Umberlee, the Queen of the Depths

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Domains: Aquatic [Oceans, Watery Death], Chaos, Destruction, Envy, Evil, Gluttony, Pride, Water [Oceans], Weather [Storms]
Favored Weapon: Trident

Umberlee is the evil sea goddess of the Faerûnian pantheon. She is most often given at least lip service by sailors or people traveling by sea, out of fear of her destructive powers. Ship crews often toss gems over the sides of their vessels to calm storm-tossed waters. She controls the harshness of the sea while reveling in her own power and is not hesitant to drown people, if she so pleases. The Queen of the Depths is responsible for the creation of weresharks within the Realms. She is known as a particularly malicious, petty and vain deity. Acting on her turbulent whims when making deals with mortals. She is quite greedy for power and hungry for the flattery of others. Many pirates and privateers who roam the seas in search of plunder hail to the Bitch Queen as their patron, and consider their own safe sailing and profit are granted by their homage.

Dogma: The sea is a savage place and those that travel it had best be willing to pay the price of challenging Umberlee’s domain. All should know the Bitch Queen and fear her, for the wind and the wave can reach everywhere if sufficiently angered. Fair offerings bring fair winds to sea travelers, but those that do not pay their respects will find that the sea is as cold as Umberlee’s heart. Spread the word of the might of Umberlee, and let no service be done in her name without a price. Make the folk fear the wind and wave unless a cleric of Umberlee is there to protect them. Slay those who ascribe sea and shore storms to Talos.

For Deific Obedience

Obedience: With the assistance of another follower of Umberlee or by yourself, simulate the act of drowning. You can do this by fully submerging yourself in a body of water, exhaling all of your breath, and painfully inhaling water instead of air. When you conclude this simulated drowning, remain in the water where you performed this act and reflect on the fact that it is the Bitch Queen alone who determines your survival or death in the waters. You gain a +4 sacred or profane bonus on Survival checks attempted while on or within water.

1: Water’s Fury (Sp) hydraulic push 3/day, river whip 2/day, or hydraulic torrent 1/day
2: Doom of Sailors (Sp) You can immobilize ships or scatter a fleet with a wave of your hand. Once per day, you can cast either control water or control winds.
3: Bitch Queen’s Allies (Sp) The sea monsters at Umberlee’s behest follow your call at the goddess’s command. Once per day as a standard action, you can summon one of the monsters she holds dominion over into aiding her followers. You must choose the monster from among the following list: adult sea dragon (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 96), sea serpent (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 244), or vouivre (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 270). The monster appears as if summoned via summon monster, and you must summon it into an appropriately watery environment. It follows your commands perfectly for 1 round per Hit Die you possess before vanishing. The monster doesn’t follow commands that contravene Umberlee’s interests; issuing such untenable instructions, if they’re egregious, could cause the monster to attack you.

Antipaladin Oath

Blackguards of Umberlee are Chaotic Evil or Neutral Evil cutthroat pirates, freely roaming where they will and seizing whatever interests them. They primarily emulate their goddess’s violent aspects, but different blackguards focus on varied aspects of Umberlee’s code, among the following adages:

  • I pursue what I desire; I am the Bitch Queen’s tollkeeper to grant passage on her waters, and that toll is mine to determine.
  • Treasure demonstrates my might. I won’t waste my time on schemes where there’s no booty to be had.
  • Fair winds are Umberlee’s alone to give; I never take good sailing for granted.
  • Pride does not shackle me. I retreat if I must to survive for another day.
  • The weak serve the strong. I will never let my crew forget or doubt my strength lest they be tempted to mutiny.
  • Revenge can be delayed to keep the ship sailing. Crew members who cross me shall die onshore.
  • I will suffer no restraint. Like the roaring waves, who seek to pacify me will fall broken in my wake.

For Followers of Umberlee

Archetypes: Deep Shaman (Shaman), Kraken Caller† (Druid)

Specialty Priest: Waveservant† (Cleric)

  • A Wavervant is proficient in light armor and no shields; this alters the cleric’s proficiencies.
  • A Waveservant gains Swim as a class skill; this alters the cleric’s class skills.
  • A Waveservant selects only one domain rather than two.
  • Born to Water (Ex): A waveservant can breathe water as easily as air, and gains a bonus of half her class level on Swim checks.
  • Ocean Spells: A waveservant can spontaneously cast spells from the Aquatic domain, and the Oceans and Watery Death subdomains by sacrificing a prepared cleric spell of the same or higher level; this replaces spontaneous casting of inflict spells.
  • Drowned Legion: Waveservants gain the benefits of command undead, with a +4 to the command DC, against undead that are at least half immersed in water, or were created from corpses that died in the water.
  • Deep Sight (Ex): At 6h level, a waveservant can see underwater as if she had darkvision and low-light vision.
  • Aquatic Mobility (Ex): At 8th level, waveservants move and attack normally while underwater as if they were under the effects of a freedom of movement spell. They may also cast spells unhindered when underwater. Restrictions not directly related to the water (such as a web spell cast into the water) are not thwarted by this ability.
  • Aquatic Servants (Su): At 10th level, a waveservant gains the ability to command aquatic creatures. This ability works just like the command undead feat but works with living creatues of the aquatic subtype. This ability shares the hit dice limit with the Waveservant’s drowned legion ability. She may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier.

Feats: Breaker of Barriers, Conversion Channel, Destroyer’s Blessing, Fearsome Finish, Potion Glutton, Riptide Attack, Shatter Resolve, Siphon Channel, Squash Flat, Wave Master.

Magic Items: Bitch Queen’s Bicorne, Bitch Queen’s Tricorne, Sea Banshee Coat, Stormstrike, Windwave Kilt

Magic Item Sets: Bitch Queen’s Bounty

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained), Divine Seeker.

Spells: Advanced Scurvy, Cloud of Seasickness, Gozreh’s Trident (Divine Trident), Old Salt’s Curse, Sky Swim

Traits: Deck Fighter, Destructive Blows, Expert Boarder, Flounderer, Pirate Queen’s Strength, Sacred Smasher, Strong Swimmer, Wave’s Sight, Wrecking Wrath.

Unique Spell Rules

  • Aqueous Orb can be prepared as a 3rd-level Cleric spell
  • Wave Shield can be prepared as a 1st-level Cleric spell

Unique Summon Rules

Other Rules

A cleric or warpriest of Umberlee may give up one domain/blessing in exchange for a parrot, blue-ringed octopusking crabmonkey, or any familiars presented in the Core Rulebook that could be construed as a pirate mascot. She uses her cleric or warpriest level as her effective wizard level for this familiar. A ranger who worships Umberlee may select any of the creatures listed above as a familiar instead of choosing an animal companion; the ranger’s effective wizard level for this ability is equal to her ranger level – 3.