Heartwarder of Sune Cleric Archetype
Heartwarders are the specialty priests devoted to goddess Sune. Heartwarders follow the teachings of Lady Firehair by encouraging love and enjoyment of all things in life. They are considered the high priests of Sunite temples.
Sune Firehair encourages beauty, passion, and love wherever they may be found. Heartwarders are aesthetes and hedonists who actively seek out pleasure and beauty in all things and who nurture the creation of beautiful objects. They often work as matchmakers, etiquette instructors, artists, or teachers in a myriad of creative disciplines, such as visual arts, dance and performance art, vocal and instrumental music, personal beautification, and social etiquette.
Sometimes, Heartwarders are forced to take a less peaceful route and directly oppose all forms of cruelty and tyranny. Although Heartwarders do not relish battle, they accept that sometimes the passion associated with beauty and joy cannot be preserved by other means. When combat arises they typically choose to shield others from harm rather than fight. Because of Sune’s love of joy and distaste for violence, many of the abilities learned and used by Heartwarders avoid direct harm, but rather focus on charming opponents or healing allies.
Alignment: Heartwarders must be of Chaotic Good alignment. Further they must foster beauty and love in their deeds. Should they cause the willful scarring, desecration or disfiguring of another creature, or should they interfere in the affairs of true lovers such that the relationship is injured or broken, the Heartwarder loses their divine abilities until an Atonement is made.
Languages: The Heartwarder adds Sylvan as a bonus language, if she has sufficient Intelligence to choose bonus languages.
Class Skills: Add Bluff (CHA), Craft (see below), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (Nature) and Perform (any) to the Heartwarder’s class skills list, in addition, the Heartwarder must take proficiency in either one type of Perform skill, or one aesthetic Craft skill (such as painting, sculpture, tailoring, jewel crafting, etc). She gains a number of skill ranks equal to 4 + her Intelligence modifier at each level, instead of the normal 2 + her Intelligence modifier.
This modifies the Cleric’s class skills.
Wielder of the Sash: The Heartwarder receives proficiency in the whip, and may treat the whip as if they have the Whip Mastery feat, and may train additional whip feats as if they had Weapon Focus in the whip, though they do not gain the +1 bonus to attack. This modifies the class’ armor and weapon proficiencies.
Everblooming Beauty: The Heartwarder continues to grow in their radiance and presence the closer her bond becomes with her Goddess, and her Goddess’ blessings protect this radiance in her chosen. At 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter, their Charisma score increases by +1, to a maximum of +4 at 20th level. This is a permanent increase.
Domain Insistence: The Heartwarder loses her domain spell slot (though she does still continue to select two of her deity’s domains and gain the benefits thereof), and loses the ability to convert a prepared spell slot into a curing spell; rather, in lieu of a domain slot, she can spontaneously convert any prepared spell to one of her domain spells of the same level. Like a sorcerer, she can apply a metamagic feat she possesses to any spontaneously converted spell with a commensurate increase in spell level of the sacrificed spell slot.
The Heartwarder also loses several spells from the Cleric spell list. She loses access to Bleed as an Orison, and all of the Inflict Wounds (including Mass) and Harm spells from her spellbook. She also loses any spell that inflicts or aggravates disease, or poison, or physically disfigures or mutilates a target. She cannot cast any of these lost spells from another class, and is unable to use spell completion items with these spells, even with a Use Magic Device check. In turn, she receives the following spells at the indicated spell level: Daze, 0-level; Keep Watch, 1st; Seducer’s Eyes, 2nd; Matchmaker, 3rd; Mass Daze, 4th; Smug Narcissism, 5th; Age Resistance, 6th; Entice Fey, 7th; Sympathy, 8th; Greater Entice Fey, 9th.
This modifies the cleric’s spellcasting and spontaneous casting ability.
Channel Radiance: The Heartwarder acquires their channel ability at half the rate of the normal cleric. At 1st level they gain 1d6 positive channeling ability, and every 4th level thereafter their channel ability increases by +1d6 for a total of 5d6 of channeling at level 20. For each 6 rolled on the dice, this channel will also heal 1 point of CHA damage or drain on those in the radius of the channel.
This modifies the cleric’s channeling ability, but is otherwise compatible with archetypes that modify or replace channel energy. The abilities below are considered replacements for the diminished channeling ability.
Heart of Passion (Ex): At 2nd level the Heartwarder evinces such passionate belief in whatever she does or says that she can sway the thoughts of the most rigid critic. This ability translates into a +2 sacred bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks. This bonus increases by +1 every four levels thereafter for a total bonus of +5 at level 18.
Sune’s Kiss: At 6th level the Heartwarder gains the ability to bestow a consecrated kiss upon another individual, which bestows a state of bliss upon the recipient. This has the effect of a daze spell upon the recipient (the normal saving throw applies) as if cast by a sorcerer of the Heartwarder’s caster level for one round. Whether or not the recipient makes this save, the lingering effect of the kiss bestows a sacred bonus of +2 on the recipient’s attacks, weapon damage, skill checks and saves for as many rounds as half of the Heartwarder’s caster level (rounded up). The Heartwarder may bestow this kiss a number of times per day equal to 3 + their CHA modifier.
At 10th, 14th, and 18th level, the Heartwarder may select a Mercy to add to the effects of the kiss. This ability is in all other ways functional as the Paladin’s lay hands and mercy abilities, and counts for prerequisites and feats for modifying these abilities, and the Heartwarder’s level counts as the paladin level for determining which mercies they may select.
Siren’s Voice: At 10th level, the Heartwarder may add their CHA bonus to the DC of any enchantment spell or effect they cast.
Tears of Evergold: At 14th level, once per week, the Heartwarder’s tears can evoke the waters of Evergold, which function identical to holy water for its purposes, as well it serves as an Elixir of Love (see wondrous item entry).
Fey Apotheosis: At 20th level, a Heartwarder is so blessed with the essence of love and beauty that it transcends that of mortals. Her type changes to “Fey,” which means, among other things, that she is no longer affected by spells and special abilities that target humanoids, such as Charm Person. She is also immune to charisma damage and drain, and gains damage reduction 10/cold iron. She no longer suffers penalties from aging, although bonuses based on the Heartwarder’s original race’s age categories still accrue.
To attain this capstone, the Heartwarder undergoes a special ritual in which her spirit is bound to a tree consecrated to Sune, which becomes the phylactery of a sort for her essence. These sacred trees are usually kept under protection in the sacred garden of a temple. Should the tree binding a Heartwarder ever be destroyed, then the Heartwarder will die, unable to be revived save by a Miracle or True Resurrection, and then only so long as she is within her normal lifespan, after which the ritual must be conducted again to renew the bond with another tree. So long as the tree lives, the Heartwarder has the option to continue her existence as well.
This replaces the class’ capstone ability, and cannot be replaced by an alternate capstone ability.