Traits in the Forgotten Realms

Faith Traits

These are credit LordOfBones on

Bastion [Faith]
Requirements Helm
You are exceptionally skilled at guarding those under your banner. As long as you are adjacent to a single ally of your choice, you can use a swift action to grant that ally cover. You may choose to switch this protection to any ally within 30 feet of you, but you must be adjacent to him to be able to affect him.

Black Fist [Faith]
Requirements Bane
At times, you have learned that it is necessary to remind others of their place. When you deal damage to a foe that can see you, you gain a +2 trait bonus to Intimidate checks made against that foe. Additionally, Intimidate is a class skill for you.

Blueblood [Faith]
Requirements Siamorphe
You are well-versed in affairs of the court. You have a +2 trait bonus to Diplomacy checks against nobles, rulers and royalty and a +2 trait bonus to Knowledge (nobility) checks. Additionally, choose one of the aforementioned skills; that skill is now a class skill for you.

Clairvoyant [Faith]
Requirements Savras
Savras often favors his faithful by granting them limited foresight. You have a +1 trait bonus to Initiative checks, and your AC when flatfooted increases by +2.

Darksight [Faith]
Requirements Shar
Your senses are much keener in the dark. You receive a +1 trait bonus to Perception rolls as long as you are in areas of shadowy illumination, and a +2 trait bonus when in complete darkness.

Dawn’s Vigor [Faith]
Requirements Lathander
Lathander’s light illuminates your soul, making it difficult for undead to affect you. Whenever an undead creature attempts to affect you with an ability that would inflict negative levels or inflict damage to your physical ability scores, you gain a +1 trait bonus to your saving throw. This increases to +2 if the undead is vulnerable to light, whether magical or natural in origin.

Judge’s Gavel [Faith]
Prerequisites Tyr
Like Tyr himself, you are not swayed by lies. You gain a +2 trait bonus to Sense Motive checks whenever an opposed Bluff check is made against you. Additionally, you treat Sense Motive as a class skill.

Killing Spree [Faith]
Prerequisites Cyric
Bhaal’s murderous hand guides your killing blows. When you inflict a coup de grace or death from massive damage, you add a +1 trait bonus to the DC needed to survive the attack.

Lover’s Lips [Faith]
Requirements Sune
The charm of your voice is a gift from the goddess. Whenever you use the Diplomacy skill to make a request or influence attitudes, you add a +2 trait bonus to the DC as long as your facial features are clearly visible.

Night Magic [Faith]
Requirements Set
The Father of Serpents blesses those who invoke his magic during the hours he is strongest. Whenever you cast a spell with the air, darkness or evil descriptors, or a spell that inflicts ability damage or drain, you do so with a +1 to the DC as long as you cast that spell at any hour between dusk and dawn.

Nycoptic Lore [Faith]
Requirements Velsharoon
Your long studies in the lore of the dark arts have sharpened your insight. You gain a +2 trait bonus to Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft checks for the purposes of dealing with knowledge pertaining to necromancy, undead creatures and undeath.

Opportunistic Grace [Faith]
Requirements Mask
Mask smiles on you when you catch an opponent off-guard. Whenever you deal sneak attack damage to an opponent, you deal extra hit point damage equal to your weapon’s critical damage multiplier.

Perceptive Strategist [Faith]
Requirements Red Knight
You gain a +1 trait bonus to both bluff and sense motive skill checks. Additionally, you may choose one of these skills as a class skill. In addition, when making any check involving games of mental skill or strategy, you gain a +2 trait bonus to your check.

Perfect Prevaricator [Faith]
Requirements Cyric
You gain a +1 trait bonus to bluff and disguise skill checks. Additionally, bluff is a class skill for you. In addition, any illusion spell used to hide your true self causes anyone trying to see the truth to suffer a -1 penalty on their perception check.

Plaguebearer [Faith]
Requirements Talona
You have very little to fear from certain diseases. You are immune to one non-magical disease of your choice. If you are affected in any manner that would normally give you that disease, you do not suffer any ill-effects from it, but for the next 24 hours the disease stays in your body and infects any creature that hits you with a melee or natural weapon and succeeds in dealing damage to you.

Shark in the Water [Faith]
Requirements Umberlee
Umberlee’s spite is your blessing. When you successfully deal damage to a foe underwater, you enjoy a +1 trait bonus to attack rolls made against that opponent for one round, or a +1 trait bonus to the DC of the next harmful spell with the air, cold or water descriptor that you cast against that opponent for one round.

Stormborn [Faith]
Requirements Talos
You gain a +1 trait bonus on saves versus electrical, cold, and fire based attacks. In addition, when casting spells involving electricity, add an additional point of electrical damage per 5 character levels.

Trained Symbologist [Faith]
Requirements Deneir
You gain a +1 trait bonus to linguistics and craft (calligraphy) skill checks. In addition, Linguistics is a class skill for you. You also gain a +1 trait bonus to saves versus magical effects as a result of glyphs, runes, and similar effects.

Vengeful Justicar [Faith]
Requirements Hoar
Once per day, as a swift action, you may designate a foe who has wronged you and bestow a minor curse on him that lasts up to a minute. This curse causes the foe to suffer a -1 penalty on skill checks and attack rolls made against you.

Wyrmbreath [Faith]
Requirements Tiamat
Tiamat allows you to call upon a fraction of her power when you mimic the powers of her spawn. Whenever you deal acid, cold, electricity or fire damage, add +1 to the damage dealt. If the damage is an ongoing effect, such as a melf’s acid arrow, the increase only applies to the initial damage.

Racial Traits

Racial traits conversions swiped from Giant in the Playground.

Daylight Adaptation [Racial]
Source: Forgotten Realms Campaign Supplement
You’ve spent so many years on the surface, out of the dark, that you’ve become adapted to the light of the sun.
Prerequisite Races: Drow, Duergar, Orc, or any other race with the light sensitivity as a racial trait.
Benefit: Unlike other members of your race, you are not Dazzled or Blinded by exposure to bright light or sunlight. However, spells or effects that affect all creatures regardless of race, such as Sunbeam or Sunburst, still affect you normally.

Gnome Trickster [Racial]
Source: Races of Faerun
Due to your racial heritage with illusion magic, your glamers are particularly likely to fool the senses of your target.
Prerequisite Races: Gnome
Benefit: Your Illusion (glamer) spells and spell-like abilities gain +1 trait bonus on save DCs and checks to overcome spell resistance.

Religion Traits

Gift of Discernment [Religion]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
You are gifted by the divine with a conscience that guides your actions.
Prerequisite Patron Deity or Religion: Any
Benefit: You can take a moment (a free action) to contemplate an action you are about to perform and you can discern if this action would adversely affect your alignment or your standing with your deity. This effect is identical to the phylactery of faithfulness. You can perform this ability as an immediate action if you succeed a DC 12 wisdom check.

Lliira’s Blessing [Religion]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
You are blessed by the Goddess of Freedom, making you more difficult to restrain.
Prerequisite Patron Deity or Religion: Lliira
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to all escape artist checks and to all saving throws against any effect that would cause you to become entangled, held, or paralyzed.

Spider Bite [Religion]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
Your ambition and ruthlessness has garnered the blessing of the Spider Queen.
Prerequisite Patron Deity or Religion: Lolth
Benefit: Your saliva has become poisonous with a venom known as the “Drow’s Promise”. A number of times per day equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1/day), you can envenom a weapon that you wield with toxic saliva. Applying this venom in this way is a swift action. This venom is inflicted through injury or ingestion. Save Fort DC 10 + 1/2 the user’s Hit Dice + the user’s Constitution modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Str; cure 1 save.

Regional Traits

Arcane Schooling [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
In your homeland, magic is prominent and amongst many in your culture and some basic knowledge of the use of arcane magic is available to everyone.
Prerequisite Regions: Chessenta (Humans, Planetouched), the Golden Water (Human), Halruaa (Human), Lantan (Human), Mulhorand (Human), Nimbral (Human), Underdark (Deep Imaskar) (Deep Imaskari), Unther (Human), Wizards’ Reach (Human)
Benefit: The use magic device skill is a class skill for you and you can make skill checks with use magic device as though it were an untrained skill, allowing for skill checks above DC 10. You gain a +3 trait bonus to activate arcane scrolls and wands.

Artist [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
Your people cultivated and developed the artistic talents of those with the willingness and drive to express themselves through their artistic talents.
Prerequisite Regions: Chessenta (Human), the Dalelands (Human, Half-Elf), Sildeyuir (Elf), Snow Eagle Aerie (Elf), Thesk (Gnome), Waterdeep (Human), Western Heartlands (Gnome, Human)
Benefit: Select one of the following options: 1) You can select any two of the following skills that are craft skills that involves art (such as calligraphy, painting, sculpture, and weaving) or perform skills. Of the two you have selected, you gain those skills as class skills. If those skills are already class skills, you gain a +1 trait bonus to those skills. Bards and Skalds that select this feat additionally gain a bonus round of use of their bardic music or equivalent. Once these choices are made, the choices are permanent.

Axethrower [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
Throwing heavy weapons is a necessity of daily life for hunting, fishing, and even fighting. You’ve learned to throw far and accurate with various thrown weapons.
Prerequisite Regions: the Great Glacier (Dwarf, Human), the Moonsea (Orc and Half-Orc), the Moonshae Isles (Human), Surkh (Lizardfolk), the North (Human), Underdark (Northdark) (Orc and Half-Orcs), Vaasa (Human)
Benefit: The range increment of any throwing weapon you wield is 10ft greater for you. In addition, the range penalty you receive for throwing your weapon beyond the first range increment is lessened by one.

Blooded [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
Fighting, combat, and the threat of death wears on anyone and the value of reacting quickly and efficiently to the defense of your home and family means you need to always keep your wits about you.
Prerequisite Regions: the Chondalwood (Elf), Cormanthyr (Elf), the Dalelands (Human), Delimbiyr Vale (Fey’ri), the Inner Sea (Elf), Menzoberranyr (Elf), the Nelanther Isles (Human), the Outer Sea (Elf), the Plateau of Thay (Centaur, Gnoll), Sildeyuir (Elf), Silverymoon (Human), Tethyr (Human), Underdark (Earthroot), Underdark (Northdark) (Orc and Half-Orcs), Underdark (Reeshov) (Grimlock), Vaasa (Orc and Half-Orc)
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to initiative and perception checks as well as will saving throws against fear.

Bloodline of Fire [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
You are descended from the efreet that ruled Calimshan long ago. Your blood retains much of the fire in their spirit.
Prerequisite Region: Calimshan (Human, Planetouched)
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to all saving throws against fire and fire effects. Any supernatural, spell-like abilities, or spells you use with the fire descriptor or the fire type that deals fire damage deals an additional one point of fire damage per damage die used in the effect to a maximum of +5 damage. For example, a level 3 sorcerer that casts burning hands deals 3d4+3 points of fire damage in total on a failed saving throw. The same sorcerer at 8th level that casts fireball deals 8d6+5 points of damage on a failed saving throw.

Bullheaded [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
You’ve seen a lot during your life and you’ve been threated by foes both angry and fearsome. It takes quite a bit to shake your resolve.
Prerequisite Region: Altumbel (Human), Damara (Human), the Great Dale (Human), the Great Rift (Dwarf), the Icerim Mountains (Taer), Rashemen (Human), the Spine of the World (Dwarf), Underdark (Earthroot), Underdark (Northdark) (Dwarf), Western Heartlands (Human)
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to all will saving throws. Any time you successfully save against a fear effect that grants a secondary effect upon a successful saving throw, you instead negate the effect. The duration of any such effect is reduced by one round regardless if the saving throw was successful (minimum 0 rounds).

Cosmopolitan [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
You are very comfortable in your own skin around anyone, regardless of their background or history and you know enough about city life that you know if you’re not capable in the lies, doublespeak, and general deceitfulness of the people of the city, then you’ll just be another of their victims.
Prerequisite Region: Amn (Halfling, Human), the Golden Water (Human), the Sword Coast (Human), Waterdeep (Dwarf, Elf, Half-Elf, Human)
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to all bluff and sense motive checks as well as diplomacy checks to gather information.

Dauntless [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
You can withstand greater punishment and continue to thrive and push forward.
Prerequisite Region: Amn (Orc or Half-Orc), Chessenta (Orc or Half-Orc), Damara (Human), the Galena Mountains (Dwarf), the Great Dale (Human), Impiltur (Human), the Moonshae Isles (Human), Surkh (Lizardfolk), Smoking Mountains (Dwarf), Turmish (Dwarf), Underdark (Earthroot), Underdark (Fluvenilstra) (Slyth), Underdark (Old Shalantar) (Dwarf, Human), Vaasa (Orc and Half-Orc)
Benefit: You gain +2 hit points at first level, and +1 hit point for each additional level. This stacks with the Toughness feat.

Discipline [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
Your culture has given you all the tools you need to clear and focus your mind to accomplish any task through sheer willpower and determination. You are difficult to distract even under the duress of combat or magic.
Prerequisite Region: Aglarond (Human, Elf), Cormyr (Human), Evereska (Elf), Luiren (Halfling), Mulhorand (Planetouched), Shadovar (Human), Shou Expatriate (Human), Thay (Human), Underdark (Fluvenilstra) (Slyth), Underdark (Yathchol) (Chitine), Western Heartlands (Gnome), the Yuirwood (Elf)
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to all will saving throws and to all concentration checks.

Dreadful Wrath [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
Fear is a potent ally and you’ve learned to inspire it with your every action.
Prerequisite Regions: the Far Hills (Kir-Lanan), Impiltur (Planetouched), Rashemen (Human), Silver Marches (Planetouched), Thay (Planetouched), Underdark (Sloopdilmonpolop) (Kuo-Toa), Western Heartlands (Planetouched)
Benefit: Select one of the following three actions. 1) Perform a charge attack, 2) cast a spell that targets either an enemy or includes an enemy in its area, or 3) make a single attack. With your selected action. You can make an intimidate check to demoralize the targeted opponent as a part of the action performed. However, when making an attack or casting a spell, the time it takes to perform the action increases. If the action is a standard action, then it increases to a full-round action. Spells that require a full-round action instead require a one-round action. Spells with longer casting times or swift and immediate action casting times (such as a quickened spell) cannot be affected by this feat. Charge attacks are performed as normal, except that your AC penalty increases from -2 to -4. Only one enemy can be intimidated by an action through the use of this trait, even if your action damages or targets multiple enemies. Once you have selected an action when taking this trait, that choice is permanent.

Education [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
The availability and importance of education is paramount and formal schooling was given to you from a young age.
Prerequisite Regions: Chessenta (Human), Evermeet (Elf), Lantan (Gnome, Human), Silverymoon (Elf, Half-Elf, Human), Snow Eagle Aerie (Elf), Waterdeep (Human)
Benefit: You gain one of the following: 1) A +1 trait bonus to two knowledge skill of your choice. 2) You can select two knowledge skills. These skills are always class skills for you. 3) You can select one knowledge skill. You gain a +1 trait bonus to that skill and that skill is a class skill for you. Once this choice is made, that choice is permanent.

Ethran [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
You have been initiated into the Wychlaran as a member of the Ethran (the “untrained”.)
Prerequisite Region: Rashemen (Human)
Benefit: You gain the ability to participate in the circle magic of Hathrans. Knowledge (Local-Rashemen) becomes a class skill for you if it wasn’t already and you gain a +1 trait bonus to all Knowledge (Local-Rashemen) checks.

Fearless [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
You have been through far more in a week than many in Faerun have faced in their lifetimes and your courage is unflappable. Where others would cower in fear, you stand strong.
Prerequisite Region: Anauroch (Human), Channath Vale (Halflings), the Hordelands (Orc and Half-Orc), Elven Court (Elf), Impiltur (Human), Lantan (Gnome), Snow Eagle Aerie (Elf), Sphur Upra (Gloamings), the Stormhorns (Aaracokra), Western Heartlands (Halfling)
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to will saving throws against fear and to initiative. Any time you successfully save against a fear effect that grants a secondary effect upon a successful saving throw, you instead negate the effect and the duration of any such effect is reduced by one round regardless if the saving throw was successful (minimum 0 rounds).

Fleet of Foot [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
You know how to make use of your mobility in combat.
Prerequisite Regions: the Dalelands (Half-Elf), the Forest of Lethyr (Elf), the High Forest (Elf, Half-Elf), the Shaar (Human), Thindol (Human), the Wealdath (Elf)
Benefit: You gain a +1 dodge bonus to your armor class and combat maneuver defense against attacks of opportunity, anytime you move 10 feet or more in a combat round. Any time you perform a run action, your base speed improves by 5 feet. (Therefore, if your normal base speed is 30ft, then when you take a run action for x4 speed, you can move a distance equal to 140 feet or 175 feet if you also possess the run feat and can run at x5 your base speed.

Foe Hunter [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
Your land and way of life is constantly besieged by fierce enemies and raiders. Training and experience in fighting them has taught you a great deal about how to best them.
Prerequisite Regions: Chult (Human), Cormyr (Human), the Dragon Coast (Half-Elves), the Galena Mountains (Dwarf), Impiltur (Human), the Moonsea (Human), the North (Halfling, Human), Samarach (Human), the Spine of the World (Dwarf), Tashalar (Human), Thindol (Human)
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to bluff, sense motive, and survival checks against a particular foe, as a ranger’s favored enemy bonus. You also gain a +1 bonus to all weapon, unarmed strike, and natural attack damage rolls against chosen foe.

Forester [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
You have lived your life in one of the many great forests of Faerun and you can make just about any forest your home.
Prerequisite Region: Any forested region of Faerun.
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to all perception and stealth checks. When in a forested terrain, these bonuses increase to +2.

Forgeheart [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
Work around the strong heat of the forge fire or the heat-blasted lands of your homeland (or both) has made you inured to extreme heat that would fell lesser creatures.
Prerequisite Regions: Smoking Mountains (Dwarf), the Sword Coast (Dwarf)
Benefit: You gain a +5 trait bonus to all fortitude saving throws against heat dangers and a +2 trait bonus to fortitude and reflex saving throws against effects that cause fire damage. These benefits do not stack with one another.

Furious Charge [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
You are no stranger to battle and the value of mobility and he necessity of striking fast, hard, and true.
Prerequisite Regions: Chessenta (Orc or Half-Orc), Cormyr (Human), the High Forest (Centaur), the Ride (Human), the Shaar (Wemic), the Stormhorns (Aaracokra), Tethyr (Human), Uthgardt Tribesfolk (Human)
Benefit: Upon a successful attack after a charge attack, you gain a +2 trait bonus to damage. This is considered precision damage, and creatures immune to critical hits or sneak attack (or both) are immune to this additional damage.

Genie Lore [Regional]
Source: Races of Faerun
You have studied centuries of Calishite lore regarding geniekind.
Prerequisite Regions: Calimshan (Human)
Benefit: Choose one type of energy: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. You add +1 trait bonus to the DC of saving throws for any spontaneously cast spells with the energy type descriptor that you cast. This benefit stacks with the Spell Focus feat if the spell you cast is from your chosen school.

Gift of Tongues [Regional]
Source: Races of Faerun
You have an intuitive talent for learning languages.
Prerequisite Regions: Evereska (Elf), Evermeet (Elf)
Benefit: Your Intelligence is 4 points higher for the purpose of determining how many bonus languages you may start with. You are not limited to the bonus languages of your region. You gain a +1 trait bonus on all Linguistics checks, and Linguistics is always a class skill for you.

Godsight [Regional]
Source: Lost Empires of Faerun
You enjoy the special blessing of a deity of the Mulhorandi pantheon, who has granted you unerring powers of perception.
Prerequisite Regions: Mulhorand (Aasimar, Human, or Tiefling)
Benefit: You gain the following spell-like abilities, usable a total of three times per day: detect chaos/evil/good/law, detect magic, detect poison, detect undead, read magic. Your caster level equals your character level, and the casting is Charisma-based.

Harem Trained [Regional]
Source: Races of Faerun
You have been trained to serve as a jhasin (if male) or jhasina (if female) and are well versed in song, music, dance, art, the recitation of great literature, the art of massage, and other duties of the harem.
Prerequisite Regions: Calimshan (Human)
Benefit: You receive a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy and Perform checks.

Horse Nomad [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
Riding and shooting is a way of life for you and is valued by your culture.
Prerequisite Regions: the Hordelands (Human, Orc and Half-Orc), the Ride (Human), the Shaar (Human)
Benefit: You gain proficiency in the shortbow (and the composite shortbow), the light lance, and the scimitar. You also gain a +1 trait bonus to all ride checks and the ride skill is considered a class skill for you.

Knifefighter [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
You’re adept at fighting and using weapons within a grapple.
Prerequisite Regions: Anauroch (Human), Channath Vale (Halflings), Chessenta (Planetouched), Dambrath (Half-Elf, Human), the Dragon Coast (Half-Elves), Earthfast Mountains (Bugbear, Goblin, Hobgoblin), the Lake of Steam (Human), the Sword Coast (Human), Thesk (Orc and Half-Orc), Underdark (Yathchol) (Chitine)
Benefit: When attacking with an unarmed strike or light weapon in a grapple, you do not take the -2 penalty to attacks rolls.

Luck of Heroes [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
Danger is fraught from every corner in your region and even the ordinary can, even unexpectedly, achieve the extraordinary.
Prerequisite Region: Aglarond (Half-Elf and Human), Channath Vale (Halflings), the Dalelands (Human), Elven Court (Elf), the Forest of Lethyr (Elf), Sphur Upra (Gloamings), Tethyr (Human), Turmish (Human), the Vast (Human), Western Heartlands (Halfling), the Yuirwood (Elf)
Benefit: Once per day, as an immediate action, if you were to fail a saving throw or be hit with an attack against your armor class or combat maneuver defense by one or two points, you can instead count your saving throw, armor class, or combat maneuver defense as a success, as though it were one or two points higher.

Magic in the Blood [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
Your ability to naturally manipulate magic is a little greater for you than others.
Prerequisite Regions: Ashane (Spirit Folk), Calimshan (Planetouched), Delimbiyr Vale (Fey’ri), the Far Hills (Kir-Lanan), the Great Dale (Gnome), Menzoberranyr (Elf), Mulhorand (Planetouched), Oldonnar (Dwarf), Thesk (Gnome), Underdark (Darklands) (Dwarf), Underdark (Northdark) (Gnome), Unther (Planetouched)
Benefit: You gain two additional uses of any spell-like ability you can cast. This need not be a spell-like ability you gain at 1st level but it must be a 0 level or 1st level spell-like ability. Once your choice is made, it cannot be changed.

Magical Training [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
Learning to use magic in your culture is a part of everyday schooling and in your culture, it seems most people at least know the basics of magic.
Prerequisite Regions: Evereska (Elf), Evermeet (Elf), Halruaa (Human), Nimbral (Human)
Benefit: You can select one of the following. Once your choice is made, the benefit is permanent. 1) You gain the ability to use a single arcane cantrip (0-level spell) of your choice once per day as a spell-like ability. The saving throw DC is charisma-based. 2) You gain a bonus spell slot from which to prepare zero-level spells if you prepare spells similarly to a wizard or a witch. 3) You gain a bonus cantrip spell known if you are a arcane spellcasting class that gains spells known similarly to the bard or sorcerer.

Mercantile Background [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
Whether you come from a wealthy family, a family with a deep tradition in the art of the negotiation, trade, or business, or you just have the gift of a salesman’s tongue, you have a talent for the art of buying and selling.
Prerequisite Region: Amn (Halfling, Human), Calimshan (Halfling), Lantan (Gnome, Human), Sembia (Human), Shou Expatriate (Human), the Sword Coast (Human), Tashalar (Human), Tharsult (Human), Thesk (Human), Turmish (Human), Underdark (Darklands) (Dwarf), Underdark (Northdark) (Gnome), the Vast (Human), Waterdeep (Human)
Benefit: Any item you sell is sold at 55% of its normal market value and any item you purchase is purchased at 95% of it’s normal market value. Any time a skill check is required to haggle up or down a price, the character receives a +1 trait bonus to the relevant skill check or skill checks and any end result of a haggle results with a 5% bonus to the character’s favor.
Normal: Items are normally sold at 50% of market value and purchased at 100% of it’s market value.

Militia [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
You were trained at an early age to fight and have been a part of a well-armed militia in the defense of your home and the lands to which your home is a part. Therefore, you know your way around a few weapons.
Prerequisite Region: Aglarond (Half-Elf), Altumbel (Human), the Dalelands (Human), Impiltur (Human), Luiren (Halfling), Samarach (Human), Thindol (Human), Turmish (Human)
Benefit: You gain one of the following benefits: 1) You gain proficiency in one martial weapon of your choice. 2) You gain proficiency in two simple weapons of your choice. 3) Your non-proficiency penalty in all simple and martial weapons is reduced by 2. Once you make your choice, that choice is permanent.

Nomadic Trekker [Regional]
Source: Shining South
YYou are particularly effcient at overland movement across the great deserts or grasslands.
Prerequisite Region: The Shaar, Anauroch Desert, Calimshan Desert
Benefit: Pick one terrain — either the trackless pains or desert; you can move overland across this terrain at normal speed. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Survival checks and Constitution checks required for forced marches across this terrain. Up to one additional creature per two character levels may gain these benefits while traveling with you.

Mind over Body [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
Your mental discipline that you have developed through the teachings from the aesthetics and mystics of your homeland have allowed you to reduce your body’s frailties with the power of your mind and thoughts.
Prerequisite Regions: Ashane (Spirit Folk), Calimshan (Human, Planetouched), Mulhorand (Human), Shou Expatriate (Human), Silverymoon (Elf, Half-Elf, Human), Snow Eagle Aerie (Elf), Thay (Human, Planetouched)
Benefit: Select the highest ability modifier of your intelligence, wisdom, and charisma. You can use that modifier instead of your constitution modifier to determine your bonus hit points at first level. If you can cast spells or manifest psionics (not spell-like abilities or supernatural abilities), then you gain +3 additional hit points. At 2nd level and every level thereafter, you determine hit points normally.

Otherworldly [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
Whether due to the favor of your deity or some other mystical influence, you have become something a little more and a little greater than mortal.
Prerequisite Regions: Ashane (Spirit Folk), Evermeet (Elf), Sildeyuir (Elf), Underdark (Deep Imaskar) (Deep Imaskari)
Benefit: You gain the outsider type with the native subtype, replacing your normal type and subtype. You gain a +1 trait bonus to all charisma-based skill checks with creatures of your original type and subtype as they see you as something unique and intriguing among others of your kind. In addition, you gain 60ft Darkvision.

Planetouched Animal Affinity [Regional]
Source: Races of Faerun
You have a special affinity for a kind of animal associated with your deity ancestor.
Prerequisite Regions: Mulhorand (Aasimar, Human, Tiefling)
Benefit: Choose a divine ancestor from the list below. You gain a +4 trait bonus on Animal Empathy and Handle Animal checks when dealing with animals associated with your divine ancestor. You may make untrained Animal Empathy checks to affect such animals, as well as celestial (if you are an aasimar) or fiendish (if you are a tiefling) animals as if they were animals. See the table for a summary of Mulhorandi deities and their favored animals.

Deity Animal
Anhur Lions, horses
Bast (Sharess) Cats, leopards, lions
Geb Bears
Hathor Cows, bison
Horus-Re Hawks, lions
Isis Hawks, donkeys
Nephthys Crocodiles, hawks, poisonous snakes (primarily cobras)
Osiris Bears, hawks
Sebek Crocodiles
Set Poisonous snake

Resist Poison [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
Whether due to the devices of nature and fate or the purposeful intent of those that wish you harm, you have become inured to poisons to a greater extent than most.
Prerequisite Regions: Dambrath (Human), Earthfast Mountains (Bugbear, Goblin, Hobgoblin), Lapaliiya (Human), the Moonsea (Orc and Half-Orc), the North (Orc and Half-Orc), Underdark (Northdark) (Dwarf), Underdark (Old Shalantar) (Human), Underdark (Yathchol) (Chitine)
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to fortitude saving throws to resist poison. If the poison that afflicts you requires two or more consecutive saving throws to negate the effects of the poison, you need one fewer consecutive successful saving throws to negate the effects of the poison.

Saddleback [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
You’ve spent endless hours around horses and learning to ride and fight on saddleback.
Prerequisite Regions: Cormyr (Human), Dambrath (Human), the Hordelands (Human), Narfell (Human), Nimbral (Human), the North (Human), Western Heartlands (Human)
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to all ride checks and ride is a class skill for you. If you, the mount you are riding, or both you and your mount is subject to a reflex saving throw, you gain a +1 trait bonus to that saving throw as long as you are mounted.

Silver Palm [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
Your culture is based upon haggling and the art of the deal. You’re talented at manipulating people and appraising your wares.
Prerequisite Regions: Amn (Halfling, Human), the Dragon Coast (Human), the Golden Water (Human), the Great Rift (Dwarf), Sembia (Human), Tharsult (Human), Thesk (Human), Turmish (Dwarf), the Vilhoun Reach (Human), Waterdeep (Dwarf, Human)
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to all appraise, bluff, diplomacy, and sense motive checks when bargaining. You can select one of these skills and that becomes a class skill for you if one of them isn’t already.

Smooth Talk [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
Whether through diplomacy or passionate if misguided argumentation, your culture values settling disputes with words and reason.
Prerequisite Regions: Silverymoon (Human), Sphur Upra (Gloamings), Thesk (Gnome, Human), Waterdeep (Elf, Half-Elf, Human)
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to all diplomacy checks and diplomacy is a class skill for you.

Snake Blood [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
The blood of the yuan-ti taints your blood and grants you a heritage just on the periphery of the human lineage.
Prerequisite Regions: Chult (Human), the Lake of Steam (Human), Lapaliiya (Human), Samarach (Human), Tashalar (Human), Tharsult (Human), Thindol (Human), the Vilhoun Reach (Human), Western Heartlands (Human)
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to reflex saving throws and initiative checks. You also gain a +1 trait bonus to fortitude saving throws against poison.

Spellwise [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
Spells and magic are relatively common in your culture and you can quickly learn to recognize it for what it is.
Prerequisite Regions: Calimshan (Human), Evermeet (Elf), Halruaa (Human), Nimbral (Human), Shadovar (Human), Wizards’ Reach (Human)
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to will saves against illusion spells and effects and all spellcraft checks. Spellcraft is a class skill for you.

Street Smart [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
You know how to keep an ear to rumor and maintain an active network to stay knowledgeable about your home and the secrets therein.
Prerequisite Region: Amn (Halfling, Human), Calimshan (Halfling, Human), the Moonsea (Human), Unther (Human), Western Heartlands (Planetouched), Wizards’ Reach (Human)
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to diplomacy checks to gather information as well as intimidate and sense motive checks. After spending 24 hours within a city and spending a day talking to people through a DC 15 diplomacy check to gather information, these bonuses increase to +2 within that city for the remaining duration of your stay and for 1d4 days after.

Stormheart [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
Whether you were born with sea legs or you were forced to grow a pair, you are naturally attuned to the waves and the dangers thereof.
Prerequisite Region: Altumbel, the Dragon Coast (Human), the Lake of Steam (Human), Lapaliiya (Human), the Nelanther Isles (Human), the Sword Coast (Human), Tharsult (Human)
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to all acrobatics checks and profession (sailor) checks. You ignore all movement penalties for fighting on pitching or slippery decks.

Strong Soul [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
The supernatural powers and magic that can rip a man’s soul right out of his body is well known to you and your people and through either training or natural talent, you can resist even the most horrifying of fates.
Prerequisite Regions: Channath Vale (Halflings), the Dalelands (Half-Elf), Dambrath (Half-Elf), Elven Court (Elf), Luiren (Halfling), the Moonshae Isles (Human), Oldonnar (Dwarf), Silverymoon (Elf, Half-Elf), Underdark (Northdark) (Gnome), Western Heartlands (Gnome)
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to fortitude saving throws and will saving throws against death effects, energy drain, and effects that deal ability drain. If you receive long-term care with a successful heal check while under the effects of energy drain or ability drain, you can recover from one level of negative energy or one point of ability drain instead of recovering from ability damage without needing a saving throw. You can not recover from permanent negative levels in this fashion.

Surefooted [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
You are adapted to living and fighting on steep slopes and treacherous surfaces.
Prerequisite Regions: Amn (Orc or Half-Orc), the Great Glacier (Human), the Moonsea (Orc and Half-Orc), Underdark (Reeshov) (Grimlock), Uthgardt Tribesfolk (Human), Vaasa (Orc and Half-Orc)
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to all acrobatics checks and climb checks. Your speed and movement is not reduced nor do you need to make skill checks or reflex saving throws from steep slopes and icy conditions, though your speed is halved with both icy conditions on a steep slope.

Survivor [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
You have long adapted to particularly harsh and dangerous places.
Prerequisite Regions: Anauroch (Human), the Chondalwood (Elf), Chult (Dwarf, Human), the Great Glacier (Dwarf, Human), the Icerim Mountains (Taer), Narfell (Human), the Outer Sea (Elf), the Shaar (Human), Underdark (Fluvenilstra) (Slyth), Underdark (Sloopdilmonpolop) (Kuo-Toa)
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to fortitude saving throws and all survival checks. Survival is a class skill for you.

Swift and Silent [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
Not being seen is a way of life for you. Your life is that of controlling what your enemies see and hear.
Prerequisite Regions: the Chondalwood (Elf), Cormanthyr (Elf), Earthfast Mountains (Bugbear, Goblin, Hobgoblin), the North (Halfling, Orc and Half-Orc), the Shaar (Wemic), Underdark (Old Shalantar) (Human), Uthgardt Tribesfolk (Human), the Wealdath (Elf)
Benefit: You gain the ability to use your stealth skill while running, gaining a -20 penalty to your stealth check. You still can not use the skill when charging or attacking.

Tattoo Focus [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
Your tattoo not only grants you a measure of additional control over your arcane magic, but it marks you as someone trained by a Thayan Red Wizard.
Prerequisite Regions: Thay (Human, Planetouched)
Benefit: Your tattoo acts as a focus component for all of your arcane spells that require a focus component of less than 1 gold piece in value. You must still provide any focus components if the value of the component is 1 gold piece or greater. This trait also allows you to participate in Red Wizard circle magic.

Thug [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
You are quick to act and confrontational because more often than not, you know it works.
Prerequisite Regions: Amn (Orc or Half-Orc), the Dragon Coast (Human), Impiltur (Planetouched), the Moonsea (Human), the Nelanther Isles (Human), the Plateau of Thay (Centaur, Gnoll), Silver Marches (Planetouched), Thesk (Orc and Half-Orc), Underdark (Northdark) (Dwarf, Orc and Half-Orc), Underdark (Reeshov) (Grimlock), Unther (Human, Planetouched), the Vast (Human), the Vilhoun Reach (Human), Waterdeep (Dwarf), Western Heartlands (Planetouched)
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to initiative, appraise, and intimidate checks.

Thunder Twin [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
You were born as one of the generation of dwarves blessed by Moradin’s Thunder Twin Blessing in the Year of Thunder.
Prerequisite Regions: the Galena Mountains (Dwarf), the Great Rift (Dwarf), Smoking Mountains (Dwarf), the Spine of the World (Dwarf), the Sword Coast (Dwarf), Turmish (Dwarf), Underdark (Old Shanatar) (Dwarf), Waterdeep (Dwarf)
Benefit: You have a fraternal or identical twin and as long as your fraternal or identical twin is alive, you can make a DC 12 wisdom check to determine your twin’s direction and approximate distance as a move action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. When your twin is within 30 ft of your location, you can also sense if your twin is injured, dying, or dead. You gain a +5 trait bonus to any heal or sense motive check with regard to your twin.
In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus to all diplomacy and intimidate checks.

Tireless [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
Your culture values the sort of dogged persistence and relentlessness that pushes you to your limit.
Prerequisite Region: the Galena Mountains (Dwarf), the Hordelands (Human, Orc and Half-Orc), the Ride (Human), the Shaar (Wemic), Surkh (Lizardfolk), the Sword Coast (Dwarf), Thindol (Human), Underdark (Old Shanatar) (Dwarf), Vaasa (Human)
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to fortitude saving throws against fatigue and exhaustion. Your constitution is considered to be two points higher for the purpose of determining the duration of any activity that requires endurance for effects keyed off of your constitution score (such as holding your breath or long-distance running).

Treetopper [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
You are at home amongst the dense foliage, tall trees, and high places.
Prerequisite Region: Aglarond (Half-Elf, Human), the Chondalwood (Elf, Halfling), the High Forest (Elf, Half-Elf), the Yuirwood (Elf)
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to acrobatics and climb. While climbing, attackers do not gain a bonus to hit you, although you are still considered flat-footed.

Twin Sword Style [Regional]
Source: Player’s Guide to Faerun
You have mastered the art of twin swordplay, allowing your weapons to fight as one.
Prerequisite Regions: Calimshan (Human), Menzoberranyr (Elf), Sembia (Human), Waterdeep (Elf, Half-Elf, Human)
Benefit: As long as you wield two weapons of the same type and weight (such as two steel scimitars or one steel mace and one adamantine mace but not a steel longsword and a mithral longsword) you gain a trait bonus of +1 to attack rolls with both weapons.

Sexual Traits

Stolen from Sisters of Rapture 3pp book, categorized as a new trait category:

Burlesque: You know how to put on a show that leaves your audience thinking about only one thing. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Perform (sing) and Perform (dance), and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.

Comfortable Nudity: You’re most comfortable when you’re au naturale and clothing is comparatively restrictive to you. Gain +1 trait bonus to AC, so long as you’re not wearing armor, carrying a shield or modestly clothed.

Goose-Blocker: You’re used to people trying to touch you when you’d rather they not, and have plenty of practice avoiding unwanted physical affection. You gain a +1 trait bonus to your touch AC and CMD.

Grabby: You’ve never been able to keep your hands to yourself, unable to keep from copping a quick feel when the opportunity presents itself. You gain a +1 trait bonus to melee touch attacks.

Lewd Thoughts: You often have sexual fantasies about the attractive people around you, finding it easier to imagine them naked rather than focus on what they’re currently doing. You gain a +2 trait bonus to Will saves against compulsion effects from characters that you’re sexually attracted to.

Pink Magic: You’ve always had an easy time understanding the theories behind enchantment spells, even before you could cast any. You gain a +1 trait bonus to all Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft checks made regarding spells of the enchantment school, and a +1 trait bonus to the DC of any spell or spell-like ability of the charm subschool that you cast.

Once-Bitten, Twice Shy: You have experienced a lover’s touch far more often than most, and you’ve also been jaded more than enough time to know that some acts of seeming love have duplicitous motives. Gain a +1 trait bonus against Bluff checks, as well as Will saves against mind-affecting Enchantment effects.

Prurient: You have long been interested in sexual matters, and have gained an advanced understanding of all things erotic. You gain a +1 bonus trait bonus on any Knowledge and Lore checks dealing with sexual or relationship topics (subject to DM adjudication), and Bluff and Diplomacy checks to seduce a target, and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.

Symbolic Weaponry: You can’t ignore the phallic nature of certain weapons, and get a thrill of titillation when you drive such weapons home. You gain a +1 trait bonus to confirm critical hits when using any type of lance, spear, or club-like weapon.