Dwarven Pantheon


Alignment: Neutral Evil
Domains: Dwarf, Evil, Luck [Curse], Trade (Travel), Trickery [Greed, Thievery]
Favored Weapon: Dagger

Abbathor is the evil dwarven god of greed. He is an intensely greedy deity and is both desirous and envious of others’ riches. He is venerated by most evil dwarves and nearly all evil dwarven thieves. He represents the worst aspect and major weakness of dwarven character. Many dwarves and even nondwarves consumed with treasure lust and greed, or those who seek to steal valuables, make offerings to him.

Abbathor wasn’t always evil. The creature that would become known as the Wyrm of Avarice originally concerned himself with the natural beauty of gems and metals, but became estranged from his pantheon when Moradin named Dumathoin the patron of Shield Dwarves, a position Abbathor had coveted since birth. Thereafter he traded the tradition and honor of the dwarves race for trickery and stealth. He had been denied the thing he wanted most, and swore never to be in the same position again. Henceforth, if something appealed to Abbathor, he took it. Since dwarves are prone to greed without any help from their deities, many have fallen to Abbathor’s seductive call. The Trove Lord now seeks to pervert the whole of the dwarves race to his way of thinking, the greatest offense he can imagine to thumb his nose at his distant patriarch. Abbathor covets valuables and gems with intensity best described as sensual, and goes to any length to get what he wants. This covetous greed has engendered him with subterrenean dragons, and a resultant cult arose that mingles his followers with dragonkin.

Dogma: Seek to acquire all that shines or sparkles, and revel in the possession of such. The wealth of the earth was created for those dwarves strong and crafty enough to acquire it by any means necessary. Greed is good, as it motivates the acquisition and the holding of all that is truly precious. Do not seize wealth from the children of the Morndinsamman, however, nor conspire against the favored of Abbathor, for such strife in the name of avarice weakens the clan.

Obedience: Find a quiet spot to play a game of chance in which money, gems, or items worth at least 10 gp are at stake. Offer a prayer to Abbathor before starting the game. If you win, keep the gems/coins/items, if you lose; bury the wager where none can find it as it is now part of Abbathor’s glorious horde. Gain a +4 profane bonus on two of Bluff, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth checks.

1: Dwarf of Night (Sp) vanish 3/day, pilfering hand 2/day, or invisibility sphere 1/day
2: Guardian of the Trove Lord (Su) Once per day as a standard action, you can summon a Huge earth elemental (always appears as a giant dwarf). You gain telepathy with the earth elemental to a range of 100 feet. The earth elemental follows your commands perfectly for 1 minute for every Hit Die you have before vanishing back to the Plane of Earth. The earth elemental won’t follow any commands that cause it to harm another dwarf or werebadger, though it can be commanded to grapple or restrain such a creature.
3: Glimpse the Trove (Su) Obviously, treasure can play a factor when trying to persuade others to join your side. Three times per day, you can show someone a vision of Abbathor’s great trove. This functions like mass suggestion, except no two of the creatures can be more than 30 feet apart. The DC of the Will saving throw to negate this effect is equal to 10 + half your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier.

Specialty Priest: Aetharnor† (Cleric)

  • Proficient in weapons as a rogue, do not gain medium armor or shield proficiency.
  • Gains Bluff, Disable Device, Perception, Sleight of Hand and Stealth as class skills, and gains 4 skill points per level. Loses Diplomacy, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Planes) and Sense Motive.
  • Sneak Attack (Ex): At 2nd level, the Aetharnor gains the rogue’s sneak attack ability, adding +1d6 to a successful sneak attack, and adding an additional +1d6 per 4 levels thereafter for a total of +5d6 at 18th level. This replaces the cleric’s ability to spontaneously cast inflict spells.
  • Rogue Talents: At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the Aetharnor can select a rogue talent for which he qualifies. At 12th level, this can be an advanced rogue talent. This replaces one of the Cleric’s domains.

Archetypes and Alternate Class Features: Draconic Druid (Druid), Wyrm Cultist [Noroghor]† (Antipaladin or Warpriest)

Feats: Bravery in Action, Conversion Channel, Fateful Channel, Fearsome Finish, Shatter Resolve, Unbound Bravery, Undaunted Bravery

Magic Items: Miser’s Ring, (Droskar’s Guiding Ring)

Prestge Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained), Divine Seeker

Traits: Agent of Chance, Always Threatening, Backstabber, Call for Help, Cheat Death, Denial of Fate, Eye for Quality, Dwarvish Valor, Holy SchemerLiar’s Tongue, Opportunistic (works with favored weapon), Practiced Deception, Propitiation, Resigned, Reckless Luck, Stoic Optimism, Thrill-Seeker


Berronar Truesilver

Alignment: Lawful Good
Domains: Community [Family, Home], Dwarf, Good [Friendship], Healing [Medicine], Law [Loyalty], Protection [Guardian].
Favored Weapon: Mace

Berronar is matriarch of the dwarven pantheon, and is the dwarven goddess of Safety, Truth, Home, and Healing. She is the bride of Moradin and dwells with him. Known as The Revered Mother, she is the defender and protector of the home. She is the patron of marriage and family, and her name is often invoked in small home rituals for protection against thieves and duplicity. Berronar is also the goddess of medicine, and in midwifery in particular, presiding over every birth of the All-Father’s people. Further, she is the sealer of all covenants, not just marriage; and when dwarves wish to invoke a lasting agreement, or merely add further weight to a vow they make, they often invoke the Revered Mother’s name, or seek out one of her priestesses or a paladin.

Dogma: The children of Moradin are shaped on the Soul Forge and ever warmed by the embrace of the Revered Mother. Tend the hearth and home, drawing strength and safety from truth, tradition, and the rule of law. Join with friends, kin, and clan in common purpose. Do not succumb to the misery of greed or the evils of strife, but always bring hope, health, and cheer to those in need. Once an oath is made, Berronar watches over its keeping – to break it is to grieve her sorely. Children must be cherished and guarded well from harm, for they are the future of all dwarvenkind.

Obedience: Gather with others for an hour to reflect on the bonds of your party or your community, and discuss ways in which to strengthen those bonds. Tell stories and share experiences to reinforce the relationships between you. If you are not with your community or a party, then seek out others you might offer to aid with a malady or injury, and treat them as you are able; do not ask coin in return, rather offer your aid in the name of the Revered Mother. Gain a +2 sacred bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks.

1: Family Bonds (Sp)
 linked legacy 3/day, life pact 2/day, or tiny hut 1/day
2: Caring Defender (Su) Protection of family and home is paramount to you. You gain a +2 sacred bonus to your Armor Class. When using the aid another action to increase an ally’s Armor Class, this sacred bonus increases to +4 and the ally gains an additional +2 bonus to her Armor Class against attacks.
3: Home Away from Home (Su) You know the benefits of a communal meal and warm shelter shared with friends and family. Once per day, you can create a safe extradimensional space that you and your allies can occupy for a number of hours equal to your Hit Dice. The space holds as many as eight creatures (of any size) that you designate, all of which must be within 30 feet of you when you use this ability. Creatures in the extradimensional space are hidden beyond the reach of spells (including divinations) unless those spells work across planes. Creatures within the space can see the environs outside of the space, but those outside cannot see inside, and the interior may be fashioned in a homey decor that is suitable to you. Within the refuge is a bountiful table set with as many chairs as the number of creatures invited in, and the table holds a delicious feast that acts as the heroes’ feast spell with a caster level equal to your Hit Dice.

Paladin Code: Paladins of Berronar Truesilver are protectors of home and hearth who safeguard sacred places in times of war and peace. Many are mothers who seek to help and protect children and other mothers. Their tenets include the following affirmations.

  • Children are true innocents. I will protect them from harm above all else.
  • A child’s spirit is the light of a people. I will nurture children under my care.
  • My home, whatever it might be, is always a refuge for the homeless.
  • I will always make time to help others are hurting — body, heart or mind.

Specialty Priest: Faernor† (Cleric)

  • A Faernor be Good in alignment
  • A Faernor must choose the Protection domain or Guardian subdomain as one of her domains.
  • Domain Focus: A Faernor has one less spell slot than normal at each level. If this would reduce her number of prepared spells of any level to 0, she can only prepare spells of that level if she has sufficient Wisdom for bonus spell slots. However, the Faernor has two domain spell slots at of each spell level rather than one. She must use at least one of these domain slots at each level to prepare a Protection domain or Guardian subdomain spell. This alters the cleric’s spellcasting.
  • Good for What Ails Ye (Ex): A Faernor is extensively trained in healing, midwifery and curative practices; she gains a bonus to Heal skill checks of +1 per two levels of Cleric (minimum +1). She also gains skill unlocks with the Heal skill, as if she had the signature skill feat.
  • Empower Defenses (Su): A Faernor casts spells on her cleric list from the Abjuration school, and spells from the Protection or Guardian domain, as if she were 2 levels higher. This replaces the lesser power of one of her chosen domains.
  • Channel Warding (Su): At 4th level, when the Faernor channels energy to heal living creatures, those within the radius of her channel are granted a sacred bonus of +1 to their saving throws and their CMD. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Faernor’s Wisdom bonus; this effect cannot be stacked and successive channelings overlap their duration. This bonus increases by +1 at 8th level and every 4 levels thereafter. This diminishes the cleric’s channel energy ability to +1d6 every 3 levels to a maximum of +7d6 at 19th level.

Archetypes and Alternate Class Features: Berronar’s Valkyrie† (Cavalier, Fighter, Paladin or Warpriest)

Feats: Butterfly’s Sting, Beacon of Hope, Bestow HopeHands of Valor, Intrepid Rescuer, Protective Channel

Prestge Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained).

Traits: Abundant BountyA Shining Beacon, Battlefield Surgeon, Dwarvish Valor, Envoy of Healing, Fruits of Your Labor, Honeyed WordsLover of the Law Mighty Protector, Protective FaithPropitiation, Purity of Faith, Resigned, Scarred by War, Split-Second Defense

Unique Spell Rules

  • Quest is cast with a DC as if heightened by 2 spell levels.
  • Quest, Lesser is cast with a DC as if heightened by 2 spell levels (includes paladins, even though they don’t have 5th level spell slots).
  • Quest, Lesser can be prepared as a 3rd-level Paladin spell.


Clangeddin Silverbeard

Alignment: Lawful Good
Domains: Dwarf, Good, Law [Honor], Strength [Resolve], War [Tactics], Wrath.
Favored Weapon: Battleaxe

Clangeddin watches over the battle-skills and performances of dwarves from his mountain fortress in Arcadia. He encourages valor in battle, weapon-mastery and training, and wisdom in war, and most often manifests his powers to further these aims. The Lord of Twin Axes is concerned with war as a way of life and is very different from Moradin in this respect. The aptly named Father of Battle especially hates giants and has taught the dwarves – and the gnomes, through their gods – special ways of fighting giant-type creatures.

Dogma: The finest hours of dwarvenkind come in the thrusts and feints of war. Seize the opportunity to defend your kin and ensure their victory wherever conflicts erupt. Revel in the challenge of a good fight, and never waver in the face of adversity, no matter how ominous. Lives should never be thrown away foolishly, but the greatest honor is to sacrifice oneself for the cause on the field of battle in service to a righteous cause. When not fighting, prepare for the next conflict physically, tactically, and by acquiring resources. Attack hill giants whenever possible and other evil giants whenever necessary.

Obedience: Spend an hour drilling with comrades to hone your prowess and strategy in battle. As you fight, sing battle chants to the Mordinsamman and to the Father of Battle. You gain a +2 sacred bonus to initiative checks, and those with whom you practiced combat gain a teamwork feat you possess, chosen at the time of your obedience, for 24 hours so long as they can see and hear you.

1: Boon of Courage (Sp) remove fear 3/day, blessing of courage and life 2/day, or heroism 1/day
2: Cut Down to Size (Su)
You gain Cleave as a bonus feat with any axe. If you already have Cleave, you gain the effects of first feat from the following list that you don’t already have when wielding an axe, without needing to meet additional prerequisites: Great Cleave, Whirling Cleave, Whirlwind Attack. Further you gain a sacred bonus of +2 to your CMB and CMD against creatures at least one size category larger than you, and as a bonus to confirm a critical hit against these creatures.
3: Divine Commander (Su) You are a mobile focus of divine strategy, able to turn the tide of battle by inspiring your allies to instinctively work together. Allies within 60 feet (not including yourself) gain a +2 morale bonus on initiative checks, on melee damage rolls while flanking, and to AC when adjacent to you or at least one other ally of yours.

Paladin Oath:

  • I honor the Lord of Twin Axes in word, deed and battle.
  • I never waiver in the face of adversity and never surrender.
  • Evil giants are a blight to be slain, and hunted when they threaten the clanholds.
  • I am a master of training and wisdom in war.
  • I am always prepared, and gather resources and prepare for the next conflict.
  • I make the All-Father’s children ever stronger on the battlefield.

Specialty Priest: Alaghor (Warpriest)

  • An Alaghor gains Perform (sing) as a class skill.
  • An Alaghor gains Weapon Focus with weapons in the Axes favored weapons group; this alters focus weapon.
  • Ehontar (Su): Translated as “Songs giving fear to the hearts of the craven,” these low, droning battle hymns are used to bolster the spirits of nearby dwarves. The Ehontar grants a morale bonus of to attack and damage rolls, as well as a bonus to CMB and CMD, to all allied dwarves who can see and hear the Alaghor; At 5th level, and every six levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +4 at 17th level. At 8th level, all allied Dwarves affected by this battle hymn are also treated as under the effect of the remove fear spell. At 12th level, enemies who can see and hear the battle hymn suffer a penalty to their attack and damage rolls and CMD equal to the bonus gained by the Alaghor’s allies. This is a mind affecting ability that relies on audible components. The Alaghor can perform the Ehontar for a number of rounds per day equal to his warpriest level + his Charisma modifier. This replaces channel energy.
  • Battle Intuition (Ex): At 3rd level, the Alaghor may substitute a Knowledge (Religion) check for any skill check required for military strategy, troop movements, tactics or battlefield leadership. And he is treated as having the signature skill feat for skill unlocks on all Knowledge skills. This replaces his 3rd level bonus feat.
  • Giant Bane (Ex): Clangeddin harbors a special kind of hatred towards giants, and it is said that the natural ability of dwarves to confound and defeat these enemies is a gift from him. At 7th level, the further study of giant kin allows the Alaghor a bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls and dodge AC vs. all creatures with the Giant subtype equal to his Wisdom bonus. This replaces sacred armor.

Archetypes and Alternate Class Features: Crescent Moon Knight† (Paladin or Warpriest)

Feats: Beacon of Hope, Bestow HopeHands of Valor, Ironbound Master, Merciless Rush, Protective Channel, Sword Oath (applies to favored weapon; treat BAB as fighter level).

Prestge Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained)

Traits: A Shining Beacon, Avowed Inspiration, Battlefield Caster, Divine WarriorHoneyed Words, Inheritor’s Immunity, Iron Grip, Lover of the Law, Shield-Trained, Strength’s Fanfare, Steady Strength, Strong Heart, Strong Willed, Purity of Faith, Rousing Courage†, The Flexing Arm, Veteran of Battle


Dugmaren Brightmantle

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Domains: Artifice [Alchemy, Construct], Chaos, Dwarf, Good, Knowledge [Education], Rune
Favored Weapon: Shortsword

Dugmaren Brightmantle is the dwarf deity of scholarship, discovery, and invention. He is the embodiment of the chaotic and exploratory spirit that consumes some of the Stout Folk. He is venerated by dwarves and a few gnomes, all of whom are scholars, inventors, engineers, tinkers, and fiddlers. His worshipers are consumed with the acquiring of knowledge simply for its own sake rather than for any practical purpose. Whereas Moradin draws smiths and other craftsfolk to his forge, Dugmaren attracts those free-thinkers who want to create something truly new, not a variation on an old theme. It was the Wandering Tinker who is credited with gifting the stout folk with the art of golemcraft, and those who practice such craft often pay homage to him, and it is said Dugmaren is the god who gifted the dwarves with their runic alphabet and the rune magic tied to it.

Dogma: The secrets of the world are waiting to be revealed. Travel widely, broaden your mind at every opportunity, and pursue the life of a scholar. Cultivate the spirit of inquiry among the young and be a teacher to all. Seek to recover lost and archaic knowledge of ages past and apply it in the world today. Try new methods of doing things just for the joy of experimenting. Learn a little of everything, for you never know what might be of use down the road.

Obedience: While meditating quietly with prayers to the Wandering Tinker, you must craft a new creation, continue work on an elaborate device or object, or disassemble an existing creation to see how it works. Favored projects among the faithful include useful gear, magic items, innovative toys, and contraptions invented primarily to see if they would work rather than to solve a specific problem. Share the knowledge you discover while working on this project. If no people are around to hear or read your observations, or you are incapable of communicating with anyone, instead write down notes about your work to publish or otherwise share with others later. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on Craft checks and Disable Device checks.

1: Creator (Sp) crafter’s fortune 3/day, make whole 2/day, minor creation 1/day
2: Inspired Craftsman (Ex) Each day, after completing your obedience, choose one item creation feat, you could otherwise qualify for, using your hit dice as your caster level to qualify for the feat, even if you do not have a caster level. If you do not have a spellcasting level, you can utilize spell-completion or spell-trigger items as components in place of any spells required for the creation of an item; the items used as components are expended fully in the process of completing the created item. You can further use a Craft check in an applicable Crafting skill in place of a Spellcraft check for creating an item — for example, using Craft (weapons) to create a magic weapon using Craft Magic Arms and Armor.
3: Call to Battle (Su) The Wandering Tinker’s inspired creations answer your call to defend yourself and your allies. Once per day as a full-round action, you can summon a clockwork golem (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 137). It has the extraplanar subtype but is otherwise a typical golem of its kind. The golem follows your commands perfectly for 1 round per Hit Die you possess before vanishing.

Specialty Priest: Xothor† (Cleric)

  • A Xothor gains all Craft and Knowledge skills, and Use Magic Device as class skills, and gains 4 skill points per level; this alters the cleric’s skills.
  • A Xothor must choose the Artifice domain, or the Alchemy or Construct subdomain, as one of his chosem domains.
  • Divine Inspiration (Ex): At 1st level, a Xothor gains the inspiration ability of an investigator, treating his cleric level as his investigator level for the benefits gained from it. This functions just as the investigator ability except that the number of points in the Xothor’s inspiration pool is half his level plus his Wisdom modifier, and the skills on which he can use his inspiration ability on without expending a daily use are Craft, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device. This replaces channel energy.
  • Talented Artificer: At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the Xothor selects a talent from the investigator’s list of talents. He uses his cleric level as his investigator level to determine the talents available to him. He can also select the investigator’s trapfinding and danger sense abilities as talents. The chosen talents cannot be talents that augment studied strike, or any other investigator ability that the Xothor doesn’t have. This replaces spontaneous casting.

Archetypes and Alternate Class Features: Dwarven Scholar (Bard)

Feats: Beacon of Hope, Bestow HopeHands of Valor, Master of Knowledge, Protective Channel.

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained), Divine Seeker

Traits: A Shining Beacon, Builder’s Insight, Clockwork Surgeon, Dwarvish Valor, Eternal Understanding, Nimble Fingers, Keen Mind, Loreseeker, Propitiation, Purity of Faith, Resigned, Seer of Reality, Structural Knowledge, Thirst for Knowledge, Toilcrafter.



Alignment: Neutral
Domains: Artifice, Cave, Dwarf, Earth [Metal], Knowledge, Pride, Prophecy, Repose [Ancestor]
Favored Weapon: Maul

Dumathoin is the Keeper of Secrets Under the Mountain, and he hides the secrets of the earth until deserving and diligent dwarves are ready to be guided to them. He lays veins of iron, copper, gold, silver, and mithral where he feels they will best benefit his followers. He watches over the safety and security of miners of all races and has a special role as the protector of shield dwarves and the creator of the urdunnirin. The Silent Keeper is also the guardian of the dwarven dead, as they are interred into the earth that is his domain, and his clergy attend to the burial of their kin and keep the lore and traditions of the ancestral clans alive.

Dogma: Walk the deep and silent ways of Dumatoin. Seek out the hidden gifts of the Keeper of Secrets under the Mountain. That which is hidden is precious, and that which is precious shall stay hidden. Seek to enhance the natural beauty of Dumathoin’s gifts and go with, not against, the contours of the deep. Beauty is the discovery and the crafting, not the holding. Keep the places of our dead inviolate and well tended; the noble ancestors of our race will neither be robbed nor moved through the actions of thieves and defilers. Abide not undead creatures, especially those that take the form of dwarves, thus mocking the creation of Moradin.

Obedience: Spend an hour in a dark cavern barely large enough for you. Using a chisel and hammer, carve the rune for “repose” into the stone. if another dwarf known to you has recently departed this world, meditate upon this, in prayer to the ancestors for the soul’s welcome. Once you have finished carving your runes, spend at least 10 minutes maintaining the tools you used for this obedience. Gain a +4 insight bonus on Perception checks to spot portents and traps; this expanded insight also allows you to disable traps as if you had the rogue’s trapfinding ability.

1: Cryptmaker (Sp)
 expeditious excavation 3/day, consecrate 2/day, or stone shape 1/day
2: Catacomb Sight (Ex)
The range of your darkvision doubles. Three times per day, you can cast comprehend languages as a spell-like ability, but only to read text and symbols on tombs, gravestones, and other monuments to the dead.
3: Watchful Stone (Su)
 Once per day, you can assume the form of a stone statue, as the statue spell. Assuming a statue form or reverting to your normal form requires a full-round action. You can maintain this altered form for a number of days equal to your Hit Dice. While in stone form, you do not need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep, and you remain aware of your surroundings as if you could see and hear normally.

Specialty Priest: Delvesonn† (Druid)

  • Most Develsonns are urdunnir or shield dwarves.
  • A Develsonn must choose a domain as his nature’s bond.
  • Cavern Dweller (Ex): A druid gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) and Survival checks. Starting at 2nd level, a Develsonn is no longer impeded by difficult terrain due natural rock and earth. This replaces nature sense and woodland stride.
  • Aberrant Resistance (Ex): Starting at 4th level, a Develsonn gains a bonus of +4 to his saving throws against mind-affecting divinations, as well as the psionic powers of aberrations. This replaces resist nature’s lure.
  • Crypt Defender (Ex): At 4th level, the Develsonn gains the UnRanger’s favored enemy ability, using his cleric level -4 as his ranger level to determine benefits, however, he can only select from the following favored enemies during his daily preparation: Aberrations, Drow, Duergar, or Undead.
  • Wild Shape (Su): A Develsonn does not gain wild shape until 6th level, at which point he can only assume the shape of earth elementals. He never gains the ability to assume animal or plant forms. This alters the standard druid’s wild shape.

Feats: Eerie Sense, Master of Knowledge, Messenger of Fate, Steelskin Channel, Stone Strider

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained).

Spells: Ironbloom Sprouts

Traits: Builder’s Insight, Clockwork Surgeon, Corpse HunterDwarvish Valor, Eternal Understanding, Gifted MediumLoreseeker, Nimble Fingers, Keen Mind, Propitiation, Resigned, Seer of Reality, Spirit Guide, Stabilizing TouchStructural Knowledge, Thirst for Knowledge, Toilcrafter, Undead Slayer.


Gorm Gulthyn

Alignment: Lawful Good
Domains: Dwarf, Good, Law, Planning (Knowledge), Protection [Defense], War
Favored Weapon: Battleaxe

Gorm Gulthyn is the guardian and protector of dwarvenkind throughout the Realms as well as the god of all Stout Folk who serve as guardians. Those dwarves who require protection or armed aid pay tribute in appeasement to the Lord of the Bronze Mask. Gorm is well regarded by the children of Moradin for his unswerving dedication to the defense of the Stout Folk. While most dwarves regard Fire Eyes as stern and humorless, few discount his role in ensuring the continued survival of those dwarven strongholds that have not fallen.

Dogma: Never waver in your duty to Gorm’s sacred charges. Defend, protect, and keep safe the children of the Morndinsamman from the hostile forces of the outside world. Be always vigilant and ever alert so that you are never surprised. If need be, be prepared to pay the greatest price so that the clan and the community survive, and your name will be remembered for generations.

Paladin Oath

  • My home is my fortress; I shall protect it, cherish it, help it grow, and watch over it with unerring vigilance.
  • A Guardian guards his borders ardently but with discretion. I shal gather information before making a decision, but when a decision must be made, I do so without hesitation and let my wrath become known.
  • Just as I expect outsiders to respect the boundaries of my home, I must also respect the personal boundaries people place on themselves. I shall those around me with the utmost respect, like they are guests in my home unless they have done something undeserving of that respect.
  • The strategy of war involves deception by nature, but the flag of peace is sacrosanct. I accept no negotiations from those who have attacked under the pretence of arbitration or truce for their own gain; they have destroyed the trust that reconciliation requires.

Obedience: Before the watch commences, build a fire, preferably as part of a ritual that includes your closest allies and comrades. In the fire, heat an axe you intend to use in battle or defense of dwarven kind until it glows red, all the while reciting battle litanies, or chant/response prayers from Gorm’s prayer books (if your comrades or allies don’t know them, teach them). Successful melee attacks made with that axe in defense of allies or dwarven kind, by a lawful good, lawful neutral, or neutral good creature deal an additional 1 point of fire damage.

1: The Eyes of Fire (Sp) weapons against evil 3/day, flames of the faithful 2/day, or firestream 1/day
2: The Dwarven Bulwark (Su) Followers of Gorm are the unstoppable defenders of Dwarfkind, relentless against all threats. You gain DR 5/—, this applies only against attacks from creatures with the evil subtype or attacks that can bypass DR/evil. or against all creatures if you are defending dwarves; unlike most untyped damage resistance, this stacks with the DR gained from any armor worn, be it by the material of the armor, or a class ability that grants it to the armor.
3: Implacable Defender (Su) Once per day as a standard action, you can summon a stone golem to aid you. You gain telepathy with the golem to a range of 100 feet. The golem follows your commands perfectly for 1 minute for every Hit Die you possess before vanishing back to its home. The golem takes the form of a sculpted dwarf hero wielding two massive axes, wearing a bronze mask with two eyeholes of fire.

Specialty Priest: Barakor (Warpriest)

  • Ranged Lookout: At 1st level, a Barakor gains weapon focus in the thrown weapons group; he will typically choose the throwing axe as his weapon of choice. This alters focus weapon.
  • Ever-Vigilant (Ex): Barakor who are serving as guardians are never surprised and are able to interpret noises, half-seen movements, and other symptoms of approach and movement. At 3rd level, they add their Wisdom bonus to their Initiative checks, and they are always able to act in a surprise round. This replaces the warpriest’s 3rd level bonus feat.
  • Ever-Waking (Ex): At 4th level, a Barakor becomes immune to spells, spell-like abilities, and psionic effects that would cause him to sleep. He still needs natural sleep as normal. At 8th level, he is immune to effects that cause fatigue. At 12th level, he is immune to effects that cause exhaustion. He is still subject to fatigue and exhaustion through normal physical means. This replaces channel energy.
  • Tireless Sentinel (Ex): At 10th level, a Barakor only needs only half the normal amount of sleep per day in order to function as if fully rested and to naturally heal damage. This replaces one of the warpriest’s major blessings.

Feats: Beacon of Hope, Bestow HopeHands of Valor, Intrepid Rescuer, Ironbound Master, Protective Channel, Sword Oath (applies to favored weapon; treat BAB as fighter level)

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained).

Traits: A Shining BeaconAvowed Inspiration, Battlefield Caster, Defensive StrategistDivine WarriorDwarvish Valor, Eyes and Ears of the City, Guardian Smite, Honeyed WordsIron Grip, Lover of the Law, Mighty ProtectorPropitiation, Protective FaithPurity of FaithResigned, Shield-Trained, Split-Second Defense, Steady Strength, Strong Heart, Talented OrganizerVeteran of Battle, Well-Prepared.


Haela Brightaxe

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Domains: Chaos, Dwarf, Good, Liberation, Luck, War
Favored Weapon: Greatsword

Haela Brightaxe is a demipower of luck in battle, and is a patron of dwarves who love the fray, who wander the surface lands (especially in the North) and charge headlong into combat against evil monsters. Although dwarves of all alignments venerate the Lady of the Fray, those Stout Folk of chaotic or neutral good alignment who live for the thrill of adventure and fight with less than orthodox or honorable means actively embrace the worship of the Luckmaiden. Haela is well known among dwarves for her ready laugh, her booming voice, and her ever-cheerful nature. The Luckmaiden is charming, resourceful, and delivers gallows humor with a broad grin. Although she recognizes no superior save Moradin, Haela is the only recognized dwarven demipower active in the Realms, and as such, the Luckmaiden is ever-mindful of the wishes of the more established and more powerful members of the Morndinsamman.

Dogma: Through battle, you find validation, liberation, and exultation. Trust in Haela to see you through the fray, and the monsters of the world shall fall to the sharp blades of your axes, regardless of their apparent strength and numbers. The Luckmaiden blesses those dwarves who believe in her beneficence, and she, through her faithful, will always be there for the beleaguered and besieged. Rejoice in the power of your swing in battle, and sound of your weapon smiting a worthy foe, and the challenge of the fray. If asked, show mercy on a noble foe who abides by a code of honor, but hold not your hand against the treacherous, the liars, and the honorless.

Obedience: Before setting off on your daily journeys, take a weapon you own, and ask a comrade or travelling companion to name a location to aim at, preferably somewhere unusual – toss the weapon so that it lands point first on or in the location. Gain a +2 sacred bonus on attack rolls with the weapon, OR +1 sacred bonus on attack rolls with the weapon type if you you have no travelling companion to name somewhere.

1: Travelling Warrior (Sp) longstrider 3/day, alacrity 2/day, or good hope 1/day
2: Battle Luck (Su) Haela’s luck means you are rarely surprised or taken unaware, gain a +2 insight bonus to AC and on Reflex saves.
3: Steel Maiden (Su) Haela defends those who leap into combat without hesitation. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity as long as you are advancing on a foe.

Specialty Priest: Steel Valkyrie† (Cleric)

Feats: Beacon of Hope, Bestow Hope, Bravery in Action, Fateful ChannelHands of Valor, Ironbound MasterProtective Channel, Sword Oath (applies to favored weapon; treat BAB as fighter level), Unbound Bravery, Undaunted Bravery.

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained), Divine Seeker.

Traits: A Shining Beacon, Agent of Chance, Avowed Inspiration, Battlefield CasterCall for Help, Cheat Death, Denial of Fate, Divine WarriorDwarvish Valor, Focus on Freedom, Iron GripPropitiation, Reckless LuckResigned Purity of Faith, Shield-Trained, Steady StrengthStoic Optimism, Strong HeartThrill-Seeker, Under Siege, Veteran of Battle.



Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Chaos [Revelry], Dwarf, Gluttony, Strength [Competition], Travel, War [Duels].
Favored Weapon: Dwarven Waraxe

Hanseath is the dwarven deity of carousing, brewery, and singing, representing the more festive side of the Stout Folk. He is also a god of competition and battle, beloved by dwarven berserkers who are always seemingly engaged in some form of sporting competition or off on some kind of crusade. Whereas Clangeddin is the Dwarves’ patron of strategic combat and warfare, Hanseath represents the thrill and chaos of battle. He is held in high regard by brewers and barbarians alike, along with any dwarf that charges into battle ignoring the odds. His worshipers are often either in battle, or marching towards the next one, and his clerics often serve in dwarven regiments as both healers and spellcasters, and exhorting their fellows to deeds of bravery and heroism. Given their their chaotic streak however, Hanseath’s clerics are not always comfortable for the rest of the army to mix with, and many times are segregated into their own berserker units. Prayers to Hanseath are, in short, drinking songs, often chanted or sung, and many have simple rhyming schemes and frequent, repetitive choruses. His rituals are abundant with food and drink, often appearing to be great feasts, and most are raucous events performed before battle or after victory

Dogma: Never tolerate traditional enemies of the dwarves; go boldly into battle with a song and a brave heart. In battle use a direct approach, and always fight to win; there is no need for subtle or complex strategy. Celebrate in times of victory, large or small, and celebrate in times of peace; celebrate with a mug held high and with song and revelry.

Obedience: Experiment with mixing or brewing alcoholic drinks (that can be taken as both “mix them to make a new drink” or “mix them into an existing drink”) before challenging a comrade to a friendly contest of strength, speed or combat. After the competition, celebrate the winner — whichever of you wins — by sampling and sharing your alcoholic creations. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against effects which would cause sickness and/or nausea.

1: Full Tankard, Full Belly (Sp) ferment 3/day, tears to wine 2/day, or create food and water 1/day
2: Choose one of the following boons; once chosen, it cannot be changed:

  • Drinking Buddy (Su) Once per day as a standard action, you can create an illusory double of yourself that appears in a square adjacent to you. Your double acts on your initiative count, and can move up to your speed each round. It always attempts to flank with you against a single target you designate. If it must use Acrobatics to avoid an attack of opportunity during movement, your double uses your bonus. Though your double can’t attack, though it can use the Aid Another action upon you, treating your attack bonus as its own, and it is treated as threatening adjacent squares for the purposes of flanking with you. Anyone attacking your double or otherwise physically interacting with it can attempt a Will save against a DC of 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Charisma bonus (mimimum +1) to recognize the double as an illusion. The double has your AC, and if any hit would deal damage to it, the double dissipates. An opponent who recognizes your double as an illusion can’t be flanked by it. The double lasts 1 round for every Hit Die you possess or until it is hit with an attack, whichever comes first.
  • Stock the Bar (Su): You gain Brew Potion as a bonus feat. You retain this feat even if you fail to perform your Obedience, but you lose access to it if you forsake your faith. In addition to the normal benefits of the feat, you can brew up to two potions simultaneously if their total combined construction cost is less than 2000gp.

3Beer Hall (Sp): Once per day, you can spend 10 minutes conjuring a mystical feast similar to Heroes Feast, except the setting is a long, plank table like that of a beer hall, with massive tankards at each place to sit. In addition to the effect of the normal meal, you may use any potion in your possession as a material component for this ability. When you do, all the drinks in the feast are alcoholic mixtures containing a latent form of the potion, and all creatures attending the meal may, at any time within the next 24 hours, use a move action to activate the potion’s effect on themselves as if they had just imbibed it, without drawing an attack of opportunity for doing so. Potions imbibed in this way use your character level as the caster level, rather than that of the potion.

Specialty Priest: Kolavorn† (Warpriest)

  • A Kolavorn only gains proficiency in light and medium armor, and all shields except tower shields. This alters the warpriest’s proficiencies.
  • A Kolavorn adds Acrobatics, Knowledge (nature) and Perception to his list of class skills.
  • Righteous Fury (Ex): A Kolavorn taps into the fury of the dwarven berzerkers favored by the Bearded One, and can further channel it into the weapon which he wields. At 1st level, he gains the rage ability of the unchained barbarian, using his warpriest level as his effective barbarian level for all purposes including gaining the effects of greater rage, tireless rage, and mighty rage. The Kolavorn can only use his sacred weapon ability while he is in a state of rage, and he cannot activate the effects upon his weapon again for one minute after ending a rage. The Kolavorn can cast warpriest spells while in a rage by expending a use of fervor, but only if he targets himself with the spell, and these take a standard action to cast while in a rage. This alters sacred weapon and fervor, and replaces channel energy.
  • Power of Fury: At 3rd level, the Kolavorn chooses a rage power from the UnBarbarian’s list of rage powers. At 6th level and every 3rd level thereafter, he chooses another rage power, using his warpriest level as his barbarian level for all purposes of choosing and determining the effects of his rage powers. In addition to the normal rage powers, the Kolavorn may also choose to gain uncanny dodge at 3rd level, improved uncanny dodge at 9th level; this replaces bonus combat feats.

Divine Fighting Technique: Blade and Tankard

Archetypes and Alternate Class Features: Savage Skald (Bard)

Feats: Courage in a Bottle, Drunken Brawler, Ironbound MasterMerciless Rush, Potion Glutton, Siphon Channel, Sword Oath (applies to favored weapon; treat BAB as fighter level). , Trailblazing Channel.

Magic Items: Tankard of the Drunken Hero

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeBrewkeeper, Darechaser (Unchained), Divine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained), Divine Seeker

Spells: Drunkard’s Breath, Freedom’s Toast, Pick your Poison.

Traits: Adventurous Imbiber, Avowed Inspiration, Battlefield Caster, Divine WarriorDwarvish Valor, Fortified Drinker, Frightening Speed, Iron GripLight SleeperPropitiation, Resigned, Shield-Trained, Steady StrengthStrength’s Fanfare, Strong HeartStrong Willed, The Flexing Arm, Veteran of Battle.


Marthammor Duin

Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Badlands, Desert, Dwarf, Good, Lightning (Air), Mountain, Protection, Travel [Exploration]
Favored Weapon: Mace

The most conservative dwarves pledge that the Stout Folk belong underground, and that those who travel the Realm Above (known collectively among the dwarven culture as Wanderers) have at worst betrayed ancient ideals and at best are somewhat disturbed fools. If the latter is the case, the young dwarven deity Marthammor Duin is the grand king of fools. The patron of those dwarves who have left the clanholds to explore the world under the sun, Marthammor approaches life with an almost gnome-like demeanor, always curious to see what’s beyond the horizon and always willing to trade stories of travels past beside a crackling campfire. His secondary aspect as god of lightning is unique among dwarves. The Finder-of-Trails is a growing cult in the North, and he may be evolving into an intermediate power.

Dogma: Eschew the illusory safety of the clan hold and instead travel widely to spread the words of the Morndinsamman to those of other races, that they might gain the product of dwarven wisdom. Help fellow wanderers and sojourners to the best of your ability, for the road is easier endured amid the tread of companionship. Seek out new ways and paths, and discover the wise world in your wanderings. Herald the way of newfound hope beyond the clanholds.

Obedience: When you stop travelling for the night. If you are on a new trail; mark the road so other travellers may know the route and any dangers it foretells
If you are on a well-known trail make a lean-to in a safe place for fellow travellers comprising any of the following: food, water, fire making equipment, spare boots, a dagger, bandages, splints, or replace anything missing in an existing lean-to. Marthammor is not a fool, his followers should not give too much they hurt themselves or their comrades – give only what you can spare. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against spells and effects that would hinder your movement speed.

1: Traveler’s Toobox (Sp) blurred movement 3/day, levitate 2/day, or haste 1/day
2: Eternal Wanderer (Sp): Marthammor’s followers are explorers and wanderers to the core – this is not necessarily restricted to the Prime Material. Cast plane shift once per day. 
3: Homecoming (Sp)
 You can cast word of recall once per day, except you may target up to six willing creatures within 30 feet to travel with you; these creatures need not be touching you. You may also use this ability to return from a destination reached by your second boon, regardless of its plane of origin.

Specialty Priest: Trailblazer† (Cleric)

  • A Trailblazer adds Knowledge (Geography, Nature) and Survival to his list of class skills, and gains 4 skill points per level.
  • A Trailblazer adds Ranger spells not found on the Cleric spell list to his list of spells and treats them as being on his spell list. This replaces spontaneous casting of curing spells.
  • Favored Terrain (Ex): A Trailblazer gains the UnRanger’s favored terrain ability, treating his cleric level as a ranger two levels higher. This replaces channel energy.

Feats: Beacon of Hope, Bestow HopeHands of Valor, Intrepid Rescuer, Protective Channel, Trailblazing Channel

Magic Items: Stagger-Proof Boots

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained).

Traits: A Shining BeaconDwarvish Valor, Frightening Speed, Light Sleeper, Mighty Protector, Propitiation, Protective Faith, Purity of FaithResigned Split-Second Defense.


Moradin, the All Father

Alignment: Lawful Good
Domains: Artifice [Industry], Dwarf, Earth, Good, Law, Pride, Protection, Wrath

Dogma: Moradin is the father and creator of the dwarven race. Honor him by emulating his principles and workmanship in smithing, stone working, and other tasks. Wisdom is derived from life and tempered with experience. Advance the dwarven race in all areas of life. Innovate with new processes and skills. Found new kingdoms and clan lands, defending the existing ones from all threats. Lead the dwarves in the traditions laid down by the Soul Forger. Honor your clan leaders as you honor Moradin.

Obedience: After reciting a traditional prayer to the All-Father, either work at a forge or strike a small replica of an anvil or a sizable flat stone with a hammer for at least 10 minutes. If the sound of your hammer draws a creature near, encourage it to join in your worship of the Father of Creation. If hostilities become inevitable, leap into the fray with a battle shout in praise of Moradin. Perform some small act toward maintaining your weapon, such as sharpening or polishing it, as you conclude your obedience with another prayer to Moradin’s might and wisdom. Alternatively, if you have created something through this effort, grant it to the next person you meet who strikes you as fair and honorable. Gain a +1 sacred bonus on all attack rolls and damage with dwarven forged weapons.

1: Forgecrafter (Sp) crafter’s fortuneAPG 3/day, natural rhythm 2/day, or versatile weapon 1/day
2: Sensibility of Crafting (Su) Your understanding of the inner workings of magical crafting has won you a protective boon from your ancestors and from Moradin himself, allowing you to better avoid powers drawn from magical items. You gain a +4 sacred bonus on any saving throw against an effect generated by a magic item. This includes spells cast from scrolls, staves, or wands.
3: Crafter’s Pride (Sp) You have learned the intrinsic nature of what gives life to objects, and can pour your soul into the construction of a given creation to infuse it with a semblance of blessed life, much as the All-Father breathed life into the first dwarves after forging them. Once per week, you can cast animate objects on a single object that you’ve created. The effect does not have a duration; the animated object remains indefinitely as a companion, following your commands as best it can. You cannot animate a new companion while one is already serving you, though as a full-round action you can dismiss a companion, reducing it to lifelessness. If your companion is destroyed, you cannot use this ability again for another week. You cannot affect an object animated in this way with a permanency spell.

Paladin Code

Paladins of Moradin are dedicated to protecting not just the lives but the way of life for those under their charge, and hold the ways of their chosen people as holy, especially when they are the centuries-old works and traditions of an entire race. Their tenets include the following affirmations.

  • My word is my bond. When I give my word formally, I defend my oath to my death.
  • I am at all times truthful, honorable, and forthright, and my allegiance is to my people. I will do what is necessary to serve them.
  • I respect the forge, and never sully it with half-hearted work. My craft reflects the depth of my faith, and I will not allow flaws save in direst need.
  • Against my people’s enemies, I will show no mercy. I will not allow their surrender, except when strategy warrants.
  • I will act in ways that brings honor to the All-Father and His creation and defend the traditions of my father, and my father’s father, and the fathers that came before.

Archetypes and Alternate Class Features: Stonelord† (Paladin)

Specialty Priest: Forgemaster† (Cleric)

Divine Fighting Technique: Moradin’s Steady Hammer

Feats: Beacon of Hope, Bestow Hope, Blessed Hammer, Hands of Valor, Intrepid RescuerProtective Channel, Stone Strider.

Magic Items: Axe of Ancestral Virtue, Forgefather’s Apron, Father’s Forgehammer, Forgefather’s Half-Plate, Forgefather’s Sledge, Shield of the Resolute,

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained).

Spells: Hairline Fractures, Tactical Formation

Traits: A Shining Beacon, Dwarvish ValorEye of the Father, Guardian of the Forge, Honeyed Words, Lover of the Law, Mighty Protector, Protective Faith, Purity of FaithSplit-Second Defense.



Alignment: CG
Domains: Chaos, Charm [Captivation, Love, Lust], Dwarf, Family (Community), Good, Healing, Moon, Pleasure, Sloth
Favored Weapon: Whip

Sharindlar the Merciful is widely known as the dwarven goddess of healing and mercy. Dwarves wounded in battle are often healed in her name. Sick dwarves, dwarven healers, midwives, physics, and lovers pray to the Lady of Life. However, her aspect kept secret from nondwarves is her most important modern role: her patronage of romantic love, courtship, and fertility. Dwarves of all alignments and races who are courting appease her, as do those who sentence others in the cause of justice. When dwarves dance, they pray to Sharindlar to guide their feet, for she is said to be the greatest dancer the dwarves have ever known.

Dogma: Be merciful in speech and deed. Bring relief and healing where needful. Temper anger and hostility with constructive and charitable endeavor. The children of Moradin must live in safety and propagate. Maintain and encourage the traditional rites of courting and marriage. Celebrate the endless, joyous dance of life by living it to the fullest. Sharindlar restores the fertile seed of dwarven life, while Berronar protects the fruit.

Obedience: If you can; offer to heal a dwarf without charge, and spread the love and mercy of Sharindlar to all of dwarvenkind. If you cannot find a dwarf to heal, so the same for a stranger to show Sharindlar’s love to all creation’s children. If you can find neither, teach your companions the rites and rituals of dwarven courting and urge them to spread the knowledge too so that it may not be lost. Gain a +4 sacred bonus to Heal checks.

1: Heart Tender (Sp) unbreakable heart 3/day, calm emotions 2/day, or good hope 1/day
2: Dance of Renewal (Sp)
You can soothe the hearts and bodies of your allies with a sacred dance. By performing this dance for four continuous rounds, all allies able to see and/or hear you perform gain the benefit of mass cure serious wounds as well as lesser restoration. You can perform this dance once per day for every four hit dice you possess.
3: Mantle of Love (Sp) You drape yourself in radiant glamor, which shields you from mortal harm for a lingering moment. As a standard action, you can activate this mantle, which acts as both a globe of invulnerability and sanctuary spell. The DC for an attacker to overcome the sanctuary effect is 10 + 1/2 your hit dice + your Charisma modifier. You may use this ability for a number of rounds each day equal to your Hit Dice. These rounds do not need to be consecutive, and you can dismiss this effect as a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Specialty Priest: Thalornar (Cleric)

  • A Thalornar focuses on the arts of healing and romance, rather than martial prowess. Her base attack bonus is 1/2 levels, and her hit die is commensurately reduced to d6.
  • A Thalornar does not gain proficiency in medium armor, and she is treated as having the whip mastery feat when using weapons from the whips favored weapon group; this alters the Cleric’s armor and weapon proficiencies.
  • A Thalornar adds Bluff and Perform (any) to her list of class skills, and she gains 4 skill points per level; this alters the Cleric’s class skills.
  • A Thalornar can only channel energy to heal living creatures; she cannot channel to harm undead.
  • Charmer (Ex): A Thalornar treats her Charisma as if it were 2 points higher when interacting with dwarves.
  • Healing Domain: A Thalornar gains the Healing domain as a third domain.
  • Graceful Mercies (Su): At 3rd level, and every 3 levels thereafter, she can select a mercy from the paladin’s list of mercies. As a standard action, she can perform a dance to apply the effects of this mercy to all allies within a 30ft radius who can see and hear her. At 9th level, she can apply the benefits of two mercies with her dance. At 15th level, she can apply the benefits of three mercies. She can perform this dance a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma bonus (if any).

Feats: Love: Beacon of Hope, Bestow HopeClarifying Channel, Hands of Valor, Protective ChannelSeductive Channel, Trick Spell.

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained), Divine Seeker.

Spells: Dwarven Veil

Traits: A Shining Beacon, Alluring, Battlefield Surgeon, Dwarvish ValorEar for Music, Enchanting Conniver, Envoy of Healing, Inner Beauty, Intense Artist, Propitiation, Purity of FaithResigned, Unswaying Love, Wedded Bliss,


Thard Harr

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Domains: Animal, Chaos, Dwarf, Good, Jungle, Plant, Wrath
Favored Weapon: Spiked Gauntlet

Thard Harr is the dwarven god of jungle survival and hunting, and the patron of the wild dwarves; he watches over them and works to ensure their continued survival. His followers revere the jungles they live in and do their best to live in harmony with and to protect the jungles (and themselves) from outsiders who would do either of them harm. His followers tend to be suspicious and isolationist, and they rarely willingly interact with outsiders. Only those who had proven themselves over a long period time can gain their trust.

Dogma: Like the great tigers of the jungle, be strong and wary of beasts, whether they walk on two legs or four. Live in harmony with nature and gain the protection of the Lord of the Jungle Deeps. Seek to understand what you do not, but be wary of bringing unknown gifts into your lair. Honor the ways of your people, but assume not that Thard’s way is the only way — just the best way for his children.

Obedience: Ingest hallucinogenic jungle plants and then beat a complex rhythm on a large drum while chanting prayers to the Jungle Lord. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saves against disease and poison caused by exposure in the jungle or flora or fauna native to jungles.

1: Jungle Runner (Sp) pass without trace 3/day, tree shape 2/day, or lily pad stride 1/day
2: Canopy Crawler (Ex) Your feet become prehensile, making you adept at brachiating, and you can move unseen through the trees with ease. You gain a climb speed equal to your base speed + 10 feet, and you can attempt a Climb check in place of an Acrobatics check to leap or swing between branches or trees. As long as your feet are available (magical footwear reshapes to permit use, but mundane shoes do not), you can perform climbing-related activities without needing to use your hands, and you don’t lose your Dexterity bonus to AC or your ability to use a shield while climbing. In addition, you can attempt a Climb check in place of a Stealth check while in the trees and can do so at full speed without taking penalties. You can also attempt a Climb check in place of a Stealth check while sniping from the trees, reducing the penalty for sniping by 10. You can execute somatic spell components and carry objects with your feet, though you can’t wield weapons or shields with them.
3: One With The Jungle (Su) You tap into the collective consciousness of the jungle’s life, from mighty trees to tiny gnats, granting you perfect awareness of all that transpires in your vicinity. While you are outdoors in a wilderness area, you gain blindsight to a range of 60 feet, you gain a +2 insight bonus to AC and on saving throws, and you are never flat-footed or surprised. You ignore cover and concealment caused by natural features of the wilderness, as the very plants and stones twist out of the path of your attacks and spells.

Specialty Priest: Jungle Druid (Druid)

Feats: Beacon of Hope, Bestow HopeHands of Valor, Nimble Natural Summons, Protective Channel, Thicket Channel.

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained), Divine Seeker.

Traits: Bestial WrathChild of Nature, Dwarvish ValorEyes of the Wild, Know the Land, Natural Philosopher, Propitiation, ResignedWise Teacher, Wolf Cub.



Alignment: Neutral
Domains: Dwarf, Gluttony, Luck, Sloth, Trade (Travel), Trickery [Greed, Thievery]
Favored Weapon: Longsword

Vergadain, also known as The Laughing Dwarf by non-dwarves, is the neutral dwarven deity of luck, trickery, negotiation and wealth. While it seems that Vergadain represents the dwarves’ well-known dedication to the mercantile art of bargaining, those who know better are aware that he has an aspect that seldom fills the more legal-minded dwarves with pride. As such, Vergadain also watches over those dwarves who use less-than-legal means to gain wealth. Regardless of how he is viewed, Vergadain delights in the art of the deal, no matter what it is, so long as it turns a profit. That said, followers of the Laughing Dwarf typically do not their swindle or steal from fellow dwarves, rather they save their shadier dealing for the longshanks they chance to meet. Vergadain also represents the god Bes, the dwarf god of chance and luck within the Mulhorandi pantheon.

Dogma: The truly blessed are those whose enterprise and zeal brings both wealth and good luck. Work hard, be clever, seek the best bargain, and the Merchant King will shower you with gold. Treat others with respect, but shirk not your responsibility strike a deal that’s better for you than for them.

Obedience: Conduct a trade with at least one other person where you negotiate a more favorable deal for yourself. Take the coins, gems or whatever you acquired from the dealings you made, and say a prayer to the Laughing Dwarf as you secure away the proceeds for a future deal. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on Appraise checks and Sleight of Hand checks.

1: Shrewd Negotiator (Sp) suggestion 3/day, calm emotions 2/day, or glibness 1/day
2: Clever Ruse (Sp) You can cast enlarged mislead three times per day. This ability is the equivalent of a 7th-level spell.
3: Hard Bargainer (Su) Your ability to steer the art of the deal is unrivaled. You add your Charisma bonus to Appraise checks. A number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum once per day), when you would make an Appraise, Bluff, or Diplomacy check, you can instead choose to take 20 on the check.

Specialty Priest: Hurndor (Cleric)

  • A Hurndor gains Bluff, Disable Device, Perception, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth to his list of class skills, and he gains 4 skill points per level. This alters the cleric’s class skills.
  • Hurndor understand and use Thieves Cant.
  • A Hurndor is proficient in the rogue weapons group, light armor, and no shields. This alters the cleric’s proficiencies.
  • A Hurndor only chooses one domain.
  • Appraising Eye (Ex): A Hurndor must estimate value quickly and accurately. He gains a +2 sacred bonus to all Appraise checks, and can appraise an item with 1 full-round action, instead of 1 minute by taking a –10 penalty.
  • Spark of Luck (Su): A Hurndor is preturnaturally fortunte due to the favor of the Laughing Dwarf; at 1st level, once per day as an immediate action he can roll 1d6 and add the result to any skill, saving throw or ability check after it is rolled, but before the results of the check are revealed. A natural 1 or 20 is still an automatic failure or success in the case of a saving throw. At 3rd level, and every odd level thereafter, the Hurndor can make this roll an additional time each day, but he cannot use this abiliity more than once in an hour. This replaces channel energy.
  • Tricks of the Trade: A Hurndor adds the following spells to his spell list as cleric spells at the indicated levels: 0—mage hand, 1st—fools gold, 2nd—Honeyed Tongue, 3rd—Magic Shop, 4th—Illusory Hoard5th—glimpse of truth, 6th—Legend Lore, 7th—artificer’s curse, 8th—sympathy, 9th—wish.
  • Bypass Ward (Ex): At 2nd level, a Hurndor can pick the lock of even a magically locked door (such as one sealed by arcane lock or hold portal). The Disable Device DC for the door is considered 10 higher than normal due to the effect of the warding spell. A Hurndor also gains a +2 sacred bonus to Disable Device checks. As a full-round action, a balanced scale can make a Disable Device check to disable a magical trap (such as a glyph of warding) for 1 minute.
  • Bottomless Bag (Su): Sometimes a hurndor finds unexpected treasure too large to transport. At 3rd level, once per day as a standard action, he can turn any ordinary sack, backpack, or other container into a bag of holding type I; the container remains a bag of holding for 1 hour per level; after the duration expires, the container resumes its normal properties, and any items too large to fit within its true dimensions immediately and harmlessly fall out of the opening. Unlike a permanent bag of holding, the bag created by this ability cannot be overloaded or ruptured, nor does it have any special interaction with other kinds of extradimensional spaces. The bag becomes a bag of holding type II at 7th level, a bag of holding type III at 11th level, and a bag of holding type IV at 15th level.

Archetypes and Alternate Class Features: Divine Agent (Cleric/Rogue),

Feats: Bravery in Action, Fateful ChannelPotion Glutton, Siphon Channel, Unbound Bravery, Undaunted Bravery.

Magic Items: Gray Gambler’s Hat.

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained), Divine Seeker.

TraitsAgent of Chance, Call for Help, Cheat Death, Denial of Fate, Eye for Quality, Backstabber, Dwarvish ValorHoly SchemerLiar’s Tongue, Opportunistic (works with deity’s favored weapon), Practiced Deception, Propitiation, Reckless Luck, Resigned, Stoic Optimism, Thrill-Seeker,

Unique Summon Rules

  • Summon Monster III – Leprechaun (without major creation)
  • Summon Monster VII – Arumvorax
