Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon

Alignment: Lawful Good
Domains: Air, Cold, Good, Law, Luck, Nobility, Pride, Protection, Scalykind [Dragon], Storms (Weather).
Favored Weapon: Heavy Pick

Bahamut is the dragon god of justice and sovreignty of dragonkind, a member of the Draconic pantheon, as the chief deity of good dragons, metallic dragons, wisdom, and enlightened justice (justice tempered with mercy and punishment with forgiveness). On other crystal spheres, he is known also as Xymor, or Paladine. In Ancient times, when the Untheric peoples were brought to Toril, and their pantheon with them, he also interloped as a member of the Untheric pantheon, Marduk. In this aspect, he set against his timeless rival, his sister Tiamat, and his worship as Marduk elevated Tiamat to the status of a Greater God amongst the people of Unther. This was until Marduk’s aspect was slain during the Orcgate Wars, and his cult was decimated, to the point that Bahamut was reduced to the status of celestial paragon, without enough followers to worship him as a god among the humanoid races, until the Year of the Serpent, 1359 DR, when he again regained his status of a demipower among humans. The Platinum Dragon, as he is known, is closely allied to the Triad of Torm, Tyr and Ilmater.

Dogma: Justice untempered with mercy is not true justice. Punishment untempered with forgiveness is but revenge. Defend the weak, free the oppressed, and defeat the tyrannical, but do not stray from being honorable in your efforts. Protect the lesser races from the depredations of evil and defend them from destruction. Maintain your honor and give none cause to doubt your word and your sincerity. Maintain patience and temperance in all your dealings, and never let anger shape your actions or attitudes. Learn and grow, for through wisdom is the correct path made clear.

For Deific Obedience

1: Dragon’s Wrath (Sp) thunderstomp 3/day, fire breath (as cone of cold) 2/day, or draconic reservoir 1/day
2: Platinum Shroud (Su) Bahamut smiles upon your martial prowess and protects you with a halo of divine energy from his distant realm. You gain a +1 sacred bonus to your Armor Class, which increases to +2 against attacks from evil-aligned creatures. This bonus increases to +3 if the attacker is an evil-aligned true dragon. If an evil aligned true dragon confirms a critical hit against you, the creature must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier) or be blinded for 1 round.
3: Chromatic Scourge (Su) You channel the righteous and immortal fury of Apsu into your weapon, making it ready for the endless fight against Dahak and his wicked allies. Once per day as a swift action, you can imbue your weapon with the hidden wrath of Apsu. If your target is evil, you gain a +20 profane bonus on your next single attack. If your opponent is an evil-aligned creature of the dragon type, treat your next single attack roll as both an automatic hit and a critical threat. You gain a +4 profane bonus to confirm the critical hit.

Paladin Code

Paladins of Bahamut valiantly follow the dragon god’s tenets of holy vigilance against evil, and exemplify the Platinum Dragon’s sense of honor and righteous pride. Those following the rigid code of a paladin must stand firm against the incursions of chromatic dragons wherever they may travel. The tenets of such paladins include the following maxims:

  • I am the talon of Bahamut’s wrath. I strike where I am needed, but only when evil has been unmasked and there can be no doubt of my enemy’s malice.
  • Where I bring my weapon of justice, I also bring the arm of mercy and honor; I shall not tarnish the latter by wantonly brandishing the former.
  • Mercy is offered, but only once. Should I be betrayed in my moment of kindness, I shall not stop until the enemy is put down.
  • The children of Tiamat are a blight upon the realm; I shall not grant quarter to one of their ilk.
  • It is not enough to slay evil and carry on. I will spend the time necessary to help those I’ve protected to fend for themselves.

For Followers of Bahamut

Archetypes and Alternate Class Features: Silver Champion† (Paladin),

Specialty Priest: Bahamut is a demipower and new to Faerunian pantheon, in which he is only just achieved a status beyond a celestial paragon; he sponsors no specialty priests.

Feats: Beacon of Hope, Bestow Hope, Bravery in Action, Divine BarrierDivine Dignity, Fateful Channel, Hands of Valor, Intrepid Rescuer, Perfect Casting, Protective Channel, Unbound Bravery, Undaunted Bravery,

Magic Items: Gauntlets of the Talon, Mantle of the Silver Wyrm, Sword of Mighty Thews

Prestige Classes:  Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained), Vassal of Bahamut*†
* Base Attack Bonus requirement reduced to +5.

Traits: A Shining Beacon, Agent of Chance, Call for Help, Cheat Death, Denial of Fate, Honeyed Words, Lover of the Law, Mighty Protector, Protective Faith,, Purity of Faith, Reckless Luck, Scaly Ally, Split-Second DefenseStoic Optimism, Thrill-Seeker.

Unique Spell Rules

  • Draconic Ally can be prepared as a 3rd-level Cleric or Inquisitor spell
  • Shining Scales may be prepared as a 3rd-level Cleric or Inquisitor, or a 2nd-level Paladin spell

Clergy and Temples

The majority of Bahamut’s worshipers are metallic dragons, though he has followers among many races, especially the ones who wish to protect the weak.
Bahamut is gaining traction amongst humans in lawful, civilized lands. All dragons respect Bahamut, most metallics honor him, and quite a few metallic dragons worship the Platinum Dragon. Even these devout dragons struggle to submit to a god’s will, however, as it clashes with their draconic sense of pride. Good dragonborn clans revere Bahamut above all other gods, and he is considered their patron.

Metallic dragons do not normally build temples, contenting themselves with simple shrines to Bahamut in their lairs, usually nothing more than Bahamut’s holy symbol engraved on a wall. Bahamut prefers his followers to worship him with deeds, not objects. Where his human worship has sprouted, shrines are often erected within temples to Triadic deities in respect to their alliance. One place where a shrine to the Platinum Dragon stands proudly on its own is in the capital of Cormyr, Suzail, erected after the events of Head that Wears the Crown, built in tribute to the metallic dragons that came to the aid of Cormyr’s citizens against the undead legions of Vezzil.