Kossuth, the Firelord

Alignment: Neutral (Lawful tendencies)
Domains: Destruction, Fire, Plane of Fire, Renewal, Suffering, Wrath
Favored Weapon: Spiked Chain

Patron to creatures of elemental fire and those entranced by the intricate dance and destructive powers of flame, Kossuth holds little affection for his followers on Toril. He does, however, reward them frequently, and his cult continues to spread at what some might term an alarming rate. Perhaps the strongest center of this growth is in Thay, where his faith has been sizeable for generations. Kossuth seems to have some sort of plan for his mortal followers and rapidly growing church, but none except perhaps the highest clerics have any insight into what that plan may be.

Dogma: Those fit to succeed will do so. Kossuth’s faith is innately superior to all other faiths, particularly that of Istishia. Fire purifies all. Smoke is produced by air in its jealousy. The reward of successful ambition is power. Reaching a higher state is inevitably accomplished by difficulty and personal pain of some sort. Kossuth sends his pure fire to cleanse us all and temper our souls so that we can achieve a pure state. Expect to be tested, and rise to the challenge, no matter what difficulty and pain it brings. Those above you have proven their worth and deserve your service. Guide others to Kossuth’s light so that he may reforge all life into its essential form.

For Deific Obedience

Obedience: Walk or lie upon a bed of hot coals, or grasp embers in your hands — hot as you can stand — all the while praying to the Firelord for purification and perfection by his fire. You may not use magical protection from fire damage while enduring this ritual, though you may be innately immune or become resistant by adaptation to the heat of the coals. Without such fire resistance, the ritual shall deal 1 point of fire damage per two hit dice you possess. Once your obedience is complete, if you suffered fire damage during the ritual, the amount of damage you sustained is granted as resistance to fire damage for the remaining 24-hour period. If you did not suffer fire damage from the ritual, then you instead may use an immediate action once during the day to regain a number of hit points up to half your hit dice.

1: Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire (Sp) burning hands 3/day, discovery torch 2/day, or ash storm 1/day
2: Blazing Aura (Su) You can channel divine flames to burn your enemies. As a free action, you can wreathe yourself in flames, causing any creature adjacent to you at the beginning of your turn to take 2d6 points of damage (half of which is fire damage, the other half is divine damage). Any creature adjacent to you who hits you with a melee or natural attack suffers fire damage upon their successful hit equal to 1d6 + your Wisdom or Charisma modifier (whichever is higher). Dismissing this ability is also a free action. This ability lasts a number of rounds per day equal to 1 + 1 per 4 Hit Dice you have (maximum 6 rounds). These rounds don’t need to be consecutive.
3: Fiery Companions (Sp) Three times per day, you can summon an ally to assist you. This acts as a summon nature’s ally or summon monster spell with a spell level equal to half your Hit Dice (maximum spell level 9th). If the summoned creatures have an elemental subtype, it must be the Fire subtype. If they do not have an elemental subtype, they gain the Fire subtype. At 18th level, you can instead opt to summon an elemental army once per day, which acts as elemental swarm, but only summons fire elementals. You can communicate with these summoned creatures as if you had a shared language. These summons obey only your commands, and any attempt to dismiss or banish the summons uses the greater of either yours or the summons’ save bonus.

For Followers of Kossuth

Archetypes: Brazen Disciple† (Monk), Elemental Monk (Monk; Efreeti Style, Fire element only), Flame Dancer (Bard), Pyre Witch (Witch), Sacred Fist (Warpriest)

Specialty Priest: Firewalker (Cleric)

  • Alignment can be any except Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Evil.
  • Channel Fire (Su): When a Firewalker channels energy to harm living or undead creatures, half of the damage dealt is fire damage, while the other half is either positive or negative energy, depending on his choice of channeling energy. This alters Channel Energy.
  • A Firewalker can only choose one domain, and it cannot be the fire domain.
  • Blessings of Fire: At 1st level, a Firewalker chooses a spell from the Fire Elementalist arcane school that isn’t on the Cleric spell list. This chosen spell is added to the Firewalker’s spell list as a Cleric spell, treating its spell level the same as on its original spell list. At each level that he gains another level of spells, he chooses another Fire spell in this fashion of his highest spell level or lower. These spells can be cast by sacrificing a prepared spell from the Cleric’s regular spell slots, rather than spontaneously casting curing spells. This alters spontaneous casting.
  • Elemental Adaptation (Su): At 2nd level, as an immediate action, a Firewalker may ignore the damage from non-magical fire for a number of rounds equal to 3+ his Wisdom bonus; these rounds do not have to be consecutive. At 6th level, this immunity also ignores the first 5 points of magical or supernatural fire damage; this stacks with any innate or racial energy resistance the Firewalker may have. At 10th level, this ability ignores the first 10 points of fire damage. At 14th level, the Firewalker further can survive on the Plane of Fire without taking damage from the “normal” fires of that plane, and without needing to eat, drink, or breathe; he can survive in this terrain for a number of hours equal to his hit dice, after which he cannot do so again for a 24-hour period. This replaces the Cleric’s second domain.
  • Archon of Fire (Su): At 20th level, the Firewalker has achieved apotheosis with his elemental lord; he gains the Fire subtype, which gives him immunity to fire, and vulnerability to cold. He no longer has any limitation on the amount of time he can dwell or travel upon the Plane of Fire, and may transport himself and others there or back to the prime once per day, as if by a plane shift spell. This is a capstone ability and cannot be replaced by another capstone ability.

Feats: Breaker of Barriers, Channel Viciousness, Destroyer’s Blessing, Elemental Vigor, Fire God’s Blessing, FlagellantSquash Flat, To the Last, Welcome Pain.

Magic Items: Glorious Flame Ring

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained)

Spells: FirebellyShield of WingsStoke the Inner Fire

Traits: Affinity of the Elements, Cleansing the TwistedDestructive Blows, Demoralizing PresenceElemental Resilience (Fire), Forge’s Flame, Pain Is PleasureRenweing Mercy, Sacred Smasher, Wisdom in the Flesh, Wrecking Wrath.

Unique Spell Rules

  • Spells of the [Water] descriptor are prohibited to a divine caster of Kossuth.
  • Burning Gaze can be prepared as a 2nd-level Cleric spell.
  • Flame Blade can be prepared by any divine caster as a 2nd-level spell.
  • Produce Flame can be prepared as a 1st-level Cleric spell.