Hoar, the Doombringer

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Domains: Envy, Law [Judgement], Lightning (Air), Luck [Fate], Retribution, Travel, Wrath.
Favored Weapon: Javelin

Hoar the Doombringer is not often actively worshiped in set services, but his name is invoked by those seeking vengeance. When a guilty party falls prey to fate (such as when a murderer is killed accidentally just after the murder is committed, particularly if the accident — for example, slipping to his death — was initiated by the murderer himself), the hand of Hoar is given credit. Hoar has a more benign aspect in the North, where he is seen less as a god of vengeance and more as a god of poetic justice. Many bounty hunters and some assassins propitiate the Doombringer before commencing a hunt, the truly faithful among them seeking to capture their quarry in a suitably ironic style.

Dogma: Uphold true and fitting justice and maintain the spirit of law, not the letter of law. Fitting recompense will always accrue for one’s actions. Violence will meet violence and evil pay back evil, but good will also come to those who do good. Walk the line of the Doombringer’s teachings, seeking retribution, but do not fall into the trap of pursuing evil acts for evil’s sake, for that way is seductive and leads only to one’s downfall. Vengeance must be sought for all injustices, and all punishments must fit the crime. Revenge is sweetest when it is sharpened with irony. All attacks must be avenged. Those who do not respond to attacks against their person or that which they hold dear only invite future attacks.

For Deific Obedience

Obedience: Each day perform some task that achieves retribution for yourself or someone else — be it the pursuit and punishment of a target of vendetta, or to counsel or aid another person who was wronged to achieve such retribution for themselves. Gain a +1 bonus on initiative checks and attack rolls against anyone who has harmed or wronged you in some way in the past 24 hours.

1: Dark Vengeance (Sp) murderous command 3/day, instrument of agony 2/day, or agonizing rebuke 1/day
2: Retribution (Su) You gain a sacred bonus (or profane, depending on your alignment) equal to half your HD on damage rolls made with against the last creature to have physically wounded you within the last 24 hours.
3: Prayer of Revenance (Sp) Once per week, you can make this prayer as a full round action over the corpse of any sentient being recently killed by another sentient being, whether the death was accidental or deliberate, this spell causes the fallen to rise as a revenant, and to immediately seek out its killer. If the revenant’s killer is already dead, this prayer has no effect and is wasted. There are no ability score requirements for the dead person as there are for naturally-occurring revenants, but a mostly intact corpse must exist for this prayer to be recited over. You have no control over the revenant, and may even be attacked by the creature if you interfere in its quest for revenge. The revenant tracks its killer until it destroys the killer or until 1d4+2 months pass, at which time its body disintegrates and its spirit rests in peace.

Paladin Code

Hoar is one of few deities on Toril who sponsor both paladins and blackguards to His cause. Paladins of Hoar are harbingers of vengeance, tempered alone by their sense of righteousness to mete out retribution only to those truly deserving of it. Despite this underlying altriusm, they are still mostly grim, cool, unemotional crusaders that serve as judge, jury and executioner.

  • I will avenge any evil wrought upon the innocent.
  • I will stand defiantly with others who seek to do good for others who were done wrong.
  • Those proven guilty must be punished for their crimes. I will not turn a blind eye to wrongdoing.
  • Rage is a virtue and a strength only when focused against the deserving. I will never seek disproportionate retribution.
  • Punishment should always be fitting to the offense, and the more poetic that justice is met, the better.

Antipaladin Code

Blackguards in service of the Three Thunders are perhaps arguably closer to Hoar’s darker side of vengeance, and they are something to be truly feared. Anyone who is the object of one of a Blackguards’ wrath will find that no judicial system will keep him safe. No place he tries to hide, no matter for how long, will allow him to escape eventual doom, because a Blackguard devoted to Hoar is a tireless, merciless hunter, and death will not come without anguish and torment beforehand.

  • I will dedicate myself to revenge against those who have wronged me or those who I make my charge. Blood for blood, insult for insult, a life for a life.
  • Vengeance is a debt to be paid with interest; the longer it takes me to attain my pound of flesh, the heavier my thumb rests upon the scale.
  • I will grow ever stronger to exact my revenge on others; it doesn’t matter how many attempts it takes, only that I succeed.
  • Laws that stand in my way are either to be bent in my favor, else worked around for better opportunity.
  • I will always enact my promise of revenge. Mercy is for the weak who will always allow themselves to be trod upon.

For Followers of Hoar

Archetypes and Alternate Class Features: Executioner (Slayer), Sanctified Slayer (Inquisitor)

Specialty Priest: Doombringer (Cleric)

  • A Doombringer must be Lawful Neutral.
  • A Doombringer gains Intimidate as a class skill instead of Diplomacy.
  • Focused Rage (Ex): At 1st level, Doombringers can incite a focused rage once a day in themselves. This rage allows them a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls against a specific being or group of beings they are seeking to bring satisfactory justice against and a +2 bonus to all saving throws against this named foe. It takes one full round to incite this rage, which then lasts one minute, or ceases earlier if all of the named foes are dead or unconscious. While in a focused rage, the Doombringer cannot flee from a fight against his targets. The target of the rage must be specific, such as “Therian Blackbeard,” “this man before me identified as the murderer of an innocent child,” or “the outlaws here of the Flaming Sword band.” This cannot be applied to all creatures of a type, such as “all orcs,” or “all thieves,” and the group or individual the rage is focused on must be the target of a mission of righteous justice the doombringer is engaged in completing. At 5th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the Doombringer can enter this focused rage an additional time per day. This replaces spontaneous casting.
  • Vengeance of the Dead (Su): Rather than channeling positive or negative energy to heal or harm creatures, a Doombringer can order undead creatures to seek out and attack their creators regardless of any commands to the contrary, assuming the monsters did not seek undeath prior to their transformation. This othwerwise functions as command undead. If the creator is killed, his undead creations immediately collapse into dust, their vengeance spent. This ability replaces channel energy, and can be modified by feats that modify the daily uses, power or DC of the channel energy ability.
  • Eternal Harbinger (Su): At 20th level, if ever killed unjustly and not raised from the dead or able to be raised, a Doombringer always rises as a revenant. The weakness of this revenant is not always to fire, as is normal for a naturally-occurring revenant, and should be determined by the DM. For example, some such revenants in lore have had to be immersed in fresh water for one hour or only been vulnerable to damage after a particular item associated with them in life is destroyed in a particular way.

Feats: Bloody Vengeance, Bravery in Action, Curse of Vengeance, Fateful Channel, Trailblazing Channel, Unbound Bravery, Undaunted Bravery

Magic Items: Executioner’s Hood, Fugitive Finder, Spear of Retribution, Stinging Stiletto

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained), Grey Gardener†,

Spells: Bloodsworn Retribution, Revenance.

Traits: Agent of Chance, Call for Help, Cheat Death, Denial of Fate, Frightening SpeedHoneyed Words, Light Sleeper, Lover of the Law, Reckless Luck, Stoic Optimism, Thrill-Seeker.

Unique Spell Rules

  • Painful Revelation can be prepared as a 2nd-level Cleric or Inquisitor spell.
  • Retribution can be prepared as a 3rd-level Cleric spell.
  • Wrath can be prepared as a 1st-level Cleric spell.

Unique Summon Rules

Clergy & Temples

Hoar is propitiated more than he is worshiped. Inhabitants of the Realms commonly attribute fitting acts of justice to the Lord of Three Thunders, and some beings (particularly the helpless and the weak) go so far as to entreat the Doombringer to deliver their vengeance, but few actually worship him on a regular basis in set services held in shrines or temples.

The few temples of Hoar found scattered throughout the Realms are plain, even severe, stone edifices. Most are built in high, hidden places where their inhabitants can secretly brood and plot vengeance against all who have slighted them.