Bloodline Familiars Expansion

Those with an inherent connection to magic often attract creatures who feel a similar instinctive pull toward magical forces. At 1st level, a sorcerer, bloodrager, or any other character with one of the following bloodlines can choose to gain a bloodline familiar. The character gains a familiar (as a wizard’s familiar), treating her class level as her wizard level for the purposes of this ability. This familiar has an additional ability listed below based on the master’s bloodline.

This replaces the 1st-level bloodline power granted by the character’s bloodline; in addition, the character gains bonus spells from her bloodline one level later than she normally would. For example, a sorcerer with the aberrant bloodline who takes a bloodline familiar would not gain the acidic ray bloodline power, and she would gain her first bonus spell at 4th level, her second bonus spell at 6th level, and so on.

The Paizo list gives options for some of the popular bloodline choices, and yet, many are unaddressed; while Paizo does encourage GMs to use their options as the basis to develop more of their own, that I know of no one has come up with a concise list to address the rest until a player brings it up and asks.

So below is a list that builds on the original bloodline familiar options, expanding it to cover more of the 1p and 3pp bloodlines as an easy reference. Feel free to modify as you care to fit the balance of your campaign. The 1pp bloodline familiars list is here.

Paizo Bloodlines

Accursed Bloodline – Curse Touch (Su): Your familiar gains a banal touch; upon a successful touch attack, the target suffers a -2 penalty to their saving throws against your spells, and a -2 to their attack rolls and skill checks made against you or your familiar. This touch can be the same touch used to deliver your touch attack upon the same target, in which case the penalties are applied before the charge from the spell is delivered. This curse lasts until the first saving throw, attack roll or skill check made against you or your familiar. The familiar can deliver this touch a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Aquatic Bloodline – Aquatic Familiar (Ex): Your familiar gains the aquatic subtype, if it does not already possess the subtype, and gains the amphibious special quality. If the familiar is touching a person that doesn’t possess this subtype or isn’t affected by the ability to breathe water, the familiar’s touch shares this ability for as long as the contact is made.

Astral Bloodline – Translocator (Su): Your familiar can blink from one spot to another within line of sight of its master as a move action. The familiar can do this each day for a number of feet equal to 10 times the sorcerer’s level. The familiar does not have to use all this distance at once, but does have to use it in 10-foot increments.

Black Blood – Reach Familiar (Ex): Your familiar acquired the immunity to the effects of the black blood, rather than yourself, and when it delivers your touch attacks, three times per day it can do so from up to a 5 foot additional reach. This allows for tiny creatures to touch from an adjacent square, and for any larger familiar to have reach for that touch attack.

Boreal Bloodline – Chill Touch (Sp): Your familiar has the ability to cast Chill Touch once per day at a sorcerer level equal to yours. While the familiar is holding charges of this spell, he can not deliver other touch spells for you; delivering one of your touch spells effectively ends this one. 

Daemon Bloodline – Tiring Touch (Su): Your familiar’s successful touch attack can leave the target of the touch fatigued. A fatigued character can neither run nor charge and takes a –2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. Doing anything that would normally cause fatigue causes the fatigued character to become exhausted. After 8 hours of complete rest, fatigued characters are no longer fatigued. Since this spell is instantaneous, the effect cannot be dispelled. Spells or actions that relieve fatigue will work normally on the subject. The familiar can do this touch a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. This touch can be the same touch used to deliver a touch spell from its master, but it cannot affect a target who is already fatigued.

Deep Earth Bloodline – Earthen Flesh (Ex): Your familiar has DR 3/Magic. At 10th level this increases to DR 5/adamantine. This damage reduction does not stack with other damage reduction effects such as Stoneskin, however it is applied to the damage first before passing it onto the additional effects.

Div Bloodline – Sundering Ward (Su): Any manufactured weapon that makes a successful attack against the familiar must make a fortitude save, or gain the broken condition. This ward may affect such an object a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. The familiar can choose to lower or raise this ward as an immediate action.

Djinni Bloodline – Aerial Familiar (Su): Your familiar gains the Air subtype, and gains a fly speed equal to its land speed with good maneuverability (if the creature already had a fly speed, the maneuverability increases to perfect). At 10th level, this increases to twice the familiar’s land speed. At 20th level, this increases to three times the familiar’s land speed.

Dreamspun Bloodline – Dream Mist (Su): Your familiar’s gains a breath weapon in a 5-foot cone that causes anyone that fails a Fortitude save to fall into a haze of daydreaming. This results in the targets becoming fascinated and dazzled for 1d6 rounds. The familiar may use this breath weapon a number of times equal to 3 + the master’s Charisma modifier, and the save is equal to 10 + the master’s Charisma modifier.

Ectoplasm Bloodline – Ghost Form (Su): Your familiar may partially phase into an ethereal state a number of times per day equal to 3 + the master’s Charisma modifier. This state is the equivalent of a Blur effect and grants a 20% miss chance when the familiar is targeted and lasts as many rounds as the sorcerer’s level.

Efreeti Bloodline – Fire Familiar (Ex): Your familiar gains the Fire subtype, which grants it immunity to fire, but vulnerability to cold.

Ghoul Bloodline – Necromantic Amplifier (Su): When your familiar delivers a touch spell of the Necromancy school, the save DC of the spell is one higher. If the spell has no save DC, then the effective caster level is 1 higher.

Hag Bloodline – Hexer (Su): Three times per day, the familiar can deliver a curse with its touch, causing the target to take a -1 penalty on attack rolls and a -1 penalty on saving throws against fear effects for a number of rounds equal to its master’s level. The save DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier. The familiar can resolve this touch attack before delivering your touch spell in the same action.

Harrow Bloodline – Lucky Mascot (Su): Three times per day, while an individual is in contact with the familiar, that individual can reroll a d20 roll as an immediate action and take the better result. It does not have to be the same individual touched each time the effect takes place.

Imperious Bloodline (Human) – Ancestral Channel (Sp): Your familiar is a gift to you from your ancestors of old, and a link to them. Once per day, you can contact your ancestors for insight through your familiar. This is the equivalent of a Commune spell.

Impossible Bloodline – Death Cheater (Ex): Your familiar gains the Diehard feat as a bonus feat.

Kobold Bloodline (Kobold) – Trapfinder (Ex): Your familiar gains the Trapfinding ability of a rogue equal to your sorcerer level. When in contact with its master, it confers the ability to disable magical traps.

Kyton Bloodline – Regenerating Familiar (Su): Your familiar has the regenerative abilities of your chain wearing progenitors. It gains fast healing 1. At 10th level this increases to fast healing 3. At 20th level it becomes fast healing 5.

Maestro Bloodline – Inspiring Muse (Su): Your familiar’s voice can rally allies’ morale, which functions as the Inspire Courage bardic performance treating your sorcerer level as its bard level for the number of rounds and the effect. The familiar cannot perform any other actions while using this ability.

Marid Bloodline – Water Familiar (Su): Your familiar gains the Water subtype, and gains a swim speed equal to its land speed if it doesn’t already have a faster swim speed; it can move in water without making Swim checks. A water familiar can breathe underwater and can breathe air as well.

Martyred Bloodline – Reincarnation (Su): Should your familiar perish, rather than the penalties for the death and reacquisition of the familiar, in 24 hours your familiar is reincarnated. The GM randomly determines the new type of familiar, and your familiar retains its memories, and regains any improvements upon the previous incarnation of the familiar.

Medusa Bloodline – Stone Touch (Su): Your familiar’s touch is enough to cause a target’s limbs to briefly stiffen, causing the target to be staggered for 1 round. The save DC for this is equal to 10 + your Sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier. The familiar can deliver this touch at the same time as delivering one of your touch spells.

Nanite Bloodline – Nanite Cluster (Su): A cluster of your nanites manifests into your familiar. Regardless of the creature that it chooses to manifest as, the Nanite familiar can meld in and out of your form. Melding with you or turning back to normal familiar form is a move action for your familiar. When melded, the familiar does not count as a creature separate from you. It continues to grant its special familiar ability while melded, but otherwise has no abilities and can take no actions except to transform back into the chosen creature.

Oni Bloodline – Oni Resilience (Ex): Your familiar gains fast healing 1. At 10th level this increases to fast healing 3. At 20th level it becomes fast healing 5.

Orc Bloodline – Bestial Familiar (Ex): Your familiar gains the Mauler archetype; in addition your familiar may enter a state of rage like that of an Unchained Barbarian equal to your sorcerer level for a number of rounds per day equal to 6 + your Charisma modifier

Pestilence Bloodline – Contagion Carrier (Ex): Your familiar can make a melee touch attack to inflict a painful, itching rash on a target creature. The target is sickened for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your sorcerer level. The target can spend a move action scratching furiously at the rash to remove the sickened condition — which draws attacks of opportunity — before the duration expires. This touch can be done in the same action as delivering one of your touch attacks. The familiar can do this a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Phoenix Bloodline – Ashen Rebirth (Su): The Phoenix bloodline familiar must be some sort of bird or avian creature. Should your familiar ever perish, rather than needing to find another familiar, and suffering the penalties of the loss of your familiar, your familiar will be rebirthed after you’ve completed your 8-hour rest to refresh your spells. The familiar only has 1/4 of their master’s hitpoints for 24 hours after this rebirth, during which time if the familiar should perish again, then the death is permanent. After your next 8-hour rest following the rebirth of the familiar, it will once again have half the master’s hitpoints and again be able to be reborn.

Possessed Bloodline – Dazing Touch (Su): Your familiar can make a melee touch attack as a standard action. The target must succeed at a Will save or be dazed for 1 round. The save DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier. The familiar can make this touch attack as a part of delivering your touch spell, and can make this touch attack a number of times equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Protean Bloodline – Disorienting Breath (Su): Your familiar can exhale a cloud of disorienting gas in a 5 foot cone. Any target that fails a DC14 Will save is confused for 1d4 rounds. The affected targets(s) may make an additional save at the start of each turn as a standard action in attempt to shake off the effect. The familiar can use this breath weapon a number of times equal to 3 + the master’s Charisma modifier.

Psychic Bloodline – Telepathic Conduit (Su): Your familiar can act as a telepathic channel between you and another creature of 3 Intelligence or greater, by coming in contact with the other creature. So long as the other creature and the familiar are in contact with each other, you may trade messages with the other creature in phrases of 20 words or less, similar to the Sending spell. This is a language-dependent effect.

Rakshasa Bloodline – Feline Familiar (Su): Your familiar can change its shape — regardless of its natural form — into that of a tiger striped tabby cat as a standard action, as if affected by the Beast Shape II spell. The change is continuous until it reverts to its natural form, is sleeping, unconscious or dies; reverting its form is also a standard action, and this can be done up to three times per day.

Salamander Bloodline – Fire Shield (Su): As an immediate action, your familiar can activate a fiery ward to surround itself, dealing fire damage of 1d4 + your Charisma modifier to anyone who strikes the familiar with a natural weapon or a melee weapon without reach. The familiar can do this for a number of rounds equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. These rounds to not have to be used at once, but they do have to be used in one-round increments until the end of the familiar’s next turn.

Serpentine Bloodline – Venomous Familiar (Ex): Your familiar gains a venomous bite attack that does the bite damage according to its size, plus poison (save Fort DC 13; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Con; cure 2 consecutive saves). The familiar can use this bite attack to deliver one of your touch spells, though must succeed in a normal melee attack to do so. Targets that are immune to poison are immune to the poison effect.

Shadow Bloodline – Shadow Meld (Su): The Shadow familiar can meld with your shadow. Melding with your shadow or turning back to normal familiar form is a move action for your familiar. When melded, the familiar does not count as a creature separate from you. It continues to grant its special familiar ability while melded, but otherwise has no abilities and can take no actions except to transform from shadow into creature.

Shaitan Bloodline – Earthen Flesh (Ex): Your familiar has DR 3/Magic. At 10th level this increases to DR 5/adamantine. This damage reduction does not stack with other damage reduction effects such as Stoneskin, however it is applied to the damage first before passing it onto the additional effects.

Shapechanger Bloodline – Malleable Appearance (Sp): Your familiar may change its form into that of another creature of the same racial type, as if affected by an Alter Self spell. This alteration lasts up to a number of minutes equal to your caster level, and can be done a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Solar Bloodline – Angelic Wings (Su): The familiar can sprout feathered wings, granting it a fly speed of 30 feet with average maneuverability for a number of minutes per day equal to 1/2 your caster level (minimum 1). These minutes need not be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-minute increments. At 10th level, the familiar’s fly speed increases to 60 feet with good maneuverability. At 20th level, the familiar’s fly speed increases to 90 feet.

Sphinx Bloodline – Feline Form (Sp): Your familiar can take the form of a cat common to the lands of Mulhorand at will as a standard action. This does not alter the familiar benefit granted to you by the creature in its natural form.

Starsoul Bloodline – Illuminating Familiar (Sp): Your familiar can cast Faerie Fire as a sorcerer equal to your sorcerer level 3 times per day.

Unicorn Bloodline – Safeguarding Familiar (Sp): Three times per day, your familiar can use Sanctuary as a spell-like ability as if cast by a sorcerer of your level using your Charisma bonus to calculate the DC. This effect protects not only the familiar, but any creature the familiar is touching as it casts the spell. Should the familiar lose contact with another warded creature before the duration of the Sanctuary expires, the effect ends for that creature immediately.

Verdant Bloodline – Verdant Familiar (Ex): Your familiar gains visible plant-like traits, and gains a +1 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep effects, and stunning. This bonus increases by +1 every 4 levels to a maximum of +4 at 16th level.

Vestige Sorcerer – Ancestral Channel (Sp): Your familiar is a gift to you from your ancestors of old, and a link to them. Once per day, you can contact your ancestors for insight through your familiar. This is the equivalent of a Commune spell.