Horizon Walker – Serial Unchained
With the unchaining of the ranger had to come alterations to the Horizon Walker as well, as they both have features entertwined with the Favored Terrain feature. This is altered from the unchained version of the prestige class that’s part of the Pathfinder Community’s Prestige Unchained project, thus, is this in effect an unchaining of an unchained class.
- Skills: Knowledge (geography) 5 ranks.
- Feats: Endurance.
Hit Die: d10
Class Skills
The Horizon Walker’s class skills are Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.
Lvl | BAB | Fort | Ref | Will | Special: |
1 | +1 | +1 | +1 | +0 | Favored Terrain +2, Hunting Ground, Terrain Mastery |
2 | +2 | +1 | +1 | +1 | Terrain Dominance, Terrain Focus |
3 | +3 | +2 | +2 | +1 | Favored Terrain +4, Terrain Mastery |
4 | +4 | +2 | +2 | +1 | Terrain Dominance, Terrain Focus |
5 | +5 | +3 | +3 | +2 | Favored Terrain +6, Terrain Mastery, Master of all lands |
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Horizon Walker gains proficiency with a machete.
Favored Terrain: At 1st level, a Horizon Walker may spend an hour each day in preparation to gain benefits in a speficic terrain among those from Table: Ranger Favored Terrains. This works exactly like the Unchained Ranger Favored Terrain with a +2 bonus at 1st level and increasing by +2 at 3rd and 5th levels. If the Horizon Walker has abilities from other classes that only work in a favored terrain (such as a ranger’s camouflage and hide in plain sight abilities), those abilities work in favored terrains selected as a Horizon Walker.
If the Horizon Walker already has the Favored Terrain feature from another class, then instead this grants the Horizon Walker the Dedicated Geographer ability of the Unchained Ranger, gaining an additional favored terrain which he does not have to prepare each day. The horizon walker levels stack with the other class levels to determine the favored terrain bonus by the usual +2/4-level progression.
The Horizon Walker also may spend an hour during the same day to designate one additional terrain type or locale he is within as his hunting ground, which treats it as a favored terrain, but granting half of his favored terrain bonus. This works exactly as the unchained ranger’s ability of the same name, and if the Horizon Walker gains this ability from another class, they do not stack, nor grant him an additional ability per day. During any successive visits to that same locale (not the merely the same terrain), designating it as his hunting ground takes only a full-round action. Regardless of the source or proportional benefit, bonuses derived from this ability never stack with each other, and only the higher of the bonuses applies.
Terrain Mastery: At 1st level, a Horizon Walker selects a favored terrain to master. When within this terrain the Horizon Walker may, as a move action, grant a +2 bonus on Climb, Stealth, Perception, Survival and Swim checks made by all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear him; this may be done in the same action as is taken to designate a previously visited locale as his hunting ground. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Horizon Walker’s Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). At 3rd and 5th levels, the Horizon Walker selects another terrain to master. Mastery of each terrain has additional benefits, outlined below; these benefits apply to the Horizon Walker at all times whether or not he is in the relevant terrain.
Astral Plane: The Horizon Walker’s fly speed increases by +30 feet on planes with no gravity or subjective gravity, and his maneuverability is at least average, if other circumstances do not negatively affect this. On any other plane, the Horizon Walker gains a fly speed of 30ft., which works otherwise as the Fly spell as a spell-like ability using his Horizon Walker level as his caster level. He may use this ability a number of times equal to his WIS modifier (minimum 1).
- Cold: The Horizon Walker gains cold resistance 10.
- Desert: Anything that would cause the Horizon Walker to become tired is reduced by one step; anything that would cause him to become exhausted makes him fatigued instead, and anything that would cause him to become fatigued instead has no effect.
- Ethereal Plane: The Horizon Walker ignores the 20% concealment miss chance from fog and mist, and treats total concealment from these sources as concealment.
- Forest: The Horizon Walker gains a +4 competence bonus on Stealth checks.
- Jungle: The Horizon Walker gains a +4 competence bonus on Escape Artist checks and increases his CMD against grapple maneuvers by +4.
- Mountain: The Horizon Walker gains a +4 competence bonus on Climb checks and does not lose his Dexterity modifier to AC while climbing.
- Plains: The Horizon Walker’s movement is not reduced by wearing medium armor or carrying a medium load.
- Plane of Air: The Horizon Walker gains a +1 competence bonus on all attack and damage rolls against flying creatures and improves his maneuverability under any effect of flying by one step. He gains the ability to breathe air if he cannot already do so.
- Plane of Earth: The Horizon Walker gains DR 1/adamantine.
- Plane of Fire: The Horizon Walker gains fire resistance 10.
- Plane of Water: The Horizon Walker gains a +4 competence bonus on Swim checks and a +1 competence bonus on all attack and damage rolls against swimming creatures. He gains the ability to breathe water if he cannot already do so.
- Plane, aligned: If the Horizon Walker selects a plane with an alignment trait, he can choose to detect as that alignment (fooling all forms of magic divination) as an immediate action; this benefit lasts until he dismisses it (a free action).
- Swamp: The Horizon Walker gains a +4 competence bonus on Perception checks.
- Underground: The Horizon Walker gains Blind-Fight as a bonus feat.
- Urban: The Horizon Walker gains a +4 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks.
- Water: The Horizon Walker gains a +4 competence bonus on Swim checks and +1 competence bonus on all attack and damage rolls against swimming creatures.
Terrain Dominance: At 2nd level, a Horizon Walker learns total dominance over one terrain he has already selected for terrain mastery. When dealing with creatures native to that terrain, the Horizon Walker treats his favored terrain bonus for that terrain as a favored enemy bonus (as the ranger class feature) against those creatures. This bonus is considered the same source as favored enemy, and therefore only the larger bonus applies. Each terrain dominance grants additional abilities, detailed below.
- Astral Plane: The Horizon Walker gains a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls against outsiders. He gains dimension door as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + the character’s Wisdom modifier (caster level equal to the character’s level).
- Cold: The Horizon Walker gains cold resistance 20 (this replaces the character’s cold resistance from mastery of the cold terrain) and a +1 competence bonus on all attack and damage rolls against creatures of the cold subtype.
- Desert: The Horizon Walker gains fire resistance 10 and is immune entirely to fatigue and exhaustion; he however still requires sleep if he is a creature that normally has to sleep, and still requires 8 hours of rest to prepare spells and the like.
- Ethereal Plane: The walker gains ethereal jaunt as a spell-like ability once per day (caster level equal to the character’s level). He must have at least 4th level in this PRC before selecting this power.
- Forest: The Horizon Walker gains hallucinatory terrain as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + the character’s Wisdom modifier (caster level equal to the character’s level). The Horizon Walker can only use this ability to create illusory forests.
- Jungle: The Horizon Walker gains charm monster as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + the character’s Wisdom modifier (caster level equal to the character’s level). This charm only affects animals, magical beasts, and creatures primarily found in the jungle.
- Mountain: The Horizon Walker gains DR 2/adamantine.
- Plains: The walker’s base speed increases by +10 feet.
- Plane of Air: The Horizon Walker gains fly as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + the character’s Wisdom modifier (caster level equal to the character’s level).
- Plane of Earth: The Horizon Walker gains tremorsense with a range of 30 feet. He must be at least 5th level before selecting this plane for this ability.
- Plane of Fire: The Horizon Walker gains fire resistance 20 (this replaces the character’s file resistance from mastery of the Plane of Fire terrain) and a +1 competence bonus on all attack and damage rolls against creatures of the fire subtype.
- Plane of Water: The Horizon Walker’s movements and actions are not hampered when underwater. This allows him to speak, make attacks, and cast spells normally underwater (as if using freedom of movement).
- Plane, aligned: For the purpose of bypassing damage reduction, the Horizon Walker’s manufactured and natural weapons count as the opposite alignment of his chosen plane of dominance. If his chosen plane has more than one alignment type, he must choose one of those types for this ability. For example, if he selects “Hell” (an evil, lawful plane) for his terrain dominance ability, he may choose “evil” or “lawful,” which means his attacks bypass good or chaotic damage reduction, respectively. Alternatively, if native creatures of his chosen plane are vulnerable to a particular special material (such as cold iron or silver), he may choose to have his weapons bypass damage reduction as if they were that special material. If he selects this plane more than once for his terrain dominance ability, his attacks count as an additional alignment or special material (such as “good and silver” or “chaotic and good”). The horizon walker cannot gain benefits from this feature that would contradict his own alignment (for example, a good-aligned ranger using terrain dominance on a good aligned plane to make his weapons evil aligned).
- Swamp: The Horizon Walker gains tremorsense with a 30-foot range. He must have at least 4th level in this PRC before selecting this power.
- Underground: The Horizon Walker gains darkvision with a range of 60 feet. If he already has darkvision 60 feet, its range extends by 60 feet.
- Urban: The Horizon Walker gains charm person as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + the character’s Wisdom modifier (caster level equal to the character’s level).
- Water: The Horizon Walker gains a swim speed of 20 feet. If he already has a natural swim speed, his swim speed increases by +20 feet.
Terrain Focus: At 2nd level, and again at 4th level, the Horizon Walker learns talents that further adapt him to travels across disparate lands and realms. He may choose one of the following talents from the Unchained Ranger’s talent list treating his Horizon Walker level as his ranger level. If he has ranger levels, they stack with his horizon walker level to determine any level dependent effects of these talents. Unlike the ranger, the Horizon Walker is not restricted by the ranger’s class level, or character level to select one of these talents, nor is he restricted from gaining Terrain Mastery or Terrain Dominance more than once, though he must otherwise qualify for the talents chosen:
- At 2nd level, he can choose from: Deep Swimmer, High Climber, Environmental Adaptability, Nature’s Stride, Planar Scout, Portal Seeker, Swift Step, Terrain Conduit, and Trackless Step.
- At 4th level, he can also choose from: Dedicated Geographer, Planar Skirmisher, Planar Magic**, Terrain Conduit Surge, Planeswalker, or Terrain Infusion*.
* As the unchained ranger’s restriction on this feature, the Horizon Walker is restricted to gaining infusion a plane in which he has spent considerable time or experience — either by completing an adventure on this plane, or multiple encounters with denizens of said plane, or in detailed backstory. He may restroactively replace another talent with this one at a point in his adventuring where he meets this condition in at least one extraplanar realm. If the Horizon Walker spends a talent on Terrain Infusion to gain at least the first feat’s benefits, and later takes the Improved and/or Greater Planar Infusion feats, he may choose to treat these feats as applying to his chosen favored terrain as described in the talent, rather than a fixed terrain choice.
**If you are not a 4-level caster, any spells granted by this talent that aren’t already on your spell list are granted at the lowest class spell level listed on the spell description. If you are a spontaneous caster, these spells are granted as bonus spells known.
Master of All Lands (Su): At 5th level, the Horizon Walker becomes familiar with and comfortable in all possible terrains. His terrain bonus in his designated hunting ground increases by +2, and he treats all other terrains that aren’t his favored terrain as if they were favored terrains with a flat +2 bonus. If a naturally occurring condition of temperature or weather requires a check or saving throw, he automatically succeeds. All allies within 60 feet of him gain a +2 bonus on these checks and saves; if the Horizon Walker and his allies are in a mastered terrain, this bonus to his allies increases to +4.
Unchained Horizon Walker VPC
A character that chooses horizon walker as his variant prestige class must fulfill the following criteria.
Skills: Knowledge (geography) 5 ranks.
Feats: Endurance.
Prestige Class Features: A character that chooses horizon walker as his prestige class gains the following prestige class features. Note when a level indicates he might choose a talent or bonus feat as the benefit, he must still qualify and meet prerequisites for that choice:
- Wanderer: At 5th level, he gains the unchained ranger’s Favored Terrain feature as an UnRanger of 2/3 his character level. If the VPC Horizon Walker gains the favored terrain feature from another class, this feature instead grants him the Dedicated Geographer talent of the unchained ranger. He also gets to choose from one of the following as the unchained ranger talents of the same name: Dedicated Geographer, Environmental Adaptability, Planar Scout, Portal Seeker, Terrain Mastery, These features ignore any ranger level requirement, but he must still otherwise qualify for the ability. Each of these features can only be gained once except for Terrain Mastery.
- Explorer: At 9th level, he can declare an additional daily terrain as his favored terrain in the same fashion as the ranger’s hunting ground. If he already has the ability to declare a hunting ground, this grants no additional benefit. He also selects one of the options listed above (excluding any option except for terrain mastery that was already chosen), Terrain Infusion or Terrain Dominance.
- Wayfarer: At 13th level, he may select one of the above options (excluding any option except for terrain mastery if that was already chosen) or Planeswalker.
- Sojourner: At 17th level, he gains the Master of All Lands feature.
Feats for the Horizon Walker
Extra Terrain Mastery (General)
You have broadened your experience in traversing the lands of the material realm and beyond.
Prerequisites: Favored Terrain feature, Terrain Mastery feature.
Benefit: You may select an additional terrain mastery from the Horizon Walker’s terrain mastery list. You cannot choose a terrain you have already mastered to stack their benefit.
Supreme Guide (General)
When you lead, you impart your mastery of the lands to your fellows.
Prerequisites: Favored Terrain feature, Master of all Lands feature, Terrain Mastery feature, Knowledge (geography) 12 ranks, Knowledge (planes) 12 ranks.
Benefit: When in a favored terrain for which you have terrain mastery, and you use your Terrain Mastery ability to grant bonuses to your allies, you also grant them the benefits from terrain mastery. This does not stack with bonuses from similar abilities and only the larger bonus applies.
Advanced Benefit Prerequisites: Terrain Dominance feature, Terrain Mastery feature, Terrain Supremacy.
Advanced Benefit: When granting bonuses to your allies using the Terrain Mastery ability, instead of the bonuses listed, all of your allies treat the terrain as their favored terrain with half of your favored terrain bonus. In addition, they gain the benefits of both Terrain Mastery and Terrain Dominance that you have selected for that terrain.
Terrain Supremacy (Combat)
Your mastery of all terrains enables you to establish a point of dominance within any.
Prerequisites: Favored Terrain feature, Terrain Dominance feature, Terrain Mastery feature, Master of all Lands feature, character level 19th.
Benefit: You gain the benefits of terrain mastery and terrain dominance of the terrain you designated as your hunting ground, in addition to any permanent favored terrain selected with Dedicated Geographer (if any). You can only use this ability within a locale that you have previously visited and spent an hour to prepare it. If more than one terrain applies to the locale in which you use this feat, you must decide which terrain’s benefits apply, and this choice cannot be changed for the day.