Additional Favored Class Bonuses

Additional favored class bonuses taken from Everyman Games’ Unchained Options, with revisions.

Universal Options

These favored class bonuses are available to all characters, regardless of their race or which class is their favored class.

  • Gain 1 additional hit point.
  • Gain 1 additional skill rank.
  • Gain a +1/3 bonus on one type of saving throw (Fortitude, Reflex, or Will; maximum +2 total).
  • Gain +1/6 of a point on one of your stats that gained a racial bonus as an additional racial bonus; maximum +2 additional bonus.
  • Gain 1/6 of a bonus feat for which you qualify. This bonus feat must be a racial feat for which you meet the racial prerequisite, or selected from the following list: Acrobatic, Additional Traits, Alertness, Animal Affinity, Athletic, Deceitful, Deft Hands, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Great Fortitude, Improved Iron Will, Improved Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Magical Aptitude, Persuasive, Prodigy, StealthyScholar, Self-Sufficient, Skill Focus, Weapon Focus.
  • Gain 1/6 of a talent that is gained by your favored class; this must be a base class talent, and not a cross-talent.
  • Select one weapon group. Reduce the penalty for not being proficient with that weapon by 1. When the nonproficiency penalty for a selected weapon becomes 0 because of this favored class bonus, the character gains proficiency with the selected weapon group. Once this FCB grants proficiency in the weapon group, selecting this FCB an additional time in the same weapon group treats you as having the Weapon Focus feat in that weapon group.
  • Select one weapon group. Gain a +1/3 bonus on attack rolls made to confirm a critical hit with the selected weapon (maximum +4). This bonus doesn’t stack with Critical Focus. When your bonus with a single weapon reaches +4, you are treated as though you had the Critical Focus feat for the purpose of meeting feat prerequisites.
  • Select one racial trait that the character possesses that grants a racial bonus to skills, checks, attack rolls or damage rolls. Add +1/3 to the racial bonus that the character gains from the selected racial trait (maximum +2 additional per racial trait).
  • Select one spell-like ability that the character gains from a racial trait or a feat that includes the character’s race as a prerequisite. Add +1/4 to the number of times per day that the character can use the selected spell-like ability.
  • Select one type of energy that the character has energy resistance against as a racial trait. Add +1 to the character’s resistance against the selected energy type.

Companion Options

These favored class bonuses are available to characters that possess an animal companion, eidolon, or familiar as a feature of that favored class. Each time a character chooses a companion bonus, she applies the benefit to one such creature. If the character ever replaces that creature, her new companion gains these bonuses.

  • Add +1 hit point to the companion.
  • Add +1 skill rank to the companion.
  • Add +1/3 to the companion’s natural armor bonus to AC.
  • The companion gains 1/6 of a bonus feat. The creature must meet all of the feat’s prerequisites, if any. The creature must be physically able to use the selected feat.
  • The companion gains DR 1/magic. Every subsequent time that the companion gains this bonus, the DR increases by 1/2 (maximum DR 10/magic).

Revised Feats

In wake of these, a couple feats need revising, also handled differently than the Everyman source:

Fast Learner: Is no longer a racial feat — thus any race can take it; and the benefit is reworded as follows:

When you gain a level in a favored class, you gain both +1 hit point and +1 skill rank instead of choosing either one or the other benefit. You can opt for an alternate favored class bonus in lieu of either the skill point, or the hit point, but not both; if you take this feat after level 1, the benefit is retroactive.

Eclectic: Is no longer a racial feat, and benefit worded as follows:

Choose an additional favored class and gain either +1 hit point or +1 skill point whenever you take a level in that class. If you choose a class in which you already have levels, the benefits of this feat are retroactive. You do not get to choose an alternate favored class benefit from this additional favored class.