Auril, the Frostmaiden

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Domains: Arctic, Cold, Evil, Ice (Water), Weather [Storms], Winter, Wrath.
Favored Weapon: Axe

Auril is most powerful in regions that are affected by deep winters or crouch at the edges of the Great Glacier. She is worshiped primarily out of fear. She serves Talos and is one of the Gods of Fury, and much of her ethos is similar to that of the god of nature’s destruction. She has seen much of her personal power eroded by Talos, and as a result, the winters have grown colder in the past decade to remind the northerners who still controls the power of cold. While she can call on the other Gods of Fury for aid, she only does so with Umberlee with any confidence; Talos usually responds but then directs all the glory and worship to himself, and Malar despises her — the feeling is mutual.

Dogma: Cover all the lands with ice. Quench fire wherever it is found. Let in the winds and the cold; cut down windbreaks and chop holes in walls and roofs that my breath may come in. Work darkness to hide the cursed sun so that the chill the Auril brings may slay. Take the life of an arctic creature only in great need, but slay all others at will. Make all Faerun fear the Frostmaiden. Revere the Cold Goddess and sing her praises into any chill breeze or winter wind. Do not raise your hand against any other cleric of Auril.

For Deific Obedience

Obedience: Kneel outdoors at the coldest time of night, in the coldest spot you can find to pray. If you are in snowy terrain, keep your hands buried in the snow until they grow numb, then raise them for the remainder of your prayer; if there is no snow to be found, then instead you must hold a chunk of ice the size of your palm in each hand, and pray until they melt. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saves against cold effects.

1: Frozen Vengeance (Sp)
 frostbite 3/day, chill metal 2/day, or sleet storm 1/day
2: Icy Shards (Su)
 Three times per day, you can breathe a 15-foot cone of ice particles. The cone deals 1d6 points of damage per HD you possess (maximum 15d6). Half this damage is cold damage, while the other half is slashing damage. A Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD) halves damage taken from this attack.
3: Glacial Dark (Sp) You can cast polar midnightUM once per day.

Antipaladin Code

A Blackguard who is devoted to Auril has as icy a heart as that of his patron. They are few, but when they come about, people rightfully fear them. They often come from the hardy stock of the North who are used to fending against the arctic chill, and they travel with few, but concise, tenets.

  • I am the hand of the Queen of Winter; I live to spread her fear, that those who dwell in the cold shall bow to before her fury.
  • Winter has no heart, no sympathy for those who do not respect it; neither then, shall I show such to those who grovel before me.
  • Let the frostbite and the cold take what it wishes to claim; I shall snuff the flames, and spells of warmth in my path.
  • Let the chill of Winter take those who are deserving of death. My blade serves for when the cold is not enough.

For Followers of Auril

Archetypes and Alternate Class Features: Arctic Druid (Druid), Winter Witch† (Witch)

Specialty Priest: Icemaester/Icemaiden (Cleric)

  • An Icemaiden must select the Cold domain, or Ice subdomain as one of her domains.
  • Channel Winter (Su): Rather than channeling negative energy to harm living creatures or heal undead, the Icemaiden calls forth a burst of elemental cold, this functions otherwise like, and is treaded as channel energy, except that it deals 1d6 cold damage for every 3 levels — for a total of 7d6 at 19th level. Creatures caught in the radius of the burst can make a saving throw for half damage as normal. This alters channel energy.
  • One with the Cold (Su): At 1st level, the Icemaiden can endure extreme cold environments, as if she were affected by endure elements. At 4th level, she gains energy resistance 5 against Cold effects; this resistance increases to 10 at 8th level, 20 at 12th level, and 30 at 16th level. This replaces spontanous casting.
  • Avatar of Winter (Su): At 20th level, the Icemaiden is a mortal exemplar of the chilling ice and snow that is Auril’s domain. Her type changes to a native outsider with the Cold subtype — and the benefits and disadvantages that come with that subtype, including immunity to cold and vulnerability to fire. She can sense anything in winter’s grasp within a 30 foot radius of her as if she had the blindsight ability, so long as she and the subject are both in an area of ice and/or snow. This capstone ability cannot be traded for any other capstone ability.

Feats: Conversion Channel, Fearsome Finish, Shatter Resolve.

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained), Frost Mage†, Frostrager†, Winter Witch

Spells: Ice Armor, Frosthammer

Traits: Child of Nature, Eyes of the Wild, Know the Land, Natural Philosopher, Wise Teacher.

Unique Spell Rules

  • Spells with the [Fire] descriptor are prohibited to divine casters of Auril.
  • Chill Metal can be prepared as a 2nd-level divine caster spell
  • Fire Storm instead calls down a torrent of wintery ice, dealing Cold damage, and failed save freezes targets (treat as petrified).
  • Flame Strike is a shower of icicles, dealing cold damage instead of fire, and has the [Cold] descriptor.
  • Grease can be prepared as a 1st-level divine caster spell (as a sheen of ice, rather than grease)

Unique Summon Rules

Clergy and Temples

The church of Auril is very loosely and informally organized, and clergy members wander and are largely independent. They seek to make all folk fear their deity and her clergy (to cut down on the attacks they face) through the fury of the winter weather. They also generate personal wealth and influence by carrying out tasks that others cannot in the worst winter weather and by magically protecting those who pay or obey from the worst winter conditions. Clergy members make offerings to the deity of some of the wealth they amass by scattering it in falling snow during a storm or throwing it through cracks in river ice or glacial crevasses during the winter.

In the cold months, Auril expects each of her clerics to force or persuade someone to pray to her in the approved manner by beseeching Auril for mercy and praising her for the “cold cleansing” she brings. This prayer must last for the length of time it takes a piece of ice larger than the “supplicant’s” hand to melt against his or her bared flesh. It must be done out of doors and preferably at night. During the winter, Aurilian clergy are also expected to slay at least one creature with cold. This is often done so as to provide worshipers or potential worshipers of the deity with food or to slay a personal foe of the faithful.