesSecret Speech

Traits: Agent of Chance, Call for Help, Cheat Death, Denial of Fate, Reckless Luck, Secret Knowledge, Shadow Caster, Shadow Whispers, Stoic Optimism, Thrill-Seeker.

Unique Spell Rules

  • Invisibility can be prepared as a 2nd-level Cleric spell
  • Invisibility, Greater can be prepared as a 4th-level Cleric spell
  • Mage Hand can be prepeared as an Orison
  • Prestidigitation can be prepared as an Orison

Other Unique Rules

All divine followers of Mask can understand and use Thieves Cant.

Clergy & Temples

The followers of Mask have been reduced to their central core: thieves and their guilds. Many guilds still have their shrines to the god, and in those regions where thievery is not actively frowned upon, temples to Mask survive. The priesthood of Mask is independent in each major city or region to prevent the frequent actions against one thieves guild or temple from spilling over and affecting others. Most outsiders view the faith as little more than an organized guild of rogues cloaked in the veneer of religion—a surprisingly accurate depiction. In political circles, the Lord of Shadows’ reputation for intrigue lingers on, and astute observers have noted that his church often acts as a network of spies for hire as well.

In areas with a single strong thieves guild, the temple or shrine to Mask is usually connected to the guild hall via underground tunnels. In large cities with competing guilds, the temple is in an underground location and is recognized as neutral ground by all sides. Maskarran strive to keep hidden these days, sometimes holding services of worship in underground shrines (often cellars reached by old sewers) and often keeping hidden inside local thieves guilds. It is to the advantage of such seasoned conspirators as Maskarran that many folk of Faerûn think Mask is dead, and his worship reduced to scattered, bewildered cults.