Dweomerkeeper Cleric Archetype
Flavor text FRCS, archetype by me.
The Lady of Mysteries is the Weave, the conduit that allows mortal spellcasters to employ the raw force that is magic, and she encourages all creatures to explore its mysteries. Dweomerkeepers are Mystra’s shepherds, safeguarding the Weave against threats to its integrity. They arc also skilled practitioners of the Art, who seek to explore magical theory and create new spells and magic items.
Dweomerkeepers are found throughout Faerûn. Some dwell in lonely, isolated towers, wholly consumed with their magical studies. Others dwell in huge cities, where all manner of magic is brought together and shared (willingly or not).
Patron Deity and Alignment: The dweomerkeeper must have Mystra as his chosen patron, and must remain within one step of Mystra’s alignment (NG). If he ever leaves the service of Mystra or strays from this alignment, he loses the abilities of this archetype. He may seek atonement in order to regain these features.
Diminished Base Attack Bonus: Dweomerkeepers devote their time to study and introspection, not to martial prowess. As such, they are not capable combatants. A dweomerkeeper uses a d6 for Hit Dice and has a slow base attack bonus progression. His base saving throws remain those of a normal cleric.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The dweomerkeeper is proficient with the club, dagger, heavy mace, light mace, quarterstaff, sling and the starknife, and is not proficient in any armor or shields.
Class Skills: Add Use Magic Device and Knowledge (any) to the dweomerkeeper’s list of class skills. The Dweomerkeeper’s skill points per level are 4 + his Intelligence modifier.
Diminished Channeling: The dweomerkeeper channels only positive energy, and this channeling increases to 2d6 at 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter for a maximum of 6d6 at level 20.
Arcane Scholar (Ex): The dweomerkeeper gains Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat at 1st level, as Mystra teaches that the weave should be shared responsibly with any who wish to use it.
The dweomerkeeper adds half his level to Linguistics checks for deciphering arcane writings, Knowledge (arcana) checks, and Use Magic Device checks, and and he may make any of these checks untrained.
Mystra’s Conduit (Su): The dweomerkeeper is blessed by the goddess of the weave to the point that he is able to tap into the weave beyond the ability of other casters. He adds his Wisdom modifier to the caster level check required cast normally in a wild magic zone, and can also make this same caster level check (DC15 + spell level) in order to have his spell function in a dead magic zone or to overcome the effects of an Antimagic Shell.
The dweomerkeeper may never take the Shadow Weave Magic feat, even if they were to attempt to leave Mystra’s service; they have been mystically barred from ever being able to tap into Shar’s weave — be it by Mystra or by Shar’s hand that they left the fold.
Mantle of Spells (Ex): The dweomerkeeper’s study of magic and patronage of the Goddess of Magic allow him to tap into the knowledge of spells usually denied to a priest.
The dweomerkeeper chooses two domains of his goddess’ portfolio, as any cleric, and one of these domains must be the Magic domain or Arcane subdomain. He does not gain domain spell slots in which to prepare his domain spells, however he may prepare his them in his regular spell slots freely. The dweomerkeeper instead of domain slots, gains a spell slot at each new spell level he can cast that is used for the preparation of an arcane spell that is otherwise not on the cleric spell list.
The dweomerkeeper compiles a mantle of arcane spells. At 1st level, he gains the Magic Aura spell and an arcane cantrip from the sorcerer/wizard spell list that are not also on the cleric spell list to his mantle of arcane spells known. At 2nd level the dweomerkeeper chooses two additional arcane spells of 0 or 1st level from the sorcerer/wizard list, and every level thereafter he may add two more spells that are of the same level or lower as the highest cleric spell level he can cast. These spells are prepared the same as he prepares his other spells but only in the dweomerkeeper’s arcane spell slots. These are in all ways arcane spells, and a dweomerkeeper is subject to arcane spell failure casting these spells as a wizard would be, and he must have an Intelligence score of at least 10 + the level of the spell in order to cast it. Though he has a repertiore of spells known, the sorcerer/wizard spell list is not considered his class spell list, and thus the dweomerkeeper cannot use spell trigger or completion items for spells not on the cleric spell list without an appropriate use magic device check, even if he has the exact spell in his spell mantle; the sole exception to this is any such item crafted by the dweomerkeeper himself from the spells in his arcane spell mantle.
The arcane slots cannot be sacrificed to spontaneously cast a cure spell, nor can they be used to spontaneously cast his domain spells. If the dweomerkeeper would gain additional spells per day from a high Intelligence score, he may add these additional uses to the number of times he may cast the spell prepared in that slot, as an Arcanist would with their prepared spells.
The mantle of spells does not progress along with the Dweomerkeeper’s clerical spellcasting, should he multiclass into a prestige class that progresses his divine spellcasting.
This alters the standard cleric’s spellcasting and alters domains, and replaces spontaneous casting.
Arcane Accomplice (Su): At 3rd level the dweomerkeeper gains a familiar that is in all ways identical to the wizard’s familiar, as if the dweomerkeeper were a wizard of his class level -2. This feature and tenacious dispelling diminish the standard cleric’s base attack bonus.
Arcane Repertoire: At 5th level, the dweomerkeeper may select a bonus feat from the wizard’s list of bonus feats. He may optionally select an Arcane Discovery. He may do this again at 10th, 15th and 20th levels. This feature diminishes the standard cleric’s channel energy dice.
Tenacious Dispelling (Su): At 7th level, the dweomerkeeper may add his Wisdom bonus to the caster level checks made to Dispel Magic, and to the target number of his own spells to be dispelled.
Cloak of Mysteries (Su): At 20th level a dweomerkeeper becomes wrapped in a mantle of ever-flowing magic; this grants the dweomerkeeper spell resistance equal to 11+his character level. In addition, all metamagic feats he currently knows or learns are easier to use, reducing the level increase defined in the feat by -1 level. A metamagic feat’s spell slot modifier cannot be reduced below +1 spell level unless its level modifier is already +0. For example, a quickened fireball only uses a 6th-level slot (+3 levels) instead of a 7th-level slot (+4 levels), but a silent fireball still uses a 4th-level slot (+1 level).