Student of Nael’Kerym Fighter Archetype

In the ancient Vyshaanti fighting academies, a martial style developed among young elves who were gifted in fighting and magic. This was a divergent path of bladesinging — a more brutal style that incorporated heavier armor and weapons, paired with a narrower selection of deadly offensive spells. Originally known as Nael’kerym, these warriors greatly complemented bladesingers. They were meant to be heavy combat spellblades, while the bladesingers acted as precision skirmishers. 

When the army of Aryvandaar invaded Shantel Othreier in -10,900 DR, the heavily armored Vyshaanti contingent was faced with a terrible decision. Witnessing their nation invading an allied land, trafficking with infernal powers, and showing a complete disregard for the lives of their kin, these warriors were torn between abandoning their nation or slaughtering their brethren. Heated discussion occurred at the war council. One side was firmly in support of the Vyshaanti, citing a variety of reasons why the attack was just. To the other side, these explanations and excuses rang hollow. Before the war council could resolve this thorny question, a fast-moving orc horde fell upon both armies. The loyalists stayed with the Aryvandaaran forces, slaughtering elf and orc alike. The dissenters fought orcs only, attempting to stay away from both other contingents and meeting mostly with success. 

Those that cleaved through their brethren with sword and spell became ignominious symbols of Aryvandaaran treachery. The dissenters were forgotten, a footnote in most elven lore tomes, and the heavy fighting style of Nael’Kerym in many circles became symbols for the corruption of an ancient bladesinging tradition.

There remain a few selected adherents to the style among the elven people — mainly handed down in isolated circles from elder elves who closely guard the technique.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:  A student of Nael’Kerym is not proficient with two-handed martial weapons or tower shields. This alters the fighter’s weapon and armor proficiency.

Eldritch Lore:  A student of Nael’Kerym gains 4 skill ranks + a number of skill ranks equal to her Intelligence modifier at each level, instead of the normal 2 skill ranks + her Intelligence modifier at each level, and she adds Knowledge (arcana, religion), Linguistics, and Spellcraft as class skills

This alters the fighter’s skills and replaces the bonus fighter combat feat gained at 1st level.

Spellcasting: At 1st level, the student of Nael’Kerym gains a spellbook containing 4 0-level wizard spells of her choice. She can prepare and cast these spells as a wizard, using her fighter level as her caster level. She can prepare a number of 0-level spells each day equal to 1 + 1 per 6 fighter levels. Starting at 4th level, the spellcasting ability of a student of Nael’Kerym increases to allow her to cast a limited number of spells drawn from the bloodrager spell list. She automatically adds to her spellbook a number of 1st-level bloodrager spells equal to 3 + her Intelligence modifier. Her caster level for these spells is equal to her fighter level, and the bloodrager class spell list is considered to be her class spell list for the purposes of meeting prerequisites and using magic items.

She uses the ranger’s table to determine spells per day, but uses her Intelligence score to determine her bonus spells and spell saving throw DCs, just as a wizard does. She does not gain any other wizard abilities, such as an arcane bond or school.

Each time she attains a new fighter level, she gains one bloodrager spell of her choice to add to her spellbook. The free spells must be of spell levels she can cast. She otherwise follows the rules for a wizard regarding her spellbook and learning or preparing spells.

This replaces all weapon training and the bonus feats gained at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th level.

Lore of Arcana (Ex): At 2nd level, a student of Nael’Kerym is further initiated into arcane secrets to defeat ancient enemies. She gains a bonus of +1 per two fighter levels on Knowledge checks to identify and learn the powers and weaknesses of dragons, drow, demons, serpentfolk, and undead. This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 2nd level.

Eldritch Armor Training (Ex): At 3rd level, a student of Nael’Kerym gains eldritch armor training. This functions as armor training, except as a swift action she can also reduce the arcane spell failure chance due to armor she is wearing by 15% for any spells she casts this round. This reduction increases to 20% at 7th level, 25% at 11th level, and 30% at 15th level. In addition, if she has Arcane Armor Training or Arcane Armor Mastery, rather than having their normal effects, each of those feats increases the arcane spell failure reduction of her eldritch armor training by 10%. This ability modifies armor training.

Arcana Techniques: Starting at 4th level, student of Nael’Kerym can learn a magus arcana in place of a combat feat. She can only learn arcana that do not cost points from an arcane pool. This alters bonus feats.