Magistrata of Azuth Cleric Archetype

The Magistrata (plural, Magistrati) is the specialty priest of Azuth. As the halls of Azuth temples are filled with wizards and arcane casters of all sorts, it was natural to expect that many of those faithful might migrate to the path of a priest to the Lord of Spells. A Magistrata is as much a wizard as he is a priest, and devotes his time equally to the study of arcane and divine magic. In return, Azuth blesses these clergy with divine powers. These specialty priests comprise about a third of the clergy of Azuth’s church, almost evenly devided between these, his regular clerics, and wizards. 

As with all of Azuth’s clergy, magistrati sometimes serve as neutral messengers between wizards, and they help organize annual magefairs. Magistrati encourage wizards to share unique spells with others so that knowledge of the spell will not vanish when the wizard dies, and they charge themselves with keeping intact the arcane libraries found amongst their temples. 

A Magistrata must continually persue his studies in the art of spellcasting in addition to his clerical duties, and this enables him to acquire arcane lore and knowledge most clergy of other churches could not discover

Patron Deity and Alignment: A Magistrata must be Lawful Neutral in alignment and have Azuth as his patron.

Armor and Weapon Proficiencies: A Magistrata is not proficient in any sort of armor; and proficient with simple weapons. This replaces the cleric’s proficiencies.

Diminished Base Attack: A Magistrata has the base attack bonus of a wizard, and d6 hit dice; this alters the cleric’s base attack bonus.

Domains: A Magistrata only one domain, and he gains the powers of the domain, but he does not gain domain spell slots; this alters the cleric’s domains.

Studied Scribe (Ex): At 1st level, a Magistrata gains scribe scroll as a bonus feat. He also gains a bonus to Use Magic Device checks equal to half his cleric level to cast spells from scrolls that are not on his spell list.

Tradition of Magic (Ex): A Magistrata may choose the greater of his Wisdom bonus or his Intelligence bonus to add to his Spellcraft checks.

Arcane Schooling (Su): At 1st level, a Magistrata chooses a wizard’s arcane school (which must be one of the classic arcane schools or their focused schools, except the Universal school). He gains the powers of this school, and treats all wizard spells of that school as being on his cleric spell list, except for spells that also already appear on the cleric spell list. A Magistrata is treated as a wizard of his cleric level for the purpose of prerequisites and class-dependent feats and magic items.

Arcane Orisons: All of the wizard’s 0-level cantrips that don’t already appear on the cleric’s list of orisons are added to his spell list and are divine in nature.

Spellcasting: All of the Magistrata’s spells are divine in nature — including those added from his arcane school. A Magistrata casts spells as an Arcanist of his level, using the Arcanist tables for spells prepared and spells per day, except that his ability dependent effects of his casting are based on Wisdom. He gains bonus spells per day based both on his Intelligence and his Wisdom scores. He can freely prepare the base cleric spells, as well as the spells gained from his arcane school, into his preparation slots each day.

A Magistrata keeps a prayer book, similar to the wizard’s spell book, and his repertoire of spells comes through learning and study, rather than gaining his entire spell list.

At 1st level, a Magistrata selects four cantrips, and four orisons to add to his prayer book. He also starts with all cleric spells of the Conjuration (Healing) school, all cleric spells of the Necromancy school with “Inflict” in the name and Harm, the spells of his chosen domain, and two additional 1st-level cleric spells of his choice. He also selects two 1st-level wizard spells of his chosen arcane school to add to his prayer book. At each successive experience level, he can select an additional cleric spell, and an additional arcane school spell of choice to this prayer book. He may learn additional spells in the same way as a wizard does, via scrolls or being taught the spells, and adding them to his prayer book.

This alters the cleric’s spellcasting and replaces the cleric’s spontaneous casting ability.

Spell Quickening (Su): At 10th level, a Magistrata can cast a spell as if it had been prepared with the Quicken Spell feat applied, without an increase in spell level or casting time, so long as the spell is at least four spell levels lower than the highest spell level he can cast. He can do this a number of times per day equal to his Intelligence bonus (minimum 1).

Advanced Arcane Schooling: At 15th level, the Magistrata can select a metamagic or item creation feat as a bonus feat, or he can select an arcane discovery. At 20th level, he can make another selection.