Everyman Feats (ie, you can do this without one)

The following feats from PF1 do not need to be feats, as they let you do stuff that pretty much anyone with the associated skills or talents should be able to do. And just because they aren’t codified and given numbers doesn’t mean a DM should be telling anyone “no you can’t do that.”

If you want to do these things in the course of your RP, by all means do them and consider this list to be codified DM fiat tactics.

Blinding Flash This was already doable as a dirty trick; use the mechanics of a dirty trick to cause a 1 round blindness effect on your opponent and say “I flash their eyes with the reflection of my shield” No prerequisites, other than obviously having a shiny shield in hand and a bright light to reflect it. You don’t want the AoO of a dirty trick? take Deft Maneuvers and have a feat that gives you a hell of a lot more options on what you can do and how. Pair this with Quick Dirty Trick and do any and all dirty tricks with better action economy than a move action.

Call Out (If you’ve dumped skill ranks into a social skill for taunting, then by god you can taunt) As a standard action, you can make an Intimidate check, or Bluff check as you prefer, against a hostile target within 30 feet that can clearly see and hear you. The DC of this check is equal to 10 + your opponent’s Hit Dice + its Wisdom modifier. If the target is trained in Sense Motive, the DC is instead equal to 10 + your opponent’s Sense Motive bonus, if higher. If you succeed at this check, the target is compelled to fight you one on one. They will be taunted to fight you until one of you is subdued, cowed, killed or otherwise defeated. Anyone can do this!

Call Truce (Why wasn’t this just part of the Diplomacy writeup or added in errata?) While in combat, as a 1-round action, you can call for a truce with any creatures that have an Intelligence score of 4 or greater and can understand you. When doing so, you can’t be wielding a weapon or threatening implement, such as a charged spell, wand, or anything else the creatures you are entreating might consider threatening. You must also be in plain sight of most the creatures you are entreating. Once you’ve called for a truce, if any of your allies attack or take any threatening action against those you are entreating before the start of your next turn, your call is unsuccessful. The Diplomacy check for ending hostilities mid combat in this fashion is DC 30 + the CHA modifier of the highest CHA opponent in the fight.

If the parley would inherently result in the opponents surrendering or losing, if the opponents are mind-controlled or fanatics, or if there are other appropriate circumstances at the GM’s discretion, you might not be able to make this parley. For instance, if the opponents’ main advantage over your group comes from a short-duration spell that would end during a parley, you cannot use this feat. Circumstances could potentially increase the check’s DC by 5, 10, or even up to 20 at the purview of the GM. Again, anyone can do this!

Claw Wrench (seriously Paizo said that not just anyone trained in grappling could do this??) As a standard action, anyone with Improved Unarmed Strike or an equivalent ability can attempt a grapple combat maneuver with a –5 penalty against a creature that is currently grappling another creature via its grab special ability. If you succeed, you pry open the creature’s grasp, releasing any creatures it had grappled. Additionally, you can ready an action to trigger if a creature attempts a bite attack against you. When the readied action triggers, you can attempt a grapple combat maneuver. If you succeed, you grapple the creature by the maw or pincer and cause the bite attack to miss. As long as you can maintain the grapple, the creature can’t use its bite attack as you are restraining its maw or pincer.

Combat Advice Anyone may, as a move action, attempt to aid another on an ally’s attack roll or AC against a designated opponent if they are within 30′ and the ally can see and hear her. Make a dice roll as if you were aiding another, adding +2 AC against the attack roll per additional square you are apart from your ally. It shouldn’t take a feat to say “hit him in the nuts,” or to cause sufficient distraction to the opponent from a few feet away. Again, anyone can do this!

Cooperative Crafting You can assist another character in crafting mundane and magical items; it should have always been this way. You must both possess the relevant Craft skill, item creation feat, or Spellcraft skill if required, but either one of you can fulfill any other prerequisites for crafting the item. You provide a +2 circumstance bonus on any Craft or Spellcraft checks related to making an item, and your assistance doubles the gp value of items that can be crafted each day.

Craft Shoddy Item If you really, truly want to… When you craft an item using your Craft skill, you can pay 1/5 of the item’s price for the raw material cost and craft a shoddy item. You must still succeed at the appropriate DC check, and the work takes the same amount of time as a normal item. If you fail the Craft check by 5 or more, you ruin all the raw materials and must begin again. If you attempt to craft an item of even lower quality, the item’s poor quality is immediately apparent. Making shit items deliberately is not worth spending a feat, and should never have been.

Destructive Persuasion If you want to break things as a demonstration of your strength in attempt to intimidate someone, you may attempt to break an unattended object. If the object breaks, add a circumstance bonus to your intimiate roll equal to half of the hardness of the item. However, if you fail to break the item, you just look like a dumbass and half of the hardness becomes a negative modifier instead. Whether you intimidate the opponent(s) or not, you may not make another intimidate attempt in this fashion to the same opponents for 24 hours. Again, anyone can do this.

Dirty Fighting When you attempt a combat maneuver check or dirty trick against a foe you are flanking, you can forgo the +2 bonus on your attack roll for flanking to instead not provoke an attack of opportunity. If you have a feat or feature that allows you to make a maneuver or dirty trick without drawing an attack of opportunity, then resolve the attack with the bonus as a normal attack. Anyone can do this!

Equipment Trick: Any of the tricks in the Equipment Trick feat description can be done by any character that meets the prerequisites for the trick, except for Instrument Trick, Shield Trick and Wondrous Item Trick; these are still taken as individual feats. Instrument Trick may also be taken by a bard in place of an advanced versatile performance. Heavy Blade Scabbard Trick further requires proficiency in the weapon for which the scabbard is used.

Expanded Summon Monster If you can cast Summon Monster, the creatures from Expanded Summon Monster are also available to you. See the notes on summoning changes.

Heighten Spell Any spellcaster can prepare a spell in a higher level slot, or using a higher level spell per day if casting spontaneously, and all results depending on a higher spell level (save DC, spell penetration, immunity bypass etc.) are calculated based on the spell level at which the spell is cast.

Incredible Healer + Pathologist Once you have 5 ranks in the Heal skill, when you treat deadly wounds, , the target heals a number of hit points equal to either the result of your Heal check or the normal amount, whichever is higher. If you have 10 ranks in the Heal skill, when you use the Heal skill to treat disease or poison, instead of granting a +4 competence bonus on the target’s saving throws to resist the affliction, the target may instead choose to use the result of your Heal check in place of his next saving throw to resist the disease or poison. Anyone can do this.

Merciful Takedown Anyone can opt to subdue a helpless opponent with a coup de grace by dealing nonlethal damage. Failing the saving throw will result in being unconscious for 1 hour. Anyone can do this, and should have always been able to do this!

Performing Combatant Anyone with performance combat feats and Dazzling Display can make performance combat checks in any combat and use their associated feats. When making a performance check outside of performance combat, you can pick a single performance feat to use. The DC for doing this outside of performance is 20; you gain any bonus on the performance combat check the chosen feat grants. On a success, you gain the full effect of the performance feat you chose. Anyone who sunk feats into performance feats should already be able to do this.

Pole Fighting, et al (Not a feat, but a class ability that should be something anyone with a proficiency with a polearm can do, because changing hands, etc is a free action, and using a reach weapon as a non-reach weapon should just incur the normal non-proficient penalty of -4.) As an immediate action, you can shorten the grip on your spear or polearm with reach and use it against adjacent targets. This action results in a –4 penalty on attack rolls with that weapon until you spend another immediate action to return to the normal grip. For classes that got this or a similar ability as a feature, they can instead change the reach of the weapon with no non-proficiency penalty.

Ranged Study This should be no different than an assassin’s death attack or rogue’s sneak attack. If you have the studied strike class feature, you can make a ranged attack with your studied strike as long as the target of your studied strike is within 30 feet of you. Other limitations still apply. Feats, circumstances and abilities that modify the maximum distance a character can make a ranged sneak attack apply to studied strike as well.

Rhino Charge Anyone may ready a charge, though you may only move up to your movement speed on the charge. Normally a charge is a full round action and allows you to move up to twice your movement speed. Anyone can do this!

Summon <alignment> Monster If you can cast Summon Monster, the creatures from Summon <alignment> Monster are also available to you. See the notes on summoning changes.