On Deific Obedience
Deific Obedience and it’s boons open up for some very flavorful — and mechanical — benefits just for being devoted to a single deity. One of its limitations for converting over our Forgotten Realms setting is that it required a lot of expanded writeup of a given deity to become such a devoted servant. Most of the deities have been expanded to cover deific obedience mechanics, but some basics of obediences had to be altered. So what follows is a writeup of the obedience mechanic as it applies to our setting, completely superceding the writings on Paizo materials.
Deific Obedience Feat, et al: This is actually 5 feats that do essentially the same thing — open up your character to receive these boons and obligate them to perform according to the patron’s dogma. There are facets of Forgotten Realms lore that don’t apply to Pathfinder lore centered mechanics, so some were omitted; these are the only feats available pertaining to divine obedience in our setting.
- Deific Obedience enables obedience for actual deities of a pantheon of at least demipower status.
- Fiendish Obedience enables obedience for any lower planar patron.
- Fey Obedience enables obedience for fey powers, and requires Knowledge (Nature) instead of Knowledge (Planes), consistent with DnD lore.
Blessings and Boons: Those with the obedience feat, who are faithful to their patron’s tenets, and perform the daily obedience as prescribed in the deity’s writeup, gain the listed daily benefit for the completion of this daily act of devotion. At certain levels, the patron also grants boons — divine abilities that aid the faithful character anf further their cause. These abilities are only granted and able to be used on days that the character’s obedience has been kept.
- The first boon is gained at 10th level, a trio of spell-like abilities, which key off of the character’s Hit Dice and Charisma.
- The second boon is gained at 14th level, which can be Extraordinary, Spell-like or Supernatural as specified in the writeup. Unless otherwise specified, these are also keyed to the character’s Hit Dice, and Charisma. Quasi-powers and lower ranked demipowers will typically have only spell-like abilities for this, and the final boon.
- The third boon is gained at 18th level, and specifics of the second boon also apply to the third.
Trading Class Features for Obedience Feat: Divine casters may trade off one of the following to gain the Deific/Fiendish/Fey Obedience feat. Opting for this trade also accelerates your acquisition of successive boons as indicated by the class. If you took the obedience feat at a lower level to gain the daily obedience bonuses, you can retrain freely when you gain the feature listed below to trade it off, and replace the obedience feat taken at the lower level with another feat.
- Antipaladin: Trade Aura of Despair; gain boons at 8th, 12th, and 16th.
- Cleric: Trade greater power of one domain; gain boons at 8th, 12th, and 16th.
- Inquisitor: Trade Second Judgment (only gain second judgment at 16th); gain boons at 8th, 12th, and 16th.
- Oracle: Trade 7th-level Revelation; gain boons at 7th, 12th, and 16th.
- Paladin: Trade Aura of Resolve; gain boons at 8th, 12th, and 16th.
- Ranger: Trade 2nd Favored Enemy (only gain 2nd favored enemy at 16th); gain boons at 8th, 12th and 16th.
- Warpriest: Trade one greater blessing power; gain boons at 8th, 12th, and 16th.
Prestige Classes for Obedience: These prestige classes can also enable and and advance the level gain of boons for Deific Obedience:
- Arcane Devotee (Unchained)
- Divine Champion (Unchained)
- Divine Chymist
- Divine Disciple (Unchained)
- Divine Seeker (Unchained)
- Demoniac (Unchained)
- Diabolist (Unchained)
- Feysworn (Unchained)
- Souldrinker (Unchained)
Note that our adaptations of the Forgotten Reams divine prestige classes, above, consolidated with, and are generally superior choices to, the Pathfinder core Exalted, Evangelist and Sentinel. But if you wish to use the Paizo prestige classes, use the below modifications.
- Deific Obedience, Fiendish Obedience, or Fey Obedience
- Base Attack Bonus +5 or 5 ranks Knowledge (religion) or 3rd-level divine spells.
- Must worship a singular divine being as a patron.
- Deific Obedience, Fiendish Obedience, or Fey Obedience
- Skill Focus (Knowledge [religion]) for deific, or Skill Focus (Knowledge [nature]) for fey, or Skill Focus (Knowledge [planes]) for fiendish.
- Diplomacy 5 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks.
- Must worship a singular divine being as a patron.
- Must be wthin one step of the patron’s alignment.
- Spell progression can advance either a divine or arcane base class as the player chooses.
- Deific Obedience, Fiendish Obedience, or Fey Obedience
- Weapon Focus in patron’s chosen weapon.
- Base Attack Bonus +5 or Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks.
- Must worship a singular divine being as a patron.
- Must be wthin one step of the patron’s alignment.