1. Feat Variants Compendium

Assembling here all of the banned, altered and homebrew feats into a compilation and linked to their entries for easy reference:


Also see Everyman Feats for feats that were removed and their mechanics added as things you can do without a feat

  • Ammo Drop merged with Rapid Reload.
  • Arithmancy
  • Calculating Mind
  • Celestial Obedience, Empyreal Focus (by and large, empyreal powers do not interlope as deities on Toril)
  • Cleaving Finish merged with Cleave.
  • Combat Expertise
  • Damned Disciple
  • Damned Soldier
  • Deadly Aim
  • Deadeye’s/Erastil’s Blessing (superceded by Zen Archery which anyone can take)
  • Demonic Obedience, superceded by Fiendish Obedience.
  • Diverse Obedience
  • Evolved Summon Monster
  • Expanded Summon Monster, table merged with Summon Monster table
  • Heighten Spell available to all casters without a feat.
  • Improved Familiar Bond consolidated with Boon Companion.
  • Improved Cleaving Finish merged with Great Cleave.
  • Improved Bull Rush, Improved Overrun, Improved Reposition, Improved Sunder merged into Powerful Maneuvers.
  • Improved Trip, Improved Disarm, Improved Dirty Trick, Improved Feint, Improved Steal merged into Deft Maneuvers.
  • Improved Vital Strike merged with Vital Strike.
  • Greater Vital Strike merged with Vital Strike.
  • Juggle Load merged with Rapid Reload.
  • Monkey Lunge merged with Lunge.
  • Monitor Obedience doesn’t fit with the campaign setting same as Celestial Obedience.
  • Monstrrous Mount, Monstrous Companion, Monstrous Mount Mastery; see why
  • Pantheistic Blessing (Because that’s not how FR faiths work)
  • Pirhana Strike
  • Power Attack
  • Sacred Geometry
  • Shade of the Uskwood/Woodlands (Because druids in FR don’t do undead, period)
  • Summon <Alignment type> Monster removed and the creatures assigned to deity specific summons.
  • Wasp Familiar (because no relevant deity; but instead anyone can get a one-feat familiar)
  • Weapon Finesse

Banned 3pp

  • Improved Bonded Object (both iterations on PFSRD because we houseruled our own progression)

