Feytouched PC Race

Adapted from the 3.5e template into an Aasimar/Tiefling-like PC race.

“All my life, I have never fit in. Not in town, not in the wylds. In some integral fashion I am unlike those around me, and I believe it is my fate to live and die alone.” – White Dove, feytouched ranger

Feytouched are human-born — or occasionally from other humanoid stock, but in some way, they bear a touch of fey essence in their blood. This could be due to a bloodline inherited from a dalliance long past between a fey and an ancestor; it could be from the energies of the Fey Realm and the feytouched’s proximity to it; perhaps the feytouched was a foundling or abducted by fey and taken back to their realm only to one day return to the world of mortals forever changed. Whatever the reason, the essence is visible in the feytouched’s traits and their appearance.

Personality and Relationships: An oddity, even amidst planetouched such as aasimar and tieflings, feytouched are rare enough that communities of their sort are virtually unknown. Fey carry a (often deserved) reputation among mortal folk, and if such folk know the feytouched for what they truly are, they’re often met with suspicion or avoidance. They typically subsist in the wilderness, or on the fringes of human cities or towns, often in the roughest quarters of those places, where they grow up to be swindlers, thieves, or crime lords. Sometimes they live among other minority populations in enclaves where they are treated with more respect.

Lacking a true homeland, feytouched know that they have to make their own way in the world and that they have to be strong to survive. They are not quick to trust anyone who claims to be a friend, but when a feytouched’s companions demonstrate that they trust him or her, the feytouched learns to extend the same trust to them. And once a Feytouched gives someone loyalty, the feytouched is a firm friend or ally for life. Once betrayed, the feytouched will forever count that person as an enemy.

Physical Description: In the broadest possible sense, they still look human — or what other humanoid specimen are their birth parents. However, the Fey Realm’s influence has left a clear imprint on their appearance. Feytouched might have horns that take any of a variety of shapes, typically resembling those of some woodland creature, such as a deer or elk, or perhaps antennae depending on their fey influence. Their feet might take the form of cloven hooves, and they sometimes have tails, though they are more akin to a deer or squirrel than that of a tiefling.  Their eyes are solid colors — black, red, white, silver, gold, or even more exotic colors — often with no visible sclera or pupil. Their skin tones cover the full range of human coloration, but also include virtually any color. Their hair is often bright, from white or blond to vibrant colors of the spectrum like pinks, greens and purples.

Alignment: Feytouched have a strong tendency toward chaos, reflecting the capricious fey nature that influences them.

Racial Traits

  • Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution. Feytouched are graceful and those which are not beautiful are terrifying, but they are fragile like flowers. (0 RP)
  • Size: As they still appear as their base race in almost every respect, the Feytouched remain the size of their birth parent, be it small or medium. (0 RP)
  • Type: Feytouched are Fey with the Native subtype. (2 RP)
  • Wild Sprint: Spritely and much lighter on their feet than their birth parents, the Feytouched have a base speed 10 ft. faster than a humanoid of their size when using the charge, run, or withdraw action. (1 RP)
  • Mixed Blood: As with all planetouched in our setting, the feytouched is considered both fey and the humanoid race of their parental birth for determining eligible favored class bonuses, feat prerequisites, and the like. (0 RP)
  • Wild Affinity: Feytouched have a natural affinity for the natural world. They gain a +2 racial bonus to Handle Animal and Survival checks, as well as any checks they make using wild empathy. (4 RP)
  • Low-light Vision: Feytouched can see twice as far as normal in areas of dim or no light. (free w/type)
  • Nature’s Allure: Feytouched add +1 to the saving throw DCs for their spells and spell-like abilities of the enchantment school. In addition, feytouched with a Charisma score of 15 or higher can cast charm person as a spell-like ability 1/day, with a caster level equal to its character level). (3 RP)
  • Charm Resistance: The feytouched is more resistant to the charms of other fey blooded kin. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Will saving throws to resist spells and spell-like abilities of the enchantment (charm) and enchantment (compulsion) subschools. In addition, if the feytouched with this trait fails such a save, they receive another save 1 round later to prematurely end the effect (assuming the spell or spell-like ability has a duration greater than 1 round). This second save is made at the same DC as the first. If the feytouched has a similar ability from another source (such as a rogue’s slippery mind class feature), they can only use one of these abilities per round, but can try the other on the second round if the first reroll ability fails. (2 RP)
  • Languages: In addition to the typical languages and bonus languages of their birth race, feytouched have Sylvan as a bonus language. (0 RP)
  • Total Race Points: 12

Alternate Racial Traits

Feytouched can bear the blood of a myriad different types of Fey; whose essence has touched the blood of a feytouched could grant a myriad of abilities that set each one apart as much as their appearance. The following alternate traits can reflect the feytouched that fits your backstory, any trait that is named with a type of fey cannot be taken in conjuction with another replacement trait named for a different fey type.

  • Dryad-born (Su): Once per day, a feytouched with this trait can can step into the natural foliage of a terrain and emerge in another location. This ability is used as part of a move action or withdraw action, allowing her to move up to 10 feet per character level to any location she can see. This counts as 5 feet of movement. She can only use this ability once per round, and the movement must begin and end in an area with natural outdoor foliage. She does not provoke attacks of opportunity when moving in this way, but any other movement she attempts as part of her move action provokes as normal. This replaces wild affinity. (4 RP)
  • Faunal Legs (Ex): A feytouched with this trait has digitigrade legs that end in hooves, or clawed feet, or even grasshopper-like legs, depending on her fey heritage, and she may or may not have animal fur on these legs to some extent; these legs grant her far better mobility upon the ground. Her base land speed increases by 10 feet, she gains a +2 bonus to Acrobatics checks, and she is always treated as having a running start when making a jump. This replaces wild affinity. (4 RP)
  • Goring Horns (Ex) This feytouched has large and functional enough antlers or horns that that they gain a horn attack, dealing 1d6+1.5 times the feytouched’s Strength modifier (1d4 for small feytouched). This replaces Wild Sprint. (1 RP)
  • Gloura-born (Su): A feytouched with this trait can assume the appearance of a single form of a single humanoid race of its size. The form is static and cannot be changed each time it takes this form. The feytouched gains a +10 racial bonus on Disguise checks made to appear as the member of the race whose appearance it assumes. Changing its shape is a standard action. This trait otherwise functions as alter self, save that the creature does not adjust its ability scores. This replaces Nature’s Allure. (3 RP)
  • Korred-born (Ex): The feytouched gains prehensile hair which functions as the witch’s hex. If a feytouched with this trait takes the witch trait, or adopts the white-haired witch archetype, then the feytouched adds +2 to any combat maneuvers made with the hair. This replaces nature’s allure and wild sprint. (3 RP)
  • Nereid-born (Su): Once per day, a feytouched with this trait can create a 20-foot-radius burst that causes humanoids within the aura’s range to become fascinated with the feytouched (as the bard’s fascinate bardic performance). Affected humanoids may resist this effect by making a successful Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the user’s character level + the user’s Charisma modifier). The feytouced can produce this effect for a number of rounds per day equal to her Hit Dice + her Charisma bonus (if any). This replaces Nature’s Allure. (3 RP)
  • Redcap-born (Ex): A feytouched with this trait gains +2 bonus on critical confirmation rolls, and combat maneuver checks to trample and overrrun; further their ability bonuses are +2 to Charisma, +2 to Strength, and -2 to Wisdom. This replaces the standard racial ability bonuses, and Wild Affinity.
  • Tree Runner (Ex): A feytouched with this trait gains +2 bonus on Climb checks, and +2 to Acrobatics checks when moving in natural foliage, and she doesn’t lose her Dextrity bonus or grant attackers a bonus to attack while climbing. This replaces wild affinity. (3 RP)
  • Verdant Vitality (Su): Some feytouched draw exceptional nourishment from nature. A feytouched with this racial trait can choose to draw energy from her surrounds so long as she’s in a natural outdoor environment with ample flora; this grants fast healing 2 for a number of rounds per day equal to its hit dice. These rounds do not have to be spent consecutively. This replaces Nature’s Allure. (3 RP)
  • Vestigal Wings (Ex): These feytouched have manifested small wings, appropriate to their fey heritage — be they gossamer or fethered. When she falls she can slow her descent by making a DC 15 Acrobatics check to fall safely without taking falling damage, albeit at a rate of 20 feet a round. When falling safely, she can also glide, moving 5 feet laterally every round she descends. This counts as having the vestigal wings feat for any prerequisites. This replaces Wild Sprint. (2 RP)

Favored Class Bonuses

  • Any Gain DR 1/cold iron. Each time the the feytouched gains another level in a favored class, this DR increases by 1/3 point.
  • Any w/Animal Companion The hunter’s animal companion gains DR 1/cold iron. Each time the character gains another level in a favored class, this DR increases by 1/3 poimt. If the character replaces this animal companion, the new companion gains this damage reduction.
  • Alchemist Add 10 minutes to the duration of the alchemist’s mutagens.
  • Barbarian Add 1/4 to the barbarian’s damage reduction. If the barbarian would not otherwise have damage reduction, this damage reduction can be bypassed by cold iron.
  • Bard Add one spell from the druid spell list to the bard’s spell list and known spells. This spell must be at least 1 level lower than the highest-level spell the bard can cast and not on the bard spell list.
  • Bloodrager Add 1 additional round of bloodrage per day.
  • Cavalier Add a +1/2 bonus to the cavalier’s Knowledge (nature) and Knowledge (nobility) checks relating to fey courts and fey courtiers.
  • Cleric Add +1/2 use or round per day to domain powers from the Animal or Plant domains (or their associated subdomains), or the Fey subdomain, that have a number of uses or rounds per day equal to 3 + the cleric’s Wisdom modifier.
  • Druid Add a +1/2 bonus to wild empathy checks.
  • Hunter Add +1 round to the Hunter’s Animal Focus ability.
  • Investigator Add a +1/3 bonus on inspiration rolls applied to Bluff and Diplomacy checks.
  • Kineticist Increase the amount of burn cost reduction when using the kineticist’s gather power ability by 1/6 point (the minimum burn cost of 0 still applies).
  • Mesmerist Increase the number of mesmerist tricks the mesmerist can use per day by one-third.
  • Oracle Add one spell known that is an enchantment spell from the sorcerer/wizard spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the oracle can cast. That spell is treated as one level higher unless it is also on the oracle spell list at a lower level.
  • Ranger Add 1/4 to the damage dealt by the ranger’s animal companion’s natural attacks.
  • Rogue Add a +1/2 bonus on Stealth checks while in forests and swamps.
  • Rogue Add a +1/2 bonus to Bluff checks to pass secret messages or create a distraction to hide and on Sleight of Hands checks to pickpocket.
  • Shaman Add one spell from the druid spell list to the shaman’s spell list that is not otherwise on the shaman spell list. This spell must be at least 1 level lower than the highest-level spell the shaman can cast.
  • Skald Add a +1/2 bonus to Acrobatics checks to avoid attacks of opportunity and to Perform checks while performing a raging song.
  • Sorcerer Choose a bloodline power from the fey or verdant bloodlines that the sorcerer can use. The sorcerer treats her class level as though it were +1/2 higher (to a maximum of +4) when determining the effects of that power.
  • Summoner Add 1/4 evolution point to the eidolon’s evolution pool. These bonus evolution points must be spent on evolutions that grant spell-like abilities or protect the eidolon from spells.
  • Witch Add one spell from the druid spell list to the witch’s familiar. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the witch can cast and not on the witch spell list. If the familiar is ever replaced, the new familiar knows these bonus spells.
  • Wizard The wizard’s familiar gains DR 1/cold iron. Each time the wizard gains another level, this DR increases by 1/3. If the character replaces this familiar, the new familiar gains this damage reduction.

Racial and Heritage Feats

Charmed Life (Heritage) from 3.5e Web Enhancement

Fortune smiles on you, making you inordinately lucky.
Prerequisite: Fey type; and Great Fortitude, Iron Will, or Lightning Reflexes.
Benefit: Once per day, this feat allows you to reroll one roll that you have just made before the DM declares whether the roll results in success or failure. You must take the result of the reroll, even if it’s worse than the original roll.

Charming the Arrow (Heritage) from 3.5e Web Enhancement

You have a gift with ranged weapons. The force of your personality enables you to “convince” them to fly straight and true.
Prerequisite: Fey type, Charisma 13+.
Benefit: With a bow or crossbow made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Charisma modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier on attack rolls. You may quality for additional archery feats that require Dexterity by instead using your Charisma score.
Special: A fighter may select Charm the Arrow as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Fey Legacy (Racial) from 3.5e Complete Mage

The magical powers of your ancestors manifest stronger in you.
Prerequisite: Non-lawful alignment, Feytouched, Fey Presence, character level 6th.
Benefit: You gain the following spell-like abilities, each usable once per day: confusion, dimension door (natural terrain only), and lesser entice fey. Your caster level equals your character level.

Fey Presence (Racial) from 3.5e Complete Mage

You share your ancestors’ knack for playing tricks on the minds of others.
Prerequisite: Non-lawful alignment, Feytouched, character level 6th.
Benefit: You gain the following spell-like abilities, each usable once per day: charm monster, deep slumber, and disguise self. Your caster level equals your character level.

Heritage Feats Any of the feats with Fey type as a prerequisite.