Faction Alternate Class Features

To take replacement features of the particular order or faction, a character must have become a member of the order or faction in good standing, having earned their place either through backstory or RP. They may take any or all of the listed replacement features, and these features replace features of a base class dependent on which class you are using for feature replacement as listed options.

As most of these factions are sponsored by a specific deity or deities, and require you to have that deity as your patron, you cannot adopt more than one of these orders’ feature replacements. You can, however belong to one of these factions in addition to taking an archetype of your class sponsored by the same deity (for example, a Sword Dancer of Elistraee also becoming a Darksong Knight), but the archetype features take precedence over these, and these features cannot replace something that the archetype has already replaced.

Berronar’s Valkyrie

Berronar’s Valkyries are female dwarven warriors of the goddess Berronar Truesilver. They study tactics and charge into battle to save male dwarf warriors. Their special powers help them look after their allies and punish oathbreakers.

Entry Requirements: To become a Berronar’s Valkyrie and take these replacement features, a character must be a female dwarf, have Berronar as her patron deity, be proficient in medium or heavier armor and shields, have 1 rank in intimidate, and be inducted into the order.

  • Class Skill: At 1st level, if she doesn’t have it as a class skill already, the Valkyrie gains Intimidate as a class skill.
  • Everbright Blessing (Su): Starting at 3rd level, a Valkyrie’s armor, shield, and primary weapon are treated as if they had the everbright special ability; they shine like polished silver, they are immune to acid and rust attacks, and the armor provides her with resistance to acid 5. This ability only applies to the items the Valkyrie is wearing; if the items are removed or dropped, they lose this property until she picks them up again.
    This benefit replaces the Divine Health class feature; the first Cavalier’s Order ability; one of the warpriest’s minor blessings; or the Bravery class feature.
  • Valiant Rescue (Ex): Starting at 4th level, a Valkyrie gains a special ability to charge into harm’s way to protect an ally. A Valkyrie can charge into melee with a creature that threatens one of her allies and still make a full attack with a single melee weapon rather than a single attack. During this charge she acts as if she had the Mobility feat; if she is mounted, this bonus also applies to her mount. In lieu of the full attack at the end of the charge, she may opt to charge into the square occupied by the ally she is rescuing, and switch places to put the ally into a non-threatened square adjacent to the Valkyrie before making a single standard attack.
    This benefit replaces the Channel Energy class feature, or the Cavalier’s Charge class feature, or the Advanced Armor Training class feature.
  • Binding Oath (Su): Beginning at 6th level, a Valkyrie gains the ability to magically link two willing individuals making an oath (or a legal agreement). This link has two effects. First, it informs both parties and the Valkyrie instantly if the oath is broken in any way. Second, the individual who breaks the oath is fatigued for one day per paladin level of the Valkyrie at the time of the oath-binding; this fatigue cannot be recovered by ordinary rest; only a spell like Break Enchantment or Greater Restoration, or the act of the Valkyrie who made the bond can remove the fatigue before the end of the duration. A Valkyrie can bind an oath once per week as a full-round action. For every three paladin levels after 6th, the Valkyrie can use this ability one extra time per week (2/week at 9th level, 3/week at 12th level, and so forth).
    This benefit replaces the mercy at 6th or higher level; or the 6th or higher level bonus feat of the Cavalier, Fighter or Warpriest.

Broken One

These kind and enduring monks dedicated to Ilmater are focused on defending the faithful and temples of the Broken God while acting as agents of punishment against those who would cruelly harm others. They combine the skills of healer and hunter in the service of their deity. They often assist other servants of the Triad when injustices against the innocent have occurred.

Entry Requirements: To become a Broken One and take these replacement feature, a character must be a monk or other ascetic class with the proper class features with Ilmater as her patron deity, have 2 ranks in Survival and undergo an assessment by an elder monk or priest in the faith to judge her sincerity of intentions for joining the order.

  • Lay on Hands: At 2nd level, the Broken One gains the ability to heal wounds with a touch, as the paladin class feature of the same name, and treats her monk level as her paladin level to determine the benefits of this ability; at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter when she lays hands upon a creature she may remove an additional condition in addition to the healing: 4th-Fatigued, 8th-Sickened, 12th-Staggered, 16th-blinded or deafened, 20th-paralyzed.
    This replaces Stunning Fist.
  • Tenacious Tracker (Su): Beginning at 6th level, a Broken One gains the ability to follow the trail of those cruel enough to torture and maim others. She adds half of her class level (the one with this feature) to Surival checks made to track. She gains a +10 competence bonus on these checks made to track those with Loviatar as a patron deity, or who has harmed an ally in the past 24 hours. Furthermore, whenever she physically touches the flesh of one who has been injured within the previous hour by someone who has Loviatar as his patron deity, she receives a clear mental image of that person’s true appearance.
    This benefit replaces a 6th-level or higher bonus feat or ki power.
  • Locate Creature (Sp): Starting at 8th level, a Broken One can use locate creature once per day, but only when attempting to find a creature that has Loviatar as a patron deity or one who has harmed a person touched with the Tenacious Tracker ability. Her caster level is equal to her class level.
    This benefit replaces an 8th-level or higher bonus feat or ki power.

Circle of the Moon Druid

The Circle of the Moon is comprised of druids devoted to the goddess of the moon, Selune. Although not commonly heard of, druids devoted to another good aligned lunar deity would be welcome to join in the Circle. Fearsome protectors of the wild, they dwell within the most perilous stretches of wilderness, perfectly comfortable surrounding themselves with only animals and beasts for tendays at a time. Druids of this circle draw upon the power of Selune Herself, with the Moon’s dominion over shapechangers and lycanthropes to bolster their shape-changing abilities.

Entry Requirements: To become a Circle of the Moon Druid and take its replacement features, a druid must worship Selune (or another good-aligned lunar deity), possess the class features that are replaced by the ones below, have 3 ranks in Knowledge (Religion) or Lore in her deity’s faith, 3 ranks in Knowledge (Nature) and have chosen the Moon domain as her nature’s bond.

  • Combat Wild Shape (Su): When the Circle of the Moon Druid with this feature gains her wildshape ability at 4th level, she may change into her wildshape form as a move action, rather than a standard action. She may also change into her wildshape as part of a charge, spring attack, or other attack action involving movement. This replaces Resist Nature’s Lure.
  • Lunar Forms (Su): At 8th level, the Circle of the Moon Druid’s wildshape ability is treated as if her druid level were two higher with this feature. Further, she can assume hybrid forms like those of lycanthropes. If the druid is (or later becomes) an afflicted lycanthrope, she is treated as a natural lycanthrope for her ability to control her form and is not subjected to alignment changes from her affliction. This replaces plant shape I, plant shape II and plant shape III.
  • Primal Strike (Su): At 9th level, the Circle of the Moon Druid can treat her natural weapons as magical and silver weapons for the purpose of damage reduction. This replaces venom immunity.
  • A Thousand Forms (Su): At 13th level a Circle of the Moon Druid with this feature can assume any humanoid form, treating this ability as alter self, and she can use this ability a number of times per day equal 3 plus her Wisdom modifier. This replaces a thousand faces.

Claw of the Sun and Ankh

This order was founded after the Time of Troubles on the orders of Horus-Re. It is the first order of Mulhorandi paladins to serve a god other than Osiris. Ignoring the obsession with politics so common among the priesthood of Horus-Re, this rapidly growing order energetically pursues the evil minions of Set. Members sometimes clash with the servants of Anhur when that god causes trouble with his warmongering. They are fanatics and pride themselves on their lack of fear.

Entry Requuirements: To become a Claw of the Sun and The Ankh and take its replacement features, a character must be a paladin, warpriest or other martial with the relevant class features, have Horus-Re as his patron deity and be a member of this order in good standing.

  • Bird of Prey (Su): Beginning at 1st level, once per day a Claw of the Sun and the Ankh can pay homage to his god by taking on aspects of a hawk. His hands turn into claws that deal 1d4 points of damage; the attacks deal extra damage equal to one-half his class level to evil creatures. These attacks are considered magic, good-aligned weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. The paladin is considered to be proficient with these natural weapons while using this form. This transformation lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3+ his Charisma modifier. At 5th level, and every five levels thereafter, a Claw of the Sun and the Ankh can use this ability one extra time per day.
    This benefit replaces the smite evil class feature of the paladin or alters a warpriest’s sacred weapon ability to add magical properties to his weapon.
  • Giant Falcon Companion: Rather than an exceptional mount, a paladin Claw of Sun and Ankh may choose to gain a giant hawk (using the stats for giant falcon) as a companion, as a druid of his paladin level -4. The hawk can be mounted by the paladin if he so wishes.
  • Smite Minions of Set (Su): A Claw of the Sun and the Ankh is tasked with eliminating members of the church of Set. Starting at 6th level he can use the paladin’s smite evil ability, but only against a creature that has Set as its patron deity, regardless of the target’s alignment. This otherwise functions as the paladin’s normal smite evil class feature. A Claw of the Sun and the Ankh can use this smite attack once per day, plus one extra time per day for every three levels gained beyond 6th.
    This benefit replaces the Mercy class feature, or one of the warpriest’s major blessings.
  • Horus-Re’s Glory (Su): Starting at 12th level, a Claw’s armor shines brightly as the daylight spell. This illumination can be suppressed or resumed at will with a standard action.
    This benefit replaces one 3rd-level spell slot. From this point forward, a Claw of the Sun and the Ankh who selects this replacement feature can prepare one less 3rd-level spell than normal.

Companion of the Noble Heart

The Companions of the Noble Heart are aggressive knights in the service of Ilmater who have dedicated themselves to eliminating the evil of those who are known to enjoy the torturing and suffering of others. In particular, they oppose members of the church of Loviatar and destroy them and their temples whenever possible. When servants of the other members of the Triad crusade against Loviatar’s servants, Noble Heart knights often join with them.

Entry Requirements: To become a Noble Heart and take these replacement feature, a character must be a paladin or warpriest with Ilmater as her patron deity, have 3 ranks in Knowledge (religion) and 3 ranks in Survival.

  • Tenacious Tracker (Su): Beginning at 3rd level, a Noble Heart paladin gains the ability to follow the trail of those cruel enough to torture and maim others. She gains bonus of half her class level on Survival checks made to track those who have Loviatar as a patron deity. Furthermore, whenever she physically touches the flesh of one who has been injured by someone who has Loviatar as his patron deity up to one hour prior per 2 class Noble Heart levels, she receives a clear mental image of that person’s true appearance.
    This benefit replaces the divine health class feature or a 3rd level bonus feat.
  • Sunder Profane Relic (Su): At 4th level, a Noble Heart paladin gains the ability to reduce to rubble objects and structures dedicated to evil. Whenever she attacks an object owned by a character who has Loviatar as a patron deity, or an object that is part of a temple or other item consecrated to, or crafted by, an agent of Loviatar, she can ignore the object’s hardness and gain a bonus to damage equal to half of her class level by striking it with the weapon enhanced by her divine bond or sacred weapon ability.
    This benefit diminishes the channel energy or fervor class feature to 1d6 per 3 levels, and alters the divine bond or sacred weapon feature.
  • Poison Denial (Sp): The enemies of the Noble Heart paladin frequently employ poison in their efforts to spread evil and cruelty. Starting at 6th level, a Noble Heart is immune to poison, and she gains the ability to neutralize poison when she channels energy or uses her lay hands or fervor ability.
    This replaces a 6th level or higher mercy, or a 6th level or higher bonus feat.

Crescent Moon Knight

This order is over one hundred years old, but is relatively unknown outside Impiltur. It is remarkable because its members are mountain-dwelling dwarves who worship Clangeddin Silverbeard and surface-dwelling humans who revere Selûne. This unusual collaboration is the result of a series of lycanthrope attacks on a human trading village in Impiltur and a nearby dwarf settlement. The humans and dwarves decided to join forces to eliminate the shapeshifter threat, and they found that the combination of Selûnite magic and dwarf battle prowess was very effective. The organization is a loose one, mainly passed down through families (now in its fourth human generation, while a few of the original dwarf founders survive), and only becomes relevant when one family is in danger and asks for help from their old allies. Its symbol is an upright hammer (part of Clangeddin’s holy symbol) surrounded by seven stars (part of Selûne’s symbol), which appears on armor and shields carried by dwarf and human descendants of the founders.

Entry Requirements: To become a Crescent Moon Knight and take these feature replacements, a character be a warpriest, paladin or other martial with the relevant class features, with Clangeddin Silverbeard or Selûne as his patron deity, 3 ranks in Perform(singing), and be related to or a close friend of one of the founding families.

  • Favored Enemy (Ex): At 4th level, a Crescent Moon Knight gains lycanthropes as a favored enemy, which functions as the UnRanger ability of the same name, except that the Crescent Moon Knight doesn’t have to spend an hour of preparation daily to gain this bonus. Unlike standard ranger favored enemies, which are organized by monster type, the Crescent Moon Knight’s favored enemy bonuses apply to all lycanthropes regardless of type (for example, the bonuses apply against a human werewolf and a hill giant dire wereboar), at every 5th level thereafter the favored enemy bonus increases by another +2, to a total of +8 at 19th level. If the character already has or later aquires the favored enemy feature from another class, then this feature grants lycanthropes as a Dedicated Adversary instead. This benefit replaces the channel energy class feature.
  • Cure Lycanthropy (Su): Starting at 6th level, a Knight becomes versed in the methods of curing lycanthropy. A Crescent Moon Knight can use his lay hands or fervor ability for the purpose of curing lycanthropy within 3 days of a lycanthrope’s attack. He can also use this ability if he were casting Break Enchantment or Remove Curse as a spell like ability, using his class level as the caster level, to cure a turned lycanthrope on a night of the full moon.
    This replaces a 6th level or higher mercy, or bonus feat.
  • Battlesong (Su): Once per day starting at 10th level, a Crescent Moon Knight can begin an inspiring battle song as a standard action. This song functions like a bard’s inspire courage ability, using the Knight’s paladin level minus 4 as his bard level to determine the benefits and the rounds per day he may use the performance. This counts as the bardic performance ability for the purpose of feats that modify bardic performance.
    This benefit replaces the Aura of Justice feature or both powers of one of the warpriest’s blessings.

Darksong Knight

The Darksong Knights are an order of elite warriors that dedicate their life to spreading the ethos of Eilistraee, advancing Her causes, defending her enclaves, and especially to slaying the demons that serve as the agents of Lolth.

Entry Requirements: To gain entry as a Darksong Knight, you must be a devoted follower of Elistraee, and must have either acted in selfless defense of an Elistreean community, and/or defeated at least one demon in challenge appropriate combat (if you or an ally summon said demon, it doesn’t count).

  • Dancing Feint: A Darksong Knight with this feature can use the Perform (dance) skill to feint in combat in place the Bluff skill. At BAB +4, this ability allows her to feint as a move action rather than a standard action, and counts as the Improved Feint feat for the purpose of qualifying for other feats that require it.
    This feature may replace a Bonus Combat or Combat Style Feat of 2nd or higher level of a class that grants combat bonus feats; a Rogue/Slayer talent of 2nd level or above; or a single d6 of Channel Energy or Fervor of a class with the Channel Energy or Fervor feature; or a 2nd level or higher Versatile Performance.
  • Favored Enemy – Demons: A Darksong Knight may gain demons as a favored enemy, this is treated like the UnRanger ability of the same name with a bonus of +2, except that the darksong knight doesn’t need to spend an hour of preparation to gain the bonus, and the bonus only applies to demons. At 10th level, the bonus increases to +4. If the darksong knight gains the favored enemy feature from another class, then this feature grants demons as a Dedicated Adversary instead.
    A Darksong Knight who selects this replacement feature can do so in place of a 4th or higher level rogue/slayer talent, a Bonus Combat Feat of 4th or higher level, the Lore Master feature, or 1d6 of channel energy at 5th and 11th level.
  • Combat Dancing: A Darksong Knight of at least 8th level with this feature may make a Perform (Dance) check in place of an Acrobatics check when attempting to avoid attacks of opportunity drawn by movement, and gains +2 dodge AC against any such attacks of opportunity. She further gains a +2 circumstance bonus on an attack roll that accompanies a movement action, or is part of a charge or a Spring Attack.
    This feature may replace a Bonus Combat Feat of 8th or higher level of a class that grants combat bonus feats; a Rogue/Slayer/Ninja talent of 8th level or above; A single major Blessing or Domain Ability; or one selection of Versatile Performance.

Disciple of the White Rod

The Disciples of the White Rod are a monastic order of the faith of Loviatar. The order originated out of an abbey near Calimport, named after a token bestowed on the order’s founder by the goddess herself, which still remains as a relic in the abbey today. They have gradually spread their numbers into cells where Loviatar might gain sway. These monks prefer inflicting pain upon their victims, rather than opting for any sort of quick, easy death.

Entry Requirements: To become a Disciple of the White Rod, and take these replacement features, a monk must have Loviatar as her patron, and have 3 rank in Heal and Knowledge (Religion).

  • Touch of Pain (Su): At Disciple of the White Rod can channel divine suffering through their touch. At 3rd level, and every 3 levels thereafter, she selects a cruelty from the antipaladin’s list of cruelties. She is able to deliver the effects of one of her cruelties by touch with a successful touch attack, or she can choose to deliver the effects with a successful unarmed attack, in addition to dealing her normal unarmed attack damage. If she confirms a critical hit with the unarmed attack, the listed duration of the chosen cruelty is doubled. She can use this touch a number of times per day equal to 1/2 her monk level + her Wisdom modifier, but no more than once in a round. This replaces the standard monk’s stunning fist feature; if she later gains the stunning fist feat from any other source, she is treated as a character without monk levels for number of uses per day, and she cannot apply the additional effects to the stunning fist as a normal monk.
  • Covert Training: A Disciple of the White Rod is trained as an instrument of intrigue, infiltration and assassination on behalf of the church of Loviatar. At any level she can select a monk Ki power, she can instead select a ninja trick, using her ki pool to fuel these powers and treating her monk level as her ninja level. This trick cannot be a cross talent. Any trick that applies to a ninja’s sneak attack, instead applies to an unarmed strike made using the Disciple’s touch of pain ability. At 12th level, she can also select from the list of advanced tricks. This alters the standard monk’s Ki powers.

Hin Fist Disciple

A monk seems a counterintuitive selection for the halfling at first glance, since the halfling incurs significant penalties to her ability to deal damage in melee because of her Small size. A halfling monk, however, can learn to focus on mobility and eventually even neutralize some of the larger creatures’ advantages over her. Halfling monks of the Hin Fist are trained to use a foe’s size against it. Their fighting style emphasizes bringing down larger foes and evading their attacks, and working in tandem with their allies to defend their communities.

Entry Requirements: To become a Hin Fist Disciple and take these replacement features, a character must be a halfling monk, and have 1 rank in Knowledge (religion).

  • Underfoot Combat: A 1st level a Hin Fist can move into or through a space occupied by a Large or larger foe without provoking attacks of opportunity. While she is in a square occupied by a Large or larger creature, she gains a +4 cover bonus to AC against all attacks, even those made by the creature whose space she occupies.
    This feature replaces the bonus feat gained at 1st level.
  • Blur of Motion (Ex): A 6th-level Hin Disciple with at least 5 ranks in Acrobatics can use the total defense action and still make a single attack in the same round. Blur of motion is a full-round action that can be used only against larger foes.
    This feature replaces the choice of bonus feats that a standard monk gains at 6th level.
  • Size Matters Not (Ex): At 7th level, a halfling monk learns to neutralize some of the natural advantage gained by particularly large opponents. A Hin Fist monk gains a +4 bonus on trip or grapple checks made against opponents at larger than herself. This is in addition to the bonus granted by Improved Grapple or Improved Trip. A Hin Fist also gains a +4 bonus on her stunning fist DC for stunning attacks made against opponents at least two size categories larger than herself.
    This feature replaces the standard monk’s wholeness of body ability gained at 7th level or the 8th level Unchained Monk’s Ki power.
  • The Harder They Fall (Ex): At 9th level, when the Hin Disciple trips a foe whose square he occupies, every ally within melee reach of the downed foe may immediately make a single attack of opportunity on that opponent, gaining the +4 bonus on attack rolls for attacking a prone foe. This attack is made on the Hin Disciple’s turn and does not count against the number of attacks that the allies can make on their own turns. No combination of feats or abilities can grant a second attack by any ally during the Hin Disciple’s turn.
    This feature replaces the monk’s improved evasion ability.

Knight of the Blue Moon

Knights of the Blue Moon are elite soldiers in the endless battle against the Mistress of the Night. Their tactics are strictly governed by the phase of the moon, for they are strongest when the moon is full and weakest when the moon is new. Drawing on Selûne’s tidal influence over the Weave, they attack when the moon is waxing and their offensive powers grow strong, and they defend when the moon is waning and their defensive powers move to the fore.

Entry Requirements: To become a Knight of the Blue Moon, and select these feature replacements, a paladin or warpriest must have Selune as her patron, have the ability to channel positive energyand have 4 ranks in Knowledge (Arcana) and Knowledge (Religion).

  • Alignment: A Knight of the Blue Moon can be of any Good alignment; if she was originally Lawful Good, she can move her alignment by one step at 4th level to Neutral Good when she becomes a blue moon knight, and further to Chaotic Good at 8th level should she choose; she can make these changes once freely with no impact upon her abilities as a paladin. This alters the paladin’s alignment.
  • Lunar Light (Sp): At 3rd level, you can cast faerie fire as a spell-like ability 3 times per day. This replaces the paladin’s 3rd-level mercy, or the warpriest’s 3rd-level bonus feat.
  • Lunar Casting: At 4th level, the Knight of the Blue Moon gains her spellcasting as would a normal paladin, however, she casts spells spontaneously, using the Bloodrager tables for spells per day and spells known. In addition to selecting her spells known from the Paladin spell list, she may choose from the domains spells of any of Selune’s domains. In addition, her spellcasting fluctuates with the waxing and waning of the moon such that, on the 30th, 1st and 2nd of each month her caster level is her paladin level -2, and on the 15th, 16th and 17th of each month her caster level is her paladin level -4. This replaces the standard paladin’s spellcasting.
  • Lunar Channel (Su): At 4th level, when the Blue Moon Knight gains her channel positive energy ability, during the days of a full moon (the 30th, 1st, and 2nd of each month) her channeling ability adds an additional +1d6; during the new moon (the 15th, 16th and 17th of each month) her channeling ability is lessened by -1d6. This alters the paladin or warpriest’s channel energy.
  • Divine Moonlight (Su): At 4th level, any spell with the Light descriptor is cast by a Blue Moon Knight is cast at +1 caster level. This alters the paladin or warpriest’s spellcasting.
  • Selune’s Foresight (Su): At 9th level, the Blue Moon Knight can tap into the prophetic powers associated With the moon, giving her a +2 insight bonus on initiative rolls. This replaces the paladin’s 6th-level mercy, or the warpriest’s 6th-level bonus feat.
  • Moon’s Kiss (Su): At 9th level, the Blue Moon Knight can spend a use of her channel energy ability as a swift action to give her weapon the brilliant energy property for one minute. During the days of the full or waning moon, she can spend an additional use of channel energy in the same or additional swift action to grant her armor the spell resistance property equal to 10 + her class level for one minute. These properties will stack with any other properties granted through the divine bond, sacred weapon or sacred armor abilities, though not with the same property. This replaces the 9th-level paladin mercy or the warpriest’s 9th-level bonus feat.

Knight of the Eternal Order

The church of Kelemvor recently created this order to seek out and destroy powerful undead that tax the powers of the normal branches of the church. Its stronghold, a small fortified keep outside Iriaebor, can house all thirty-five members of the order plus support staff, though at any time approximately half of the members are away from home, in search of undead to slay. They develop powerful undead-fighting powers by sacrificing other paladin abilities.

Entry Requirements: To become a Knight of the Eternal Order and select these replacement features, a paladin must have Kelemvor as her patron deity and must be trained in Knowledge (religion).

  • Undead Knowledge (Ex): Each time an Eternal Order replacement feature is taken, the character gains a cumulative +2 competence bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks concerning undead. This feature is gained upon induction into the order.
  • Corpsestrike (Su): An Eternal Order paladin can, as a swift action, surround her weapon with a visible gray aura of holy power that sheds light equal to a candle. Any weapon so affected can ignore any damage reduction (other than DR/epic) possessed by an undead creature, regardless of its source, and deals additional 1d6 of damage to undead which it strikes; this damage increases by 1d6 for every 5 levels to a maximum of 5d6 at 20th level. This aura lasts for a number of minutes equal to the half the paladin’s class level (minimum 1), these minutes do not have to be used consecutively. This replaces the Smite Evil class ability.
  • Eternal Vigor (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, an Eternal Order paladin can ignore the effects of negative levels bestowed upon her by an undead creature. This benefit replaces the Divine Health class feature.
  • Aura Against Death (Su): At 8th level, A knight of the Eternal Order can emit a 30-foot aura that wards against death for a number of rounds per day equal to her paladin level. Living creatures in this area are immune to all death effects, energy drain, and effects that cause negative levels. This ward does not remove negative levels that a creature has already gained, but the negative levels have no effect while the creature is inside the warded area. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. This replaces the Aura of Resolve class feature.

Knight of the Forgotten Flower

Few elven knightly orders have remained on the mainland of Faerun since the Retreat began in the Year of Moonfall (1344 DR), but of those that remain, outside of elven homelands, the most frequently encountered elven knights belong to the Fellowship of the Forgotten Flower, a loosely structured organization dedicated to the recovery of lost elven relics from long-abandoned elven realms, as well as serving as errant protectors of their elven kin whom they meet in their explorations.

Entry Requirements: To become a Knight of the Forgotten Flower and take these replacement features, a character must be a be of a warrior class with the appropriate class feature to replace. He must be an elf, halfelf or Sha’Quessir who is a devoted follower of a deity of the Seldarine (Corellon is common among their number), and must possess ranks in Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (geography). He must further abide by the tenets of the Order, lest he lose his knightly abilities.

  • Elven Archeologist (Ex): A Knight of the Forgotten Flower gains the following as class skills, and they are always considered a class skill for him: Knowledge (dungeoneering, geography, history, and nobility). Beginning at 2nd level, he adds half of his class level to any of the above skills, and he may make these skill checks untrained. This replaces the detect evil class feature, or the bravery class feature, or the survivalist class feature.
  • Danger Sense (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, the Knight of the Forgotten Flower gains Danger Sense as the rogue ability, using his class level as his effective rogue level for determining the benefits. This replaces the divine heath class feature, or the 3rd level armor training, or the 3rd level ranger talent.
  • Divine Location (Sp): Beginning at 8th level, a Knight of the Forgotten Flower can use locate object or find the path once per day as a spell-like ability, using his class level as his caster level. This replaces the aura of resolve class feature, or an 8th level or higher combat feat, or one selection of favored enemy.
  • Talented Dunegoneer: In place of a mercy or a ranger talent or a fighter combat feat, a Knight of the Forgotten flower may learn a rogue talent that’s available to the Archeologist bard archetype; he may not select talents that modify sneak attack or similar features, nor may he choose a cross-talent.

Knight of the Golden Cup

Knights of the Order of the Golden Cup serve Ilmater and have dedicated themselves to healing the sick and weak and protecting the innocent. Peaceful counterparts to the Companions of the Noble Heart, they don’t shy away from combating evil, but they allow their companions to actively hunt it down while they focus on protecting those who can’t protect themselves.

Entry Requirements: To become a Knight of the Golden Cup and take their replacement features, a character must be a cavalier, paladin, warpriest or other martial with the relevant class feature, follow Ilmater as her patron deity, have 3 ranks in Heal and Knowledge (religion), and be of Lawful Good alignment.

  • Defend the Weak (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, a Golden Cup paladin can protect nearby allies in combat. If she fights defensively, or uses the total defense action, she can grant the dodge bonus to AC from these actions to another creature standing adjacent to her in addition to herself.
    This benefit replaces the aura of courage class feature, a 3rd or higher level bonus feat, or the cavalier’s first level order ability.
  • Bear Another’s Burden (Sp): Beginning at 4th level, a Golden Cup paladin can designate another creature within a 30-foot radius of her to receive the benefits of a shield other spell. She needs no focus for this ability, but the knight and her subject do need to be within range and within line of sight of each other. Designating the recipient is a move action, and effect persists until it is dismissed, or the knight designates another recipient, or the knight and recipient are out of range.
    This benefit replaces the channel energy class feature, or the banner class feature.
  • Blessed Healer (Su): Beginning at 10th level, a Golden Cup paladin or warpriest can treat her level as three higher than normal for the purpose of determining the maximum dice of healing she can bestow with her lay on hands or fervor ability per day. She can also treat her caster level as three higher than normal for the purpose of any conjuration (healing) spell she casts.
    If the knight of the Golden Cup does not have either of these abilities, she instead gains the lay on hands ability of a paladin equal to 1/2 her class level.
    This benefit replaces one daily use of the smite evil or challenge ability, or one of the Warpriest’s major blessings.

Knight of the Golden Lion

The Order of the Golden Lion serves Torm and was created specifically to serve the Penance of Duty accepted by those of his faith. Members of the order are a varied bunch but united in their devotion and strength of purpose. They develop special powers to defend good temples, defeat Faerûnian evils, and repair damage to the Weave. The several hundred Golden Lions are easily recognized by their ornate armor and helm, which they keep polished to a golden hue.

Entry Requirements: To become a Golden Lion and take these replacement features, a character must be a paladin or warpriest, or other martial with the relevant class feature, have Torm as her patron deity, maintain the appearance of her armor and helm in accordance with the standards of the order, and be of Lawful Good alignment. Furthermore, as part of an ongoing atonement for their church’s hostilities toward other good churches in the years preceding the Time of Troubles, the Golden Lions pledge to help rebuild and defend these churches. Once per month each Golden Lion must perform a quest for or spend a day defending a good temple of another faith. The Golden Lion must follow orders from this temple as if they came from her own temple, but can disregard any order that conflicts with her own faith or that would certainly result in her death — the good faiths involved understand the boundaries of the Penance of Duty and won’t ask for things they wouldn’t ask of their own champions of the faith.

  • Detect Magic (Sp): At 1st level, a Golden Lion can use detect magic at will, with her caster level equal to her paladin level. This benefit replaces the standard paladin’s detect evil ability, or one of the warpriest’s minor blessings.
  • Enemy of Strife (Su): Golden Lions are tasked with eliminating the Zhentarim and the churches of Bane and Cyric. Beginning at 4th level, any attack made against a member of one of these groups (or a creature created or conjured by a member of one of these groups) by a smite attack or by a weapon enhanced with the warpriest’s sacred weapon ability, automatically ignores any miss chance from concealment; at 8th level, attacks overcome damage reduction as if they were made with a good-aligned weapon; at 12th level, these attacks gain the Bane quality against these targets.
    This benefit replaces the channel energy class feature.
  • Restore the Weave (Sp): Starting at 6th level, once per day a Golden Lion can repair a 5-foot cube of dead magic or wild magic area, returning it to its normal function. This ability only works if the knight stands in an area of normal Weave that is adjacent to the damaged area (in other words, it cannot create an “island” of normal Weave within a damaged area). Slowly but surely, the Golden Lions can repair large problem areas. This spell-like ability is the equivalent of a 3rd-level spell. She can use this ability an additional time every 3 levels beyond 6th.
    This replaces a 6th level or higher mercy, or a 6th level or higher bonus feat.

Knight of the Harmonius Order

The personable and swaggering clerics and paladins of Milil encourage chroniclers of the faith to accompany them to create ballads based on their exploits. This order, currently numbering about one hundred members, is fairly old, and many famous stories told by bards actually stem from real quests performed by this order (though highly embellished and exaggerated in the retellings over the years). Its role is to guard Milil’s holy sites and do good works in Milil’s name. Milil grants paladins of this order musical abilities to complement their fighting.

Entry Requirements: To become a Harmonious Knight and take their replacement features, a paladin must have Milil as his patron deity, and have 1 rank in Knowledge (religion) as well as one Perform skill.

  • Performance: The Harmonious Knight gains Perform (any) as a class skill.
  • Inspire Courage (Su): At 1st level, a Harmonious Knight can use songs to inspire courage in his allies and himself. As a standard action, he can sing rallying or inspiring war songs that grant all allies that hear him a +1 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls.  At 6th level, and every six paladin levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +4 at 18th level. This effect lasts as long as the Harmonious Knight sings, up to a number of rounds per day equal to his paladin level + his Charisma modifier. This benefit replaces the standard paladin’s detect evil ability.
  • Inspire Competence (Su): A 4th-level Harmonious Knight with at least 4 ranks in Perform (sing) can use singing to help an ally (but not himself) succeed at a task. The ally must be within 30 feet and able to see and hear the Harmonious Knight. The ally gains a +2 competence bonus on skill checks made with a particular skill as long as she continues to hear the Harmonious Knight’s singing, up to a maximum number of rounds per day equal to 1/2 the paladin’s level + his Charisma modifier. This bonus increases by +1 at level 9, and every 5 levels thereafter to a total of +5 at 19th level. This benefit replaces channel energy.
  • Inspire Greatness (Su): A 9th-level Harmonious Knight with at least 7 ranks in Perform can sing to inspire greatness in himself or one chosen ally as a standard action. The effect lasts for as long as the ally hears the Harmonious Knight sing and for 5 rounds thereafter. The affected ally gains 2 bonus Hit Dice (d10s), the commensurate number of temporary hit points (applying the target’s Constitution modifier, if any, to both extra Hit Dice), a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, and a +1 competence bonus on Fortitude saves. The bonus Hit Dice count as regular Hit Dice for determining the effect of spells such as sleep. Inspire greatness is a mind-affecting ability and is usable once per day. For every three levels the Harmonious Knight attains beyond 9th level, he may either use this performance an additional time per day, or affect one additional target with the same performance. This benefit replaces the paladin’s mercies from 9th level thru 18th level.

Knight of Holy Judgment

This order of Tyr’s paladins focuses oil the more lawful aspects of the god’s philosophy, and hunts and punishes criminals and monsters – particularly devils – which it sees as abhorrent perversions of a lawful society. The order has approximately one hundred members. It is on very good terms with the Knights of the Merciful Sword, another Tyrran order. Exceptional members of this order can be selected to join the Hammers of Grimjaws, an elite order of holy knights.

Entry Requirements: To become a Holy Judge, a character must be a cavalier, inquisitor, or paladin — or martial class with the appropriate features to replace — with Tyr as his patron deity, and have ranks in Knowlege (planes) and Sense Motive.

  • Fiendish Knowledge: A Holy Judge gains Knowledge (planes) as a class skill, and is always treated as a class skill.
  • Favored Enemy (Ex): At 1st level, a Knight of Holy Judgement gains devils as a favored enemy, just as if he were a 1st-level ranger. A Holy Judge’s favored enemy bonuses apply only to devils, not all kinds of evil outsiders. At 5th level, and every five levels thereafter, the bonus granted by the Holy Judge’s favored enemy class feature improves by 2. If the Holy Judge has or later gains the favored enemy feature from another class, then this feature instead grants devils as a Dedicated Adversary.
    This replaces the Smite Evil class feature or the cavalier’s challenge feature, or the inquisitor’s stern gaze feature.
  • Censure Devil (Su): Beginning at 4th level, a Holy Judge on his home plane can utter words of censuring that can daze any devil within 30 feet. The devil must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 paladin level + Cha modifier) or be dazed for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier. A Holy Judge can use this ability a number of times per day equal to three + his Charisma modifier.
    This replaces channel energy or expert trainer, or the inquisitor’s ability to change her most recent teamwork feat.
  • Aura of Truth (Sp): Beginning at 5th level, a Holy Judge can use zone of truth as a spell-like ability once per day, using his class level as his caster level. As early as 12th level this effect becomes continuous for the Knight with anyone within a 20-foot radius centered on him; though he can lower and raise the aura at will.
    This replaces the 6th and 12th mercy class feature or banner and greater banner.

Knight of the Mystic Fire

The Knights of the Mystic Fire serve Mystra by guarding her temples and questing for lost magical troves. They develop increased ability to use magic, counter hostile magic, and defeat enemy spellcasters who abuse the weave, and who might dabble in the shadow weave controlled by Shar.

Entry Requirements: To become a Mystic Fire Knight and take their replacement features, a character must have Mystra as her patron deity, have 3 ranks in Knowledge (arcana), and 3 ranks in Knowledge (religion).

  • Detect Shadow Weave (Su): At 1st level, a Knight of the Mystic Fire can sense when a person or object is affected or dweomered by the shadow weave, in a similar way as Detect Magic, but only for magic fueled by the shadow weave. In a similar way as a paladin would detect evil, she can detect the aura of a caster who uses the shadow weave. This replaces the detect evil class feature.
  • Improved Spellcasting (Su): When she can cast her 1st-level spells, a Mystic Fire Knight gains a bonus 1st-level spell slot as if from a high Charisma score. At each level she gains a new spell level, she gains a bonus spell slot of that level. She also gains access to the spells of the Magic and Arcane domains as part of her spell list. Further she adds 1/2 her paladin level to the caster level of any arcane casting class she also has. This replaces the channel energy class feature.
  • Supressing Smite (Su): In addition to the normal effect, the target of smite evil from a Mystic Fire Knight of 5th level finds it temporarily difficult to cast spells or use spell completion or spell trigger items until the end of the target’s next turn. Any attempt to complete one of these actions requires a successful Concentration check (DC 10 + 1/2 the knight’s level + Cha modifier + spell level); failure means that the action fails. If a spell was being cast, the spell or spell slot is lost; if a magic item was being activated, the attempt merely fails. Multiple smite evil hits on the same creature don’t have a cumulative effect. This class feature augments, but does not replace, the paladin’s smite evil class feature.
  • Spellshatter (Su): Once per day starting at 6th level, a Mystic Fire Knight can choose to deliver a targeted greater dispel magic effect with a melee attack. The decision to use this ability must be made before the attack is rolled; if the attack misses, the effect is wasted. If the attack hits, treat this as if the Mystic Fire Knight had cast a targeted greater dispel magic on the creature struck, using her paladin level (plus any arcane caster level she might have from another class) as her caster level.
    This benefit replaces a 6th level or higher mercy; for each mercy gained above 6th, the paladin may choose to add a daily use of this ability instead of an additional mercy.

Knight of the Ruby Rose

Members of Sune’s order of paladins, the Sisters and Brothers of the Ruby Rose, are known for their charm, beauty, and aversion to ugliness and evil. They use the power of love to destroy evil and hideous things, and they draw strength from their romances.

Entry Requirements: To become a Ruby Rose Knight and take their replacement features, a fighter, cavalier, holy liberator or paladin must have Sune as her patron, and must adhere to the divine obediences of the faith, and swear the paladin’s oath for the faith. A knight who is not a paladin may be of any good alignment. The knight candidate must spend an overnight vigil awaiting a vision given her by the Goddess to show her atteptance into the Order.

  • Enduring Personality (Su): A 3rd-level Ruby Rose Knight is immune to any effect that would deal Charisma damage or Charisma drain.
    This benefit replaces the divine health or divine tenacity class feature, the bravery class feature, or the first order ability of the cavalier.
  • Heroic Rally (Sp): At 6th level, a Ruby Rose Knight can spend a full round action rallying her allies to gain a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls, skill checks and saves vs. fear. Her allies must see and/or hear her in order to gain this bonus, and the bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3+ her Charisma modifier.
    This benefit replaces a 6th or higher level mercy or one use per day of the holy liberator’s freedom of movement, or the banner class feature, or a 7th level or higher Armor Training
  • Heroic Rapture (Su): At 12th level, once per day a Ruby Rose Knight can spend a full-round action embracing another creature to grant it great bravery. The affected creature gains a +4 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks, immunity to fear effects, and a number of temporary hit points equal to the Ruby Rose Knight’s paladin level for 1 minute. She can use this ability an additional time per day at 15th level and again at 18th level.
    This benefit replaces a 3rd-level spell slot gained by a paladin or holy liberator, the Greater Banner class feature, or a 12th level or higher bonus feat.

Knight of the Shadow Sword

The Knights of the Shadow Sword are an order of rangers, scouts and hunters devoted to Shaundakul, who dedicate their efforts to patrolling the forests of the Semberholme and Cormanthor to cleanse them of evil beings and aberrations. They were founded by a half-elf named Jax Nightsong, originating out of Myth Drannor and the ancient temple of Shaundakul within, with intent of purging the ruins of the evil corruption that had infested it. As of the War of the Broken Crown, and increased demonic evils across Cormanthor into the Dalelands, the order has grown both in number and in reach. They will answer a call from any settlement or area in which aberrant, undead, or evil outsiders threaten the safety of travellers and explorers.

Entry Requirements: To become a Shadow Sword and take these feature replacements, a character must have one or more of the class featues listed below to substitute, be devoted to Shaundakul as her patron, have 1 rank each in Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (Geography), and Knowledge (Planes), and two ranks in Stealth.

  • Travel in Silence (Su): At 3rd level, a Shadow Sword gains the ability to move with uncanny stealth, receiving a circumstance bonus on Stealth equal to 1+her Widsom modifier (minimum +1). The Shadow Sword activates this ability with a swift action and can use it a number of rounds per day equal to her class level. This ability only functions if she is wearing light or no armor and carrying no more than a light load. If the Shadow Sword has the Hunter Tactics feature, she may also confer this stealth benefit to her companion as she would a teamwork feat. This replaces the Endurance feat of the ranger, or the hunter’s 3rd level teamwork feat.
  • Bane Weapon (Su): At 6th level, a Shadow Sword learns how to temporarily turn any weapon she wields into a bane weapon. Activating this ability requires a standard action, at which point she must choose the type (and subtype, if appropriate) of creature against which the bane special ability will apply. This choice must match a creature type (and subtype) of one of the Shadow Sword’s favored enemies. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to one-half the Shadow Sword’s class level, and can be used a number of times per day equal to one + her Wisdom modifier (minimum 1/day). The bane ability only functions while the weapon is in the character’s hands. She can have no more than one weapon affected by this class feature at any time, nor can any weapon benefit from more than one application of this class feature (in either case, a second use immediately ends any previous effect). This replaces the 6th level combat style feat of a ranger, thus gaining her second combat style feat at level 10.
  • Portal Analysis (Su): At 8th level, a Shadow Sword gains the ability to sense portals and manipulate them in strange ways. She automatically detects any portal within 10 feet and can thereafter study any said portal within 10 feet as if using analyze portal. If she is able to activate the portal, once per day she can enter it as if using the portal well spell. This feature replaces the swift tracker class feature.

Knight of the Shadowy Cloak

This knightly order of the gnome god Baravar Cloakshadow keeps a low profile in gnome communities. Its members seek to eliminate goblinoids, kobolds, and other evil humanoids, for they believe these creatures cannot be redeemed. They work secretly so as not to attract attention or bring about retaliation against local gnome settlements, and among paladin orders, theirs is the exception to the general rule that paladin oaths shun deception and duplicity as means to an end. They rarely spend much time together, preferring to join mixed-race adventuring parties to use the strength of the “big folk” against their common enemies.

Entry Requirements: To join the Knights of the Shadowy Cloak and take these replacement features, a character must be a gnome paladin, holy liberator or warpriest with Baravar Cloakshadow as her patron, and have have 3 ranks in Bluff, Knowledge (religion), and Sleight of Hand.

  • Legerdemain: A Shadow Cloak treats Bluff, Sleight of Hand and Stealth as class skills.
  • Favored Enemy (Ex): Starting at 4th level, a Shadow Cloak trains to fight the gnomes’ traditional enemies and learns special tactics to defeat them. She gains the favored enemy class feature of the UnRanger and can choose any of the humanoid subtypes available to rangers in their daily preparation. At 9th level, and every 5 levels thereafter, the bonuses increase by +2. This replaces channel energy.
  • Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): Starting at 6th-level, a Shadow Cloak can use her Hide skill even when she has nothing to hide behind, or when she is being observed. To do so, she must be within 10 feet of any area of shadowy illumination in which she could hide, or in the dark. She cannot hide in her own shadow, and she can hide in the shadow of a creature only if it is Large or larger. She cannot use a creature’s own shadow to hide from it. This replaces a 6th or higher level mercy or bonus feat.
  • One with Shadows (Sp): Starting at 9th level, cnce per day, a Shadow Cloak can become invisible, as the Greater Invisibility spell, using her class level as her caster level. This replaces a 9th or higher level mercy or bonus feat.

Monk of the Dark Moon

The Order of the Dark Moon are a secretive order of monks who dedicate their lives to the deity Shar. They are considered an elite sect of the Sharran faith, fanatic devotees who manage to keep hidden their identities, and nearly entirely obscure their exploits from the people of Faerûn. Monks of the Dark Moon are among Shar’s most trusted agents, especially for missions that involved striking out against the worshipers of Selûne, and their heirarchy is not subect to the will of Shar’s clergy. They act independently as killers and enforcers of Shar’s will directly. Their strict discipline trains them to tap into connections to the plane of Shadow and the Shadow Weave.

Entry Requirements: To become a Monk of the Dark Moon, and take these feature replacements, a monk must have Shar as her patron, and have 3 ranks in Knowledge (Religion) and Knowledge (Planes).

  • Shadow Magic (Su): At 3rd level, a Dark Moon Monk can spend one Ki point to cast the 1st level spell of the Darkness domain (or the Loss, Night or Shadow subdomain, if one is available); at 7th level, she can spend two Ki points to cast the 2nd level spell of the Darkness domain or its subdomains; at 10th level, she can spend three ki points to cast the 3rd level spells, and at 16th level, she can spend four ki points to cast the 4th level spells. These spells are considered shadow weave spells, and thus will function normally in areas of wild or dead magic. This replaces all instances of ki strike.
  • Eyes in the Darkness (Ex): at 4th level, a Monk of the Dark Moon gains darkvision up to 60 feet. If she already has darkvision, then it is extended by an additional 60 feet. This replaces still mind.
  • Shadow Jump (Su): At 8th level, a Dark Moon Monk can use the shadow jump ability of a shadowdancer, using her half monk level as her shadowdancer level to determine the maximum distance she can jump. Each such jump costs 1 ki. This replaces the abundant step ki power.
  • Cloak of Shadows (Su): At 12th level, the Dark Moon monk can command the very shadows around her to obscure her from prying eyes. This functions as the hide in plain sight ability of the shadowdancer. This replaces the 12th level ki power.

Lion Legionnaire

The mighty wemic paladins of Nobanion are called the Legion of Lions; they are small in number but great in their bravery. Unlike most of Lord Firemane’s wemic followers, they travel outside the Shaar in search of evil, and partly because of their efforts Nobanion’s faith has attracted humanoid followers. Though most Lion Legionnaires are wemics, a small number are humanoids, and at least one lammasu is a member of this elite group. Rather than traditional paladin abilities, they develop powers relating to Nobanion’s strengths and tactics.

Entry Requirements: To become a Lion Legionnaire, and take these substitute features, a paladin needs to have Nobanion as his patron, and have 3 ranks in Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (Nature) and Survival.

  • Firemane Aura (Su): Once per day a Lion Legionnaire can create an aura of holy flame around his body. As this ability activates, the paladin’s hair or mane (if any) momentarily turns into a brilliant golden flame. Any evil creature striking a Lion Legionnaire with a natural weapon, or a melee weapon that is not a reach weapon, takes damage equal to the Legionnaire’s paladin level. Half of this damage is fire damage, but the other half results directly from divine power and is therefore not subject to being reduced by resistance to fire. This aura lasts for 1 minute. This benefit replaces aura of courage gained at 3rd level.
  • Wild Fighting (Su): Lion Legionnaires develop a fighting style that gives them extra attacks at the cost of accuracy. As a free action, a Lion Legionnaire can enter a state of wild fighting for 1 round. During this round, a Legionnaire can make one extra attack with any one melee weapon (including natural weapons), but all attacks made during the round (including the extra attack) take a —2 penalty. A Lion Legionnaire must use a full attack action to benefit from wild fighting. A Lion Legionnaire can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to his paladin level + his Charisma modifier. This benefit replaces the channel energy feature gained at 4th level.
  • Flying Lion (Su): At 5th level, a Lion Legionnaire gains the ability to grow eagle’s wings, as Nobanion himself sometimes does in battle. Once per day as a full-round action, the Legionnaire grows feathered wings appropriate to the size of his body. The wings remain for up to 10 minutes per paladin level, though he can dismiss them as a free action and he need not use the minutes consecutively, but must use them in 10-minute increments. He can fly with the wings at his normal land speed, with poor maneuverability. At 11th level, the flight maneuverability improves to average; at 17th level it improves to good. Non-leonine creatures who use this ability temporarily gain a lionlike appearance while it is used (catlike eyes, a thick mane of hair, and larger teeth). This benefit replaces divine bond gained at 5th level.

Monk of the Iron Gauntlet

During the rein of the godson Iyachtu Xvim over the Zhentarim, Scyllua Darkope, Castellan of Zhentil keep ordered Mara Kalaliv to actively recruit members into a new monastic order. Through rigorous, sometimes torturous, training the members of this vile order have developed into an elite force, skilled in stealth and assassinations. This deadly branch of the Black Network is known as the Order of the Iron Gauntlet. Most Monks of the Iron Gauntlet have been trained in Zhentil Keep or Citadel of the Raven, but as Bane fully reemerged to resume his deific throne, and again reins over the Black Network, the Iron Gauntlet has spread its reach across Faerun, covertly finding and training new recruits everywhere the Zhentarim has connections.

Entry Requirements: To join the Order of the Iron Gauntlet and take these replacement features, a monk must be Lawful Evil in alignment, have Bane as his patron, have 4 ranks in Intimidate, Knowledge (Local) and Stealth, and possess the Stealthy feat, and be a member of, or become a member of, the Zhentarim.

  • Iron Gauntlets (Su): Monks of the Iron Gauntlet treat gauntlets and spiked gauntlets as monk weapons, able to use all of their monk abilities and deal their unarmed damage while wearing these. The Order issues the Monk a pair of these masterwork black spiked gauntlets upon their induction. At 4th level, the Monk is able to empower a worn gauntlets as a swift action by spending a point of Ki, granting the gauntlets a +1 enhancement bonus for one minute. This bonus increases by +1 every 4 levels to a maximum of +5 at 20th level. These bonuses stack with any existing bonuses the weapon might have, to a maximum of +5. The warpriest can use this addional enhancement bonus to enhance the gauntlets with any of the following weapon special abilities: axiomatic, brilliant energy, corrosive, corrosive burst, defending, disruption, flaming, flaming burst, keen, shock, shocking burst, and unholy. Adding any of these special abilities replaces an amount of bonus equal to the special ability’s base cost. This replaces the Monk’s 4th-level Ki power and all instances of Ki strike.
  • Trained Assassin (Varies): At 6th level and above, a Monk of the Iron Gauntlet can choose a Slayer talent in place of a Ki power, reflcting his intensive training in the art of assassination and martial discipline in addition to traditional monastic rites.
  • Agent of Fear: Also at 6th level and above, in addition to the Monk’s standard bonus feats, the Monk of the Iron Gauntlet can choose any of the following feats without needing to meet any prerequisites: 6th level — Bullying Blow, Cornugon Smash, Dazzling Display, Enforcer, Frightening Ambush, Gory Finish, Intimidating Prowess, Killing Flourish; 10th level — Gory Finish.
  • Empathic Connection (Su): Monks of the Iron Gauntlet are trained extensively to operate as a perfectly synchronized strike team when they gather in numbers. At 13th level a Monk of the Iron Fist can empath the movements of any other member of the Zhentarim, including other members of his Order, within 30 feet of him, such that he is aware of such an ally’s actions and location, even if he can’t see or hear them. This replaces tongue of sun and moon.

Monk of the Long Death

Scattered across Faerûn, the monks of the long death are members of a macabre, secretive order of scholars seeking to understand the true nature of death. They do not care about the soul or the afterlife – only about the actual process of death, specifically its effects on living tissue. Their organization is strongest in Thay, but outposts are scattered throughout Faerûn, even in the Silver Marches. Most of the known deities of Death have sponsored this order over the centuries; most recently, Velsharoon has taken interest in their fold. Jergal is still revered amongst the most orthodox of the order.

Entry Requirements: To become a Monk of the Long Death and take this feature substitutions, a monk must be Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil in alignment, have Velsharoon or Jergal as their patron, have 4 ranks in Craft (Alchemy), Craft (Poison) and Heal, and undergo a ritual of initiation by the Order of the Long Death.

  • Death Guard (Ex): At 4th level, a Monk of the Long Death gains a +2 bonus to saving throws against all death effects. For each of these additional replacement feautres he takes, he gains another +1 to this bonus. This replaces still mind.
  • Mithridatism (Ex): A monk of the Long Death experiments upon himself with poisons, willfully inflicting himself in order to build resistance. At 5th level, he adds his Wisdom bonus to all Fortitude saves versus all poisons. He is also able to use poison without the risk of poisoning himself. The monk can fail his saving throw or actively poison himself if he so chooses. This replaces purity of body.
  • Death Knell (Sp): A Monk of the Long Death can spend one Ki point to cast death knell as a spell-like ability, using his monk level as his caster level. This replaces a 6th level or higher Ki power.
  • Strike of Death (Ex) A Monk of the Long Death can make an assassination attempt upon a studied target, as the slayer’s assassinate talent, except that the ability is keyed on the Monk’s Wisdom rather than Intelligence. This replaces the 9th level or higher style strike.
  • True Death (Su) When the Monk of the Long Death makes a successful assassinate attempt, he also makes the target harder to revice, as the true death ability of the assassin. This replaces a 10th level or higher Ki power.

Ex-Monk of the Long Death: Any monk of the long death who betrays the secrets of the order, or even attempts to leave the organization, immediately becomes the target of assassins. These assassins begin with a EL equal to the monk of the long death’s character level (whether a single assassin of the same level, or several of lower levels), but each failed assassination attempt increases the EL of the next group sent out by 1. If the former monk of the long death survives an assassination attempt by a group with an EL 5 higher than his character level, the monks of the long death stop wasting their resources on him.

Red Falcon

This small order of Red Knight worshipers has a history of triumphing in the face of overwhelming odds. It trains officers and others in tactics and military history. Its leader, Lady Kaitlin Tindall Bloodhawk was possessed by the Red Knight’s avatar during the Time of Troubles, and while so possessed she and her large adventuring band traveled to Tethyr to repel an army of monsters, earning the fame and gratitude of Tethyr. The order has about fifty members.

Entry Requirements: To become a member of Order of the Red Falcon, and take these features, a paladin must have the Red Knight as her patron deity, and have 2 ranks in Knowledge (religion). Joining the order involves a stringent boot camp which only the most elite and determined warriors endure to completion.

  • Brilliant Strategist (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a Red Falcon can draw upon her instinct for battle to give her an uncanny ability to predict the imminent actions of her enemies and her best options for taking advantage of those actions. This grants her an insight bonus to AC and CMD equal to her Charisma bonus (minimum +1). This benefit replaces the standard paladin’s divine grace class feature.
  • Diminished Lay on Hands: Because her devotion is to strategy and combat above all else, a Red Falcon who adopts this alternate feature is not as adept as other paladins at channeling positive energy; she may only lay on hands a number of times per day equal to her Charisma bonus (minimum 1). This is diminished for the following two abilities starting at level 4:
    • Expanded Spell List: A Red Falcon adds the following spells to her spell list: 1st—deathwatch; 2nd—augury, status; 3rd—Clairaudience/Clairvoyance; 4th—Premonition.
    • Military Knowledge (Ex): Starting at 4th level, the Red Falcon may gain a competence bonus on Knowledge checks concerning military history or strategy against an opponent equal to half her paladin level.
  • Spontaneous Extend Spell (Su): Starting at 6th level, once per day a Red Falcon can cast one of her spells from her paladin spell slots as if she had prepared it with the Extend Spell feat. Doing this does not require having the feat or expending a higher-level slot, and requires expending a swift action in the round the spell is cast. This replaces a 6th or higher level mercy. She may choose to trade additional mercies for additional uses per day of this ability.
  • Trained Militia: At 9th level, due to her leadership and skill at war, all cohorts and followers of the Red Falcon are treated as if they had the same weapon proficiencies as the Red Falcon. This benefit remains as long as the cohorts and followers remain in her service and as long as she meets with them at least once a month to refresh their training. She also gains the Tactician ability of the cavalier and may choose a teamwork feat as a bonus feat. This replaces the 9th or higher level mercy. Each time an additional mercy could be selected after 9th, the Red Falcon may opt to select another teamwork feat in its place.

Shadow Thief

Members of the Shadow Thieves are among the most prosperous and largest thieves’ guild in all of Faerun. Although their largest stronghold is in Amn, their reach extends well beyond Amn’s borders. Those that are the most successful in this organization are those that seek profit and power and control. Although shadow thieves are not unknown to skulking or thieving as most in such guilds, their specialty lies in their ability to pursue more duplicitous means to get what they want out both in and out of the shadows.

Prerequisites: To become a Shadow Thief of Amn, a rogue or slayer must have 4 ranks in Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate and have the stealthy feat, and he must go through the initiation rituals for joining the guild.

  • One Among Friends: For each of the featues below the shadow thief takes, he gains +1 reputation to his leadership score. Each of the below features replaces a rogue or slayer talent.
  • Betrayer (Ex): A shadow thief is an expert in getting a target to drop their guard for an act of ultimate betrayal, so much so that he can leave his mark stunned with the fact of betrayal. He gains the Betrayer feat, and further, he can spend five minutes of uninterrupted conversation with the target after the initial Diplomacy check — but before he makes the attack. If the target is trained in Sense Motive, the DC of the Diplomacy check adds the target’s Sense Motive ranks to the DC of the check. So long as the target’s attitude remains friendly, or helpful by the end of this conversation, the shadow thief can make the attack, and the target is considered flatfooted for the round in which the attack is made, and an additional round for every 5 points the shadow thief’s Diplomacy roll beats the DC of the check.
  • Doublespeak (Ex): A shadow thief, learns to speak in such a way as to obfuscate and layer the meaning of his words. Any time the shdaow thief would suffer a negative consequences from a social interaction — such as a failed Bluff or Diplomacy check, or the negative attitude after an Intimidate check against a target, he can attempt to remove those penalties by making a successful Bluff check against the target with a -5 penalty. The shadow thief must spend at least a full minute conversing with the target, before the roll is made, to essentially convince the target the previous interaction didn’t happen. If the target himself suffered negative consequences from the interaction, then the penalty for the Bluff check is -10.
  • Trustworthy (Ex): A shadow thief has a trustworthy face. When improving a creature’s attitude for the first time, the shadow thief can adjust the target’s attitude  by two steps instead of one by increasing the DC by 5. This is only effective on the first encounter with a particular creature, on the first attempt.

Shooting Star

Rangers of the Order of the Shooting Star are a suborganization of the Knights of the Mystic Fire. and serve as long-range scouts and spies on behalf of the church of Mystra. In particular, they hunt and deal with magical, monstrous threats to the natural order of the world, like rogue mages, rampaging monsters, and creatures created by reckless magical experiments, as well as scout out and report areas of dead or wild magic.

Entry Requirements: To become a Shooting Star and take their replacement features, a character must have Mystra as her patron deity, with 3 ranks of Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (religion).

  • Weavespeak (Sp): Because the members of this order need to report their findings over long distances, starting at 3rd level a Shooting Star develops the power to use the Weave itself to transmit short messages. Once per day the character can transmit a message of twenty-five words or less to the nearest divine caster of Mystra (the Shooting Star can’t choose the recipient). This ability only functions where the Weave is active, and it cannot jump planar boundaries; the ranger knows if either condition would prevent the message from reaching its target. It is otherwise the equivalent of a sending spell. This replaces the 3rd level ranger talent.
  • Improved Spellcasting (Ex): A Shooting Star is usually a solitary hunter, keenly attuned to the arcane nature of the world around her. Beginning at 4th level, a Shooting Star gains a bonus 1st-level ranger spell slot as if from a high Wisdom score. At each level she gains another spell level, she gains another bonus spell slot of that spell level. She further adds 1st- to 4th-level wizard spells from the divination school to her spell list. When casting ranger spells, a Shooting Star can treat her caster level as equal to her ranger level. If she also has arcane spellcasting ability from another class, she can add her caster level from that class to this value to determine her total effective caster level of her ranger spells. This replaces Hunter’s Bond.
  • Instant Recall: A Shooting Star ranger gains Word of Recall to her spell list a 4th level spell. This replaces Swift Tracker.

Spellguard of Silverymoon

As the bastion of civilization in the savage North, the city of Silverymoon attracts a great deal of attention from the fell creatures that inhabit the snow-shrouded forests. Evil giants, trolls, dark elves, and creatures of an even fouler bent scheme to make the Gem of the North fall. Fortunately for the Silvaeren, the city is well defended against such threats. The Spellguard, Silverymoon’s elite cadre of battle-trained arcane spellcasters, protects the city against the threat of hostile magic and aids the Knights in Silver against more mundane threats.

Entry Requirements: To become a Spellguard of Silverymoon, an arcane spellcaster must be of a non-evil alignment, have 2 ranks in Knowledge (Local) and Spellcraft. The Spellguard is a military unit, not just a loose fraternity of mages. As such, each spellguard of Silverymoon must spend at least two days out of every tenday on active duty, usually either guarding the walls of Silverymoon itself or patrolling the surrounding area with a detachment of the Knights in Silver.

Each spellguard of Silverymoon is inducted formally into the order through an elaborate ceremony held in the High Palace of Silverymoon. This ceremony, attunes the spellguard to the mythal that surrounds Silverymoon, allowing access to a variety of powers granted to them by the mythal. As a member of the Spellguard, newly inducted member receives an adrath token – a small metal disk that allows him to cast spells that are normally forbidden by the mythal. He may also freely use magic items that produce those effects. This token does not magically appear in the spellguard’s possession; he must return to Silverymoon to receive it from his superior.

  • Defensive Caster: The spellguard gains a +1 bonus to all concentration checks when casting defensively for each of the features below they take. Each of the features below replaces one of the following, depending on the caster’s class features: An arcanist exploit, a magus arcanum, a sorcerer bloodline feat or power, or a wizard bonus feat or school power.
  • Mythal Magic: The spellguard gains the ability to better use the benefits provided by her attunement to Silverymoon’s mythal and, in addition, she gains the ability to store some of the mythal’s power for use outside of the Mythal’s influence. In order to store a spell, she must possess a minimum number of skill ranks in the Spellcraft skill and the ability to cast the spell level as indicated below. The spellguard can store a number of spell levels equal to her ranks in Spellcraft (minimum 1). The spells are cast by command word, using the spellguard’s spellcasting class level as their caster level, with an effective spell level equal to half the spellguard’s ranks in Spellcraft (rounded down).
    1 Rank, 1st-level—Feather Fall, Protection from Evil
    3 Ranks, 2nd-levelBless Weapon, Shield, Shocking Grasp
    5 Ranks, 3rd-level—Animal Prowess, Negative Energy Protection, Silence
    7 Ranks, 4th-level—Invisibility Purge, Ironguard (Lesser), Quench, Remove Curse, Remove Paralysis, Tongues
    9 Ranks, 5th-level—Air Walk, Detect Scrying, Discern Lies
    11 Ranks, 6th-level—Dispel Chaos, Dispel Evil
    13 Ranks, 7th-level—Control Water
    15 Ranks, 8th-level—Antipathy (Evil-Aligned Demons, Devils, Dragons, Drow, Duergar, Giants, Goblinoids, Mind Flayers, Orcs, and Trolls Only)
  • Spellguard (Su): Once per day, the spellguard can cast any beneficial personal-range arcane spell on another creature as though it were a touch-range spell. She can use this ability one additional time for every five ranks she possesses in the spellcraft skill.
  • Selective Spell (Su): The spellguard gains the selective spell feat (she must meet the prerequisites); and once per day for every five ranks she possesses in the spellcraft skill, she can use a swift action in the round she casts an area of affect spell to apply the feat to the spell without preparing it ahead of time or with an increase in caster level.

Sword of the High One

Among the the templar of Azuth’s faith are a cadre of war-wizards known as the Order of the Swords of the High One. These rare holy warrior-wizards are granted some of the holy presence of paladins as they dual study their martial skills and wizardry. Some of these warrior arcanists further meld their arcane and battle prowess by training as eldritch knights or further as paladins.

Entry Requirements: To become a Sword of the High One, and gain access to these featues, a wizard must be a Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral with Azuth as her patron and pledge herself to the protection of a temple or priest/priestess of Azuth or Mystra. She must have 2 ranks in Knowledge (Arcana), Lore (Azuth), and Spellcraft.

  • Arcane Smite: A Sword of the High One of 2nd level gains the Smite Evil ability of a paladin equal to her level -1. If she has levels in paladin, or another class with this ability, these levels stack. This replaces the 3/day ability of the wizard’s arcane school. Feats, class features, etc. that progress the arcane school abilities of the wizard will also progress this smite ability.
  • Templar Armor Training: A Sword of the High One’s warrior-wizard training in spellcasting allows her to ignore some of the hindrances of armor. At 3rd level she can gain light armor proficiency and the Arcane Armor Training feat in exchange for her 5th level bonus feat. In addition, she may use her successive wizard bonus feats to select any of the following feats in addition to the normal selection of feats: Arcane Armor Mastery, Armor Focus, Medium Armor Proficiency, Shielded Caster, or Somatic Weapon.
  • Familiar Bond: At 4th level, a Sword of the High One may opt to gain the mount of a paladin instead of her arcane bond. She must dismiss her familiar (if she has one) to gain this benefit, but she takes no penalties for doing so. Her wizard levels are treated as paladin levels for determining the statistics and qualities of her mount; however, she uses the familiar table to determine the intelligence of the mount, and she can communicate intelligibly with her mount. Her wizard levels stack with any levels in paladin or other class that grants the divine bond feature. This feature replaces the wizard’s familiar.
  • Arcane Preparation: If a Sword of the High One has levels in paladin as well as wizard, the two classes stack to determine her caster level in each. Further, she may prepare her wizard spells in her paladin spell slots — provided she is able to cast spells of the commensurate spell level in each.

Sword of Selune

The Swords of the Lady are an ancient order from the time of ancient Netheril — an order of holy warriors devoted to Selune, and the hunting of those devoted to Selune’s enemy Shar. When the Swords of the Lady respond to threats from the goddess Shar, they act swiftly and ruthlessly. Their actions are widely regarded as wild and eccentric, and many people think them mad, hence they earned the nickname, “Lunatics”. They are utterly unpredictable in their tactics, but never without purpose, and always in some way ready to wreak havoc in order to confound their foes.

Entry Requirements: In order to be a Sword of Selune, and to take these replacement features, a ranger needs to be devoted to Selune, and Chaotic Good in alignment, with 1 rank in Acrobatics, Intimidate and Knowledge (religion).

  • Sworn Adversary: At 1st level, a Sword of Selune can designate the faithful of Shar, as well as minions or outsiders summoned by them, as a favored enemy when selects her favored enemy during her daily preparations and doesn’t have to choose them as a dedicated adversary in order to diverge from the standard table of favored enemies.
  • Lunatic Frenzy: At 2nd level, as a free action, the Sword of Selune is able to whip herself up into a whirling frenzy in battle. This is similar to the barbarian’s range, but the Sword’s frenzy grants +2 to her melee attack rolls, melee and thrown weapon damage rolls, +2 dodge bonus to armor class and Reflex saves, and +2 circumstance bonus to Intimidate checks. At 10th level, these bonuses increase to +3. At 18th level they increase to +4. While in this frenzy, she can also make one additional attack per round at her full attack bonus with a melee weapon in either her primary hand or offhand, but all of her attacks for that round until the start of her next turn are made at -2; at 6th level, this attack penalty no longer applies. At 14th level, she gains another additional attack per round at her full attack bonus. These additional attacks stack with effects such as Haste, but she cannot make additional melee attacks with her offhand in the same round as these frenzy attacks. During this frenzy, the Sword of Selune cannot cast spells, use spell trigger or completion items, or maintain a spell or use any skill or ability that requires concentration. After the frenzy is ended, the Sword of Selune suffers a -2 penalty to her AC, attack and damage rolls and Reflex saves for a number of rounds equal to the number of rounds she was in a frenzy; she may remove this penalty before its expiration by taking a standard action to compose herself, which draws attacks of opportunity. She can enter this frenzy for a number of rounds at 2nd level equal to 4 + her Wisdom modifier, plus another 2 rounds for each additional level. These rounds are replenished after 8 hours rest. This feature replaces a ranger’s combat feats.
  • Random Acts of Havoc: A Sword of Selune starting at 3rd level can opt to learn a barbarian’s rage power in lieu of a ranger talent, treating her ranger level as her barbarian level for what powers she may select, and any powers keyed to Constitution are instead keyed to Wisdom, and these powers are contingent with the Sword of Selune’s Lunatic Frenzy. Further, in place of her 13th level ranger talent, she adds Telekinesis and Dimension Door to her spell list as 4th level ranger spells, and she can cast either of these two spells while in her lunatic frenzy.

Vigilant Eye of Helm

This paladin order of Helm is growing rapidly and impressing the common folk with its members’ humility and self-sacrifice. The Vigilant Eyes of Helm defend the innocent from threats and develop special ways of recognizing danger and protecting others. They possess a sterling reputation among the citizens of Faerûn, who see the knights as exemplars of benevolence.

The order was formed in the 14th century DR. Its ranks swelled greatly following the atrocities on the continent of Maztica, as many of the faithful sought penance for their crimes, the church of Helm encouraged them to join the Vigilant Eyes.

Entry Requirements: To become a Vigilant Eye and take these replacement features, a paladin must have Helm as her patron deity, have 1 rank in Sense Motive and Perception, and she must swear an oath of humility and charity toward the people of Faerun.

  • Know Thine Enemy (Su): A Vigilant Eye automatically knows which enemy in her presence is the most powerful (in game terms, which enemy has the highest CR). This benefit applies only to enemies that she can see that are within 60 feet of her. She does not need to use an action to know this, and this sense updates automatically if current foes leave or die or if new opponents arrive. She doesn’t know why the most powerful enemy is such (for example, she wouldn’t know that the most powerful orc in a patrol was a 3rd-level barbarian), just that it is so. She doesn’t know exactly how tough this enemy is, but does know if that enemy is significantly more powerful than her (in game terms, if its CR is 4 or more above her effective character level). This replaces the detect evil class feature.
  • Vigilant Aid (Su): Starting at 3rd level, when a Vigilant Eye uses the aid another action in melee combat to give an ally a bonus to his AC, she only has to spend a move action rather than a standard action. She can use more than one aid another special attack in a single round, but no ally can be aided more than once per round in this fashion. This benefit replaces the divine health class feature.
  • Expanded Spell List: A Vigilant Eye adds see invisibility to her paladin spell list as a 2nd-level spell
  • Awesome Smite (Su): Beginning at 6th level, a Vigilant Eye gains the ability to repel enemies with powerful holy power. Once each time the paladin is under the effects of her smite ability, as a standard action, she can attempt and strike an evil creature as if she had the Awesome Blow feat. She is treated as if one size category larger than normal for determining which creatures she can affect with this ability. If she accidentally uses this ability against a creature that isn’t evil, she deals normal damage but the Awesome Blow effect is not triggered. If she misses her attack, she wastes the awesome smite attempt, and in any case, she cannot make another attempt during the same duration of her smite ability. This replaces the 6th or higher level mercy.

Wyrm Cultist of Abbathor

While Abbathor has no knightly orders associated with his faith, the Great Master of Greed has secretly embraced one of the most prominent cults in dwarven society as his own and begun granting spells to its warpriests, who are known as Noroghor. The Wyrm Cult can be found in isolated dwarven communities throughout Faerun, but it seems more common in the North than in areas south of the Inner Sea lands. Its priests are few and secretive, employing dwarven sympathizers as spies and rewarding them for their aid by allowing them opportunities for recreation or revenge in beast form. The Wyrm Cult worships various beasts (especially dragons and other powerful creatures that dwarves treat with respect) and seeks to increase the power and wealth of its adherents by slaying and confounding enemies with the powers of beasts.

Entry Requirements: To become a Noroghor, an antipaladin or warpriest must be a dwarf of any evil alignment, and have Abbathor as his patron. He must also have 3 ranks in Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) and Knowledge (Religion). He must further undergo an initiation ritual with a priest of Abbathor in which the petitioner attempts to gain favor with a dragon.

  • Wyrm Empathy (Ex): At 3rd level, noroghor are immune to the fear auras of young adult dragons of all species. For every two levels above 3rd, the maximum age category of dragon to whose aura noroghor are immune increases by one. For example, at 5th level, noroghor are immune to the fear auras of adult or younger dragons. This immunity applies equally to all types of dragons, including gem dragons, but it is affected by spells or magical items that increase or decrease a dragon’s effective age category with regard to its fear aura. Further, the noroghor gain a bonus equal to half their level on Diplomacy checks to improve the attitude of nongood dragons. This replaces the plague bringer ability or the warpriest’s 3rd-level bonus feat.
  • Wyrm Form (Su): At 5th level, a noroghor can assume a draconic scaled form of himself once per day as a standard action, gaining a natural armor increase of +2 and a bite attack comensurate to his size (1d6 for medium). This tranformation can last for 1 hour per level or until he changes back. At 10th level, this ability can be used to assume the form of a medium chromatic dragon, per form of the dragon I,  and can use this ability an additional time per day. At 14th level, he can assume the form of a large chromatic dragon, per form of the dragon II, and gains an additional use of this ability for a total of three per day. At 18th level, he can assume the form of a huge chromatic dragon, per form of the dragon III. This replaces the antipaladin’s fiendish boon or the warpriest’s sacred armor.
  • Draconic Immunity (Su): At 15th level, the noroghor chooses one sort of chromatic dragon, which cannot be changed, and gains immunity to the breath weapon type of the chosen dragon. This replaces aura of sin or the warpriest’s 15th-level bonus feat.