Peacekeeper of Eldath Oracle Archetype

Adapted from the Peace Oracle archetype on Paizo forums by Bardess.

The church of Eldath is small and dispersed, the majority of its most ardent priests traveling and preaching or settling by some quiet spot and teaching those who come seeking enlightenment. In a world brimming with evil deities and their servants, ores, goblins, warring nations, and other hostile forces, it is not surprising that Eldath’s philosophy of peace and calm has failed to catch on. Still, it is viable and challenging, and legends speak of heroes, such as the elven war hero Telva, who embraced the cause of Eldath and abandoned warfare forever.

Given the limitations and goals of the specialty priests of Eldath, it should not be surprising that there are not very many of them. Only some 10% of the priests ot Eldath are specialty priests, called Peacekeepers. They are pacifists, and lovers of nature in direct mirror of their goddess. They are encouraged to conduct themselves in a fitting fashion as put forth by their deity. It is a mark ot skill to defeat foes with defensive spells, making an enemy defeat himself through misdirection and manipulation. Most of the high-ranking members of the church’s loose organization are Peacekeepers, and the great druids and other senior clergy members of the faith defer to them.

Many are vegetarians and herbalists who desire to keep to themselves, but the ranks of the Eldathyn are studded with hardy adventurer-priests who serve as envoys to other faiths, act as go-betweens with urban worshipers (often guiding them to and from forest fastness temples), and serve as messengers within the faith. Although it is part of the making of a specialty priest ot Eldath that an individual must travel Faerun widely enough to pray in at least nine sacred fastnesses (temple groves) dedicated to the goddess, most Eldathyn settle in one grove or one forest and take that grove as their ward.

Pacifist: The peacekeepers are not given to lethal combat, they may act to defend themselves and their allies, but otherwise may not agress against another living being. As such, a peacekeeper is only proficient in light armor, her only weapon proficiencies are the club, net and quarterstaff.

The hit die of a peacekeeper is reduced to d6, and her base attack bonus is the slow progression.

This modifies the Oracle’s armor and weapon proficiencies, base attack bonus and hit dice.

Mysteries: The peacekeeper may only choose the Life or Nature mystery, or the new Peace mystery which is detailed at the bottom of this writeup. If she chooses the Nature mystery, she gains two spells in lieu of the normal spells granted by the mystery: Fairy Ring Retreat (14th), and Antipathy (18th). This alters Mysteries.

Spellcasting: The peacekeeper loses all cleric spells from the evocation and necromancy schools. She is further barred from using these spell schools in any other class she possesses. In turn, she may select abjuration or enchantment spells from the sorcerer/wizard spell list as one of her spells known. She may select up to one spell from this spell list for every spell level she can cast. These spells are considered divine in nature and do not incur arcane spells chance of failure for wearing armor. This modifies spellcasting.

Peacekeeper’s Touch: The Peacekeeper gains Merciful Spell as a bonus feat at 1st level, and she is required to apply the feat to any spell she casts that deals hit point damage.

Subduing Weapons: At 1st level, the Peacekeeper may use the net with no penalties, including the -4 penalty when using the net after its first deployment. She may refold the net as a one round action, rather than two. Further she adds 1/2 her class level to the effective range of the net in feet. She may use her Dexterity modifier rather than her Strength modifier to maintain control of the net once it has entangled an opponent.

At 5th level, she gains the Deft Maneuvers feat, and she treats a net as if it had the trip and disarming properties. She does not drop the net if she fails in using it for a trip or disarm attempt. Further she can attempt to drag or reposition an entangled target so long as she has the trailing end of the net in hand.

At 10th level, she can treat any club or quarterstaff she wields as if it had the merciful and disarm properties. The act of gathering and refolding a net to redeploy becomes a move action.

Empower Enchantment: At 15th level, if an enchantment spell the peacekeeper casts has a hit dice limit, that limit is doubled up to half of the peacekeeper’s level. If it does not have a hit dice limit, the spell is saved against with a +2 to the DC. At 20th level the DC increases to +4. This DC bonus does not stack with the bonuses from Spell Focus or Greater Spell Focus.

The Peace Oracle Mystery

Class Skills: An oracle with the peace mystery adds Bluff, Linguistics, Perform and Survival to her list of class skills.

Bonus Spells: peacebond (2nd), admonishing ray (4th), qualm (6th), hold monster (8th), serenity (10th), oath of peace (12th), mass hold person (14th), euphoric tranquility (16th), mass hold monster (18th).

Revelations: An oracle with the peace mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.

Chastise (Su): As a standard action, you can perform a melee touch attack that deals 1d6 points of nonlethal damage + 1 point for every two oracle levels you possess. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Circle of Peace (Su): As a standard action once per day, you can cause a 20-foot-spread to be infused of a supernatural essence of peace for a number of rounds equal to your oracle level. Any creature (friend or foe) in this area who is engaged in fighting or attempts to initiate aggression has to make a Will save vs. a DC of  10 + 1/2 the oracle’s level + her Charisma modifier, or else cease hostilities. If a creature who fails the save has to defend itself from an aggressive attack, they may take the total defensive action.

Compassionate Wisdom (Ex): Your sacred meditations on the fundamental harmony of all creatures have granted you a great force of will and insight — and you just keep getting closer to a supernatural wisdom. You gain a +1 inherent bonus to Wisdom upon taking this revelation and another at every third oracle level gained thereafter. You must be at least 7th level to select this revelation.

Feel their Pain (Su): As a standard action, you may create a sympathetic bond between a hostile creature at a range of 25 feet plus 5 feet per 2 oracle levels. Each round that the bonded creature deals lethal damage to any opponent, the bonded creature receives the same amount of damage dealt as nonlethal damage, and the creature damaged by the bonded creature is immediately healed a number of hit points equal to half the damage dealt, or the oracle’s level + her Charisma modifier, whichever is lower. This bond continues until the aggressive creature dies, or falls unconscious from subdual damage, you die, the distance between you and the bonded creature exceeds the effective range, or you end it as an immediate action.

Punitive Transformation (Su): You can transform an opponent into a harmless animal as if using pup shape or baleful polymorph. This transformation lasts 1 round per oracle level. Transforming another creature causes the first to immediately revert to normal. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier. You must be at least 7th level before selecting this revelation.

Shield of Peace (Su): You can surround yourself with a powerful aura of tranquility and sanctity that makes even the crueler enemy hesitate to hit you, granting you a +4 armor bonus. At 7th level, and every four levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1. You can use this shield for 10 minutes per day per oracle level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 10 minute increments.

Swords into Plowshares (Su): As a melee touch attack, you can temporarily render an enemy’s weapon incapable to cause damage. Magical weapons are allowed a saving throw to resist the effect. An item in a creature’s possession uses the creature’s saving throw unless its own is higher. The weapon doesn’t change in appearance, but can’t inflict any type of damage for a number of rounds equal to your oracle level.  At 5th level, and every four levels thereafter, you can use this ability an additional time per day.

Transcendental Bond (Su): You become so attuned to the common spirit shared by all living things that you can use it to communicate with allies. You may communicate with your allies for a number of rounds per day equal to your oracle level as if using telepathic bond. You may designate a number of creatures as your ally equal to your Charisma modifier. Designating a creature is a standard action that requires a touch. At 10th level, you may use this bond to cast a touch spell on an ally once per day.

Truth is my Force (Su): Your ascetic practices have granted you a great resistance and ability to bear any damage and blow. Add your Charisma modifier instead of your Constitution modifier to your total hit points and your Fortitude saving throws.

Wisdom of the Heart (Ex): Your personality and confidence drives your faith in the divine, more than any religious education. You may use your Charisma modifier instead of your Wisdom modifier on all skill checks that use your Wisdom bonus.

Final Revelation: Upon achieving 20th level, you achieve perfect harmony with all living creatures. You receive a bonus on all saving throws equal to your Charisma modifier. You are immune to all charm, fear and negative emotions spells and effects. You cannot die of old age, though you can willingly relinquish your life at any time you choose beyond a normal life span.