Nightcloak of Shar Cleric Archetype

The Mistress of the Night is a twisted and perverse goddess of hatred, jealousy, and evil and the creator of the Shadow Weave. Nightcloaks are the apple of Shar’s eye – devoted to her vision, preserving her secrets, practicing her magic, as twisted and bitter as she is. They are beings of iron will and determination, although that determination is perverse. They weave webs of intrigue, mental domination, blackmail, and control through the use of illusion, necromancy, and enchantment. Yet they are not afraid to smash their toys if it suits Shar’s purposes. They are cruel and intelligent, and do not fear slipping away to return and grind their foes to dust at later time. Honor is of no consequence to them. They do as they please, as long as it furthers their own — and Shar’s — power.

Deity and Alignment: A Nightcloak must be evil in aslignment and have Shar as her patron.

Weapons and Armor Proficiencies: A Nightcloak is proficient in all simple weapons and the chakram; she is not proficient in any armor or shields. This alters the cleric’s proficiencies.

Diminished Base Attack Bonus: A Nightcloak uses the poor base attack bonus progression (+1/2 levels) and her hit die is accordingly reduced to d6.

Domains: A Nightcloak must chose the Darkness domain, or the Loss, Night, or Shadow subdomain as one of her domains.

Shadow Magic (Su): A Nightcloak gains the shadow weave magic feat, and hence her spellcasting draws upon the shadow weave, with all of the benefits and drawbacks that come with it.

Instantaneous Darkness: A nightcloak can sacrifice a prepared cleric spell to cast one of the spells of her Darkness (or Loss, Night, or Shadow) domain of an equal or lower spell level. She cannot sacrifice the spell prepared in her domain slot in this fashion, however she can also prepare these domain spells in her domain slots as normal. She can still only prepare the spells from her second domain choice in her domain slots. This repalces spontaneous casting.

Channel the Night (Su): A nightcloak can only channel negative energy, and the number of dice in her channel is reduced by 1 (effectively reducing the amount of damage dealt/healed at 1st level to 0); when she channels, everything in the 30 foot burst centered on her is plunged into darkness. The illumination in the affected area is dropped by one step, similar to a darkness spell. This darkness lasts for 1 minute unless otherwise dismissed by the nightcloak or dispelled. Successive uses of this channeling are not cumulative for the darkness effect. This alters channel energy.

Eyes of Night (Ex): At 3rd level, a nightcloak gains darkvision to 60 feet. If she already has darkvision, then her darkvision is extended by 60 feet.

Insidious Magic: At 4th level, nightcloaks get the Insidious Magic feat as a bonus feat, reflecting their ability to use the Shadow Weave under Shar’s favor.

Disk of Night (Su): Beginning at 5th level, a nightcloak does additional damage when using a chakram; this damage is the same as the warpriest’s sacred weapon damage table for a warpriest equal to the nightcloak’s level; she also treats any chakram in her hand it as if it were a returning weapon, and it assumes the ABP enhancement bonus of the nightcloak as if she were wearing knife throwing gloves. If the affected chakram remains out of the hand of the nightcloak for more than 1 round, or is wielded by another user, the chakram reverts to its original abilities.

At 9th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, she can also spend a swift action to grant the chakram a +1 enhancement bonus that stacks with the ABP bonus of the weapon to a total of +4 additional bonus at 17th level. The Nightcloak can also use these bonuses to enhance the chakram with any of the following weapon special abilities: conductive, distance, flaming, frost, keen, shock, unholy and veering. In addition, if the nightcloak is chaotic, she can add anarchic. If she is lawful, he can add axiomatic. Adding any of these special abilities replaces an amount of bonus equal to the special ability’s base cost, up to the maximum additional bonus granted by this feature. Duplicate abilities do not stack. She can affect a chakram in this way for a total number of rounds per day equal to her level, but they don’t need to be used consecutively. If the weapon already has additional abilities, these abilities still apply.

Shadow Talk (Su): At 6th level, nightcloaks are able to communicate mystically through the shadows of the mind. Nightcloaks can whisper short messages to other worshipers of Shar within 500 feet. All Shar worshipers within range hear the message as a whisper in their mind. Observers can hear the words if they are close enough to physically hear the nightcoak’s actual whispers (a DC 15 Listen check if the listener is within 10 feet of the nightcloak, +1 DC per 5 feet beyond that). This is a language-dependent free action, and it can be used to communicate with undead worshipers of Shar and undead creatures in the service of worshipers of Shar.

True Lies (Sp): At 11th level, a nightcloak can sacrifice a prepared cleric spell to cast modify memory as a 6th level spell. She can use this ability a number of times per tenday equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum one).

Shar’s Madness (Ex): At 12th level, the mind of the nightcloak is attuned to profane madness, to the point that only Shar’s whispers are truth in the nightcloak’s mind. She adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to her saving throws against enchantment or illusion effects.

Minions of the Dark (Su): At 16th level, any creature summoned by the nightcloak that would have the celestial or fiendish template based on her alignment instead gains the shadow creature template.

Avatar of Night (Su): At 20th level, a nightcloak becomes truly one with their Goddess and the grasp of darkness; her type changes to outsider, and she gains damage reduction of 10/good. She also gains the see in darkness ability. As a move action for a number of minutes per day equal to her level, she can become incorporeal like a shadow; these minutes do not have to be used consecutively, but must be spent in one-minute increments.