Killoren PFRPG Conversion

“Hunter, destroyer, and keeper of ancient knowledge; I am nature’s answer to the rising power of man.”—Allailai, Killoren Ancient.

A newly risen race of Fey, the Killoren blend Nature’s patience and power with the ambition and aggression of the Humanoid races.

The ancient places of the world stir with a power of their own. From this power, the Killoren have sprung in answer to the growing might of the Humanoid races. Whether the work of some great nature deity or the spontaneous creation of the wild power of Nature itself, the Killoren are at once young and eternal, newly brought to the world but with unknowable ancient ties to the heart of Nature. As Fey, the Killoren have a tie to Nature unmatched by the Humanoid races; unlike other Fey, Killoren are not content to wait in the dark recesses of the dwindling forests.

The Killoren are aggressive, ambitious manifestations of Nature’s presence and power, and they may walk through the cities of Man as easily as they meditate in the glades of a verdant forest. There are as yet few Killoren in the world compared to the population of Humans and other Humanoid races, but their numbers are quickly growing. So far, these adaptable Fey have only come into isolated conflict with evil powers bent on despoiling Nature, but it is obvious they are destined for more. Though immortal, killoren can die from violence or accident as readily as any human, and the race seems almost driven to prove this point. Throwing themselves into the wild reaches of the to do battle with the demonic, the aberrant, and the mad alike, killoren adventurers are more common amongst their number than ever. 

All Killoren constantly manifest an aspect of nature’s might—the Killoren have no neutral, non-aspect state. All Killoren are born manifesting one of three aspects, usually the aspect their mother is manifesting at the time. The three aspects are Aspect of the Ancient, Aspect of the Destroyer, and Aspect of the Hunter. Once the Killoren has matured, she is able to daily control which aspect she takes.

Base Racial Traits

  • Stat Increase: Because of the malleable nature of the killoren, based on their chosen aspect, the stat adjustment for a Killoren is dependent on what aspect of nature they choose to manifest for the day (see below). (o RP)
  • Fey: Killoren are Fey creatures. (2 RP)
  • Medium: Killoren are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. (0 RP)
  • Normal Speed: Killoren have a base speed of 30 feet. (o RP)
  • Languages: Killoren begin play speaking Common and Sylvan. Killoren with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aquan, Auran, Goblin, Ignan, Orc, Terran. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages. (o RP)
  • Fey Immunities: Killoren are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws made against enchantment spells and effects. (2 RP)
  • Natural Ties: Killoren receive a +2 racial bonus on Handle Animal and Survival checks. (4 RP)
  • Weapon Familiarity: Killoren are proficient with the sickle and shortbow. (1 RP)
  • Low-Light Vision: Killoren can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light. (Free with type)

Weakness Racial Traits

  • Cold Iron Anathema (Su): Killoren have an aversion to cold iron, just like any other fey. Killoren take a -2 penalty on any attack roll they make with a cold iron weapon or a weapon made only partially out of cold iron, such as a cold iron spear or a bow firing cold iron arrows. Further they have a vulnerability to cold iron and suffer 1 1/2 times the damage from a cold iron weapon. (-2 RP)

Other Racial Traits

Manifest Nature’s Might (Su): Killoren are forever bound to the raw forces of nature itself, manifesting this bond even in their physical form. A killoren can only manifest one aspect of nature’s might at a time. Each morning as the sun rises, a killoren spends 10 minutes in quiet meditation, filling her spirit with the aspect of nature that is most needed for her current tasks. Once a killoren chooses an aspect, she manifests that aspect until the next morning, when she chooses again which aspect to manifest. Many killoren favor one aspect over the others and rarely choose to manifest one of the other two aspects. (7-9 RP)

  • Aspect of the Ancient: While manifesting the aspect of the ancient, a killoren embodies the deep and ancient secrets of nature itself. With this bond to nature’s secret lore, a killoren gains a racial bonus on Knowledge (History), Knowledge (nature) and Knowledge (geography) checks equal to half of her Hit Dice and can take 10 on the check even if she is untrained. Once a day, she may reroll a failed saving throw against an enchantment effect. She also gains the Animal Empathy ability as a druid, if she does not already possess it, with her character level being treated as her druid level for the purposes of using the ability.

While a killoren manifests the aspect of the ancient, she gains a racial adjustment of +2 to her INT (because the adjustment to INT is only applied in 24-hour increments, this does not provide the killoren with additional skill points), a +2 racial bonus on Sense Motive and Diplomacy checks, and her hair turns white and her eyes turn to the color of a blue summer sky.

  • Aspect of the Destroyer: Many races revere nature for its power to destroy, but none more so than a killoren manifesting the aspect of the destroyer. Once per day, the killoren may, as a swift action, choose one target within sight that is one of the following creature types: aberration, construct, humanoid, ooze, outsider without the elemental subtype, and undead. If the target is of the appropriate creature type, the killoren may perform a Destroyer’s Smite on the target, adding her Charisma bonus (if any) to her attack rolls and adds her character level to all damage rolls made against the target. Destroyer’s Smite attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess. If the target of the Destroyer’s Smite is an aberration, a construct, or an undead creature, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack during the Destroyer’s Smite increases by 2 points of damage per character level. The Destroyer’s Smite effect remains on the target until it is dead or the next time the killoren rests and manifests her aspect of nature’s might (even if she chooses the aspect of the destroyer again). If a killoren accidentally attempts a Destroyer’s Smite on a creature that is not one of the creature types listed above, the ability has no effect, but the daily use of it is still expended.

While a killoren manifests the aspect of the destroyer, she gains a +2 racial adjustment to her CHA, a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate checks and takes a -2 penalty to Diplomacy checks, as her eyes turn a deep lusterless black and her gaze becomes highly disturbing.

  • Aspect of the Hunter: The hunt affects nearly every aspect of nature and claims a place of great prominence and importance in the cycle of life. A killoren manifesting the aspect of the hunt is bound to nature’s ancient tradition of the hunt, and her senses sharpen to an amazing degree. Once per day, as a standard action, the killoren may denote one target within her line of sight as her quarry. Whenever she is following the tracks of her quarry, she can take 10 on Survival skill checks while moving at normal speed, without penalty. In addition, she receives a +2 insight bonus on attack and damage rolls made against this quarry, and all critical threats are automatically confirmed. She can dismiss this effect at any time as a free action, otherwise the effect remains until the quarry is dead or the next time the killoren rests and manifests her aspect of nature’s might (even if she chooses the aspect of the hunter again).

While manifesting the aspect of the hunter, a killoren gains +2 racial adjustment to her WIS, a +2 racial bonus on Perception and Stealth checks, and a +2 racial bonus on initiative checks. Her hair and eyes turn a deep forest green, and her skin tone becomes a deeper brown than when manifesting one of the other aspects.

Race Point Total: 13-15 RP

Favored Class Options

The following favored class options are available to all characters of this race who have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the favored class reward.

  • Barbarian: Add +1/2 on critical hit confirmation rolls for attacks made against aberrations, outsiders without the elemental subtype, and undead (maximum bonus of +4). This bonus does not stack with Critical Focus.
  • Druid: Add +1/3 to the druid’s natural armor bonus when using wild shape, or to her companion’s natural armor.
  • Ranger: Add +1/6 of a new Favored Terrain or Favored Enemy.

Killoren Racial Feats

A Killoren can take the following racial feats when she gains the ability to choose a feat for which she qualifies:

Killoren Ancient (Racial)

You favor the killoren aspect of the ancient.

    Prerequisite: Killoren.

    Benefit:  When you are manifesting the aspect of the ancient, you can spend 10 minutes of uninterrupted time communing with nature on a specific question. After this time has passed, you can make a check using any applicable Knowledge skill. You gain a +4 insight bonus on this check; if successful, you learn answers as if you were trained in the skill, even if you have no ranks in the Knowledge skill in question.

    Once per day during this meditation, you may petition the ancients for knowledge as if you cast a Commune spell, with a caster level equal to your hit dice.

Killoren Destroyer (Racial)

You favor the killoren aspect of the destroyer.

    Prerequisite: Killoren.

    Benefit:  When you are manifesting the aspect of the destroyer, any target struck by the first successful attack during your Destroyer’s Smite must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Charisma modifier) or be dazed for 1 round. A foe who is not of the appropriate creature type to be targeted by Destroyer’s Smite attack is immune to this daze effect (that is, it only affects aberrations, constructs, humanoids, oozes, outsiders without the elemental subtype, and undead).

   In addition, you gain two additional uses of your Destroyer’s Smite per day when you choose to manifest the aspect of the destroyer.

Killoren Hunter (Racial)

You favor the killoren aspect of the hunter.

    Prerequisite: Killoren.

    Benefit:  When you are manifesting the aspect of the hunter, you can take a move action to pinpoint the location of any living creature within 30 feet, provided that you have line of effect to the creature, even if you cannot see the creature in question. Any opponent that you cannot see still has total concealment.

   In addition, you gain two additional uses of your Hunter’s Quarry per day when you choose to manifest the aspect of the hunter.

Nature’s Rampart (Racial)

As one of nature’s chosen defenders, your natural fey resiliency grows, but the touch of cold iron becomes even more unbearable to you.

    Prerequisite: Killoren, and either Killoren Ancient, Killoren Destroyer, or Killoren Hunter.

    Benefit: You gain DR/cold iron equal to 1/2 your character level, Wielding or carrying a cold iron weapon or a weapon made only partially out of cold iron (such as wielding a cold iron spear, or carrying cold iron arrows in a quiver) bestows one negative level on you. The negative level remains as long as the weapon is in hand or on your person and disappears when the weapon is no longer wielded or carried. This negative level never results in actual level loss, but it cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the weapon is wielded or carried. This penalty is in addition to your Cold Iron Anathema racial trait.

    Special: Your damage reduction is considered an extraordinary ability, but your weakness to wielding and carrying cold iron is supernatural.