Divine Chymist Alchemist Archetype

Alchemists abound among the faiths of divine crafstmanship — those of Dugmaren Brightmantle, Garl Glittergold, Gond, and even more eclectic (or eccentric) gods of innovation. The Divine Chymist is an alchemist that concentrates her efforts into bridging the gap between her art and the divine workings of her god.

Divine Chymists complement the magical powers of a church’s clerical or arcane leaders, and in churches of craft, they may even be esteemed higher than some of their divine counterparts. They provide much of the firepower of their faith and collaborate with the church’s clerics in the creation of magic items requiring both arcane and divine spells. Divine chymists provide support for the church’s armies in time of war, doling out curative elixirs to the rank and file, and serving as holy (or unholy) artillery with their bombs.

Naturally, divine chymists are always alchemists of some sort. Investigators also have the needed talents to embark upon this path.


To become an divine chymist, the character must meet the following requirements:

  • Feats: Deific Obedience
  • Formulae: Ability to create 2nd-level extracts.
  • Skills: Craft (alchemy) 5 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks..
  • Patron Deity: Must have a patron deity with the Artifice domain, and it must be the deity of which she is a devotee.
  • Alignment: She must be within one step of her patron deity’s alignment.

Hit die d8

Class Skills: The divine chymist’s class skills are Craft (Alchemy), Knowledge (Any), Liguistics, Profession, Spellcraft and Use Magic Device.

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.


Level BAB Fort Refl Will Special
1st +0 +1 +1 +1 Alchemical Focus, Aura
2nd +1 +1 +1 +1 Divine Secret, Sacred Defense +1
3rd +2 +2 +2 +2 Deific Obedience, Divine Secret
4th +2 +2 +2 +2 Divine Secret, Sacred Defense +2
5th +3 +3 +3 +3 Divine Secret

Class Features

Aura (Ex): A divine chymist has a particularly powerful aura corresponding to her deity’s alignment.

Alchemical Focus: The divine chymist chooses one feature from her alchemist class from among the following: bombs, discoveries, or extracts. Her levels in this class stack with the class that grants her the chosen feature for all level-dependent benefits, including when her effective level increases for her extracts, and extracts per day if she chooses this feature.

Divine Secret: At 1st level and again and 3rd and 5th level, the divine chymist gains a divine secret selected from the list below. Unless otherwise noted, unless otherwise noted, a divine secret can only selected once.

  • Alchemical Domain: The divine chymist gains a single cleric domain of her deity as a cleric equal to her divine chymist level, gaining the associated powers. Any effects or domain powers keyed off of wisdom can instead be keyed off of Intelligence. At 1st level she adds the 1st-level domain spell into her formulae list as a divine formula and is able to create extracts of it. At each successive level she adds the next higher domain spell as a formula into her list. She must respect any alignment restrictions of these spells as if she were a cleric. She treats these spells’ level as her extract level, and she cannot create an extract of a particular divine formula until she is of a caster level to be able to do so, even though she may have transcribed it into her list of formulae. If the domain spell transcribed is a spell that is cast at range, then it’s range is either reduced to touch, or the extract can be hurled by treating it as a splash weapon. Hurling the divine extract requires a move action in addition to the standard action of creating and otherwise administering the extract; when hurled, it affects whomever is in the square where it lands as if it were a potion brewed with the vaporous potion feat. Divine extracts made with this ability cannot be made persistent with the infusion discovery.
  • Attuned Alchemy (Su): An divine chymist learns to harmonize their extracts with divine energy, so that share their faith may utilize the extract to greater effect. Once per day per divine chymist level, the chymist can create an extract for a recipient that shares the same faith as the chymist; the effect is improved as though it were enhanced by the extend spell and empower spell metamagic feats if the spell contained in the extract could otherwise benefit from these metamagic feats. This effect only benefits others and cannot be applied to extracts the chymist uses upon herself.
  • Empowered Potioncraft (Su): The divine chymist who learns this secret has cracked the code to brewing curative potions beyond the threshold of normal alchemical experts. At 1st, 3rd and 5th levels, she increases the maximum spell level for any formula on her formulae list with the Healing desriptor by 1, giving her the ability to create potions of forumlae with the Healing Descriptor up to 6th level.
  • Divine Formulae: The divine chymist gains uncanny insight into how to distill the divine blessings of her deity into chemical form. She gains the ability to transcribe orisons from the cleric/oracle spell list, and turn flasks of water into minor extracts of these formulae at-will (subject, of course, to her ability to carry such flasks of water on her person). In addition, a each level a divine chymist chooses a spell from the cleric/oracle spell list of a spell level equal to her divine chymist level or less, and transcribes it into her list of formulae. These spells cannot be spells that are already on her list as formulae; she treat’s the spell’s level as her extract level, and she cannot create an extract of a particular divine formula until she is of a caster level to be able to do so, even though she may have transcribed it into her list of formulae. If the spell transcribed is a spell that is cast at range, then it’s range is either reduced to touch — thus applied by hand or by drinking, or the extract can be hurled by treating it as a splash weapon. Hurling the divine extract requires a move action in addition to the standard action of creating and otherwise administering the extract; when hurled, it affects whomever is in the square where it lands as if it were a potion brewed with the vaporous potion feat. Divine extracts made with this ability cannot be made persistent with the infusion discovery.
  • Divine Splash (Ex): The divine chymist can deliver an extract made from any formula with a range of touch on the alchemist formulae list by by treating it as a splash weapon. This requires a move action in addition to the action required to make and administer the extract; if affects whomever is in the square where it lands as if it were a potion brewed with the vaporous potion feat. Extracts made with this ability cannot be made persistent with the infusion discovery.
  • Extra Discovery: The divine chymist can learn an extra discovery as a bonus feat.
  • Holy/Unholy Bomber (Su): The divine chymist can infuse her bombs with divine energy, such that the damage dealt by her bombs is only half elemental damage, and the other half is divine damage, like a flame strike spell.
  • Planetouched Mutagenist (Su): To learn this secret, the divine chymist must have the mutagen ability either by class feature or taken as a talent, and must be devoted to a non-True Neutral deity. Once this blessing is learned, the chymist can craft a mutagen that literally turns her into a divine beast. In addition to the benefits (and penalties) of the mutagen’s transformation, chooses a component of hers or her deity’s alignment at the time of crafting the mutagen. When the mutagen is used, in addition to the benefits (and drawbacks) of the transformation, she also gains the simple template corresponding to her alignment component: celestial for good, entropic for chaotic, fiendish for evil, and resolute for lawful. By virtue of the damage reduction gained from this template, her natural attacks bypass the opposing alignment damage reduction a target might have. The divine chymist can only learn this secret at 5th level.

Deific Obedience: At 3rd level, the levels at which the divine chymist gains her boons are reduced by 2. If she is at, or past a level which she gains a boon, then she receives his boon(s) when she completes her obedience. This ability cannot stack with another class ability that reduces the level gain of deific boons. Consult the On Deific Obedience article for details and house rules on divine boons. When a divine boon grants a spell-like ability, the divine chymist’s caster level for the spell-like ability equals her total character level. The divine chymist is still expected to perform the act of obedience every day needed to gain the benefits of the boon.

Sacred Defense (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, the divine chymist may add her charisma bonus (minimum +1) to a maximum of her divine chymist level, to her saving throws; at 4th level, the minimum bonus increases to +2. This saving throw bonus does not stack with the bonus from a paladin’s divine grace, or any similar ability.