1. Feat Variants Compendium
Assembling here all of the banned, altered and homebrew feats into a compilation and linked to their entries for easy reference:
Also see Everyman Feats for feats that were removed and their mechanics added as things you can do without a feat
- Ammo Drop merged with Rapid Reload.
- Arithmancy
- Calculating Mind
- Celestial Obedience, Empyreal Focus (by and large, empyreal powers do not interlope as deities on Toril)
- Cleaving Finish merged with Cleave.
- Combat Expertise
- Damned Disciple
- Damned Soldier
- Deadly Aim
- Deadeye’s/Erastil’s Blessing (superceded by Zen Archery which anyone can take)
- Demonic Obedience, superceded by Fiendish Obedience.
- Diverse Obedience
- Evolved Summon Monster
- Expanded Summon Monster, table merged with Summon Monster table
- Heighten Spell available to all casters without a feat.
- Improved Familiar Bond consolidated with Boon Companion.
- Improved Cleaving Finish merged with Great Cleave.
- Improved Bull Rush, Improved Overrun, Improved Reposition, Improved Sunder merged into Powerful Maneuvers.
- Improved Trip, Improved Disarm, Improved Dirty Trick, Improved Feint, Improved Steal merged into Deft Maneuvers.
- Improved Vital Strike merged with Vital Strike.
- Greater Vital Strike merged with Vital Strike.
- Juggle Load merged with Rapid Reload.
- Monkey Lunge merged with Lunge.
- Monitor Obedience doesn’t fit with the campaign setting same as Celestial Obedience.
- Monstrrous Mount, Monstrous Companion, Monstrous Mount Mastery; see why
- Pantheistic Blessing (Because that’s not how FR faiths work)
- Pirhana Strike
- Power Attack
- Sacred Geometry
- Shade of the Uskwood/Woodlands (Because druids in FR don’t do undead, period)
- Summon <Alignment type> Monster removed and the creatures assigned to deity specific summons.
- Wasp Familiar (because no relevant deity; but instead anyone can get a one-feat familiar)
- Weapon Finesse
Banned 3pp
- Improved Bonded Object (both iterations on PFSRD because we houseruled our own progression)
- Einhander, Improved Einhander (Legendary) and Free-Hand Defense (Frog God) (rebalanced a one-hand defense feat of our own)
- Complete Champion/Complete Divine converted feats
- Analytic Strike (Combat)
- Amateur Kineticist (Combat)
- Archer’s Flexibility (Combat)
- Charmed Life (Heritage)
- Charming the Arrow (Heritage)
- Close Spell (Metamagic)
- Divine Strike (Combat)
- Dueling Style (Combat, Style)
- Deadeye Shot (Combat)
- Elemental Bloodline Development (Racial)
- Extra Deed (General)
- Extra Eldritch Empowerment (Combat)
- Extra Ki Power (General)
- Extra Ranger Talent (General)
- Extra Terrain Mastery (General)
- Fey Legacy (Racial)
- Fey Presence (Racial)
- Feytouched Wild Shape (General)
- Free-Hand Defense (Combat)
- Genie Magic (Racial)
- Genie Magic, Greater (Racial)
- Greater Two-Weapon Defense (Combat)
- Greater Composite Plating (Racial)
- Improved Composite Plating (Racial)
- Iron Guard (Combat)
- Ki Vow (General)
- Killoren Ancient (Racial)
- Killoren Destroyer (Racial)
- Killoren Hunter (Racial)
- Nature’s Rampart (Racial)
- Practised Spellcaster (General)
- Savage Charge (Combat)
- Scorpion Stance (Combat)
- Sculpt Spell (Metamagic)
- Supreme Guide (General)
- Sword of Two Worlds (Combat)
- Terrain Supremacy (Combat)
- Two-Weapon Parry (Combat)
- Whirling Cleave (Combat)
- Zen Archery (Combat)
- Amateur Swashbuckler
- Agile Maneuvers
- Arcane Armor Training
- Augment Summoning
- Bladed Brush (is now reworked as a Combat feat and not deity exclusive).
- Bullying Blow
- Canny Tumble/Spring Attack are interchangeable as prerequisites.
- Cleave is merged with Cleaving Finish,
- Critical Focus, Improved Critical are now interchangable as prerequisites.
- Combat Feats: list of all feats that count as bonus combat feats.
- Crane Style reworked to be an umarmed strike only chain
- Deflect Arrows, Missile Shield combined.
- Deific Obedience reworked and changed level breaks of boons.
- Dodge combined with Mobilty.
- Eclectic is not human-only and addresses alternate FCBs with the second class
- Elemental Spell
- Elephant Stomp
- Endurance, Diehard combined into one.
- Familiar Bond
- Fast Learner is no longer human only, clarifies mixing points and alternate FCBs
- Great Cleave is merged with Improved Cleaving Finish.
- Imptoved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple merged into one.
- Improved, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting merged into one.
- Lunge, Monkey Lunge merged into one.
- Metamagic Feats no longer increase spontaneous spellcasting.
- Natural Spell
- Nimble Natural Summons open to all alignments.
- Point Blank Master
- Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot merged into one.
- Quick Draw, Quick Stow merged into one.
- Rapid Shot merged with Ammo Drop and Juggle Load and reworked.
- Sacred Summons
- Selective Spell
- Shield Bash, Shield Slam and etc. remove TWF as prerequisites and require only one shield be equipped.
- Spell Focus: Conjuration affects summon casting times and durations.
- Toughness can be taken multiple times for +HD hit points.
- Two-Weapon Grace adds Dervish Dance as a possible prerequisite.
- Vital Strike consolidates Improved, Greater Vital Strike into a single feat.
- Weapon Feats, all: apply to weapon groups vs. individual weapons.
- Whip Mastery reworked entire feat chain.
- Wild Speech adds change shape racial feature as an alternate prerequisite to wild shape, removes druid level requirement.