Nobanion, the King of Beasts

Alignment: Lawful Good
: Animal [Fur], Community [Cooperation], Glory [Heroism, Legend], Nobility [Leadersip]
Favored Weapon: Pick or bestial claw

Nobanion, also known as the King of Beasts, Lord Firemane, or the Lion King, is a primal spirit sometimes worshiped as a deity of royalty, lions, and other felines, as well as good aligned magical beasts. Nobanion is considered to have originally been an interloper deity on Toril, having emerged from the Bestlands but several centuries past, but since his arrival he has firmly established himself as patron of the wemics of Toril, and is gaining fealty within the Faerûnian pantheon among human worshippers as well. He is responsible for driving most of Malar’s worshipers out of the Vilhon Reach, and Malar has sworn vengeance on Nobanion. The Lion King has long been allied with Lurue, and forged bonds of alliance with Tyr, Torm, Mielikki, and other benign nature deities of the Faerunian pantheon.

Dogma: Hunt only when hungry and do not gorge without need. Waste nothing and all shall have plenty. The cycle of life links all living things into one. The law of the jungles is that only the strong survive, but they survive best be being leaders, not tyrants, by protecting the weak, not bullying them. All creatures have their strengths in their assigned roles and should be encouraged to find their niche. From cooperation between beings of differing strengths comes the strength of teamwork and community, the strongest force of all. By demonstrating compassion and tolerance and living within the land, all living creatures may find harmony with nature and one another. By staying true to oneself and one’s pride and conducting oneself with the dignity and honor, the respect of one’s peers may be earned.

For Deific Obedience

Obedience: Find and observe a mouse or rat from no more than 30 feet away. Continue watching the mouse, unseen, for 100 breaths. Attempt to catch the mouse, and when you do, take it someplace where you can safely set it on its way. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against effects that would hinder your sight or hearing.

1: Shepherd the Pride (Sp) calm animals 3/day, animal aspect 2/day, or animal aspect, greater 1/day
2: Cat’s Eye (Su) You gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, increase its range by an additional 60 feet.
3: Lion’s Charge (Ex) You can charge valiantly into your enemies with a thrashing flurry of attacks; you gain the pounce monster special ability.

Paladin Oath

Paladins of Lord Firemane are charged to be exemplars of a lion in courage and in prowess, and to be a fierce protector to those whom look to them for aid.

  • All beings in my charge are my pride; I protect it, cherish it, and help it grow, and watch over it with unerring vigilance.
  • I guard my borders ardently but with discretion; wise decisions are informed decisions, but I won’t hesitate to act when the wise course is known.
  • Battles are never won by arrogant haste, and a lion studies the situation before it strikes.
  • Just as I demand outsiders to respect the boundaries of my pride, I also respect the boundaries people place on themselves. I treat all I encounter with the utmost respect, like they are guests in my home, unless they have earned my disrespect.
  • The King of Beasts respects all animals, and so shall I; mistreatment of animals is a grave offense, and demands retribution.

Archetypes and Alternate Class Features: Lion Legionnaire (Paladin), Lion Shaman (Druid).

Feats: Butterfly’s Sting, Nimble Natural Summons. Beacon of Hope, Bestow Hope, Divine Dignity, Hands of Valor, Perfect Casting, Protective Channel.

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained).

Traits: A Shining Beacon, Ambassador, Bestial Wrath, Fruits of Your Labor, Honey-Tongued, Honeyed Words, Lover of the Law, Purity of Faith, Regal Presence, The City Protects, Wolf Cub.

Unique Spell Rules

  • Lionheart can be prepared as a 2nd-level spell for all divine casters.
  • Summon Nature’s Ally III can be prepared as a 3rd-level spell for all divine casters (celestial lion only).
  • Shout can be prepared as a 4th-level spell for all divine casters.

Clergy and Temples

Worship of Nobanion among human folk is scattered throughout the Vilhon Reach, the Dragon Coast, and Shining Plains regions, Lord Firemane is venerated primarily within the confines of the Gulthmere Forest and the Shining Plains, where the Wemics hold him as their divine patron. Nobanion’s followers are strictly ordered in rank but not otherwise organized.