Siamorphe, the Divine Right

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Domains: Knowledge [Plannning], Law, Nobility [Aristocracy, Leadership], Pride.
Favored Weapon: Flail

Siamorphe is a demipower worshiped primarily among the noble class of Waterdeep, though her worship is gradually spreading into regions including Tethyr, Cormyr and Calimshan — lands in which nobility hold power. Siamorphe’s ethos is that the noble class has the right to rule and the responsibility to rule in the best manner possible for the people who serve under it. This is a very appealing ethos to some, particularly to nobles looking for some reason to explain why they are in charge.

Dogma: Nobles are the rightful rulers of the bulk of humankind provided that they keep fit for the task and responsibilities of rule. Nobles have the moral obligation to rule in the best manner possible for the people who serve under them even if their obligations conflict with their personal desires. The descendants of noble bloodlines inherit their charisma and potential for wisdom from their ancestors. Their family fortunes provide them enough leisure time to be properly educated as rulers. The regular inheritance of noble titles by strict inheritance rules reduces the potential for power struggles between rival claimants to leadership. A strong noble class that cares for the commoners of Faerun and looks out for their best interest is the most stable, fair form of government.

For Deific Obedience

Obedience: Each offer some task of loyalty or devotion to a worthy figure of authority that will take at least an hour to accomplish, or shall be your quest for the day; so long as you fulfill this hour’s task, or you are going about your day in a way that is unswervingly aimed toward the goal of fulfilling your oath, gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.

1: Edict (Sp) command 3/day, enthrall 2/day, or suggestion 1/day
2: Siamorphe’s Judgment (Sp) Once per day, you can place a symbol on a target who has shirked his obligations or showed poor judgment in his official capacity; that symbol acts similarly to a mark of justice. This spell-like ability has a casting time of 1 round instead of 10 minutes, and when the mark activates it causes the target to take a –6 penalty to Wisdom and Charisma. The conditions you place on the mark must relate to the target’s actions as a leader.
3: Lordship (Su) You automatically gain the Leadership feat, and you are always considered to have a reputation of fairness and generosity so long as you maintain your allegiance to Siamorphe. If you already have the Leadership feat, you gain an additional +2 bonus to your Leadership score. You may choose to gain a hound or legion archon as your cohort; this archon cohort gains additional HD to bring its total HD to 2 lower than your own level, and you may call this cohort from any location on the prime material plane once per day as a standard action.

Paladin Code

  • Those in positions of power are also in positions of responsibility. Those who fail to properly lead those under them fail their people, themselves, and the natural order of everything.
  • Tyrants and fools as kings and queens will not be abided. A kakistocracy is one of the worst hells that people can endure.
  • Should leaders fail their people, it is for the benefit of all that they be replaced. If they will not give up power peacefully, I will help remove them, by orchestration or by force.
  • I will bring salvation to the downtrodden any way I can; while removing the head of the snake saves the most people and is the most effective course of action, if such actions cannot safely be taken without putting the innocent at risk, providing relief for the bitten can bring the most good.

For Followers of Siamorphe

Archetypes: Order of the Lion (Cavalier),

Feats: Divine Dignity, Master of Knowledge, Perfect Casting.

Specialty Priest: Highborn (Cleric)

  • A highborn must be a legitimate descendant of nobile families for at least three generations.
  • A highborn will always insist on wearing fashion that’s fitting of his station and no less — any clothing and armor will always be masterwork quality, and ornately embellished.
  • A highborn only gains one domain.
  • Affluent (Ex): At each level, a highborn gains a stipend worth a number of gold pieces equal to 750 multiplied by his class level. (He gains 750 gp at 1st level, an additional 1,500 gp at 2nd level, and so on.) This replaces spontaneous casting.
  • Aristocratic Erudition (Ex): At 2nd level, a highborn gains a bonus equal to 1/2 his class level on Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), and Knowledge (nobility) checks. This bonus also reduces the DCs of Diplomacy and Knowledge (local) checks others make to gather publicly known information about the highborn by the same amount.
  • Skilled Diplomat: At 4th level, the noble chooses a bonus feat from the following list to reflect his growing social acumen: Blustering BluffConfabulistCutting HumiliationIntoxicating FlatteryIronclad LogicNerve-Racking NegotiatorOratorPersuasive BriberyPlay to the CrowdQuick FavorRhetorical Flourish, or Sense Assumptions. Every five levels thereafter, he chooses another feat from this list.
  • Social Talents: At 5th level, the noble may select a talent from the following vigilante social talents, using his cleric level as his vigilante level: Always Prepared, Celebrity Discount, Celebrity Perks, Entrepreneur, Gossip Collector, Great Reknown, Incredible Reknown, Instant Recognition, Loyal Aid, Reknown, Social Grace, and Triumphant Return. He selects another talent at 9th level, and every fifth level thereafter.

Traits: Ambassador, Defensive Strategist, Eternal Understanding, Eyes and Ears of the City, Honey-Tongued, Honeyed Words, Loreseeker, Lover of the Law, Regal Presence, Seer of Reality, Talented Organizer, The City Protects, Thirst for Knowledge, Well-Prepared.

Unique Spell Rules

  • Detect Relations can be prepared as a 2nd-level Paladin spell.
  • Discern Next of Kin can be prepared as a 1st-level Cleric, Inquisitor or Paladin spell.

Clergy & Temples

The church of Siamorphe is strictly ordered but small, confined primarily to the nobility of Cormyr, Tethyr and Waterdeep. Siamorphe’s clerics are expected to serve as advisers and councilors to noble rulers if not of noble birth and as rulers if of noble birth. When confronted with a ruler of noble birth who does not keep himself or herself fit for the task and responsibilities of rule, a cleric of Siamorphe must either seek to rectify that ruler’s shortcomings through counseling and education or engineer the ruler’s succession by a more fit ruler of noble lineage.