Tyr, the Even Handed

Alignment: Lawful Good
Domains: Good, Knowledge, Law [Judgment, Legislation], Pride, Retribution, War.
Favored Weapon: Longsword.

When he is depicted in religious art, Tyr appears as a noble warrior missing his right hand, lost to Kezef the Chaos Hound in proving his resilience and strength of spirit. In recent years, he has been shown blinded as well, a fatality of the wrath of Ao during the Time of Troubles. Tyr’s symbol shows his nature: justice through benevolent force and armed vigilance. He opposes all beings who deal in trickery, rule-breaking, and unjust destruction or misdeeds. He is said to be a latecomer among the powers of Faerûn, appearing over a millennium ago but after most other Realms powers had established themselves. His faith is popular, as everyone knows exactly what Tyr expects his faithful to do and everyone can trust Tyrrans to be honorable, honest, just, and righteous.

Dogma: Reveal the truth, punish the guilty, right the wrong, and always be true and just in your actions. Uphold the law wherever you go and punish those who do wrong under the law. Keep a record of your own rulings, deeds, and decisions, for through this your errors can be corrected, your grasp on the laws of all lands will flourish, and your ability to identify lawbreakers will expand. Be vigilant in your observations and anticipations so you may detect those who plan injustices before their actions threaten law and order. Deliver vengeance to the guilty for those who cannot do it themselves.

For Deific Obedience

Obedience: At Dawn; update your copy of the Book of Lawgiving with your recent judgements, decisions of law, and other rulings. If you have made no recent rulings, update any prior entries noting where you have found new knowledge or understanding of the Law. If unable to do either, share what you have learnt of the Law with your comrades if travelling, or the Tyrian faithful if within a Temple. Learn from the Temple, and your Comrades their views of the law, and teach truth where you spot error. Gain a +2 sacred bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks.

1: Lawful Bulwark (Sp)
shield of faith 3/day, shield other 2/day, or archon’s aura 1/day
2 Hand of Justice (Su) For a number of rounds per day equal to your Hit Dice, you can infuse your melee weapon with the power of pure law. Your attacks with this weapon gains the axiomatic weapon special ability. The weapon reduces any damage it takes by 5 before you apply DR, hardness, or any resistances. Activating or dismissing this ability is a free action, and the rounds need not be consecutive. Any weapon affected by this ability returns to normal if it leaves your hands.
3: Balance in All (Su) Once per day as a full-round action, you can pool and redistribute your current hit points and those of all willing allies within 30 feet of you. Total your current hit points and those of your willing allies, and then decide how you wish to redistribute them among the same individuals. You cannot give an ally more hit points than her maximum, nor can you leave an ally with 0 hit points.

Paladin Code

  • Justice for All: Every soul is subject to Justice; I shall judge those who do wrong, and lawbreakers shall be shown no quarter.
  • Order above All: Chaos has no home in society; I shall be a defender of the law and a guardian of justice for those harmed by evil.
  • Truth saves All: Lies are poison; I shall strive to always give honest judgement, and not be swayed by impressions.
  • Laws govern All: Ensure the law is followed, unless the law is in the wrong, then strive to correct it.

For Followers of Tyr

Archetypes and Alternate Class Features: Knight of Holy Judgement† (Cavalier, Inquisitor, Paladin), Order of the Scales (Cavalier), Tyrran Enforcer† (Paladin).

Specialty Priest: Justiciar† (Cleric or Warpriest), and Scale† (Inquisitor) from Pathfinder Community’s Lawbringer.

Feats: Beacon of Hope, Bestow Hope, Curse of Vengeance, Hands of Valor, Ironbound Master, Master of Knowledge, Protective Channel, Sword Oath (applies to favored weapon; treat BAB as fighter level).

Magic Items

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained)

Spells: Blessing of the Watch, Oath of Justice, Touch of Truthtelling.

Traits: A Shining Beacon, Avowed Inspiration, Battlefield CasterBlind Zeal, Divine Warrior, Furious Vengeance, Honeyed Words, Iron Grip, Lover of the Law, Purity of Faith, Sacred Avenger, Shield-Trained, Steady StrengthStrict Judgment, Strong Heart, Veteran of Battle, Vindictive Strike.

Clergy & Temples

His faith is popular, as everyone knows exactly what Tyr expects his faithful to do and everyone can trust Tyrrans to be honorable, honest, just, and righteous. He is most popular with the bureaucrats, judges, and merchants who make the entire system move efficient. Worshipers of Tyr see the world in clear-cut moral terms; they like to see Faerûn firmly cleansed and ordered by laws that are evenly and diligently applied. They are not very tolerant of other world views and do not find parody, mockery, or even questions about their faith amusing. Tyr survives very well in the civilized world, and most of his temples are in larger cities.

In civilized areas, Tyrrans (inevitably called “tyrants” behind their backs by nonbelievers) become legal experts and serve as the lawyers of Faerûn by dispensing advice and “speaking for” accused persons in trials. The fees they charge go to the Church of Tyr. Clergy are to keep complete records of their own rulings, deeds, and decisions. Through these records, a priest’s errors can be corrected, his or her grasp of the laws of all lands can grow and flourish, and lawbreakers can be identified by others. No known injustice done by a Tyrran priest must go unbalanced. The Church of Tyr is a highly organized, formal priesthood that maintains internal rules and a system of fortified temples. At Tyrran temples, the faithful can find lodging, fresh mounts, healing, spell aid, weapons, gear, and holy advice. If a worshiper or priest knows that she or he has stinted in service to the Just One, confession and penance are also available.