Grumbar, Boss of Earth

Alignment: Neutral
Domains: Balance, Cave, Earth [Metal, Petrification], Plane of Earth, Time
Favored Weapon: Warhammer

Grumbar, Boss of Earth, King of the Land Below the Roots, the Gnarly One, is the elemental embodiment of earth. He is one of the four elemental deities worshiped in Faerûn but, like all except Kossuth, has a very small following. He is generally uncaring to his faithful, but continues to grant his priest their powers since their worship increases his power on his home plane. To maintain continued worship he does take a limited interest in his followers mortal problems, and his gifts are most often protective magics or knowledge of the underearth’s secret places or rich lodes of ore, though he seems to mete them out without determinable reason.

Dogma: The eternal Grumbar is perfect and unchanging. Strive to be more like the eternal one, not to change or allow change to happen. One’s given word is the bedrock upon which is stable society is built. To break an oath is to cause a crack in the foundation of civilization. Go forth and spread the word of Grumbar and show through your works the stability and safety he brings.

For Deific Obedience

Obedience: Spend your hour’s devotions carrying found stones to construct a makeshift altar to Grumbar. Once you’ve completed the altar, say a final prayer to the Boss of Earth, and leave upon the altar you’ve constructed a semiprecious gem, which represents the enduring brilliance that the unwavering forces of the Earth produce. Gain a +2 sacred or profane bonus to Fortitude checks, as well as your CMD against being tripped, bull rushed or having any metal forged weapon or armor you wear from being sundered.

1: Strong as Stone (Sp): 
stone shield 3/daystone call 2/day, or soothing mud 1/day.
2: Stone Strikes (Ex) Once per round when you deal damage to an opponent with a weapon from the hammers weapon group, you can attempt a sunder combat maneuver check as a free action against any weapon or armor the target of the attack is wielding or wearing. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity. You gain a +2 competence bonus on your combat maneuver check for each size category larger than you the target is.
3: Earthen Companions (Sp)
Three times per day, you can summon an ally to assist you. This acts as a summon nature’s ally or summon monster spell with a spell level equal to half your Hit Dice (maximum spell level 9th). If the summoned creatures have an elemental subtype, it must be the Earth subtype. If they do not have an elemental subtype, they gain the Earth subtype. At 18th level, you can instead opt to summon an elemental army once per day, which acts as elemental swarm, but only summons earth elementals. You can communicate with these summoned creatures as if you had a shared language. These summons obey only your commands, and any attempt to dismiss or banish the summons uses the greater of either yours or the summons’ save bonus.

For Followers of Grumbar

Archetypes: Elemental Monk (Monk; Oread style, Earth element only), Stone Sage (Druid), Student of the Stone (Monk)

Specialty Priest: Earthwalker (Cleric)

  • Earthen Skin (Su): As Grumbar’s boon to them, Earthwalkers are not deterred in their movement by any type of armor fashioned of metal or other materials mined from the earth. In fact, this type of armor feels as light as clothing to them. An Earthwalker gains proficiency in heavy armor, and worn armor does not count against his carrying capacity, nor does he suffer reduced movement for wearing medium or heavy armor. He further gains the armor training of a Fighter at 3rd level, and every 4 levels thereafter, and may select advanced armor training options at 11th level. This replaces Channel Energy.
  • Blessings of the Earth: At 1st level, an Earthwalker chooses a spell from the Earth Elementalist arcane school that isn’t on the Cleric spell list. This chosen spell is added to the Earthwalker’s spell list as a Cleric spell, treating its spell level the same as on its original spell list. At each level that he gains another level of spells, he chooses another Earth spell in this fashion of his highest spell level or lower. These spells can be cast by sacrificing a prepared spell from the Cleric’s regular spell slots, rather than spontaneously casting curing spells. This alters spontaneous casting.
  • Earthenport (Su): At 8th level, the Earthwalker can move through stone, rock and dirt as with the earth glide spell for a number of rounds per day equal to his Cleric level; these rounds do not have to be spent consecutively. At 12th level, he can move across difficult terrain caused by rock, stone, mud or other earthen debris without penalty. This replaces the greater power of one of the Cleric’s domains.
  • Archon of Earth (Su): At 20th level, the Earthwalker has achieved apotheosis with his elemental lord; he gains the Earth subtype, granting him a burrow speed equal to half his land speed as well as tremorsense. He further is immune to electrical damage, and may transport himself and others to the elemental Plane of Air or back to the prime once per day, as if by a plane shift spell. He may dwell indefinitely upon the Plane of Air without need for food, water or to breathe. This is a capstone ability and cannot be replaced by another capstone ability.

Feats: Elemental Vigor, Steelskin Channel, Stone Strider

Prestige Classes: Arcane DevoteeDivine ChampionDivine Disciple, Divine Scion (Unchained)

Traits: Affinity of the Elements, Elemental Resilience (Acid)

Unique Spell Rules

  • Spells of the [Air] descriptor are prohibited to a divine caster of Grumbar.
  • Move Earth can be prepared as a 6th-level Cleric or Inquisitor spell.
  • Stone Fist can be prepared as a 1st-level divine caster spell.
  • Transmute Rock to Mud (and Mud to Rock) can be prepared as a 5th-level Cleric or Inquisitor spell.