Shaundakul, Rider of the Winds

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domains: Air, Arctic, Badlands, Chaos, Desert, Forest, Jungle, Mountain, Plains, Protection [Guardian], Swamp, Travel [Exploration, Portal, Trade]
Favored Weapon: Greatsword

Shaundakul, the Rider of the Winds, is the Faerûnian lesser deity of traveling and travelers, exploration, caravans, and the winds. Since the Time of Troubles, Lord Ao gifted him with the portfolio of portals and portal-walking. It is said that the creation of the wayfinder was a divine inspiration from the Helping Hand in order to guide wanderers on their travels.

He is a lonely deity of few words who lets his deeds speak for him. He is kind but stern, with a rugged sense of humor that sometimes comes to the fore. His faith is on the upswing in part because of his willingness to personally recruit worshipers while manifesting in the world in physical form. Clad in his dark, swirling cloak, leather armor, and boots that never quite touch the ground, the Rider of the Winds cuts a regal figure with his massive great sword ever at the ready. Tall and handsome, Shaundakul walks in silence but is surrounded by the ever-present keening whistle of the wind.

Dogma: Spread the teachings of the Helping Hand by example. Work to promote him among traders, especially trailblazers who seek out new lands and new opportunities. Unearth and resanctify ancient shrines of Shaundakul. Ride the wind, and let it take you wherever it blows. Aid those in need, and trust in the Helping Hand. Seek out the riches of the earth and sea. Journey to distant horizons. Be the first to see the rising sun, the mountain peaks, the lush valleys. Let your footsteps fall where none have tread.

For Deific Obedience

Obedience: Pick a direction, and walk that way for the next 30 minutes. During this time, make note of landmarks and vantage points along the way. After this, retrace your steps, and appreciate the beauty and scenery that you find along your way. Should you find a traveller along your way, offer to accompany him or to guide him if he’s lost. Should you make the journey alone, then speak quiet prayers to or praises of the Helping Hand. You then gain a +2 sacred bonus on Perception checks while you are traveling in this geographic region in which you traveled, and a +4 sacred bonus on checks to notice enemies for the purpose of acting in a surprise round.

1: Traveller’s Helper (Sp) floating disc 3/day, levitate 2/day, or haste 1/day
2: Windsong (Su) You can churn the air in a 30 foot radius from yourself, creating a droning, roaring noise that disrupts concentration and drowns out normal noise. Creatures within the area of churning air (except the yourself) must make Concentration checks (DC 10 + 1/2 your hit dice + your Charisma bonus) to cast spells or perform any activity that requires concentration. Creatures within 60 feet of the you are effectively deafened, although this deafness ends as soon as you leave the area or the windsong stops. The windsong also acts as a wind wall spell throughout its entire area, and functions as a countersong (as the bard ability) for all creatures within the zone of churning air (making a level check instead of a Perform check). Maintaining the windsong requires concentration and the you can only use the ability a total number of rounds per day equal to half your hit dice.
3: Homeward Bound (Su) As a follower of Shaundakul, you are given the knowledge of the lands around you and places to which you can retreat; you’ve come to count on several safe homes, creating ties to them when necessary. Once per month, you can designate a location to be your refuge. Once per week as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, you can teleport yourself and any willing creatures within 30 feet of you to the safe home of your choice, regardless of distance, as long as it is on the same plane. You can have a maximum number of refuges equal to half your Hit Dice. As long as none of your allies are in a refuge, you can remove its designation as a safe home as a swift action, but if you do so, you can never again designate it as a safe home.

For Followers of Shaundakul

Archetypes: Fortune Finder (Ranger), Guide (Ranger), Order of the Road* (Cavalier), World Walker (Druid)

Specialty Priest: Windwalker (Cleric)

In their travels, windwalkers spread the teachings of Shaundakul far and wide, lending a helping hand to those in need and blazing trails for those who follow. Many come to Myth Drannor to drive the evil outsiders from the site of Shaundakul’s greatest temple.

  • Must be human, halfelf or air genasi.
  • Skills: A Windwalker adds Knowledge (Geography and Nature), Stealth, and Survival to his list of class skills; and he gains 4 skill points per level.
  • Diminished Spellcasting: A Windwalker has one less spell slot per level; if this would reduce the Cleric’s spell slots of a given level to 0, then he may only prepare spells given a high enough Wisdom modifier to gain them as bonus slots.
  • Blessings of survival: At 1st level Windwalker selects one Ranger spell that isn’t on his spell list, and adds it to his spell list using the Ranger spell level as his Cleric spell level. At 3rd level and every other level that he gains a new spell level, he may select another Ranger spell of the highest spell level he can cast or lower. These are treated as Cleric spells and may be prepared in his normal spell slots.
  • Trailblazer (Ex): At 1st level, a Windwalker gains the Survivalist talent of an Unchained Ranger of the same level. Furthermore, he never gets lost in an area to which he travled overland on his own. Should he end up in an area by means of Teleportation or similar effect, he must make a Survival check against a DC of 20 (+10 to the DC in an area or geographic location in which he has never been) to intuit his location and again be able to avoid getting lost; he may make this check once in a 24-hour period before attempting it again.
  • Borne by the Winds (Su): At 2nd level, a Windwalker is never injured from falling, so long as he doesn’t fall farther than 10ft per Cleric level; this has the same benefits as being able to cast feather fall at will (even when unconscious).
  • Favored Terrain (Ex): At 3rd level, the Windwalker gains the favored terrain ability of an Unchained Ranger equal to his Cleric level. This replaces the Cleric’s channel energy ability.
  • Portal Sense: At 8th level, the Windwalker gains planar sensitivity as a bonus feat. This replaces one of the Cleric’s greater domain powers.
  • Rider of the Winds: At 16th level, a Windwalker gains a fly speed equal to twice his land speed with average maneuverability. At 20th level, this increases to a fly speed of three times his land speed with good maneuverability.

Magic Items: Steward’s Iron Key, Teleport Stone, Wayfinder of Zephyrs,

TraitsSacred Orienteer

Unique Spell Rules