Noble Genasi Racial Archetypes

Decendants of the geniekin, purer of blood than many of the elemental planetouched known in other realms outside of Toril, the noble genasi are paragons of their ancestral kin. Many of these are the product of the peoples of Calimshan, from when the geniekin ruled over mortalkind, taking many of them as their concubines and having these bloodlines persist over generations. This is not to say that all noble genasi trace their lineage to the Calimshan, or other regions listed below; in fact some trace their lineage beyond Toril entirely. But the age when the genii dwelt upon the prime is the main source of these bloodlines in Faerun today.

Types of Genasi: There are four distinct subraces of the noble genasi, depending upon their elemental lineage. Each of these uses the Pathfinder race linked as its base to which the additional traits are attached.

  • Air Genasi are the descendants of the Djinni, particularly prevalent in regions of the Calim such as Calimport where the air genii ruled over mortal men. A few rare air genasi derive from djinn summoned in other parts of the world, and even fewer are said to be born of a line founded by a powerful air mephit sorcerer that lived on the Great Glacier hundreds of years ago. Some may be descended from the servants of air deities such as Akadi, Auril, and Shaundakul but likely a very small number. These genasi are referred to as Sylphs in other realms, in an obvious lack of academic knowledge of an air planar dwelling outsider of the very same name.
  • Earth Genasi are the descendants of the Shaitan. Most of the elemental bloodlines originate in the North, particularly near the Spine of the World, as natural portals to the Elemental Plane of Earth form there, allowing meetings between natives of both planes. The bloodlines spring up wherever worship of earth deities is common. It is thought that the Ludwakazar clan of shield dwarves deep in the Earthspurs in Impiltur and the Tobarin family of rock gnomes in the Great Dale have elemental blood, but both are mute on the question. In other realms these genasi are referred to as Oreads.
  • Fire Genasi are the descendants of the Efreeti, particularly prevalent in regions of Calimshan such as Memnon, where the fire genii ruled supreme. Chult, the Lake of Steam, and Unther also have a small number of fire genasi, for those lands bear volcanos that sometimes act as natural portals to the Elemental Plane of Fire, allowing efreeti to make contact with humans. These are known as Ifrit in other crystal spheres, which confuses them with their pure blooded progenitor.
  • Water Genasi are the descendants of the Marids, which were common along the shorelines and coastal settlements of Calimshan. A rare few are born to outsider servants of the evil water goddess Umberlee (although it is not known why these matings eventually produce water genasi instead of tieflings). Sea elves tell of a lost line of sea elf planetouched descended from minions of Deep Sashelas, but they were thought to have been wiped out by an army of sahuagin over 500 years ago. Other crystal spheres may refer to these genasi as Undines.

Additional Traits

The Noble Genasi adds/modifies the following traits to their base paizo equivalent race:

  • Additional Traits: Pick an additional racial trait from your race entry’s alternate traits list. This cannot be an alternate trait that trades off more than one base racial trait, but you gain this additional trait without trading off the original racial trait. (+2-4 RP)

Elemental Magic: At 8th level, a Noble Genasi with a Wisdom or Intelligence score of 8 or greater gains the following spell-like ability usable once per day at a caster level equal to her character level. The save DC (if any) for this spell like ability is Charisma-based (4 RP):

  • Air: Air Walk
  • Earth: Earth Glide
  • Fire: Elemental Body I (fire only)
  • Water: Water Breathing, Communal

Total Additional Race Points: +6-8 RP

Noble Genasi Feats

Noble Genasi may also qualify for the following racial feats, in addition to any feats in the core listings for elemental planetouched:

Elemental Bloodline Development (Racial)
You have taken additional aspects of the type of element that infuses your flesh.
Prerequisite: Base Fortitude save +4, noble genasi
Benefit: You gain a +4 saving throw bonus on saving throws against poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. You also have a 25% chance to turn a critical hit or a sneak attack against you into a normal hit, as if you were wearing light fortification armor. This does not stack with the fortification property if you have it on your armor.

Elemental Immunity (Racial)
Your elemental resistance is near that of your forebear.
Prerequisite: Noble genasi, Elemental Magic racial trait
Benefit: You gain immunity to the energy type to which you had a racial energy resistance.

Genie Magic (Racial)
You have developed latent magic from the bloodline of your ancestors.
Prerequisite: Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma 12+, noble genasi
Benefit: You may cast a the following spell based on your elemental heritage as a spell like ability 1/day, using your character level as your caster level. The save DC of this spell (if any) is Charisma based: Air – Wind Wall, Earth – Soften Earth and Stone, Fire – Produce Flame, Water – Fog Cloud.

Genie Magic, Major (Racial)
You have further tapped into the magic from the bloodline of your ancestors.
Prerequisite: Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma 14+, Genie Magic
Benefit: You may cast a the following spell based on your elemental heritage as a spell like ability 1/day, using your character level as your caster level. The save DC of this spell (if any) is Charisma based: Air – Gaseous Form, Earth – Stone Shape, Fire – Flaming Sphere, Water – Aqueous Orb.