Bladesinger Magus Archetype
Source: This is a rework of the Spell Dancer Magus archetype, and supplants the class in our campaign. Flavor text excerpted from article on Not Forgotten Realms.
Bladesingers are elves who have blended art, swordplay, and arcane magic into a harmonious whole. In battle, a bladesinger’s lithe movements and subtle tactics seem beautiful, belying their deadly martial efficiency. Bladesingers have a treasured place in elf society, balancing the joys of art and magic with the skill of masterful fighting, and so bladesingers are well-respected by other elves. Treasure hunters, wandering swordsmen, mysterious artists of magic and steel; bladesingers are all this, but first and foremost they are protectors of the People. To a bladesinger, the purpose of their existance is the defense of the people and the Elven Way. It is what sets them apart from regular warriors, no matter how skilled, and makes the way of the bladesong a hard one to walk. Not only does the bladesinger need talent and determination, he must also devote his heart to the cause.
Racial Requirement: A bladesinger must be at least one-half elven blood.
Class Skills: A bladesinger adds Acrobatics, Knowledge (Nobility), and Perform (dance) to his list of class skills and removes Intimidate, Knowledge (Planes), and Ride from his list of class skills. This alters the magus’ class skills.
Chosen Weapon: Every bladesinger has a weapon that is his own — the symbol of steel and Weave united. Most often, and especially in modern days, the weapon is a thornblade, longsword, or rapier. There is no fundamental restriction preventing the use of other balanced melee weapons, despite the name, though in modern times such divergence is almost unheard of. What is signifigant about the bladesinger’s weapon is that it has become part of him. A soldier may buy a new sword for every major war, but a bladesinger will hold onto his chosen weapon forever. Choosing this weapon is an important rite of passage for bladesingers who have finished their apprenticeship, and it will always be masterwork, usually ornately embellished. Traditionally, a family heirloom weapon has been chosen. Lacking such, it’s not uncommon to have this weapon made for the bladesinger.
Bladesong (Su): Unlike the martial arts of other races, the elven fighting style, also known as the bladesong, emphasizes beauty and economy of movement over sheer destructive power. However, the elven bladesong is deceptively dangerous for all its seeming gentleness and apparent grace. The bladesong depends on a balanced weapon and an open hand for weaving magic — a bladesinger can’t use his bladesong if he’s wearing heavier than light armor, nor if he’s wielding an offhand weapon or shield.
Lesser Bladesong: At 1st level, a Bladesinger gains the ability to expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to gain a +10 enhancement bonus to his movement rate, a +2 bonus to Acrobatics checks, and a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class against attacks of opportunity provoked by moving through threatened spaces for 1 minute. For every four levels beyond 1st, the Bladesinger gains another +10 enhancement bonus to movement and +2 to AC against attacks of opportunity provoked from movement to a maximum of +50 enhancement bonus to speed and +10 AC vs. provoked attacks of opportunity at level 20. The Bladesinger may regain 1 point in his arcane pool while using his bladesong by moving at least 10 feet during any turn in combat in which he makes an attack, or moving through a threatened square without being successfully hit by an attack of opportunity; he may regain points in this manner a number of points per day equal to his Intelligence modifier; this means of recovery is in lieu of that of the standard Magus.
Greater Bladesong: At 5th level, during a bladesong, the Bladesinger may add one of the following effects on himself: blur, fly, or haste. The chosen effect can last up to the duration of the bladesong. The additional effect can be ended as a free action before the bladesong’s ending, but activating or changing to another effect will require a new swift action. At 9th level, the bladesinger may take a swift action to use dimension door once during a bladesong. This will end any of the other effects of Greater Bladesong before the movement takes effect. At 13th level, the bladesinger may choose to gain freedom of movement during the bladesong in place of the earlier effects; he is able to activate this benefit while in a bladesong even once paralyzed or held, but not when rendered unconscious.
This replaces the Magus’ arcane pool ability to apply magical properties to a weapon; as well as the standard means by which a Magus may regain arcane pool points.
Spellsong (Ex): At 7th level, so long as he is only wielding a weapon in one hand and no weapon or shield in other hand, a bladesinger can take 10 when making a Concentration check to cast defensively, even when in immediate danger, distracted or in vigorous movement. This ability replaces Knowledge Pool.
Dance of Avoidance (Ex): At 7th level, while wearing light or no armor, a bladesinger gains a +2 insight bonus to Armor Class. This ability replaces the medium armor class feature.
Greater Dance of Avoidance (Ex): At 13th level, while wearing light or no armor, a bladesinger’s insight bonus to Armor Class increases to +4. This ability replaces the heavy armor class feature.
Song of Fury (Su): At 16th level, when initiating a bladesong, the Bladesinger may expend an additional point from his arcane pool to gain an additional attack per round at his highest attack bonus. This attack is in addition to any attacks gained by Haste or similar effects, however, all attacks made each round the Song of Fury is active (including this one) are made at a penalty of -2 until the beginning of the Bladesinger’s next turn. The song of fury can be ended as a free action before the duration of his bladesong runs out — and thus ending the penalty effective on his next turn, but the additional attack cannot be gained again until he once again initiates a bladesong. This ability replaces counterstrike.
Magus Arcana: The following magus arcana complement the bladesinger archetype: Arcane Cloak, Prescient Defense, Close Range, Concentrate, Spell Shield, Song of the Blade Dance, Song of Death’s Herald, Song of Victory, as well as these additional house ruled Magus Arcana:
Bonded Weapon
Prerequisite: Bladesong ability.Benefit: The bladesinger forges such a close bond with his chosen weapon that it becomes a bonded item like that of a wizard of his magus level. At 5th level, the bladesinger is able to enhance his own weapon as if he had the craft magic arms and armor feat, but only with his bonded weapon, as a wizard with his bonded item.
Song of Arcane Triumph
Prerequisite: Magus 6, Bladesong Ability.Benefit: This performance is the crescendo of the Bladesinger’s Art, allowing him to channel the raw energy of his magical power into his performance. Once per round, as a standard action that includes a single attack, he can tap into his spell power and transform it into sonic energy. If the attack hits, he may spend a spell slot which causes 1d6 points of sonic damage per spell Level of the expended spell slot to the target of the melee attack. A Fortitude Save ( DC 10 + half the Bladesinger’s Level + his Charisma Modifier ) halves the sonic damage dealt. If the attack was a critical hit, the damage is doubled and the target is deafened for 1d4 rounds with no save. The deafened condition applies, even if the target is immune to critical hits.
Note: this is a rebalanced replacement of the 3pp arcana that came from the same source as the 3pp suggested arcana above, as the published form was game breaking powerful.