1. Character Progression

Abilities: Characters are built on the Epic Fantasy (25 point) point buy (pre-racial mods minimum 7, maximum 18 in any stat). An ability score calculator is here, or use the 1st level charactermancer on the roll20 character sheet.

Hit points: Rather than rolling for hit points, add your hit die for the class you’re leveling up in, plus your other modifiers (CON bonus, favored class bonuses, etc).

Skills: We are using the Background Skills system, which grants two additional skill ranks per level that can only be spent on skills considered background skills, per the writeup of the rule variant.

  • The Fly skill is removed; anything related to flying is handled by the classic 3.5 maneuverability mechanics. Any bonus (racial, et al) to the Fly skill are negated; items applying to the Fly skill have these bonuses removed.
    Any sort of feature or ability that grants a bonus to Fly checks, instead treat as a one-step increase in maneuverability for every 4 points of bonus or fraction (rounded down) thereof — thus a feature that grants +1  to Fly checks has no affect on maneuverability; while a bonus of +2 to +5 increase maneuverability by one step. This increase does not apply if the same feature or ability also already increases maneuverability as written.
  • When you gain a permanent (24hr or longer) ability enhancement to Intelligence. You gain skill points for this retroactively, which you may assign as you like, rather than all in a single maxed out skill. If you lose the INT bonus for more than 24 hours (allows for needing to remove an item temporarily) then you have to reduce ranks accordingly in a skill. No one is going to be checking behind you to make sure you remove points from the same skills you added to, but if you want to do so, just make sure to record your spends somewhere.
  • Expanded skill uses are included in our mechanics.

Traits: You may select two background traits at creation. If you choose a drawback you get three traits. Per core rules you cannot select two of the same category of trait.

  • If you write up and submit a character bio for the wiki, you will gain a bonus trait upon final submission; this trait can be a trait from the same categories as one of your initial choices.

If carrying over the character from our old playground, the character’s history on server counts as background for this campaign, and thus you can have a background trait reflecting your prior IC experience, though be mindful of where we break in continuity — which is before The Hand that Feeds.

Feats: Make sure to note on the Feat Variants Compendium for those which are banned, altered or just effectively a free benefit to every character.

Leveling: Rather than XP progression, levels will be gained by milestones. When a DM decides that a sufficient milestone is passed in an arc by a party or group, the members of that group (not just the members who were present in session), will gain a level. At the same time all members of the group progress, their companions, associates, henchmen etc will progress as well. 

Characters starting levels, and milestones are determined by their primary group affiliation — for example, the Elves group, Sunites group, Cups of Joy senior and juniors groups. Each group has a central point with the members in a +/- 1 range from the center point, with the variance used to reflect the chronology of the characters we’re converting over from NWN. Those who are creating new characters should create at the center point of said level bracket, though you can opt for the lower level of the bracket if you wish to reflect lesser experience. Your call. These present level ranges are:

  • Elves: 6-7
  • Sunites: 10-11
  • Starlight Grove: 10-15
  • Planeswalkers: 11
  • Cups of Joy Senior Members: 14-16 (Silence is point of reference for 16. Serra is point of reference for 14).
  • Cups of Joy Junior Members: 10-11

Wealth by level when character building is determined by the figure on the the Automatic Bonus Progression table to reflect not needing to invest in the big six bonus items versus other useful, more flavorful equipment which results in a dramatically lower cost of living. WBL is not a hard limit beyond character creation, and accrual of wealth and magic in adventuring is the purview of the DMs