Bard Alternate Class Features

Adapted from Legendary Bards by Legendary Games, and various 3.5e D&D content.

Alternate class features are small, modular archetypes. They swap out a single class feature (or a few related class features) for new abilities. By affecting only a small part of the class at a time, a player is able to build the bard that best fits their ideas. With these alternate class features, the bard is more flexible than ever before.

If an archetype feature replaces one of the below class features, the archetype’s replacement feature may not be exchanged for an alternate class feature. Mix and match these features to build your perfect bard!

Bardic Spellcasting and Cantrips

The following options can be alter the bard’s bardic spellcasting and cantrips abilities.

Arcane Dabbler: At 4th level, and every third level thereafter, the bard may choose one of her spells known from the sorcerer spell list from the Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, or Enchantment school. This spell must be of a level that’s at least one below the highest level that the bard can cast, and it can not be a spell that is present on both spell lists. These spells are treated as being on his spell list for the purpose of using spell trigger and completion items.

Campfire Singer: At 4th level, and every third level thereafter, the bard may choose one of her spells known from the ranger spell list. This spell must be of a level that’s at least one below the highest level that the bard can cast, and it can not be a spell that is present on both spell lists. These spells are treated as being on his spell list for the purpose of using spell trigger and completion items, and are treated as arcane spells and arcane spell failure for armor worn still applies.

Mendicant Orator: At 4th level, and every third level thereafter, the bard may choose one of her spells known from the cleric spell list. This spell must be of a level that’s at least one below the highest level that the bard can cast, and it can not be a spell that is present on both spell lists. These spells are treated as being on his spell list for the purpose of using spell trigger and completion items, and are treated as arcane spells and arcane spell failure for armor worn still applies.

Bardic Knowledge

The following options can be taken in place of the bard’s bardic knowledge ability.

Courtly Savant: The bard gains a bonus equal to half their class level on Diplomacy, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility), and Sense Motive checks, and may make any of these checks untrained.

Eye for Detail: The bard gains a bonus equal to half their class level on Knowledge (local), Perception, and Sense Motive checks, as well as Diplomacy checks to gather information, and may make any of these checks untrained.

Shameless Scoundrel: The bard gains a bonus equal to half their class level on Appraise, Disable Device, Escape Artist, and Intimidate checks, and may make any of these checks untrained.

Stage Magician: The bard gains a bonus equal to half their class level on Knowledge (arcana), Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device checks, and may make any of these checks untrained.

Stage Performer: The bard gains a bonus equal to half their class level on Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, and Disguise checks, and may make any of these checks untrained.

Street Busker: The bard gains a bonus equal to half their class level on Bluff, Disguise, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth checks, and may make any of these checks untrained.

Studied Naturalist: The bard gains a bonus equal to half their class level on Handle Animal, Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (nature), Ride, and Survival checks, and may make any of these checks untrained.

Theologist: The bard gains a bonus equal to half their class level on Heal, Knowledge (planes), and Knowledge (religion) checks, and may make any of these checks untrained.

Lore Master

The following options can be taken in place of the bard’s lore master ability.

Acrobat’s Talent: At 5th level, and again at 11th level, the bard gains a rogue talent from the following list, using their bard level as their effective rogue level: agile climber, artful dodger, consummate avoidance, expert leaper, fast stealth, fast tumble, ledge walker, rogue crawl, rope master, stand up, and wall scramble.

At 17th level, they gain an additional talent chosen from any of the above talents, or an advanced talent from the following list: defensive roll, fast tumble, hide in plain sight, and skill mastery.

This ability does not qualify the bard for the Extra Rogue Talent feat.

Bard’s Luck (Ex): At 5th level, once per day the bard can choose to roll two dice instead of one when making any skill check, keeping the better of the two results. The bard must choose to use this ability before they roll any dice for the check. The bard can use this ability an additional time each day at 8th level, and every three levels thereafter.

Lore of the Wilds: The bard has mastered the lore of nature itself. This ability functions as the lore master ability, save that it applies to the Handle Animal, Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (nature), Ride, and Survival skill checks instead of all Knowledge skill checks.

Master of Manipulation: The bard is a master in swaying others to their line of thinking, and detecting those who would do the say to them. This ability functions as the lore master ability, save that it applies to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive skill checks instead of Knowledge skill checks.

Tracker: The bard gains the Survivalist ability of a UnRanger equal to her bard level.


Rather than inspire their allies, a bard can utilize their wits and magics to diminish their foes rather than inspire their allies. Starting a diminishment requires a standard action and lasts until the bard chooses to end their diminishment (a free action) or if the bard loses the ability to take any actions (such as if they are dazed, nauseated, unconscious, paralyzed or stunned). A bard can only use a single diminishment at a time, attempting to start a second diminishment ends the first. Each of the bard’s diminishments are mind-affecting effects.

To be affected by a diminishment, the enemy must be within 60 feet of the bard, and the bard must be able to see their foe. The foe must also be able to see or hear the bard to suffer from their diminishment. If an ability would affect the bard’s inspirations, it also affects their diminishments, such as the quickened performance ability or the Clockwork Speaker feat.

This modifies the bard’s performance class feature. As the bard increases in level they gain diminishments from the list below, and each diminishment replaces the correlating named inspiration:

Diminish Courage: At 1st level, the bard can diminish the courage of their foes, imposing a -1 penalty on saving throws against charm and fear effects, and a -1 penalty on attack and weapon damage rolls. At 5th level, and every four bard levels thereafter, this penalty increases by -1 to a maximum of -5 at 17th level.

Diminish Competence: At 3rd level, the bard can diminish the competence of their foes, causing them to perform skills with greater difficulty. When the bard begins this inspiration, they choose one skill. This diminishment imposes a -2 penalty to the chosen skill on the bard’s enemies. At 5th level, and every four bard levels thereafter, the bard can choose an additional skill and the penalty imposed increases by -1, to a maximum of 5 chosen skills and a -6 bonus at 17th level.

Diminish Heroics: At 9th level the bard diminishes the heroics of their foes, imposing a -2 penalty on all saving throws, and a -2 penalty to AC. At every three bard levels thereafter, the penalty to saving throws and dodge AC increases by -1, to a maximum of -5 at 18th level.

Diminish Greatness: At 15th level, the bard can diminish the greatness of their foes. Affected foes take a -2 penalty to their Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom scores, as well as a -2 penalty to their attack rolls and caster level of spells they cast (to a minimum caster level of 1). This reduction in ability scores bypasses any immunities to ability score reduction.

Individual Performances

The following are individual replacement performances, which if chosen, replace the performance indicated in each description.

Calming Voice (Su): A 1st-level bard with 3 or more ranks in Diplomacy can sing or use oratory with a composed, steady voice and reason to calm the emotions in others around her. This ability works in much the same way as the bard’s fascinate ability, with the following differences. The creatures to be soothed must be within 30 feet of the bard and must be able to understand the language she is speaking. To use this ability, the bard makes a Diplomacy check. Her check result becomes the DC for each affected creature’s Will save against the effect. if a creature fails their save, the creature is affected as if by the calm emotions spell. The effect lasts as long as the creature listens to the bard, although the creature may wander off on its own if there is nothing to keep its interest. This performance replaces the Countersong performance.

Healing Hymn: When you play a healing hymn, your allies can cast curative spells more effectively. Furthermore, everyone around you feels rejuvenated and more fully rested when your hymn becomes a lullaby. To be affected, an ally must be able to see and hear you perform. The effect lasts as long as you continue performing and for 5 rounds thereafter. An affected ally (including yourself) who casts any conjuration (healing) spell gains a +1 sacred or profane bonus to the healing of hit points for each rank you have in the Perform skill used for this ability (hard ranks, no modifiers). This ability has no effect on spells cast from wands, scrolls, or other magic items. In addition, if you use this ability for at least 1 minute before you and your allies retire for the night, everyone in the group heals naturally at the end of the rest as if he had completed 24 hours of best rest (thus recovering twice his character level in hit points). If the music is interrupted, the magic of the song is lost. This performance replaces the Fascinate bardic music ability.

Hymn of Supernatural Fortification: By making praises to the holy powers, you can cloak yourself or an ally in a protective sheath of sound. This effect protects the subject from supernatural creatures, as well as their malign powers. If you are a 3rd-level or higher bard you can use Perform (oratory) or Perform (singing or musical instrument) to grant protection from supernatural creatures. This effect fortifies you or a single chosen ally within 30 feet against mental control and attacks from evil-aligned or summoned creatures. In these respects, hymn of fortification mirrors the effects of the protection from evil spell. If you wish to protect an ally with this ability, the two of you must be able to see and hear each other. This performance replaces the Inspire Competence.

Inspire Awe: A bard who learns this ability no longer inspires courage in his allies, but instead calls upon divine powers to create fear in those who oppose him. At 1st level, the bard can use any Perform (singing) or Perform (oratory) to inspire awe in his enemies, rendering them shaken. To be affected, an enemy must be within 30 feet and be able to hear the bard perform. The effect lasts for as long as the enemy hears the bard perform and for 1 round thereafter. Each enemy can attempt a Will save to negate the effect; the DC is equal to the bard’s Perform check result. Regardless of the success or failure of the save, no creature can be affected by inspire awe more than once in a 24-hour period. Inspire awe is a mind-affecting fear effect. At 8th level, the range of this effect extends to 60 feet. At 14th level, the effect lasts for 5 rounds after the enemy can no longer hear the bard perform. At 20th level, any enemy who fails to save becomes frightened for 1 round, then shaken for the remainder of the duration. This performance replaces Inspire Courage.

Inspire Hatred: Motivated by a desire to spread havoc and sow discord, some bards abandon the techniques that inspire heroes to greatness. Instead, they prey upon secret longings and buried frustrations to awaken the hate that resides in mortal hearts. At 9th level, you can use music, poetics, or oratory to evoke hatred in a single living creature within 30 feet that has an Intelligence score of 3 or higher. For every three levels you attain beyond 9th, you can target one additional creature with a single use of this ability (two creatures at 12th level, three at 15th, four at 18th, and so on). To inspire hatred, you must sing, speak, or perform, and the target must hear you. The target is entitled to a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your bard level + your Cha modifier) to resist this mind-affecting ability. The effect lasts for as long as the target hears you and for 5 additional rounds thereafter. An affected creature develops an unreasoning hatred of another creature that you indicate. The affected creature attacks the object of its hate as directed, to the exclusion of other opponents. If the affected creature is attacked, it can defend itself as normal, but as soon as possible, it resumes attacking the object of its hate. Creatures compelled to attack an ally can attempt a new Will save each round to break free from this supernatural effect. This performance replaces Inspire Greatness.

Repel Domination: Your knowledge of the undead allows you to fortify the mind against their attacks and can turn the tables on their intimidating tactics. While using this performance, you and your allies within 30 feet may use your perform check in place of a saving throw against mind-affecting spells or abilities from undead creatures. Furthermore, whenever you or an ally succeed on such a saving throw, the undead creature that produced the effect is shaken for the remainder of the performance. This performance replaces the Suggestion bardic performance.

Spellbreaker Song: Bards pride themselves on being masters of language and sound. A rare few learn to use their voices to interfere with enemy spellcasters, twisting word and sound to defeat spells before they are cast. At 1st level, you can use your music or poetics to interfere with spells that have verbal components. Each round you perform this, enemy spellcasters within 30 feet of you suffer a 20% spell failure chance when casting any spell that has a verbal component (as if they were deafened). This distance increases by 10 feet at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter. The caster has to be able to hear the bard for this performance to take effect. This performance replaces Countersong.


The following options can be taken in place of the bard’s well-versed ability.

Arcane Insight: At 2nd level, the bard gains a +4 bonus on saving throws made against illusions and a +4 bonus on caster level checks and saving throws to see through disguises and protections against divination (such as misdirection, and nondetection).

Blatant Subtlety: At 2nd level, the bard has mastered the art of using magic without being detected. The bard gains Spellsong as a bonus feat. Observers do not automatically recognize their bardic performances as anything other than ordinary speech or performance. Those specifically looking for abnormal effects must succeed at a Sense Motive check (DC = 10 + half the bard’s level + their Charisma modifier) to detect their performances.

Dungeon Delver: At 2nd level, the bard can find and disable magical traps, like a rogue’s trapfinding ability, and they gain a +4 to any Perception and Disable Device checks to find and disable them.

Versatile Performance

The following options can be taken to replace the bard’s versatile performance ability.

Arcane Bond: At 2nd level, the bard gains the Arcane Bond ability of a wizard. If he chooses a bonded object, the object must be masterwork instrument; and he may use this bonded instrument once per day to cast a spell on the bard spell list whether or not it is one of his spells known. If the spell is not one of the bard’s spells known, then he can only cast the spell if the spell level is at least one lower than the highest spell level he can cast; in all other ways this works as the wizard’s bonded object and is subject to the same limitations for the spell cast. If he chooses a familiar, he the familiar is identical to that of a wizard of the bard’s level -4 (minimum 1st level).

Artful Dodger: At 2nd level, the bard gains a rogue talent, as the rogue class feature of the same name. At 6th level and every 4 levels thereafter, he gains an additional rogue talent. At 14th level or higher he can choose from the advanced rogue talent list in place of a lesser talent. He cannot select a rogue talent that modifies the sneak attack ability, nor can he select a cross-talent. This ability does not qualify the bard for the Extra Rogue Talent feat.

Broad Study: At 2nd level and every four levels thereafter, the bard can add one spell of a level he can cast as a bonus spell known from the spell list of another arcane spellcasting class. These spells are treated as being on his spell list for the purpose of using spell trigger and completion items, and for arcane spell failure while wearing armor.

Enhance Healing: A number of times per day equal to his Charisma modifier, a the bard can cause any healing effect from a spell completion or spell trigger item to function at a caster level equal to his class level.

Social Grace: The 2nd level the bard selects any one Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skill other than Perception or Use Magic Device. The bard receives a +4 circumstance bonus on checks with the selected skill. At 6th level and every 4 levels thereafter, he can select another such skill (with the same restrictions) to gain this bonus, and all prior choices increase their circumstance bonus by +1.