Gnomish Pantheon

Note that features listed under each deity aren’t exclusive to that deity unless denoted with an asterisk (*). Otherwise it just indicates features commonly taken among the faithful.

Baervan Wildwanderer

Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Animal, Forest, Gnome, Good, Plant, Travel [Exploration].
Favored Weapon: Spear.

Baervan Wildwanderer is the god of forest-dwelling gnomes and their communities, travel, and the outdoors. He loves oak trees and all forest animals and is guardian of the wild. Baervan gifted forest gnomes with the ability to communicate with forest animals, and taught them to how to hide in and move through wooded environments without being detected. The Masked Leaf is the patron god of forest gnomes, but he is well loved by all of the gnome subraces. He is even revered by the svirfneblin as the Father of Fish and Fungus. Baervan is worshiped by those who love the woodlands, as well as many wanderers, particularly those who prefer living in the outdoors rather than in a city all the time.

Dogma: The great forests of the outdoors await those Forgotten Folk daring enough to venture forth from their burrows. Wander the great woodlands in search of excitement and sylvan sites of incredible beauty. Befriend and protect the creatures of the forest. Care for and nurture the woodlands where you live. Be ever curious, and follow life wherever it may lead. Defend your community and yourself against the incursions of goblinkin and other brutish races.

Obedience: Spend an hour tending to the smaller creatures of the forest. Feed them should food be scarce, or should you find any that ails, do your best to heal it or bring it to someone who can. Gain a +4 sacred bonus to Know (Geography) and Survival checks.

1: Wild Wanderer (Sp) Longstrider 1/day, animal aspect 2/day, summon nature’s ally III 1/day.
2: Forest’s Ward (Su) You are a sacred guardian of the forest, protecting the wilderness as Ketephys does, and the forest protects you in turn. Whenever you are in the forest, you gain a +2 sacred bonus to AC. No matter what terrain you are in, creatures of the animal type must succeed at a Will save (DC = 10 + your Hit Dice + your Charisma bonus) or be unable to attack you unless you act aggressively against them first.
3: Verdant Camouflage (Ex)
You know how to disappear as well as the Masked Leaf himself does. You can use the Stealth skill even when being observed, as per the ranger’s hide in plain sight ability, when you are in natural surroundings, and whenever you are moving at half speed or slower, you have concealment from enemies. You gain a +4 sacred bonus on Stealth checks while in the forest.

Specialty Priest: Fastpaw† (Druid)

  • A Fastpaw can only be Neutral or Neutral Good.
  • A Fastpaw gains Stealth as a class skill.
  • A Fastpaw may use weapons in the rogue weapons group without falling afoul of his druidic vows.
  • Racoon Friend: Should a Fastpaw choose a companion for his Nature’s Bond, he instead gains a racoon as a familiar, gaining the commensurate bonus and treats his druid level as his wizard level to determine the progression of his familar. This alters Nature’s Bond.
  • Greenspeaker: A Fastpaw can speak with all woodland creatues as if they shared a language; this is the equivalent of gaining the effects of speak with animals at-will. At 9th level, he can also freely communicate with plants as the spell speak with plants at-will. This replaces Nature Sense and Wild Empathy.
  • Forestwalker: At 4th level, a Fastpaw may select a ranger talent from the Unchained Ranger; this cannot be a talent that modifies a class ability that the Fastpaw is not granted by his druid class or this archetype. He treats his Druid level as his Ranger level to determine the talents available to him. At 7th level, and every 3rd level thereafter, he may select another talent from the Unchained Ranger’s list. This replaces Wild Shape.
  • Brushrunner: At 9th level, the Fastpaw can no longer become entangled by magically affected plants. This replaces venom immunity.
  • Racoon Form: At 13th level, the Fastpaw may assume the form of a racoon at-will, treating this ability as Beast Shape II. This replaces a thousand faces.

Feats: Beacon of Hope, Bestow HopeHands of Valor, Protective Channel, Nimble Natural Summons.

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained)

Traits: A Shining Beacon, Bestial WrathChild of Nature, Eyes of the Wild, Frightening SpeedKnow the Land, Light Sleeper, Mischievous SmileNatural Philosopher, Purity of Faith, Trailblazing Channel, Wise Teacher, Wolf Cub.

Unique Spell Rules:

  • Animal Messenger may be prepared as a 2nd-level Cleric spell.
  • Burrow may be prepared as a 3rd-level Cleric spell.
  • Climb may be prepared as a 1st-level Cleric or Ranger spell.

Unique Summons

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Baravar Cloakshadow

Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Gnome, Good, Protection, Trickery [Illusion].
Favored Weapon: Dagger

Baravar Cloakshadow is a sly, sneaky protector of the Forgotten Folk. His defenses and protective strategies are rooted in deceit-illusions, traps, ambushes, and the like-and his jests and tricks may cause their victims some pain (emotional if not physical). In addition to teaching the arts of disguise, stealth, and spying to the gnomes, the Sly One creates traps and illusions of incredible depth and cunning, a skill he has passed on to gnomes throughout the Realms. As the patron of illusions, Baravar is the preeminent gnome god of magic. The Sly One oversees the magical arts of gnome magical craftsfolk as well. All those who survive by their wits venerate Baravar, particularly those who must often combat kobolds, goblins, and other humanoids. Most gnome wizards venerate the Sly One as well, though they do not necessarily participate in their god’s ongoing war with the goblinkin powers.

Dogma: The world is a dangerous place, and the only sure defense is to cloak oneself in shadows under a web of deception. Strive to master the art of illusion and the game of deceit for therein lies security. Protect yourself and other gnomes. Do not completely trust anyone who has not proven himself or herself. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst in life and in others’ behavior. If folk do you or yours ill, do not fear showing them the error of their ways through making them the butts of a few pointed jokes. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and in time of battle or war, use the craft of illusion and camoflage to make sure that the right side wins- yours. Do not flout laws openly, but do what is best for those in your care whether or not that course of action is the one approved of by those in authority.

Obedience: Place a gold coin in the middle of a busy street and spy on it from a hidden position. If someone picks up the coin, you must silently follow that person for the remainder of the hour. At the end of that hour, judge that person’s social standing. If the person is wealthy or of poor character, steal the coin back. If the person is destitute or downtrodden, let him keep the coin and offer a silent prayer to Thamir Gixx on his behalf. If no one picks up the coin after an hour, you must dispose of the coin in a way no one might ever find it, such as by throwing it into the sea or burying it in a hidden location. You gain a +2 profane bonus on Sleight of Hand and Stealth checks.

1: Masks and Veils (Sp)
 blurred movementACG 3/day, invisibility 2/day, or major image 1/day
2: Illusion Spotter (Su)
 Your enemies have a harder time fooling you with illusions. You gain a +4 sacred or profane bonus (of the same type as that provided by your obedience) on Will saves to disbelieve illusions. If you successfully disbelieve an illusion and communicate this fact to others, such viewers gain a +6 bonus (of the same type as above) on their saving throws to disbelieve the illusion.
3: Cloak of the Misdirection (Sp)
 You are skilled at misdirecting your opponents while preparing to do them harm. Once per day as a standard action, you can cast mislead. The spell’s greater invisibility effect lasts a number of rounds equal to your Hit Dice.

Paladin Oath: The Knights of the Shadowy Cloak keep a low profile in gnome communities. Its members seek to eliminate evil hunamoids which they are convinced cannot be redeemed. Paladins of this order are distinct in that they are among few who are not only permitted to use deceit and duplicity, but are in fact encouraged to do so. This is reflected in the tenets of their oath:

  • Mischief brings joy to those who partake in it, but mischief must never come at the expense of another’s well-being. Theft is not inherently wrong, but theft must not be employed when it furthers suffering.
  • Duplicity and guile are not flaws of moral or character, merely tactics in my arsenal against those who would bring harm to my brethren.
  • A subtle hand, a clever word and a light fingered touch can thwart the mightiest blades of my enemies. My blade is my last resort.
  • Foul creatures shun the light; there is no shame in striking from the shadows when the blow is dealt for the good.
  • I shall never divulge fully the truth to a stranger; I will grant a measure commensurate to the trust they’ve earned.

Specialty Priest: Hoodwinker† (Cleric)

  • A Hoodwinker only selects one domain.
  • A Hoodwinker does not gain proficiency in medium armor or in any shield other than a buckler; he gains the weapon proficiencies of a rogue in addition to his cleric weapon proficiencies. This alters the Cleric’s weapon and armor proficiencies.
  • A Hoodwinker gains 4 skill points per level and adds the following skills to his list of class skills: Bluff, Disable Device, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth. He removes Diplomacy, Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (nobility) from his list of class skills. This modifies the Cleric’s skills.
  • Divine Trickery: At 1st level, a Fastpaw selects one 1st-level wizard spell of the Illusion school to add to his spell list as if it were a cleric spell of the same level; this must be a spell that isn’t already on the Cleric spell list at the same or different level. At 3rd level and every other level thereafter when he gains another level of casting, he may choose another wizard spell of the Illusion school of his highest spell level or less. This replaces channel energy.
  • Hand of Illusion: The Hoodwinker selects either the Illusion arcane school or a subschool of the Illusion school; he gains all of the benefits of this chosen school. This replaces the Cleric’s second domain.

Archetypes and Alternate Class Features: Divine Agent (Cleric/Rogue), Gnomish Illusionist (Wizard), Knight of the Shadowy Cloak

Feats: Beacon of Hope, Believable Veils, Bestow HopeHands of Valor, Intrepid Rescuer, Protective Channel,

Magic Items: Gray Master’s Leathers

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained), Divine Seeker.

Traits: A Shining Beacon, Mighty Protector, Mischievous SmileProtective Faith, Purity of Faith, Split-Second Defense.

Unique Spell Rules:

  • Cloak of Secrets may be prepared as a 1st-level Cleric or Inquisitor spell.
  • False Vision may be prepared as a 5th-level Cleric or Inquisitor spell.
  • Hoodwink may be prepared as a 2nd-level Cleric or Inquisitor spell.
  • Minor Image may be prepared as a 2nd-level Cleric or Inquisitor spell.

Unique Summon Rules

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Callarduran Smoothhands

Alignment: Neutral
Domains: Artifice, Caves, Community, Earth, Gnome
Favored Weapon: Pick

Callarduran Smoothhands is the gnome god of the earth’s depths, predominantly mining, but he is most known as the patron deity of the Svirfneblin, the Underdark gnomes. He oversees the deepest mines and provides protection against the horrors of the Underdark. Unlike the other demihuman powers whose worshipers reside largely in the Underdark, Callarduran is not an outcast; he voluntarily led the ancestors of the svirfneblin deep underground to encourage diversity among the Forgotten Folk. It was Callarduran who taught the deep gnomes how to summon and befriend earth elementals.

Dogma: Callarduran led his chosen people into the deepest adepts of the earth so that they might discover the joyous beauty of rubies and other gems. Beware the dangers of Deepearth, and guard against evil races such as the drow who employ any means necessary to seize what is not rightfully theirs. Protect and serve your community. Celebrate the beauty of minerals and gems and understand their value in craft, art and magic.

Obedience: Spend an hour polishing gemstones you find in your travels, meditating upon your faith. Give at least one of these gems to a friend or someone you meet every day with blessings from the Lord of Deep Earth. Gain a +4 sacred bonus to Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Perception and Survival skills while underground.

1. Child of the Earth (Sp)
mighty fist of the earth 3/day, tremor blast 2/day, earthskin 1/day
2: Gemstone Guardian (Sp)
Once per day as a standard action, you can summon a huge earth elemental, composed of gemstone. You gain telepathy with the earth elemental to a range of 100 feet. The earth elemental follows your commands perfectly for 1 minute for every Hit Die you have before vanishing back to the Plane of Earth. The earth elemental won’t follow any commands that cause it to bring direct harm to a gnome or svirfneblin, though it can be commanded to grapple or restrain such a creature.
3: Strength of the Earth (Ex) You gain the ability to enter a defensive stance, as per the stalwart defender class feature, treating half your character level as stalwart defender levels when determining the total number of rounds you can use this ability each day. While in a defensive stance, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC, a +4 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. While you are fatigued from using this ability, you can also use your stone strikes ability whenever a creature damages you with a melee attack, though you can still use stone strikes only once per round.

Specialty Priest: Earthblood† (Druid)

  • Spelunker: An Earthbloods adds Knowledge (dungeoneering) rather than Knowledge (geography) as a class skill and gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) and Survival skill checks. This ability replaces the nature sense ability.
  • Tunnel Runner: At 2nd level, an Earthblood can move through areas of rubble or narrow passages that require squeezing at her normal movement rate and without penalty. This ability replaces woodland stride.
  • Darkspawn Hunter: At 4th level, a cave druid gains a +2 bonus on saves against extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like abilities of aberrations and Drow. This ability replaces resist nature’s lure.
  • Cavern Guide: At 4th level, the Earthblood gains the favored terrain bonuses of the Unchained Ranger when underground, but he does not have to spend an hour of preparation to gain this bonus. He treats his Druid level as his UnRanger level to determine his favored terrain bonus. At 9th level, he can confer half of his favored terrain bonus to his allies as a move action for 1 minute. At 14th level, he can confer this bonus as a swift action. At 19th level, he confers his full favored terrain bonus. This ability and Elemental Caller replace Wild Shape.
  • Elemental Caller: An Earthblood can only use his spontanous summon nature’s ally ability to summon earth elementals, but he does so as if he were casting a summon nature’s ally spell of one level higher. At 19th level, he may spontaneously cast elemental swarm which only calls earth elementals.

Feats: Butterfly’s Sting, Stone Strider.

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine Champion, Divine ChymistDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained)

Traits: Builder’s Insight, Clockwork Surgeon, Fruits of Your Labor, Mischievous Smile, Nimble Fingers, Keen Mind, Structural Knowledge, Toilcrafter

Unique Spell Rules:

  • Expeditious Excavation can be prepared as a 1st-level Divine Caster spell
  • Earth Glide can be prepared as a 4th-level Cleric or Druid spell, or a 3rd-level Ranger spell.

Unique Summon Rules

  • Summon Monster/Nature’s Ally V: Advanced Earth Mephit
  • Summon Monster/Nature’s Ally VI: Xorn (N)

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Flandal Steelskin

Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Artifice [Toil], Fire, Gnome, Good, Metal (Earth).
Favored Weapon: Hammer

Flandal Steelskin is a master of mining and one of the finest and strongest smiths in creation. Flandal is physically the strongest of the gnome gods, and his prodigious nose gives him an uncanny ability to sniff out veins of metal that thread the earth. The Forgotten Folk hold that Flandal helped create the craft of metalworking along with several of the dwarven powers. In particular, Flandal devised an alloy first employed by gnomes known as telstang, and he was the first to discover the properties of arandur, a legendary metal once known only to the Forgotten Folk.

Dogma: The treasures of life are buried within Flandal’s embrace, and only hard labor, dedication, and great craftsmanship, as taught by the Master of Metals, can reveal that hidden beauty. Dig mines, extract ores, and forge suits of armor, weapons, and other items of metal. Strive to refine known techniques, invent new processes, and stay physically fit.

Obedience: Spend your hour of devotion working upon a craft, or mining ore from the earth, all the while setting a cadence to your hammer or pick with chanting to the Master of Metal. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on Craft checks.

1: Forgeheart (Sp) crafter’s fortuneAPG 3/day, make whole 2/day, minor creation 1/day
2: Hands to the Forge (Su) Toil is second nature to you, and the fire of the forge has tempered you to the point that intense heat is negligible. You suffer no averse effects from hot environments, as if you were continually affected with endure elements, but only against heat. You may survive in temperatues up to 140F (60C) without making fortitude saves and without harm to your equipment. Further, you are immune to fatigue, but not exhaustion.
3: Fantastic Machine (Sp) Once per day as a standard action, you can conjure a many-armed, noisy, massive mechanical construct of impressive appearance — a bizarre, but useful, contraption that you can command to perform any simple, physical task that can be described in twenty-five words or less, or you can concentrate on the machine to control its every function. Directing the machine, or changing its directions is a standard action for you. The machine always acts on your turn in the initiative order, and can act during the turn you conjure it. Except as noted, this machine functions as a large animated object. The machine has Strength of 22. A light load for the machine is up to 346 pounds, a medium load is 347-692 pounds, and a heavy load is 693-1,040 pounds. The machine can fly or swim only when lightly loaded. The machine can lift a weight of up to 2,080 pounds to a height of 15 feet. It can push or drag 5,200 pounds. It can excavate 20,000 pounds of loose rock each minute (which is sufficient to clear a 5-by-5-by-5-foot space in 1 round). It can excavate sand or loose soil at twice that rate. The machine makes slam attacks with an attack bonus of +17/+12 for 1d8+9 damage. it deals triple slam damage (3d8+27) against stone or metal. The machine can hurl Small rocks (if any are at hand) with an attack bonus of +12/+7. Its range increment is 150 feet, and it can throw a rock up to 10 range increments. A thrown rock deals 2d6+9 points of damage. This machine remains for a number of minutes equal to your hit dice, after which it vanishes from existence.

Specialty Priest: Pyrosmith† (Cleric)

  • The Pyrosmith must choose the metal domain as one of his domains.
  • A Pyrosmith gains heavy armor proficiency and proficiency in all martial weapons in the hammers weapon group.
  • Divine Mending: A Pyrosmith can spontaneously cast make whole and greater make whole in place of cure moderate wounds and cure critical wounds, respectively. This alters spontanous casting.
  • Diminished Channel: The Pyrosmith gains an additional dice of channel energy at 4th level, and every 3 levels thereafter, for a maximum of 7d6 at 19th level. This alters channel energy.
  • Forgesmith: A Pyrosmith adds 1/2 his Cleric level to any Craft checks working with metal. At 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter, he may choose an item creation feat as a bonus feat.
  • At Home at the Forge: At 6th level, the Pyrosmith gains fire resistance 5; at 12th level this increases to 10. This replaces the greater domain power of one of the Cleric’s domains.

Archetypes: Clocksmith (Wizard), Forgepriest (Warpriest), Soul Forger (Magus),

Feats: Beacon of Hope, Bestow HopeFire God’s Blessing, Hands of Valor, Protective Channel, Steelskin Channel

Magic Items: Shad’gorum Nugget

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained)

Traits: A Shining BeaconBuilder’s Insight, Clockwork Surgeon, Forge’s Flame, Nimble Fingers, Keen Mind, Mischievous Smile, Purity of Faith, Structural Knowledge, Toilcrafter

Unique Spell Rules:

Unique Summon Rules

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Gaerdal Ironhand

Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Gnome, Good, Law, Protection [Guardian], War [Tactics].
Favored Weapon: Gnomish Hook Hammer

The Shield of the Golden Hills, Gaerdal is the primary defender of the Forgotten Folk, taking to the task in a way for more straightforward than the deceptive and illusive Baravar and Garl. He is by far the most stern and serious of any in the gnome pantheon. Gaerdal oversees most of the organized military and watchmen among the gnomes, and often sends his avatar to oversee their organizing. His worship is less joyful, but no less sincere, among his people. None doubt his place among the pantheon, despite his lack of japes and comedy. There is always hope that he will not need to be called upon, but when he is needed he rarely fails.

Dogma: The best defense is unswerving vigilance. Serve Gaerdal with absolute dedication and devotion. Defend and protect gnome communities against all invaders both obvious and hidden. Never cease to hone the skills of war, and take the opportunity of relative peace to pass such talents on to gnomes at large.

Obedience: Spend an hour sparring with one or more of your kin, or your adventuring party, to hone their skills in battle as well as your own. Gain a +2 sacred bonus on Initiative checks, and you always get to act in a surprise round.

1: Iron Warrior (Sp) true strike 3/day, versatile weapon 2/day, haste 1/day
2: Greaves of Steel (Su) You gain a +10 sacred bonus to your CMD when an opponent attempts to bull rush you. You may always attempt attacks of opportunity when a creature attempts to bull rush you, even if your opponent has a feat or ability that would otherwise negate it. In addition, you may attempt an attack of opportunity whenever a charging opponent enters a space you threaten.
3: Dictum Blow (Su)
 Once per day, you can channel the effects of dictum through your weapon, though you don’t need to cast (or even know) the spell. You must declare your use of this ability before rolling your attack. On a hit, the target is affected as if caught in the area of dictum as cast by a cleric of a level equal to your Hit Dice (maximum 20). If the target is lawful or its Hit Dice exceeds yours, it is unaffected. If your attack misses or the creature is unaffected, the dictum effect is wasted.

Paladin Oath

The paladin oath for one dedicated to Gaerdal Ironhand truly illustrates the day and night contrast between those of his order and those who pray to Baravar Cloakshadow. Where their counterparts rely often on subtlety and relatively dirty tricks to thwart those who threaten the forgotten folk, Gaerdal’s holy warriors face opposition head on, in no subtle means whatsoever.

  • The front line is only as strong as the ties that bind a warrior to his comrades. I seek to build trust and camaraderie with my allies, and they trust that I will never strike out alone or leave them behind, especially not for individual gain or glory.
  • I will always be ready for the call of the Forgotten Folk, whether far away or near home. The Stern is always with his people; this, too, I shall represent.
  • I shall never shirk my duties or take my watchful eye from my charges; flippancy and distractions allow for ill intentions to slip through the cracks.
  • War comes when the commonfolk least expect it. I will keep my weapons and my body in peak condition so that when the time comes, I will be ready to defend our people.

Specialty Priest: Sternshield† (Warpriest)

  • The Sternshield gains proficiency in all shields — including the tower shield. This alters the Cleric’s weapon proficiencies.
  • Rallying Cry (Su): At 4th level, the Sternshield can spend two uses of his fervor ability to make a powerful shout that affects all creatures in a 30ft radius, centered on the warpriest. Allies of the Sternshield gain a morale bonus to attack rolls, damage, and saving throws against fear, equal to the number of dice in the warpriest’s fervor ability, until the end of the Sternshield’s next turn. Enemies in the radius of this ability must make a saving throw against a DC of 10 + half the Warpriest’s level + his Charisma modifier or be shaken for a number of rounds equal to the number of dice in the warpriest’s fervor ability; this shaken effect is not cumulative. This replaces channel energy.
  • Shield of the Golden Hills (Su): At 7th level, rather than enhancing his armor worn, the Sternshield can enhance his shield, with the appropriate bonuses of a warpriest of his level. He can enhance his shield with the following properties, rather than those available to the warpriest: arrow catching, arrow deflecting, bashing, clangorous, energy resistance (any), and fortification (any). This replaces sacred armor.

Feats: Beacon of Hope, Bestow HopeHands of Valor, Intrepid Rescuer, Ironbound Master, Protective ChannelSword Oath (applies to favored weapon; treat BAB as fighter level).

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained)

Traits: A Shining Beacon, Avowed Inspiration, Battlefield Caster, Divine WarriorGuardian Smite, Honeyed Words, Iron GripLover of the Law, Mischievous Smile, Mighty Protector, Protective Faith, Purity of Faith, Shield-Trained, Steady Strength, Split-Second Defense, Strong Heart, Veteran of Battle.

Unique Spell Rules

Unique Summon Rules

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Garl Glittergold

Alignment: Lawful Good
Domains: Artifice [Alchemy], Envy, Gnome, Good, Law, Protection, Trickery [Greed].
Favored Weapon: Battleaxe

Garl Glittergold is the Watchful Protector of the Forgotten Folk and the leader of the gnome pantheon. He is said to have discovered the first gnomes while exploring a new cavern and then told them a joke before leading them into the world. All gnomes who embrace the communal life of the Forgotten Folk venerate the Joker, even if they also worship another deity. His name is invoked by gnomes involved in jewelcraft (particularly those who work with gold) and gem cutting. Gnomes who wish to play a prank or tell a joke invoke his name, as do those who seek to protect and strengthen gnome communities.

Dogma: While life may sometimes be hard, it is important to keep a sense of humor and always welcome opportunities for laughter and delight. Communities are forged through the cooperation and communal spirit of a group of individuals who work and play together. The strength of a community is the cooperation that binds individuals into more than the sum of their contributions. A great prank can lighten hard times and make good ones shine. Never take yourself too seriously, lest you lose touch with those you protect and care for. Do not fear change or the unorthodox — therein lies the future. Above all, do what works.

Obedience: Compose a joke or devise a friendly prank that will exemplify the Joker, and tell this joke or play the prank in the company of others. If no-one laughs, the obedience is not fulfilled; otherwise, you gain a +4 sacred bonus on

1: Trickster’s Essentials (Sp)
 beguiling gift 3/day, misdirection 2/day, auditory hallucination 1/day.
2: And, It’s Gone! (Su) You gain the Ranged Legerdemain ability of the Arcane Trickster, able to use Disable Device and Sleight of Hand at a range of 30 feet, on objects of 5 pounds or less. You can only use this ability with a skill that is trained, unless you otherwise have an effet or ability that allows you to make these skills untrained. If you already have the Ranged Legerdemain ability, or gain it, through another class or feature, then your range extends to 60 feet and the weight limit increases to 8 pounds or less.
3: Seven-Pipped Gem (Su) As an immediate action, you can gain a luck bonus on a single d20 roll equal to half your total Hit Dice (minimum 1). You can use this ability after you have rolled, but must declare the use of this ability before you know the result of the check. If this roll is made as part of a Sleight of Hand check or game of chance, the luck bonus is instead equal to your total Hit Dice. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum 1). Once you have used all of your daily uses of this ability, you can attempt to use this ability one additional time, but there is a 50% chance that instead of gaining a luck bonus on the roll, you instead take a penalty equal to the bonus you would have received.

Specialty Priest: Glitterbright (Cleric)

  • A Glitterbright adds Bluff, Disable Device, Sleight of Hand and Stealth to his list of Class Skills. He loses the following skills: Diplomacy, Knowledge (history and nobility); he further gains 4 skill points per level rather than 2. This alters the Cleric’s class skills.
  • Boon of Illusion: The Glitterbright can use any scroll, spell completion or spell trigger magic item to activate a spell of the Illusion school as if they were on his spell list — to a maximum spell level equal to 1/2 his Cleric level; any attempt to use such an item of a greater spell level requires a Use Magic Device check as usual. This replaces spontaneous casting.
  • Edge of Arumdina: At 10th level, the Glitterbright can summon a glowing, floating, golden battleaxe to fight for him once per day as a standard action. This axe remains in existence for a number of rounds equal to his Cleric level once summoned. The axe acts as a Mordenkainen’s sword spell except it takes the shape of a battleaxe composed of pure force. Also, the axe’s attack bonus is equal to the chimeric champion’s caster level + his Wisdom modifier, with the additional +3 enhancement bonus described in the Mordenkainen’s sword spell. The axe attacks against the target’s touch AC, and deals 4d6+3 points of force damage, with a threat range of 20 and a critical multiplier of ×3. Because the axe is actually a shadow effect, a creature struck by the battleaxe can make a Will save (DC 10 + the champion’s class level + her Wisdom modifier) to disbelieve the effect the first time it is struck. Success indicates the target of the axe’s attack takes only half damage for the effect’s duration. This replaces the greater domain power of one of the Glitterbright’s domains.

Feats: Beacon of Hope, Bestow HopeHands of Valor, Intrepid Rescuer, Protective Channel, Trick Spell.

Magic Items: Hooked Hammer of the Hearthfire*, Rhombocrystal*

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine Champion, Divine Chymist, Divine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained), Divine Seeker.

Traits: A Shining Beacon, Builder’s Insight, Clockwork Surgeon, Mighty Protector, Mischievous Smile, Nimble Fingers, Keen Mind, Protective Faith, Purity of Faith, Split-Second Defense, Structural Knowledge, Toilcrafter.

Unique Spell Rules

  • Fools Gold can be prepared as a 1st-level Cleric or Inquisitor spell
  • Gembomb can be prepared as a 2nd-level Cleric or Inquisitor spell
  • Glitterdust can be prepared as a 2nd-level Cleric, Inquisitor or Ranger spell.
  • Mage Hand can be cast as an Orison
  • Stumble Gap can be preprared as a 1st-level Cleric, Inquisitor or Ranger spell

Unique Summon Rules

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Nebelun the Meddler is the gnomish god of inventions and inventiveness, as well as good luck and fortuitous accidents. It is the name by which the Forgotten Folk of the Realms refer to Gond the Wonderbringer, although a small but emerging cult believes that Nebelun and Gond are separate gods. In truth, Gond is a distinct entity unrelated to the lesser god Nebelun venerated by gnomes of other worlds, but because the true Nebelun never joined his fellows from the Golden Hills in Bytopia into Toril’s crystal sphere, Gond has assumed his aspect within Realmspace, and gains power from these followers in turn. Gond is known, in fact, to manifest among gnomish followers as a spry, elderly gnome in a frock coat and glasses.

Perhaps Nebelun’s most famous devotee is the former hermit Nadul Da-Roni who lives in the wilds outside of High Horn. This peculiar gnome has, over the past decade, become quite famous through the marketing of his mechanical contraptions and inventions in Aurora’s Whole Realms Catalog. As a result, he unwittingly developed a small following that became a community of gnome inventors, all dedicated to Nebelun.

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Segojan Earthcaller

Alignment: Lawful Good
Domains: Caves, Earth [Petrification], Gnome, Good, Repose.
Favored Weapon: Mace

As the Lord of the Burrow, Seojan Earthcaller is the particular patron of rock gnomes, creatures that burrow through the earth, and death. Unlike his ally Baervan Wildwanderer, is was a god of the plants and forests of the surface world, Segojan’s area of concern is the deep earth and the life within it. Segojan is also seen as the gnomish god of the dead, for the forgotten folk interr their fallen kin into his domain. He is said to give the gnomes their ability to communicate with burrowing mammals.

Dogma: The earth is the heart and soul of the Forgotten Folk. From its nurturing embrace spring forth the children of Garl, on its surface and amid its tunnels and caves they dwell in life, and beneath its silent shroud they rest in death. Preserve and protect the natural world that lies beneath the roots of those who dwell on the surface. Dig burrows, tunnel, and explore, for the Badger welcomes all gnomes into his domain. Ware the evil that ensnares those blinded by the avarice and destructive impulses of the Crawler Below, and the Lord of the Burrow shall protect those who dwell in his demesne and live in harmony with his teachings.

Obedience: As you make your daily devotions, lay out small semiprecious gems, or smooth stones you have found in the earth during your goings about the previous day. When you have finished your prayers, give away these gifts of the earth to a friend or a stranger with blessings of the Lord of the Burrow. If you do not find anyone with whom to share these stones, leave them in random places that someone might find them after they are blessed. Gain +4 sacred bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) and Survival checks while underground.

1: Stone Guardian (Sp)
 earth shield 3/day, stone call 2/day, or elemental speech 1/day.
2: Mighty Pebble (Su)
 As a standard action, you can charge and throw a pebble (or other stone of similar size) that detonates when it strikes a target as a ranged attack. The pebble has a range increment of 20 feet and has a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage for every four hit dice you possess. Any creature struck by the pebble takes 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage per two hit dice you possess. Creatures in squares adjacent to the target take half damage, or no damage if they make a Reflex saving throw. If the attack roll misses, treat the pebble as a thrown splash weapon to determine where it lands. You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day equal to your Wisdom or Charisma bonus, whichever is greater.
3: Stone Ally (Sp) You can bring forth an elder earth elemental once per day as a standard action. You gain telepathy with the elemental to a range of 100 feet. The elemental follows your commands perfectly for 1 minute for every Hit Die you possess before vanishing back to its home. The golem takes the form of a sculpted dwarf hero wielding two massive warhammers, the holy symbol of Torag hanging prominently around its neck. Its statistics remain unchanged despite these cosmetic alterations.

Specialty Priest: Earth Friend† (Druid)

  • Earth Dweller (Ex): At 2nd level, an Earth Friend gains a bonus on Initiative checks Knowledge (dungeoneering), Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks equal to half her druid level in underground terrain, and she cannot be tracked in such an environment. This ability replaces woodland stride.
  • Burrow Runner (Ex): At 3rd level, an Earth Friend suffers no penalty to speed or on Acrobatics or Stealth checks when moving across difficult terrain caused by earth, rocks or rubble. This replaces trackless step.
  • Deadman’s Nemesis (Ex): At 4th level, the Earth Friend gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like and supernatural abilities of undead. This replaces resist nature’s lure.
  • Wildshape (Su): An Earth Friend gains this ability at 6th level, except that his effective druid level for the ability is equal to his druid level – 2, and he can only assume an earth elemental form with elemental wildshape, and cannot use wildshape to assume plant form. This alters wildshape.
  • Immovable as the Earth (Ex): At 9th level, an Earth Friend gains immunity to petrification and receives a +4 bonus on saving throws or to CMD to resist any attempt to push, pull, bull rush, or drag her, or to resist any other effect that would physically move her from her position (e.g., repel wood, reverse gravity, or being blown away by high winds). This does not protect her against being tripped, grappled, or overrun. This ability replaces venom immunity.
  • Stony Guise (Ex): At 13th level, an Earth Friend can transform her body into a stalagmite or stone outcrop. This effect functions as statue. This ability replaces a thousand faces.

Feats: Beacon of Hope, Bestow HopeEerie Sense, Hands of Valor, Messenger of Fate, Protective Channel, Stone Strider.

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained).

Good: A Shining Beacon, Corpse HunterMischievous Smile, Purity of Faith, Spirit Guide, Stabilizing Touch, Undead Slayer.

Unique Summon Rules

  • Summon Monster/Nature’s Ally V: Celestial Earth Mephit

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Sheyana Flaxenstrand

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Domains: Chaos, Charm [Love], Gnome, Good, Healing.
Favored Weapon: Bow

Sheyanna is the gnomish deity of beauty, love, marital bonds, and healing — both bodily and emotional healing. The Flaxen-Haired One doesn’t commit to romance of her own, choosing instead to encourage matchmaking and passionate affairs among the mortal gnomes in her care; though there are a thousand folk tales among the forgotten folk of her flitting amongst every other deity of the pantheon — male or female. Sheyanna is said to be the ideal of gnome beauty, a delicate blonde princess with a smile that melts even Gaerdal Ironhand’s icy heart. Sheyanna is often depicted with Hearthlight, a golden bow that can shoot forth arrows of fire wherever she aims it, and it is said that if she chooses, she can will an arrow not to injure with its flame, but rather to kindle the emotions of love and desire in the heart of someone it strikes. Gnomes joke that clerics of Sheyanna are trained extensively in the amorous arts — and thus they make great spouses. While that isn’t quite true, her clergy does indeed recruit the most attractive gnomes in a given community.

Dogma: Always try to look your best; encourage others to find and see the beauty in themselves, and in others. Let mutual romance bloom, and blossom into a brillant flame; encourage lovers to grow together, and prevent others from homewrecking. Heal broken bonds, and broken bodies, with love, tenderness and compassion.

Obedience: Spend an hour seeking to converse with friends — or making new ones; play matchmaker among those whom you meet, picking out the reasons why you feel they would get along romantically. If instead you end up in the company of troubled lovers, mediate their differences that they might come to resolution. Gain a +4 sacred bonus against all charms and compulsions.

1: Enduring Bonds (Sp) unbreakable heart 3/day, matchmaker 2/day, or lovers vengeance 1/day.
2: Dazzling Beauty (Su) The Flaxenhaired Maiden imparts to you a measure of her divine beauty to you that leaves others gazing rapt at your charms. You gain the fascinate bardic performance and a number of rounds of bardic performance each day equal to your Charisma modifier + your Hit Dice, with a caster level equal to your Hit Dice. If you already have the bardic performance class feature, all your class levels count as bard levels for the purpose of determining your total rounds of bardic performance each day and the save DC of your fascinate performance.
3: Armor of Radiance (Sp) Divine beauty channels through youy physical form even stronger than before. When you are using your Dazzling Beauty ability to fascinate creatures, you, and allies adjacent to you, are warded against the aggression of others; this functions as a heightened sanctuary spell, cast at a spell level equal to half your hit dice. As with the sanctuary spell, anyone affeted by this ward who makes an aggressive move against someone else negates this effect for themselves. This effect remains for as long as you are using your fascinate effect.

Feats: Beacon of Hope, Bestow Hope, Clarifying Channel, Hands of Valor, Protective Channel, Trick Spell.

Magic Items: Zonzon Doll of Forgiveness*

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained), Divine Seeker.

Traits: A Shining BeaconAlluring, Battlefield SurgeonEnchanting Conniver, Envoy of Healing, Purity of Faith, Scarred by War.

Unique Spell Rules

Unique Summon Rules



Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Domains: Chaos, Earth, Envy, Evil [Hatred], Gluttony, Gnome, Madness, Trickery [Greed].
Favored Weapon: Claw Bracer

Urdlen, a neutered and sexless being, is the epitome of the evil impulse that rules some gnomes and is feared by the rest. A mindless force of malicious evil and destruction, Urdlen serves as a warning for every gnome to beware the taint of greed and to focus on reveling in joy and exitement. It is telling that gnomes have no myths of how this evil arose, but that they simply fear Urdlen’s vicious, life-hating evil and bloodlust. Just as the Crawler Below can burrow into the earth of the Abyss, so it hopes evil will burrow into the hearts and souls of gnomes everywhere. Urdlen thrives on trickery that harms the innocent and the good. It is commonly venerated by evil thieves and fighters, although gnomes from all walks of life have succumbed to its evil taint. Spriggans are said to be the twisted offspring of gnomes who succumbed to Urdlen’s taint early in the history of the Forgotten Folk, and they honor their god and patron by perpetuating its reign of terror. Many gnomes believe that the bleaching — the gradual fading, both literally and in spirit — of gnomes who succumb to depression and fatality is a direct result of Urdlen’s influence as well.

Dogma: Succumb to the bloodlust. Hate, covet, crush, despoil, and kill. Revel and exult in orgies of death and destruction. That which is living or created by life must be murdered or destroyed. The strong survive and the weak are their cattle. Propitiate the Crawler Below so it does not come for you.

Obedience: On a rock or tablet of stone, inscribe words or runes of devotion to the Crawler Below with the blood of any living creature that you’ve recently slain. Afterwards, use the blood to paint a matching inscription upon your bare skin; wear this bloody design for the remainder of the day. Gain a profane bonus of +2 to confirm critical hits, and anyone to whom you deal an effect that causes bleed damage saves against these effects at -2.

1: Beast Blooded (Sp) savage maw 3/day, brow gasher 2/day, blessing of the mole 1/day
2: Wicked Claws (Ex) As a move action you can cause your fingernails to sprout into thick, jagged talons, mimicking those that would be sported by a mole or wolverine. You gain a pair of claw attacks. These are primary natural attacks that deal 1d6 points of slashing damage if you’re Small. Dismissing these claws is a free action.
3: Crawler’s Blessing (Su) You gain lycanthropy and can assume the form of weremole, a lycanthrope which only has a hybrid gnome/mole form. You are treated as a natural lycanthrope and gain the following while in this form: Light Blindness, Scent ability, Tremorsense, Increase natural armor by +2, gain DR 10/silver, +2 Dexterity, 2 Claw attacks 1d6, 1 bite attack 1d6, and a burrow speed equal to half your land speed.

Specialty Priest: Bloodstalker† (Hunter)

  • Studied Target (Ex) At 1st level, the bloosstalker gains the slayer’s studied target class feature. He uses his hunter level as her effective slayer level to determine the effects of studied target. The bloodstalker shares the bonuses granted by his studied target ability with his animal companion as long as it is within 60 feet of him. This replaces animal focus.
  • Loner: Unlike most hunters, a bloodstalker has no animal companion.
  • Bloodlust (Ex): At 3rd level, the bloodstalker gains the Slayer’s sneak attack ability, using his hunter level as his slayer level to determine the number of damage dice for his sneak attack. This replaces animal companion.
  • Skilled Predator (Ex): At 3rd level, and every 3 levels thereafter, a bloodstalker may select a slayer talent, using his hunter level as his slayer level to determins which talents he may choose and their effects. This replaces teamwork feats.
  • Stalker (Ex) At 8th level, the bloodstalker applies his studied target bonus to Intimidate, Stealth and Survival checks. This replaces second animal focus.

Feats: Channel Hate, Conversion Channel, Fearsome Finish, Potion Glutton, Shatter Resolve, Siphon Channel, Stone Strider,

Magic Items: Gutbite Belt*

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained), Divine Seeker.

Traits: Always Threatening, Fury (works with favored weapons), Hatred of the Gods, Mischievous Smile, Unhinged Mentality.

Unique Spell Rules

  • Blood Armor can be prepared as a 2nd-level divine caster spell.
  • Entice Fey, Lesser (evil fey only) can be prepared as a 5th-level Cleric spell.
  • Entice Fey (evil fey only) can be prepared as a 7th-level Cleric spell.
  • Entice Fey, Greater (evil fey only) can be prepared as a 9th-level Cleric spell.

Unique Summon Rules
