Divine Fighting Techniques

Note: Adapted from Pathfinder’s Divine Fighting Techniques, as well as homebrew content from our group, Pathfinder Reddit group, and Milosz0pl‘s homebrew content.

The following divine fighting techniques are available to all characters who have the appropriate deity as their patron, and take the Divine Fighting Technique feat or give up the indicated class ability. These have been edited to reflect gods of Forgotten Realms and their favored weapons or approximations thereof.

A Cleric or Warpriest of the fighting style’s deity can adopt the fighting style without the Divine Fighting Style feat by sacrificing one of their 1st level domain or blessing powers. They can gain the advanced technique without needing to meet the prerequisites by sacrificing one of their domain or blessing’s higher level power, and gain the advanced technique at the same level they would have gained the sacrificed power.

Optional replacements in lieu of feats or prerequisites are also offered for certain classes as may be listed in the technique’s entry. Any follower of the deity who chooses their divine fighting style — even non-divine casters — have to be within one step of their patron deity’s alignment.

Prerequisite: Worship of chosen deity as your patron, alignment within one step of patron deity.

Benefit: You can use your deity’s fighting technique and receive any benefit for which you qualify, as described in the Divine Fighting Techniques section below.

Black Blood Stalker

Malar the Beastlord inspires his lycanthrope followers to hunt and kill their prey using any means of trickery and guile possible, and to follow through with strikes that are ruthless, savage and bloodthirsty

Optional Prerequisite: A chaotic evil barbarian who worships Malar can replace a rage power with the following advanced benefit without meeting its prerequisites.

Initial Benefit: You gain the benefits of the Deft Maneuvers feat, but only when making a trip or dirty trick maneuver with a natural attack. Whenever you succeed at a dirty trick or trip combat maneuver against an opponent, you deal an amount of damage equal to 1d6 + your Wisdom modifier (minimum +1) to the target. In addition, whenever your dirty trick maneuver beats an opponent’s CMD by 5 or more, the effects of the dirty trick last for two rounds instead of one, unless the target removes the hindrance by spending a standard action that draws attacks of opportunity.

Advanced Prerequisites: Cleave, Eldritch Claws, base attack bonus +10.

Advanced Optional Prerequisite: A chaotic evil barbarian of at least 10th level who worships Malar can replace a rage power with the following advanced benefit without meeting its prerequisites.

Advanced Benefit: Anytime you fight aggressively with a natural attack, you ignore an amount of the target’s damage reduction equal to the default penalty you elected to your attack roll for that round; this benefit stacks with Penetrating Strike and Greater Penetrating Strike. If the target has no damage reduction, then instead your first successful attack in the round deals bleed damage in the amount of the default penalty you elected to your attack roll. This bleed damage stacks with itself for the first successful attack in each round you fight aggressively.

Blade and Tankard Style

Jump into the fray, but try not to spill your drink.

Optional Prerequisite: A character who worships Hanseath can replace proficiency with all shields or bucklers, a versatile performance, or a talent with the following initial benefit.

Initial Benefits: You can wield a tankard (or mug) as a weapon, treating it in all ways as a light mace appropriate for your size. If you engage in two-weapon fighting with a bladed weapon in one hand and a tankard in the other, you can drink a potion or other liquid from the tankard or attempt to toss liquid from the tankard as a dirty trick combat maneuver (such as to blind a foe) in place of attacking with it. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity for attempting a dirty trick maneuver with a tankard.

Advanced Prerequisites: Two-Weapon Fighting, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +10.

Advanced Optional Prerequisite: A character of at least 10th level who worships Hanseath can replace a bonus feat, deed, versatile performance or an advanced talent with the following advanced benefit, even if he doesn’t meet the prerequisites.

Advanced Benefits: You can refill your tankard with a beverage, potion, or other liquid from a bottle or vial as a swift action. You gain a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks to perform dirty tricks with tankards. The effects of such a dirty trick lasts for 1d4 rounds + 1 round for every 5 points by which the result of your combat maneuver check exceeds the target’s CMD. If you engage in two-weapon fighting with a bladed weapon in one hand and a tankard in the other, your penalties for two-weapon fighting decrease by 2 in each hand.

Eldath’s Snare

The Goddess of Peace imparts to her faithful a technique of fighting geared toward avoidance and subdual.

Initial Benefits: You gain proficiency in the lasso and the net. You may use the net with no penalties, including the -4 penalty when using the net after its first deployment. You may refold a net as a one round action, rather than two, and you may loosen a lasso as a move action rather than a standard action. You further add 1/2 your level to the effective range of the lasso or net in feet, and you may use your Dexterity modifier rather than your Strength modifier to maintain control of the net once it has entangled an opponent.

Advanced Prerequisites: Deft Maneuvers, Weapon Focus (thrown weapons, or net or lasso), BAB +10 or Sleight of Hand 10 ranks

Advanced Benefits: In your hands any rope weapon is treated as if it has the disarming and trip properties. You do not drop one of these weapons when you fail in a disarm or trip attempt. You can gather and refold a net as a move action, instead of a one-round action, and you may attempt to use your net or lasso to drag or reposition a snared target, so long as you have the trailing edge of the lasso or net in hand.

Elistraee’s Merciful Blade

The Moonlight Dancer believes that no mortal soul is beyond the offer of redemption, and the techniques of her swordmaidens bear intent to subdue in order to grant that chance.

Initial Benefits: You take no penalty on attack rolls for using a sword to deal nonlethal damage. If your attack with the sword would normally deal additional damage (such as via sneak attack, the flaming weapon special ability, or the like), this additional damage can also be nonlethal damage. You can also alter spells with elemental, good, or light descriptors and inflict spells so that the damage they deal is nonlethal as if they were affected with the Merciful Spell metamagic feat; you can choose to apply this effect as the spell is cast.

Advanced Prerequisites: Great Fortitude, Weapon Focus in weapon chosen, Heal 10 ranks.

Advanced Benefits: As you wear down your opponent toward surrender or subdual, your own morale grows stronger. On the first successful attack in a round that you strike a foe with a weapon and deal nonlethal damage with that attack, you regain a number of dice in hit points equal to the damage dice of the weapon that dealt the attack (a bastard sword, for instance, would be +1d10 hit points). If that first successful attack is a critical hit, then roll the dice for hitpoints gained with the critical multiplier of the weapon used. You can gain the benefit of this healing only once per round, regardless of how many successful attacks you make with the weapon.

Gond’s Golden Hammer

The followers of Gond are experts in handling creations, no matter whether it is about creating, repairing or destroying it.

Initial Benefit: You may use any hammer with proficiency, including a tool hammer, as a melee weapon. A tool hammer used such has the same damage dice, damage type and crit range as a spiked gauntlet. When you succeed at a sunder combat maneuver against an enemy’s equipment or a construct with any hammer, you may choose to give one of following benefits to yourself or to an ally within your hammer’s touch: +2 insight bonus to weapon attack and damage rolls or +2 insight bonus to AC. These benefits last till the end of combat.

Advanced Prerequisites: Divine Fighting Technique, Powerful Maneuvers, Craft (any) 10 ranks

Advanced Benefit: The optional benefits gained by the initial benefit of this technique are doubled. Further, you are able to repair things with your hammer as if using the Make Whole spell at will, with a caster level equal to your character level. Objects that gained the broken condition by your actions can be repaired as if using Greater Make Whole.

Helm’s Glorious Bastard

The Vigilant One keens the prowess of his faithful, and her allies, and ultimately makes his servant even more vigilant on the battlefield.

Optional Replacement: A paladin who worships Helm may replace a mercy with this initial benefit, even if she doesn’t meet the prerequisites.

Initial Benefit: You may spend a full-round action pointing out threats with your Bastard Sword and advising your allies’ defense. All allies within 30 feet who can hear and understand you gain a +2 Sacred Bonus to Armor Class and Saving Throws for 1 round + 1 round for every 5 points of Base Attack Bonus you have.

Advanced Prerequisites: Proficiency and Weapon Focus with Bastard Swords (or Heavy Blades in general), BAB +10

Optional Replacement: A paladin of 9th level or higher who worships Helm may replace a mercy with the following advanced benefit, even if she doesn’t meet the prerequisites.

Advanced Benefit: When wielding a Bastard Sword, add your Wisdom bonus to the number of Attacks of Opportunity you may take per round. This counts as having the Combat Reflexes feat for the purpose of prerequisites, and will not stack with the benefits of taking the actual feat. Whenever an enemy enters a square within 10 feet of you, as an immediate action, you may choose to treat a Bastard Sword as if it had the Reach property until the start of your next turn. Allies gain a +2 Sacred Bonus to attack rolls against enemies you hit with attacks of opportunity while wielding a Bastard Sword until the start of the enemy’s next turn.

Ilmater’s Perfected Fist

The Crying God imparts temperance in the fists of His faithful, and this careful precision makes for landing more precise blows

Optional Prerequisite: A brawler, monk or paladin who worships Ilmater can replace a bonus feat, style feat, or mercy with the following initial benefit.

Initial Benefits: You can opt to take a -2 penalty to your attacks to deal the average amount of damage with each successful open handed attack instead of rolling your weapon damage, and increase your critical range by 1 (apply this after applying any modifier like Improved Critical). Apply bonuses and modifiers to the average total as if you had rolled your damage normally. You must choose to use this benefit before making an attack action, and its effects last until your next turn. You do not average additional damage dice (such as those granted by a sneak attack) when using this ability. This benefit also counts as having Improved Unarmed Strike for the purpose of prerequisites.

Advanced Prerequisites: Critical Focus or Improved Critical; Divine Fighting Technique; Weapon Focus (unarmed strike); base attack bonus +10 or monk/brawler level 10th.

Advanced Optional Prerequisite: A brawler, monk or paladin of at least 10th level and has the initial benefit can replace a bonus feat, style feat, or mercy with the following advanced benefit without meeting its prerequisites.

Advanced Benefits: You no longer suffer the -2 to attack to use this technique, and if you confirm a critical hit with this technique, you inflict maximum weapon damage for that critical hit. Again, you must still roll sneak attack dice or any other dice-based additional damage.

Kelemvor’s Balance

The Judge of the Dead holds no sway for undeath, and those who follow him are keenly trained to lay the living dead to final rest.

Optional Prerequisite: A ranger or slayer who follows Kelemvor can replace a combat style feat or stalker talent with this initial benefit.

Initial Benefit: While wielding a bastard sword, any strikes made against undead using this fighting technique are treated as either bludgeoning or slashing, whichever is more advantageous against the undead in question, and you may add your Wisdom modifier as a bonus to damage. Against incorporeal undead, your attacks with the bastard sword only deal 25% less damage, rather than half.

Advanced Prerequisites: Weapon Focus in chosen weapon; Base Attack Bonus +10 or Knowledge (religion) 10 ranks.

Optional Advanced Prerequisites: A ranger or slayer who follows Kelemvor can replace their 10th level combat style feat or an advanced talent with this advanced benefit, even if they don’t meet the prerequisites.

Advanced Benefits: Your attacks deal full damage to incorporeal undead. Further, while fighting defensively with the bastard sword, your full Armor Class applies against incorporeal touch attacks, and you gain a bonus equal to your dodge bonus from fighting defensively on saving throws against ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, and negative energy effects.

Lathander’s Sun Blade

In the radiant light of the Morninglord, His faithful strive for both perfection in both martial prowess and purity, and their every strike carries the light of the dawn.

Optional Replacement: A paladin who worships Lathander can replace a mercy with this initial benefit. A Cavalier who worships Lathander can replace their 2nd level order ability for this initial benefit.

Initial Benefits: By spending a swift action, you can grant your weapon the flaming property for one minute; during this time the weapon sheds light like a torch — you may choose to suppress the light or activate it as a move action. If you make a Vital Strike with your weapon with this benefit activated, you can add your Wisdom bonus as additional fire damage on a successful hit.

Advanced Prerequisites: Vital Strike, Devastating Strike, Knowledge (religion) 10 ranks.

Optional Replacement: A paladin of at least 9th level who worships Lathander can replace a mercy with the following advanced benefit, and a cavalier who worships Lathander can replace their 9th level teamwork bonus feat with this advanced benefit, even if she doesn’t meet the benefit’s prerequisites.

Advanced Benefit: When activating the initial benefit of this style, you grant your weapon a flaming burst enchantment for 1 minute. Once during this activation you may make your Vital Strike against a target within 30 feet (this is still treated as a melee attack), which dismisses the flaming burst effect. This attack deals fire damage instead of physical weapon damage. If you critically hit with this strike, the flames explode in a sun-like 5-foot burst, forcing the hit creature to make a fortitude save (DC 10 + half your character level + your wisdom modifier) or become blinded for a number of rounds equal to your weapon enhancement (minimum 1).

Lliira’s Shooting Star

The Joybringer’s fighting style employs her chosen weapon — the starknife — in a deadly dance be it in close combat or from afar.

Optional Prerequisite: A character of at least 2nd level who worships Lliira can replace a versatile performance or rogue/slayer/vigilante talent with the following initial benefit.

Initial Benefits: You can add your Charisma bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls when wielding a starknife. This is in place of your normal attack and damage modifiers, and does not stack with any other ability that alters which ability modifier you use for attacks and damage.

Advanced Prerequisites: Dex 17; Divine Fighting Technique; Precise Shot; Rapid Shot; base attack bonus +10 or Sleight of Hand 10 ranks.

Optional Advanced Prerequisite: A character of at least 10th level who worships Lliira can replace a versatile performance or advanced rogue/slayer/vigilante talent with the following advanced benefit without meeting its prerequisites.

Advanced Benefits: You can impart a powerful spin to a thrown starknife so that multiple blades strike the target rather than just a single blade of the four, dealing extra damage with the other blades. As a full-round action, you can make a single attack with a thrown starknife, rolling 1d3 to determine how many additional strikes you gain with the attack. If the attack hits, all of the effective strikes damage the target. Apply precision-based damage (such as sneak attack damage) and critical hit damage only once for this attack. Other flat damage bonuses apply to each strike. Damage Reduction and resistances apply separately to each strike, unless you possess the Clustered Shot feat.

Loviatar’s flensing Scourge

The Lady of Pain invites all mortals to join in inflicting and suffering pain.

Initial Benefits: Once per round, when you hit a foe with a scourge, barbed scourge, whip or scorpion whip, your target is sickened for 1 round, and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wisdom bonus) or be sickened for an additional 1d4+1 rounds.

Advanced Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +10 or Intimidate 10 ranks.

Advanced Benefits: Whenever you sicken a foe with pain using a scourge, barbed scourge, whip or scorpion whip (whether by flensing, as a dirty trick combat maneuver, or otherwise), the victim must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wisdom bonus) or be nauseated for the first round of the duration.

Moonstricken Mace

The swings of a Selunite’s mace can drive an opponent to distraction, and ultimately they become anathema to those cursed with lycanthropy.

Initial Benefits: Whenever you threaten a critical hit with a light or heavy mace on a foe, that foe becomes sickened for 1 round. If you confirm the critical hit, the sickened effect lasts for 2 rounds. The duration of the sickened effect doesn’t stack with multiple critical threats.

Advanced Prerequisites: Divine Fighting Technique; Improved Critical or Critical Focus; base attack bonus +10 or Knowledge (nature) 10 ranks.

Advanced Benefits: When your target is a shapechanger, your successful critical hit bypasses damage reduction of the creature up to half of your character level. Further, the target must make a Fortitude save with a DC of 10+1/2 your level+your Wisdom modifier or be forced to revert to their original form.

Moradin’s Steady Hammer

the Dwarf father’s children use tactics that are vigilant and telling with a hammer in their hands.

Initial Benefits: Whenever you wield a light hamer, warhammer, or any hammer with the word “Dwarven” in its name, add your Wisdom bonus to the total number of attacks of opportunity that you can make per round. These additional attacks of opportunity don’t stack with those granted by Combat Reflexes, but this benefit counts as Combat Reflexes for the purpose of satisfying feat prerequisites and prestige class requirements. In addition, you can make attacks of opportunity while you’re flat-footed.

Advanced Prerequisites: Divine Fighting Technique, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (warhammer), base attack bonus +10.

Advanced Benefits: Once per round, before you make an attack of opportunity with a light hamer, warhammer, or any hammer with the word “Dwarven” in its name, you can declare an opportunistic strike. If the attack hits, you can apply the effects of the Vital Strike feat, if you possess it. If you confirm a critical hit with an opportunistic strike, you can attempt a disarm or trip combat maneuver check against the target as a free action — this combat maneuver does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Mystra’s Mystic Channelling

The Goddess of the Weave embodies all of the magic of Faerun, and her faithful can learn to make the weave course through their veins and into their weapons. 

Optional Prerequisite: A neutral good wizard who worships Mystra can replace her first level arcane school power with the following initial benefit.

Initial Benefits: Once per round you can channel your magical energy into your strike, expending a spell slot as you do so. When you do so, you deal 1d6 points of damage per spell level of the slot sacrificed. This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit, but does stack with other additional damage from feats like Arcane Strike.

Advanced Prerequisites: Int 17, Divine Fighting Technique, Arcane Strike, BAB +10.

Optional Prerequisite: A neutral good wizard of at least 10th level who worships Mystra can replace an arcane discovery with this advanced benefit, even if she would not otherwise meet the prerequisites.

Advanced Benefits: On an attack that uses the initial benefit above, you may use your casting ability modifier, rather than your melee ability modifier, for both the attack and damage roll of the attack. Further, in lieu of expending the spell as additional damage, as a standard action, you can deliver the effects of the spell by the weapon strike if it has a range of touch or is a ranged touch spell. This functions similarly to the Magus’ Spellstrike feature.

Rose Scythe of Chauntea

Thought by many a layman to be relics devoted to the Grain Goddess, in truth, the powers of this fighting technique may reside in the hands of any faithful who wields the rose carved scythes which are a signature weapon of Chauntea. The Goddess’ blessings become a curse to those who would harm the ones she favors — like the thorns upon a rose.

Initial Benefit(s): A number of times per day equal to your Wisdom bonus, so long as you hold your scythe in hand, you can choose to make a retributive strike against someone that attacks an ally who has received healing in any form from you during your last turn. This strike is treated as an attack of opportunity, with your Wisdom bonus added to your attack roll.

Advanced Prerequisite(s): Divine Fighting Technique, Heal 10 ranks, base attack bonus +7.

Advanced Benefit(s): When making a retributive attack as detailed above, you confirm any critical threat scored with this attack roll, and in addition to the damage dealt in this attack on a critical hit, the target is left sickened as their skin instantly erupts into a welted rash. If the target is immune to poison, they are immune to this secondary effect. This secondary effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom bonus. If the target spends a full-round action which draws attacks of opportunity, they can tend to the lesions of the secondary effects of the critical hit and negate their effects on their next turn.

Sehanine’s Scarf Dance

In tune with the rhythmic circle of the moon and stars about Toril, Sehanine’s devotees twirl with elegant precision while their bladed scarves become extensions of their graceful movements.

Optional Prerequisite: A Sehanite rogue or slayer of 2nd or higher level can replace a talent with the following initial benefit. A Sehanite bard of at least 2nd level can select it as a versatile performance.

Initial Benefit: With a swift motion, you use your momentum to reposition in battle. When an enemy misses you with an attack, while you are wielding a bladed scarf, you may as an immediate action move 5 feet; this movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity. You can only use this ability while wearing light or no armor, and while carrying a light load.

Advanced Prerequisites: Dodge, Perform (dance) 10 ranks.

Optional Advanced Prerequisite: A Sehanite rogue or slayer of 10th or higher level can replace an advanced talent with the following benefit; a Sehanite bard of at least 10th level can select this benefit as an advanced versatile performance.

Advanced Benefit: When you do a full-attack with a bladed scarf, you may move 5 feet before each melee attack or combat maneuver made with the scarf. You can’t exceed your maximum speed. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity if you would be able to take a 5-foot step normally; if you would be unable to (for instance, if you were in difficult terrain), the movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal unless you succeed at the appropriate Acrobatics checks. While using this ability, you can still take your normal 5-foot step before or after making your full attack action. Additionally, you may choose to grant reach to your bladed scarf freely with each attack you make in this movement.

Shadowlord’s Silent Shiv

Use the shadows, strike silent, swift and true, is the motto of a servant of the God of Thieves.

Optional Prerequisite: A character of at least 2nd level who follows Mask can replace a talent with the following initial benefit.

Initial Benefits: Whenever you attack an opponent that is completely unaware of your presence (such as when you are using the Stealth skill or invisible), your attack deals additional damage equal to your Wisdom bonus, or the number of sneak attack dice you roll, whichever is larger. This benefit applies only to the first attack that you make against the target, and only with attacks made with light or one-handed weapons intended for creatures of your size (including thrown attacks).

Advanced Prerequisites: Divine Fighting Technique, Stealth 10 ranks.

Optional Advanced Prerequisite: A character of at least 10th level who follows Mask can replace an advanced talent with the following advanced benefit without meeting its prerequisites.

Advanced Benefits: At the start of each round, choose one opponent that you can see and attempt a Stealth check as a swift action. If the result of your check exceeds the target’s CMD, treat the target as if it were completely unaware of your presence for the purpose of the initial benefit of this divine fighting technique. If you beat the target’s CMD by 5 or more, you also treat it as being completely unaware of your presence for the purposes of all class features and feats you have.

Sharess’ Dazzling Dance

The Dancing Lady’s devoted followers seamlessly blend artistry and martial prowess, making it a seductive dance that is as mesmerizing as it is deadly.

Optional Replacement: A bard who worships Sharess can trade a versatile performance for the following initial benefit.

Initial Benefit: Once per encounter, you may choose to use one of your perform skills in place of a Fortitude or Reflex saving throw against an attack or effect. If you succeed at the saving throw and the attack has a reduced effect on a successful save, you avoid the effect entirely.

Optional Replacement: A bard of at least 10th level who worships Sharess can replace a versatile performance for the advanced benefit, even if she doesn’t meet the prerequisites.

Advanced Prerequisites: Perform (Dance) 10 ranks, Quick Draw, Seduction.

Advanced Benefit: Your graceful dancing in combat becomes a mesmerizing performance. Beginning this performance is a standard action that fascinates a selected target within 30 feet that can see you, unless it succeeds at a Will save against a DC of 10 + half of your level + your Charisma modifier. You can maintain the fascination effect each turn as a free action, but taking any agressive actions against the target allows it another save. The target also can attempt a new save each time a threat (other than you) becomes visible to the target. At any point after fascinating the target for 3 rounds, you can deliver a coup de grace. You can opt to deal nonlethal damage on this attack to knock the creature unconscious for 1 hour. This functions similarly to a bardic performance; it does not draw attacks of opportunity to initiate or maintain the fascination effect, and it requires visual components.

Shevrash’s Sure Shot

The Black Archer imparts master marksmanship to stalk your quarry.

Optional Replacement: A ranger or slayer who worships Shevrash can replace one ranger combat style feat or slayer talent with the following initial benefit.

Initial Benefits: You can attempt a ranged steal combat maneuver check with a bow, using your ranged attack modifier in place of your Strength modifier to calculate your Combat Maneuver Bonus. If you succeed, the stolen item is knocked away by the arrow; if the arrow can pierce any part of the item and the item weighs 2 pounds or less, the arrow continues past the creature and carries the item up to one range increment away, pinning it to whatever surface it lands on.

Optional Replacement: A chaotic neutral ranger or slayer who worships Shevrash can replace their 10th or higher level ranger combat style feat or an advanced slayer talent with the following advanced benefit even if she doesn’t meet the prerequisites.

Advanced Prerequisites: Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Perception 10 ranks.

Advanced Benefits: When fighting a foe adjacent to a firm surface, you can attempt a ranged dirty trick combat maneuver check with a bow, using your ranged attack modifier in place of your Strength modifier to calculate your Combat Maneuver Bonus. If you succeed, your arrow pins the target’s clothing (or feathers, hide, or the like) to the surface, preventing the target from leaving that space until it breaks free by making a successful Strength check as a move action that draws attacks of opportunity (DC = the result of your combat maneuver check to pin it).

Solonor’s Supressive Shot

The God of Elven archers imparts techniques that aid your kinsmen in battle.

Optional Prerequisite: A ranger or slayer who worships Solonor Thelandira can replace one ranger combat style feat or slayer talent with the following initial benefit.

Initial Benefits: As a standard action, you can fire a distracting shot from your longbow or shortbow; when you do, select one ally who is adjacent to the creature you are targeting with the distracting shot. If you hit the creature, the chosen ally gains a +2 bonus to her Armor Class against that creature, and the target creature suffers a -2 penalty against the selected ally. This bonus and penalty to Armor Class lasts until the start of your next turn.

Advanced Prerequisites: Dex 17, Divine Fighting Technique, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +10.

Optional Advanced Prerequisite: A ranger or slayer who worships Solonor Thelandira can replace their 10th or higher level ranger combat style feat or an advanced slayer talent with the following advanced benefit even if she doesn’t meet the prerequisites.

Advanced Benefits: When you fire a distracting shot at a creature and hit the creature, you grant a +4 Armor Class bonus to the selected adjacent ally and a +2 Armor Class bonus to all other allies within 30 feet of the selected adjacent ally against attacks by the targeted creature. The target creature’s Armor Class penalty applies to any ally who threatens it.

Sune’s Silken Sash

The Firehair’s fighting technique utilizes her sacred weapon — the whip — in a deft twirling dance that strikes quicker than many opponents can react to.

Optional Replacement: A character who worships Sune can replace a versatile performance, swashbuckler deed, or rogue/vigilante talent with the following initial benefit.

Initial Benefits: While wielding a whip, you gain the benefits of the Combat Reflexes feat, but you may use your Charisma bonus instead of Dexterity to determine how many additional attacks of opportunity you can make. This counts as having the Combat Reflexes feat for the purpose of prerequisites and does not stack with the normal feat. You also treat the whip as if it were a light, one-handed piercing weapon for the purposes of feats and abilities that require it.

Advanced Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (whip), Whip Mastery, Perform (dance) 10 ranks.

Optional Replacement: A character of at least 10th level who worships Sune can replace one versatile performance, swashbuckler deed or rogue/vigilante talent with the following advanced benefit even if she doesn’t meet the prerequisites.

Advanced Benefits: You may use a Perform (dance) roll in place of CMB when making a disarm or trip combat maneuver with the whip. You still apply the special size modifier to this roll.

Talona’s Poisoned Lash

The Lady of Poison inspires creative ways to poison foes.

Optional Replacement: A rogue, slayer or vigilante who worships Talona can replace one talent with the following initial benefit.

Initial Benefits: You can apply poison (your choice) to a whip as a move action. You do not risk poisoning yourself when applying poison to a whip. A whip you wield can deliver contact poison upon a successful combat maneuver check as well as upon a successful attack roll, regardless of whether you deal damage.

Advanced Prerequisites: Whip Mastery, base attack bonus +10.

Optional Replacement: A rogue, slayer or vigilante who worships Talona can replace one advanced talent with the following advanced benefit even if she doesn’t meet the prerequisites.

Advanced Benefits: You can apply poison to a whip as a swift action. You can apply up to 3 doses of the same poison to a whip at a time. Foes are exposed to only 1 dose of poison from each successful attack.

Talos’ Thunder

The Stormlord’s faithful are artisans of destruction, and their fighting techniques carry the weight of Talos’ destructive force.

Initial Benefit: When you make an attack action or attack of opportunity, if making a successful sunder attempt or if attacking a construct or object (including animated objects), you deal additional damage equal to your weapon damage dice; you do not apply any other modifiers to this additional damage. You never provoke attacks of opportunity for attempting the sunder combat maneuver, and count as having the Powerful Maneuvers feat for determining prerequisites, but only in regard for sunder related feats and abilities.

Advanced Prerequisites: Divine Fighting Technique, base attack bonus +10.

Advanced Benefit: Anytime you fight aggressively, you ignore an amount of the target’s hardness or damage reduction equal to the penalty you elect to take on your attack roll — even damage reduction that lacks a bypass type; this benefit stacks with feats (such as Penetrating Strike) that also overcome an amount of damage reduction.

Tempus’ Haymaker

The Foehammer imparts a devastating blow even in a raging charge, and the pain from such a blow doesn’t go away easily.

Optional Replacement: A barbarian or fighter who worships Tempus can replace a bonus feat or rage power with the following initial benefit.

Initial Benefits: If you have the Vital Strike feat, you can apply its effect to an attack you make with a battleaxe or greataxe at the end of a charge. If you don’t have the Vital Strike feat, that attack deals additional damage equal to your Wisdom bonus. The first time you make an attack of opportunity with a battleaxe or greataxe after dealing this Vital Strike or damage bonus before the start of your next turn, you can apply your Vital Strike or damage bonus to that attack of opportunity.

Advanced Prerequisites: Str 13, Cleave, Vital Strike, base attack bonus +10.

Optional Replacement: A barbarian or fighter of at least 10th level who worships Tempus can replace a bonus feat or rage power with the following advanced benefit, even if she doesn’t meet the prerequisites.

Advanced Benefits: While fighting aggressively, when you use Vital Strike with a battleaxe or greataxe, the damage counts as continuous damage from an injury for the purpose of determining whether a target must attempt a concentration check to cast spells.

Torm’s Inspiring Sword

The glory of Torm transforms a greatsword into a shining beacon of hope.

Optional Replacement: A paladin who worships Torm can replace a mercy with this initial benefit. A Cavalier who worships Torm can replace their 2nd level order ability for this initial benefit.

Initial Benefits: While wielding a greatsword, you can perform an impressive display of prowess as a full-round action. All allies within 30 feet who can see your display gain a +2 sacred bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for 1 round + 1 round per 5 points of base attack bonus you have.

Advanced Prerequisites: Dazzling Display, Weapon Focus (greatsword), base attack bonus +10.

Optional Replacement: A paladin of at least 9th level who worships Torm can replace a mercy with the following advanced benefit, and a cavalier who worships Torm can replace their 9th level teamwork bonus feat with this advanced benefit, even if she doesn’t meet the benefit’s prerequisites.

Advanced Benefits: As a standard action or at the end of a charge, you can make an attack against a foe with a greatsword. If you succeed, you grant all allies who can see your attack a +2 sacred bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for 1 minute, and cause the target of your attack to suffer a -2 penalty to the same rolls until the end of their next turn.

Tymora’s Lucky Coin

You have learned to emulate the Smiling Lady’s favored technique of fighting: using sharpened coins that can be thrown with speed and precision.

Optional Replacement: A character who worships Tymora can replace a rogue/vigilante/etc talent or a versatile performance with the initial benefits of this feat.

Initial benefits: While using thrown sharpened coin shuriken, you can make an additional attack per round with these weapons at your highest attack bonus. You gain this additional attack whether you make a standard attack or a full attack action, you cannot use this benefit when you have a weapon in your off hand.

Advanced Prerequisites: Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Quick Draw. Perception 10 ranks.

Optional Replacement: A character of at least 10th level who worships Tymora can replace a rogue/vigilante/etc talent or a versatile performance with the following advanced benefits.

Advanced Benefits: When using thrown sharpened coins, their threat range increases to 19-20, and you gain a second additional attack at your highest attack bonus when making a full attack action.