1. Foreword

This is the wiki for our Discord+Roll20 roleplaying server, Cups of Joy, set in the Dalelands area of the Forgotten Realms. We use Pathfinder 1e with liberal homebrewing for both our fluff and our crunch. Much of the Forgotten Realms content is adapted from Wizard of the Coast proprietary lore, tailored to fit the expanded d20 OGL ruleset of Pathfinder 1e. We do not claim any ownership of any reference to product identity material, nor is this a for-profit venture.

Other material has been inspired by other avid Pathfinder RPG gamers in the Pathfinder subreddit. Credit is indicated where credit is due. The remainder is our creation — just a group of long-time roleplaying partners collaborating to build our own little living world.

Any rules found herein are considered open content, in the spirit of Open Gaming. If you use content from our site, we do ask one small favor:

The website and domain name, etc for this aren’t free, so if you get some content out of this, We’d appreciate a coffee or two. Proceeds will pay for the minor expenses in keeping our campaign going! Click here.