Divine Seeker, Unchained

Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun, based on conversion from Giant in the Playground.

Sometimes a church cannot act openly, either because of political constraints, bureaucracy, or because it doesn’t want its presence known in an area. During these times, the abilities of discretion, stealth, and speed are more valuable than the direct manifestation of power. The divine seeker fills this role, infiltrating dangerous places to rescue prisoners, reclaim stolen relics, or eliminate enemy leaders. Quiet and protected by the power of her deity, a divine seeker can often accomplish what a direct assault could not.

Divine seekers may be of any class, though they favor monks, rangers, and rogues, and other classes that depend on stealth and subterfuge.


To qualify to become a Divine Seeker, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:

  • Skills: Knowledge (religion) 3 ranks, Stealth 5 ranks, Perception 5 ranks.
  • Feats: Stealthy or Deceitful, Deific Obedience.
  • Patron: A divine seeker must have a patron deity with access to the Chaos, Liberation, Luck and/or Trickery domains (or associated subdomain), and it must be the deity of which she is a divine seeker.
  • Alignment: Any nonlawful within one step of her patron’s alignment.

Class Skills: The divine seeker’s class skills are Acrobatics, Climb, Craft (Any), Diplomacy, Disable Device, Knowledge (Geography, Local, or Religion), Perception, Profession (Any), Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Survival, and Swim.

Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Hit Die: d8


Divine Seeker Abilities
CL BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +0 +1 +1 +1 Sacred Legerdemain, Sacred Stealth,
2nd +1 +1 +1 +1 Divine Secret, Sacred defense +1
3rd +2 +2 +2 +2 Divine Secret
4th +3 +2 +2 +2 Divine Secret, Sacred defense +2
5th +3 +3 +3 +3 Divine Perseverance

Class Features

The following are Class Features of the divine seeker prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A divine seeker is proficient with all simple weapons and with light armor, plus her deity’s favored weapon, but not with shields.

Sacred Legerdemain (Ex): At 1st level, the divine seeker adds 3 + her class level on all Sleight of Hand checks, as well as all Disable Device and Perception checks made to locate, disable, or bypass magic traps, or to open locks. She is treated as having the trapfinding feature for the purpose of prerequiites.

Sacred Stealth (Su): At 1st level, the divine seeker adds her class level to as a sacred bonus to all Stealth checks.

Divine Secret: At 2nd level, and again at 3rd and 4th levels, the divine seeker chooses a divine secret from the following list. Unless otherwise stated, a divine secret can only be selected once.

  • Bonus Feat: The divine seeker gains a bonus feat from among the following list of select feats. This secret can be selected multiple times, selecting a new feat from amongst the feats in the following list: AlertnessBetrayerBrilliant PlannerCat’s FallDeceitfulDeft HandsFeign CurseFool MagicIntimidating Performance, Introspective Performance, Intoxicating FlatteryNerve-Racking Negotiator, Nimble Moves, Persuasive, Persuasive Bribery, Quick Favor, Sabotage SpecialistThreatening NegotiatorTrue DeceptionWalking SleightWilling Accomplice.
  • Career Agent: The divine seeker’s levels stack with the class levels in one selected class to determine the total level of the class when considering uncanny dodge vs. sneak attack, as well as the effective level when using any rogue talents, ki powers, ninja tricks, social talents, or vigilante talents accessed with the chosen class; this ability does not grant additional talents, only modifies the level-dependent effects of existing talents.
  • Divine Chronicler: The divine seeker may add her class level to her effective class level to determine the progression and effect of the bardic knowledge and bardic performance abilities or archetype features that replace these.
  • Divine Intercession (Sp): The divine seeker can petition her patron for divine magic to accomplish her goals. For each divine seeker level attained at 3rd level and above, she selects one of the following spells that she can cast once per day as a spell-like ability: Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors, Detect the Faithful, Detect Undead, Disguise Self, Pass without Trace, Locate Creature, Locate Object, Nondetection, Secure Shelter, Sending, Stone Tell, or Undetectable Alignment. Alternately she can choose only one of these spells and cast it a number of times per day equal to her level -2. These spell like abilities are cast at a caster level equal to the the Divine Seeker’s character level with a DC equal to 10 + her divine seeker level + her Charisma bonus (if any). The divine seeker must be at least 3rd level to choose this secret.
  • Divine Talent: The divine seeker can select a rogue talent, ninja trick, slayer or vigilante talent. If she has the talent feature in another class, and her combined levels of that class plus her divine seeker level are 11 or higher, this selection may be an advanced talent. Her divine seeker level stacks with any other class granting these talents for the purpose of determining their benefits.
  • Saving Grace (Su): Once per day, as an immediate action, the divine seeker can reroll any saving throw she just made. If the reroll succeeds, she suffers no effect, even if the effect she saved against would have her suffer a lesser effect on a successful saving throw. At fifth level, she can reroll twice per day.
  • Trickster Priest: The divine seeker has to be a divine spellcaster to select this secret. If selected, the divine seeker adds her divine trickster levels to her divine caster level for determining the effective caster level of her spells, and the effective level of any domain powers, blessings, animal companion or channel energy. She does not gain any additional spells known, spells per day, or additional powers or abilities, only the level-dependent effects of those she already possesses.
  • Undead Slayer (Su): This secret is only available to divine seekers with the assassinate or death attack ability from any class with these or a like feature. This secret allows her assassinate attempt to affect corporeal undead. If she successfully lands an assassination attempt upon an undead creature and the creature fails its save, then the undead creature is destroyed. When the divine seeker’s sneak attack reaches +7d6, she can also make this attempt upon incorporeal undead as if the strike had the ghost touch quality.

Sacred Defense (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, the divine seeker may add her charisma bonus (minimum +1), to a maximum of her divine seeker level, to her saving throws; at 4th level, the minimum bonus increases to +2. This saving throw bonus does not stack with the bonus from a paladin’s divine grace, or any similar ability.

Deific Obedience: At 3rd level, the levels at which the divine seeker gains her boons is reduced by 2. If she is at, or past a level which she gains a boon, then she receives her boon(s) when she completes her obedience. This ability cannot stack with another class ability that reduces the level gain of deific boons. Consult the On Deific Obedience article for details and house rules on divine boons. When a divine boon grants a spell-like ability, the divine seeker’s caster level for the spell-like ability equals her total character level. The divine seeker is still expected to perform the act of obedience every day needed to gain the benefits of the boon.

Divine Perseverance (Su): Once per day, if a 5th level or higher divine seeker is brought to -1 hit points or lower, she automatically heals a number of hit points equal to 3d6 + her Charisma bonus (if any).